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This study examines the relationship between the quality of electronic service delivery (ESD) and the levels of Internet access across the 12 official regions of the United Kingdom. A random sample of 236 local government websites was assessed for the quality of ESD. The results indicate that in contrast to regions of high household Internet access, the quality of local government websites in regions of low household Internet access was significantly poorer in terms of information content and relatively limited in terms of the range of e-enabled services. The policy implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

王健 《北京档案》2003,(10):15-17
江泽民同志在党的十六大报告中谈到今后的奋斗目标时,强调要"进一步转变政府职能,改进管理方式,推行电子政务".北京市政府也提出了"2005年年底建成电子政府的目标",明确指出"实施电子政务工程是建设数字北京的一项重要内容.  相似文献   

Digital healthcare is in the spotlight due to the prevailing COVID-19 situation. To get the deeper understanding of the healthcare consumers' adoption of e-government telemedicine service (EGTMS), the present research extends the unified model of e-government adoption (UMEGA) with perceived severity, self-efficacy, and political trust. The extended UMEGA model is empirically validated with 452 valid Indian healthcare consumers' responses. The findings reported that performance expectancy, perceived severity, effort expectancy, and perceived risk significantly influenced Indian healthcare consumers' attitudes towards EGTMS. Further political trust showed significant influence over social influence. However, social influence is observed as non-significant. Furthermore, attitude, political trust and facilitating conditions significantly influenced individuals' behavioral intentions towards EGTMS and observed significant influence of self-efficacy on effort expectancy. This is the first study that reveals the critical factors of Indian healthcare consumers' behavioral intention towards EGTMS. With the upsurge in e-government healthcare services, the outcomes of the study will benefit stakeholders such as governmental agencies, marketers, public administrators, and healthcare professionals as they provide suitable strategic recommendations to design and implement e-government telemedicine services.  相似文献   

National governments are setting up digital service teams (DST) – IT units outside the centralized CIO's office – to respond to complex governmental and societal challenges in a responsive and agile manner. DSTs emerge as a third space between centralized and decentralized IT departments that are triggered by large-scale IT failures and the need to abandon black swan IT projects - tasks that traditional CIO offices were not able to handle so far. DSTs design principles have been replicated from the initial idea of the UK's Government Digital Service team and implemented in other countries, such as the U.S., Canada, Italy, or Finland. For this article, a qualitative interpretative approach was chosen to understand external and internal context factors that contribute to the emergence of these digital service teams. The article brings initial clarity of the composition and tasks of DSTs and extends the existing theory of context by providing insights about this third space between centralized and decentralized IT departments to organize IT Governance in public sector organizations.  相似文献   

电子政务环境探析--兼论电子政务资源信息建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张虹 《北京档案》2002,(11):20-23
一、我国电子政务建设概况 电子政务就是国家机关运用现代信息和通信技术,通过互联网将机关内部、机关与机关、机关与社会连成一体,以实施领导、组织、协调、管理和服务等职能的活动.在我国,从20世纪80年代末期,中央和地方的党政机关开展了办公自动化(OA)工程,到90年代末期经历了将近10年的办公自动化普及过程.随着信息网络技术的迅速发展和国家信息基础设施不断完善,从1993年起,我国开始实施金桥、金关、金卡和金税等信息化重大工程.在"金"字系统工程取得重大进展的同时,自1999年起,在全国普遍实行了政府上网工程.(1)从1998年4月青岛市在互联网上建立了我国第一个政府网站"青岛政务信息公众网"之后,到2001年1月底,以gov.cn为结尾注册的域名总数达到4722个,占国内域名总数的4%;已经建成的WWW下的政府网站达3200多个,70%以上的地市级政府在网上设立了办事窗口.(2)为了有效地组织和领导国家的电子政务工程,2001年12月中旬,国务院成立了由朱镕基总理担任组长的国家信息化工作领导小组.  相似文献   

本文在分析政府信息资源增值服务的重要意义的基础上,提出了开展我国政府信息资源增值服务存在的问题和发展策略。  相似文献   

As electronic government (e-government) becomes increasingly important in the presentation of government information to citizens, the potential impacts of e-government on the democratic process must be carefully considered. E-government clearly has the potential to become an institution that helps to ensure reasoned reflection about political issues and active participation in deliberative democracy by citizens and by members of the government. Though the Internet presents innovative new methods for conveying government information to citizens, it also presents new and serious potential impediments to deliberative democracy, such as group polarization about political issues by online social groups. The ability of e-government sites either to foster democratic dialogue by presenting multiple viewpoints or to enable polarization on political issues by promoting specific views demonstrates a key question about the conceptual foundations of e-government. Drawing upon perspectives from information studies, public policy, law, and governance, this article examines the differing political implications between e-government built on a foundation of participation and on a foundation of polarization.  相似文献   

本文首先概述了电子服务,电子服务模式以及在该模式中的服务接触,然后对电子服务接触的三要素服务组织、系统和用户以及三者之间的相互关系进行了分析,最后提出了基于电子服务接触的服务平台、服务内容和服务方式的改进,以提高电子服务的质量和效率。  相似文献   

Access to electronic records is dependent on the constantly changing and evolving computer technology. Unlike paper records that can survive for hundreds of years unless measures are taken to destroy them, electronic records do not persist unless deliberate steps are taken to preserve them. This paper suggests that most Israeli (and possibly other) government institutions naturally take steps to preserve electronic records necessary for their ongoing immediate operational needs. Nonimmediate or extraoperational needs, such as archiving according to state laws, are not given the fullest attention. To preserve the historical record of government institutions, computer systems must be designed and budgeted to comply with state archive laws and the long-term needs of society.  相似文献   

This article examines, in detail, the history and process of formulation and implementation of information policy in Canada during the period of 1970 through 1994. The sometimes tenuous working relationship of the Canadian federal government and the electronic information industry is discussed. Particular attention is paid to the dynamics and consequences of Crown copyright. The financial environment in which the industry operates is viewed in the context of government policy and suggestions are made as to how those policies might be changed to favor the industry. Also, considered are recent developments—the 1992 National Information Summit, the Stentor alliance, plans for a national information highway, and CANARIE.  相似文献   

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