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《春光》在20世纪30年代进步出版物非常寂寥的时期出现,它虽并非左联机关刊物,却以相对灵活的编辑方针进行了多方面的探索,繁荣了左翼文学。它发起了"中国目前为什么没有伟大作品"的讨论,引发很多作家的思考;推出了艾青的成名作《大堰河——我的保姆》以及其他左翼青年作家的创作,丰富了左翼文学,为当时的文坛带来了活力。它存在的时间虽然短暂,却为当时的文坛贡献了自己的力量。  相似文献   

《小说月报》在中国新文化运动史和现代文学史上影响极大,其意义和价值在文学层面已获充分肯定。从编辑学的角度考察,该刊在叶圣陶主编时期,内容特色与前期迥然不同,具体表现为:淡化理论而偏重创作,多种文体竞荣,文学性和艺术性明显加强。由此可见叶圣陶编辑家和文学家双重身份之间的紧密关联,其深厚博大的编辑思想由此也可见一斑。  相似文献   

If you have come here in search of the submission requirements at Child Development, this is perhaps not the editorial you are looking for. Consider visiting instead our revised instructions to authors . Nor does this essay simply detail the priorities of the incoming board and the initiatives we will be implementing over the next 6 years, though these are summarized in Table 1. Rather, this editorial was written to articulate clearly the scientific values underlying current plans and policies at the journal in support of publishing the highest quality and highest impact research on child development. I emphasize two interrelated themes: (a) our plans for continuing to emphasize and enhance diversity and inclusion in research on child development and (b) our policies that remove impediments to cumulative developmental science. Discussion focuses primarily on how we are incentivizing efforts to achieve these widely held yet too often neglected goals, taking as its point of departure emerging challenges to a fair and efficient editorial process at the journal. In so doing, I mean to highlight the essential work of continuously cultivating editorial structures that firmly embed in developmental science fundamental scientific values, principles that make it possible for research on child development to flourish in both the best and worst of times.  相似文献   

Reading and writing book reviews play an important part in academic life, but little is known about how academics carry out these tasks. The aim of this research was to explore these issues with members of the editorial panels of the British Journal of Educational Technology. A questionnaire was used to determine: (1) how often these people read and wrote book reviews in general; (2) how useful they found them; and (3) what features they thought were important in book reviews. Thirty sets of responses were obtained (15 from each sex). Most respondents reported reading between one and five book reviews a month and writing between three and four a year. Overall, there was high agreement in what they thought were the important features of book reviews, but there were also wide individual differences. Men reported that book reviews were more useful than did women. The agreement obtained among the respondents supports the notion that book reviews can be viewed as an academic genre with measurable contents. This has implications for how they are written and how people might be taught to write them better.  相似文献   

This editorial examines neuroscience and its impact on the field of education. Starting with a narrative between two young children, the author intertwines research with basic principles of learning, using the interaction between two 4-year-olds to illustrate the precepts. The four principles are: (1) the brain is uniquely organized; (2) the brain is continually growing; (3) a “brain-compatible” classroom enables connection of learning to positive emotions; and (4) children’s brains need to be immersed in real-life, hands-on, and meaningful learning experiences. The editorial concludes with an illustration of how the brain works while two children are playing at the small animal center in their classroom.  相似文献   

高校学报是高等学校主办的、以反映本校科研和教学成果为主的学术理论刊物。在新形势下,高校学报如何迎接市场的挑战,把握期刊发展的机遇,是期刊编辑人员十分关注的重要课题。高校学报适应市场必须确立明确的办刊宗旨,创建鲜明的办刊特色,建设高素质的编辑队伍,构建高水平的核心作者群,确定明确的读者对象。  相似文献   

编辑学研究和编辑实践的几个问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
张琳 《惠州学院学报》2004,24(5):100-102
编辑工作实质上是一种创造性的实践活动, 它是从事编辑学研究、建立编辑学理论的基础, 也是在已有编辑学理论的指导下进行的再创造性劳动。近年来, 编辑学研究和编辑实践中的诸多问题引起学者们的关注, 而分析编辑学研究与编辑实践脱节的成因, 弄清编辑学研究与潜科学研究、传播学研究的交叉关系, 并用系统论指导编辑学研究和编辑实践, 是具有重大的现实意义和深远的历史意义的。  相似文献   

