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西方化并非发展中国家现代化的最佳途径,当前新自由主义主导下的全球化的后果将是发展中国家的重新殖民化,只有坚持自己优秀的文化传统,兼容并蓄,才能找到适合自己的现代化之途。  相似文献   

体验营销是20世纪末出现于美国,21世纪初传进我国的一种新型的营销活动.它是适应人们从物质及生理需求向精神文化需求转变的产物,因而具有与传统营销明显不同的特点.根据体验营销的特点来制定营销策略,不仅可突出体验营销的特色,而且可以充分发挥其优势,取得良好的营销效果.  相似文献   

随着城镇化和市场经济的发展,农村房屋买卖愈来愈成为普遍现象。房屋买卖本来是极其普通的民事行为,城市房屋买卖只需要双方当事人自愿签订合同,然后到房屋所在地房屋管理机关及土地管理部门办理所有权转移登记和土地使用权变更登记手续。但是由于法律对于农村房屋买卖的程序和效力等相关规定比较模糊,使得农村房屋买卖成为司法实践的难题。在调查研究了大量农村房屋买卖的案例,笔者认为维护当事人合法权益和司法公平公正的关键就是解决农村房屋买卖合同效力问题。  相似文献   

The promotion of equity in Australian education has come to present itself to parents in ways which are shaped by the marketisation and internationalisation of schooling. This paper argues that, as in other markets, ethical consumption has become a key model for both schools as providers and parents as consumers to engage with issues of equity. We identify how the phenomenon of ethical consumption is reflected in the promotional strategies of elite private schools, and how this framing of equity occludes a clear vision of inequalities in the distribution of resources and access across different educational sites. We reflect on the extent to which outreach and service programmes in elite schools fulfil their stated goals or are self-serving.  相似文献   

本文从分析无单放货的责任属性入手。研究无单放货责任的时效问题。无单放货在一般情况下构成违约和侵权的竟合。但在特殊情况下则只能构成侵权。侵权之诉和违约之诉的区分与无单放货诉讼时效并非毫无关系。如果是违约之诉。则无—例外的适用《海商法》的—年时效;如果是侵权之诉,则应视具体情况而定。与海上货物运输有关的。使用《海商法》的一年时效,与之无关的则适用《民法通则》的二年时效。  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to illustrate how Swedish schools construct different pedagogic identities in the way they marketize themselves. We examine through a Bernsteinian lens how upper secondary schools promote themselves; what identities are being called for by the schools and how these identities are expressed. Moreover, the article intends to study how these identities are reflected in studied school actors and how they can be understood in relation to the labour market. We have analysed texts from various kinds of marketing materials, including websites and prospectuses of the schools. The empirical data also include interviews with various school actors. In addition, we attended and recorded observations at open houses and school fairs. Our findings indicate a strong differentiated market-oriented education system, mediated not only through distinctions in courses and programmes, but also through schools creating highly specific niches and targeting specific students as valuable commodities.  相似文献   

结合制造业信息化课题,探讨了ASP的运营模式及其各种商业模式、Web服务相关技术,结合Microsoft.NET技术建立ASP平台,并在此平台上设计了一个简单的订单管理模拟实例。在实例中主要设计了Web服务、后台管理两个部分,并进行了模拟运行,为以后进一步拓展对ASP的研究和对Web新技术如.NET的应用作了探讨和尝试。  相似文献   

宁波帮在上海投资、创办近代工业企业,其中不乏执业中之牛耳者。他们注重科技力量,施行科学管理,利用广告宣传,在经营、管理、销售各方面努力创新,不断进取,为推动近代工业技术进步、促进工业结构完备、参与世界市场竞争,做出了重要贡献。  相似文献   

结合制造业信息化课题,探讨了ASP的运营模式及其各种商业模式、Web服务相关技术,结合Microsoft.NET技术建立ASP平台,并在此平台上设计了一个简单的订单管理模拟实例。在实例中主要设计了Web服务、后台管理两个部分,并进行了模拟运行,为以后进一步拓展对ASP的研究和对Web新技术如.NET的应用作了探讨和尝试。  相似文献   

海事法院在强制拍卖船舶中,涉及多方当事人,只有理顺其中的法律关系,方能明确各方的权利义务。然而,无论在理论还是实践中,有些问题仍争议颇大,如究竟谁是拍卖法律关系中的出卖人,被申请人是否需要承担物的瑕疵担保责任等,各方当事人的法律关系涉及到四个方面。  相似文献   

出售信息:世界上最小的国家,国旗、邮票、货币、护照样样俱全。如果你想拥有一个由自己统治的国家,那就赶紧向海国的迈克尔王子申请购买吧!不过这个海国是战争时代建造的堡垒,座落于北海中的两根混凝土塔柱之上。  相似文献   

学生是教育对象更是教育资源,如果能充分利用这一资源,借力学生,那么教学会产生事半功倍的效果。本文据此观点及结合多年教学实践,对在专业技能教学中采用“类传销教学法”发挥学生资源的作用,上好专业技能课进行了实践探索,收到了良好效果。  相似文献   

何为广告宣传,至今仍然缺乏公认的结论。在学术领域,人们常常将广告和宣传统称为"广告宣传"。其实,随着产品促销实践,尤其是汽车促销实践的深化,不但促成了广告与宣传的分化,而且促进了广告和宣传的泛化。现代广告宣传,无论是内容还是形式,都已突破传统的囹圄,向着日益丰富化的方向发展。  相似文献   

The nature of land ownership is infrequently discussed by practitioners of outdoor education, though it is often central to the way they work. The recent controversy over the proposed sale of the Cuillin mountain range on the Isle of Skye in Scotland provoked heated discussion over rights to and benefits of this important place. The main point at issue was the role of the Cuillins as property, whether as that of one man or of society as a whole. This point raised questions about who should benefit, and how, from various kinds of ownership of land. It alerted interested citizens to the flexible and changing nature of relationships to land and hence to land use.

This paper explores the origins of some of the confused and confusing ideas about property ownership. It uses this explanation to analyse voices from the media debate about the Cuillins as property, in order to understand the wide-ranging cultural assumptions used by different interest groups in responding publicly to the issue. The discussion that follows highlights for outdoor educators how understanding of long-standing traditions in the use of both public and private land is politically important for their practice. It suggests the importance of their having a pro-active role in public debate about the nature of land ownership and its relationship to land use.  相似文献   

尽管《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》在全球范围内广泛适用,却仍未得到英国政府的批准。其中《销售合同公约》的规定和英国法的侧重不同是重要的一个。《销售公约》的条款可能引起极大的救济上的不确定性,然而根据英国法律,买方可明确和轻易地取得一个可预料的结果。  相似文献   

英国民俗学家马林诺夫斯基说过:"语言深深根植于社会生活之中,不了解语言的社会文化背景就无法理解这种语言的确切含义"。英语民族有其独特的社会生活环境,思维模式,宗教信仰和民族心理,这些文化差异,反映在商标上,需要我们多加比较、注意。 东西方都有用数字当商标的命名方式,如Seven-Ups(七喜),三九胃泰,但这并不表明东西方对数字有相同的喜好。我们比较熟悉的是西方人忌讳十三,因为十三同耶酥的十三门徒中  相似文献   

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