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“题海战”一直是传统教育应付考试的第一法宝,直至近年才为素质教育所淘汰.但对于习题,老师、家长和学生始终存在着一种矛盾情结:套用一句俗语“金钱不是万能的,没有金钱是万万不能的”,要想学好数理化,没有习题恐怕也是“万万不能”的。  相似文献   

记得高尔基曾说过:似乎是每一本书都在我面前打开了一扇窗户,让我看到了一个不可思议的新世界。随着科学技术的发展家家户户有了电视,许多孩子喜欢和电视相伴,平时很少读书,其实家中的藏书不少,经常买,买回不读,这是家长反映的普遍问题。  相似文献   

有句名言说:书籍是人类进步的阶梯。意思是说人类要进步,社会要发展,必须首先要向书本学习,从书本中不断汲取科学文化知识,并转化成社会生产力。对于小学生来说,向书本学习更是主要途径。同时语文学好了,书读多了,知识视野开阔了,对学生其他学科的学习也有带动和促进作用,并有利于开发学生思维。  相似文献   

中学生课外阅读调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在人类漫长的历史长河中,曾经涌现出无数杰出的思想家、文学家、艺术家、科学家、他们给后人留下了宝贵的精神财富,这些财富都被载录到了书中正因为如此,古人常用“开卷有益”来告诫人们多读书。  相似文献   

杨建东 《陕西教育》2007,(11):34-34,107
进入高三后,我们常常会不自觉地使用题海战术。但是随着新课标的实施,这种方法已经越来越不能适应新形势的要求。新课标要求我们不仅要掌握知识和技能,还要重视过程和方法,关注学生的情感态度和价值观。这势必要求我们跳出题海,优化习题教学。  相似文献   

在对教师和家长的读书情况做调查时我们发现:经常读书,或养成读书习惯的老师占58.10%,家长占32.1%;只有32%的老师喜欢读业务书籍,16.8%的家长读过家教系列丛书;62%的家长从不关注孩子读书的内容。  相似文献   

读书对于一个人就像吃饭穿衣一样重要,每个家长都希望自己的孩子从小养成良好的阅读习惯,但不是每一个孩子都能很顺利地养成阅读习惯的。孩子很小的时候,我们也和其他家长一样,根据孩子年龄特点不停地给孩子买书,但慢慢地发现,无论我们怎么引导孩子,孩子就是不喜欢看书,无论我们采取什么办法,孩子总有不读书的理由来应付我们。  相似文献   

许惠英 《家庭教育》2001,(11):19-19
最近,儿子迷上了立言写给中学生看的《冰太阳红太阳》一书。每天在完成学习任务后,他就会急切地拿起这本书,躺到床上看起来,直到我催促他把灯关上。早晨起来,推开他的房间,又看到他捧着这本书在静静地看着。每当我看到孩子这样读书时,就有一种说不出的满足感和幸福感。我觉得在教育孩子的历程中,最欣慰的一件事就是:使自己的孩子养成了读书的习惯。  相似文献   

This paper explores female and male students' attitudes towards school work in terms of application and achievement. The data are drawn from interviews with students, teachers, careers officers and welfare officers in three semi‐rural comprehensive schools in one local education authority (LEA) [1]. (The students were in their last year of compulsory schooling, Year 11, and were aged 16 [2].) The three schools had invited the authors to explore why boys were achieving below their potential in terms of course work and end of course grades. The findings of the study show how school, peer group and community factors influence students' attitudes towards school work and homework. However, the situation is not just one of boys' under‐performance: the pattern of girls' achievement at 16 (the school leaving age) is not always carried through post‐16 or into career destinations. The problem is one of ‘equalising opportunities’ for all young people, taking into account the different patterns of need at different stages in their school careers.  相似文献   