Self-plagiarism is a contentious issue in higher education, research and scholarly publishing contexts. The practice is problematic because it disrupts scientific publishing by over-emphasizing results, increasing journal publication costs, and artificially inflating journal impact, among other consequences. We hypothesized that there was a dearth of empirical studies on the topic of self-plagiarism, with an over-abundance of editorial and commentary articles based on anecdotal evidence. The research question was: What typologies of evidence characterize the literature on self-plagiarism in scholarly and research journals? We conducted a scoping review, using the search terms “self-plagiarism” and “self-plagiarism” (hyphenated), consulting five social sciences research databases, supplemented by a manual search for articles, resulting in over 5900 results. After removing duplicates and excluding non-scholarly sources, we arrived at a data set of 133 sources, with publication dates ranging from 1968 to 2017. With an interrater reliability of over 93% between two researchers, our typological analysis revealed 47 sources (34.3%) were editorials; 41 (29.9%) were conceptual research (including teaching cases); 16 (11.7%) were editorial responses; 12 (8.6%) were secondary research; and only 8 sources (5.8%) were primary research. There is little guidance in the available literature to graduate students or their professors about how to disentangle the complexities of self-plagiarism. With primary and secondary research combined accounting for 14.4% of overall contributions to the data set, and primary research constituting only 6% of overall contributions, we conclude with a call for more empirical evidence on the topic to support contributions to the scholarly dialogue.  相似文献   

摘要:在国内外文化市场竞争形势日趋激烈的大环境下,随着创新、改革、与时俱进等理念的不断提出和强化.在打造出版大国、强国的进程中,编辑出版的地位日益突出。何为编辑规范,如何打造合理的编辑规范,在已有的规范下如何创新、创新的意义何在,如何处理好编辑规范与编辑创新的关系等,已成为编辑出版界亟待解决的核心问题。  相似文献   

《文讯》杂志创刊于1983年7月,是台湾发行最久的书讯杂志。长期以来,《文讯》除了立足台湾、关怀本土之外,也关注大陆文学的发展,并将视野投向世界华文的趋势。对于大陆当代文学在台湾的传播发展,《文讯》不仅藉由杂志专题、座谈会议、动态报导、研究资讯等,兼顾深度与广度,还以长期搜集整理刊载的文学史料,为台湾读者提供认识和研究大陆文学的渠道。《文讯》杂志创设了一种新的文艺传媒范式,以文学史料开拓研究视野,型塑出一种文化探索风格。  相似文献   

编辑决策研究断想   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
编辑决策贯穿于编辑活动始终,是编辑学的关键范畴,具有重要的研究意义;具体而言包括三个方面:出版产业化环境下编辑决策的一般过程与普遍原理、编辑决策的特殊规律及其实际应用、编辑活动史上编辑决策的现实启示;必须创新研究方法,凝练出具有普遍指导意义的编辑决策理论.  相似文献   

高校学报是反映高校教学科研成果的平台,对科研工作具有积极的导向作用,是发现和培养科研教学人才的园地,而教学科研工作为学报提供了充足的稿源,为学报奠定了学术质量基础。高校学报应从提高学报学术水平与编辑质量、进一步发挥好学报的传媒宣传优势、提高学报办刊人员素质等方面,更好地为教学科—研服务。  相似文献   

《杂志》不仅为沦陷时期的上海文化人指引了方向,而且对文艺创作做了具体指导。对现实发出声音作为其重要文化使命,文艺批评与报告文学是它对现实发言的主要文学形式,《杂志》借此延续了左翼文学的社会批判意识;关于新文艺腔的论争与对日伪民族主义文学口号的反驳是《杂志》开展的两次重要文艺论争;《杂志》为张爱玲的成名提供了多种机遇,相对于《万象》有意规训张爱玲创作之路而言,《杂志》的呵护与培育给张爱玲提供了更大的文学空间,张爱玲能成为沦陷时期上海文学的重要存在,《杂志》居功至伟。  相似文献   

