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英国中小学校长培训课程特点的启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
英国的中小学校长培训依据校长成长规律,设置从初阶领导一直到校长的较为完整的学校领导力培训系列课程,包括中层领导培训课程、领导路径培训课程、国家学校领导任职资格培训课程、未来领导培训课程以及团队培训课程等;同时依据先进的培训理念设计课程,体现个性化、综合化、校本化的特色,从而使培训效益提高,一个培训项目促进学校各领导管理层乃至整个学校都获得提升。这对我国中小学校长培训具有启发与借鉴意义。  相似文献   

The emerging competitive environment of higher education, both within and between countries, is requiring universities in Europe and other pans of the world to emulate American institutions by becoming corporate entities with an independent capacity to make strategic choices among academic programmes and activities. A number of the leading American universities have developed comprehensive planning processes that offer suggestive guidance for managing in this new environment. These processes have emphasized: clarifying and articulating norms essential to the legimacy of planning; grouping and consolidating functions; promoting reciprocal communication; encouraging the development of a planning capacity within each strategic unit; and increasing direct communication and the sharing of information among members of the academic community. Essentially these universities have conceived of comprehensive planning as a problem of organizational design, systematically seeking means of promoting integration in a highly differentiated organization. The specific mechanisms by which this integration has been accomplished are reviewed.  相似文献   

Research in the learning sciences is often motivated by the goal of shaping a better future through design. Architects and urban planners share this goal, and the history of their more ambitious designs provides clear examples of how attempts to build the future can turn out. After discussing similarities and differences between design in the learning sciences and design on the scale of buildings and cities, I examine three visionary projects from the modernist era in architecture and urban planning. Each project sought to bring about a radically different and more desirable future, using the most innovative technology and the best ideas of its time. Lessons for learning scientists are drawn from these projects, and suggestions are offered about how architecture scholars can serve as models for learning scientists in how they conceive and study their own efforts to shape a better future.  相似文献   


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The purpose of the study described in this article was to assess teachers' planning practices at the primary-school level in Turkey. Altogether 210 schools were surveyed, a questionnaire was distributed to all teachers in these schools, and 1194 teachers responded to the questionnaire. The results indicated that the main sources of influence on daily and unit plans are teachers' experience, the national curriculum and the course textbooks. In daily planning, teachers assigned the highest level of importance to student characteristics and availability of learning materials, and the lowest level of importance to evaluation procedures and writing objectives. The main problems faced by teachers in planning were: the gap between the national curriculum and the classroom needs, difficulties in using the standard format for preparing plans, shortage of time and resources, insufficient support from principals and inspectors, and lack of cooperation among teachers.  相似文献   

Violin Lessons     
亲爱的同学们,本栏目选编了一系列妙趣横生的故事,其目的在于帮助你们提高英语阅读理解能力,增加词汇量,增进对西方幽默感的理解。每篇故事均附有生词表及阅读自测题,加油吧!  相似文献   

一个年轻人和他的双亲给一名医生上了一课,教他耐心和勇气的真正意义.  相似文献   

Violin Lessons     
易阿钟 《初中生》2009,(5):61-63
亲爱的同学们,本栏目选编了一系列妙趣横生的故事,其目的在于帮助你们提高英语阅读理解能力,增加词汇量,增进对西方幽默感的理解。每篇故事均附有生词表及阅读自测题,加油吧!  相似文献   

真正的备课是琢磨如何设计合适的问题以及如何通过对这些问题的分析寻找解决问题的方案进而提出恰当的概念、发现有规律性的东西并大胆做出猜测.课本是不会教我们怎么做的,需要我们自己去思考.  相似文献   

Lessons Learned     
In the current context of standards-based reform and heightened accountability for school performance, state education agencies (SEAs) have an important, but not yet well-articulated, role to play in local school improvement efforts. This article starts to articulate such a role by examining the variety of approaches and strategies used by 7 SEAs to support schools and districts applying for and ultimately implementing the federal Comprehensive School Reform (CSR) program. Building from the assertion that SEAs can and do make choices about how to best implement federal programs, we explore the choices that the studied SEAs have made around (a) the integration of the CSR program with other state and federal initiatives, (b) the different levels of funding provided to schools, (c) the continuity of SEA leadership around CSR, and (d) the variety of support strategies provided to participating schools. Although these SEAs have supported CSR in different ways, we conclude that the most important state strategy for leveraging systemic advantage from CSR involves the extent to which SEA staff have stayed with the program and thus gained in-depth knowledge of the program necessary to improve CSR in their states.  相似文献   

Lessons learned   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Lessons from the past: Lessons for the future   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Reproduced here is a version of the presidential address delivered at the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (ACES) luncheon, held during the American Counseling Association National Conference in Denver on April 29, 1995.  相似文献   

Most Important Lesson All People Are Significant.  相似文献   

算起来为人妻已有12年了,却是在这三年里,当我认识到什么是无条件的真爱时,才真正了解了婚姻。前几日整理书籍,发现一些散落的旧时日记,其中一篇记录了我婚前复杂的心情:我开始担心未来的生活,恐怕它像我少女时代最鄙夷的那样,沦落为琐屑和卑微,然而生活正一步一步变为可以触摸到的现实。那时候以为爱情是一种传奇,婚姻是爱情梦想的实现,然而进入到实实在在的婚姻生活中,才发现婚姻的挑战很大,如果不明白无条件的真爱,就不能在婚姻中操练爱的能力。  相似文献   

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