平时作业设计是开放教育教学过程中的一个重要环节,是完善教学信息反馈系统的重要组成部分。要提高对平时作业设计工作的认识,使平时作业设计的设计理念、设计思路都能遵循人才培养模式改革和教育试点的要求进行思考和探索。本文就平时作业设计中的有关问题进行了分析和阐述,强调要对平时作业设计质量进行分析和评价。  相似文献   

Homework website     
London-Lazy students can now give up on work altogether as two Oxford University students have made scores of A-grade essays(论文) on the website for students to copy.  相似文献   

Parents (n = 709) were surveyed about involvement in their child's homework. A factor analysis revealed three dimensions of homework involvement similar to those found in more general studies of parenting style. These dimensions are autonomy support, direct involvement, and elimination of distractions. A fourth dimension, parental interference, differentiated itself from autonomy support for students in higher grades. Two-thirds of parents reported some negative or inappropriate form of involvement. Parenting style for homework was then related to student and family characteristics and student schooling outcomes. Results indicated parents with students in higher grade levels reported giving students more homework autonomy and less involvement of all other types. Parents in poorer families reported less support for autonomy and more interference. Parents reported less elimination of distractions when an adult was not at home after school and, for elementary school students, when there were more than one child living in the home. Elementary school parents of males reported more direct involvement in homework, while high school parents of females reported more direct involvement. More parental support for autonomy was associated with higher standardized test scores, higher class grades, and more homework completed. More positive parent involvement was associated with lower test scores and lower class grades, especially for elementary school students. Student attitudes toward homework were unrelated to parenting style for homework. Stage–environment fit theory and conceptions of families as varying in resources to support children are used to explain the findings and draw implications for parent behavior and educational practice.  相似文献   

The study examined the preferred and actual homework styles of 272 seventh graders (134 males and 138 females) who were characterized by (1) three levels of selfperceived homework achievement, (2) three levels of academic achievement, and (3) three levels of homework achievement. Consistencies and differences in the distinguishing components were found within and between the different types of achievement. Although different patterns of distinguishing components emerged between preferred and actual homework styles, there were remarkable consistencies between them that distinguished the achievement levels. In general, high achievers were more self, parent, and teachermotivated and persistent, organized their homework in some order, preferred or did homework in a bright home environment and by themselves, and did better with specific instructions, when compared with low achievers. However, neither preferred nor actual perceptual preferences distinguished the levels of achievement. In both preferred and actual situations, students in the high homework achievement group were more parent-motivated than those in the low homework achievement group, demonstrating the importance of parental involvement in the home learning environment.  相似文献   

新课程不仅要在课堂上要体现新的教育理念、教学方式和教学行为,而且在课后布置作业时也要适应新课程改革的需要,不断改革、创新,探索新的作业布置方式。小学语文要针对学生的年龄特征,以尊重学生的个性为前提,激发学生的主动性、创造性为目标,设计巩固型作业、选择型作业、创造型作业、合作型作业、实践型作业等形式多样的作业,努力把学生从封闭的语文教育中解放出来,以达到培养学生的创新意识和语文实践能力的目的。  相似文献   

America now possesses not only the largest and fastest-growing population of older adults in our history but also the healthiest, most vigorous, best educated and civic-minded. By the year 2025, one of every four Americans will be a grandparent. However, the real potential is not in the numbers, but in the emotional attachment between grandparents and their grandchildren. Their devotion to their grandchildren, in addition to the wisdom and skills learned over a lifetime, may well be the greatest social capital children and parents have in their battle against the “sacred cow” that is homework.  相似文献   

新课程改革的核心之一是促使学生“自主探究”。这种教学理念已逐渐得到广大教师的认可。但就目前的教学实践来看,课堂上学生被动接受的局面还没有根本改观,作业布置亦然。这应当引起我们的重视。在教学实践中,笔者巧设探究性作业,促使学生自主探究。以下结合高一第五、第六课就探究性作业的布置谈一点体会,以求抛砖引玉。  相似文献   

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