英语作为一种国际性的语言,其最显著的特点之一便是新的词汇不断产生或新的词义的不断涌现。本文主要研究英语中单词的词义是如何随着时间的发展而产生演变。本文借助BYU时代杂志语料库的帮助,以单词"gay"为例详细分析了英语词义的历时演变过程。  相似文献   

This editorial introduces a special issue of Environmental Education Research titled ‘Land education: Indigenous, post-colonial, and decolonizing perspectives on place and environmental education research.’ The editorial begins with an overview of each of the nine articles in the issue and their contributions to land and environmental education, before outlining features of land education in more detail. ‘Key considerations’ of land education are discussed, including: Land and settler colonialism, Land and Indigenous cosmologies, Land and Indigenous agency and resistance, and The significance of naming. The editorial engages the question ‘Why land education?’ by drawing distinctions between land education and current forms of place-based education. It closes with a discussion of modes and methods of land education research.  相似文献   

To examine trends in educational practice research, this article conducted a survey and analysis of factors affecting the review of research papers in the field of the educational technology in Japan. Two factors, namely, practical orientation and theoretical orientation, were extracted from 63 survey responses, and scores from members of a Japanese academic society were compared with the scores of its editorial board. Results show that the two factor scores were not correlated to each other, and they are independent measures for any evaluation or review of research articles. Also, there was no significant difference between society members and editorial board members, i.e., their preferences when reviewing research papers were identical. For the second part of this study, a group composed of anonymous members of an editorial board conducted a paper review of 12 published “practical papers” and 11 published “general papers.” Results indicated that there was no significant difference between the two categories. The final rating scores of these 23 papers were analyzed using a decision-tree rating model. Results also indicated that for publication, papers need to contribute to theoretical research, in addition to contributing to basic educational practice research in educational technology.  相似文献   


To aid potential authors, this statement is an overview of the core values and editorial goals of the current editorial leadership of Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation. The key pillars are that we value research that (a) supports culturally responsive practice and social justice, (b) reflects varied research methodologies and traditions, (c) originates and investigates consultation topics across multiple professional disciplines, and (d) reflects global practice.  相似文献   


This article provides an annotated list of 326 journals in criminal justice and criminology. After consulting the “notes for contributors” sections of each journal, the authors mailed a self-administered survey to all journal editors soliciting their input on their editorial policies. Journal websites were also consulted to construct the journals' mission, scope, and editorial focus. A total of 221 editors returned the survey for a return rate of 68%. The following entries present an annotation that summarizes the mission, philosophy, and editorial policies of each journal. Following the annotations, the chart documents contact information for the editors and editorial policies concerning submissions to each journal.  相似文献   

长期以来,人们都把新文化运动的开始定在1915年9月陈独秀创办《青年杂志》之时,而对章士钊创办的《甲寅杂志》与《青年杂志》的渊源关系及其对新文化运动的兴起所起的重要作用,一直予以忽视,实际上。《甲寅杂志》与《青年杂志》在人员和思想上有相当的渊源关系,它对于新文化运动核心人物群体的形成及其政治和文化取向的发展,起了关键作用,并且为新文化运动作了理论上的准备。  相似文献   

编辑伦理学研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近些年来,随着编辑学研究的深入开展,编辑伦理学的研究也取得了相当的成就。大家重点研究了编辑伦理的概念、规范、编辑道德滑坡的现象、原因及提高编辑伦理道德素质的具体措施等问题,也有少数学者就编辑伦理的功能、编辑伦理的历史特征等范畴进行了尝试性研究。但也应当看到,较之医学伦理道德等其他职业道德的研究,编辑伦理学的研究仅仅才处于起步阶段,众多的编辑伦理学范畴在研究方面还是空白。  相似文献   

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