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健美操动作中的姿态控制是健美操中最典型、最核心的部分,健美操中所有动作的变化和创新都是在姿态控制的基础上产生和发展的。尤其是在健美操动作中的姿态控制上,要特别注意对身体姿态、动作速度、动作力度的控制。只有通过对上述三个方面有效的姿态控制,才能充分体现出健美操动作中力与美的结合。  相似文献   

品牌是企业的无形资产,它是企业的核心。品牌管理对于企业更加重要,产品日益同质化的市场竞争主要表现为品牌的竞争。目前中国企业面临的管理问题之一是对品牌管理重视度不足。从品牌的建立、成长、忠诚、退化来分析我国企业在发展中应采用的策略以及如何来管理和维护品牌。品牌生命周期各阶段顾客对品牌的认知和态度各异,企业在品牌管理活动中应当依据各阶段顾客品牌态度的不同,采取相应的品牌战略,推动品牌的发展。  相似文献   

The theory of academic capitalism is used to explore US and EU marketization trajectories. Comparisons are made along the following dimensions: creation and expansion of intermediating organizations external to universities that promote closer relations between universities and markets; interstitial organizations that emerge from within universities that intersect various market oriented projects; narratives, discourses and social technologies that promote marketization and competition; expanded managerial capacity; new funding streams for research and programs close to the market; and new circuits of knowledge that move away from peer review and professional judgment as arbiters of excellence. We also consider the status of fields not closely integrated with external markets, and see fragmentation of the humanities, fine arts and (some) social sciences to be a sign of research universities marketization. We conclude that the US and EU are following very different paths to bring higher education closer to the market. The US move to the market was incremental and frequently led by a wide variety of non-governmental organizations, often with strong ties to the for-profit sector and participation by segments of universities prior to federal legislation or mandates. The European Commission is reverse engineering Anglo-American higher education models to reconstruct technologies of governance in uniquely European contexts that embed competition in nation-state initiatives. Although the discourse surrounding university marketization promises growth of high paying jobs prosperity, evidence to date suggests very uneven results for both the US and EU.  相似文献   

全国农村教育工作会议昨日闭幕。由国务院召开会议专门研究部署农村教育工作,这是新中国成立以来的第一次。本报今日全文发表《国务院关于进一步加强农村教育工作的决定》(以下简称《决定》)。学习宣传好《决定》,认真贯彻落实会议精神,对促进我国农村教育发展和“三农”问题解决,具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

文化传统的择取,看似一个无关紧要的问题,然而却关涉到本土心理学的生命力,是关涉到中国本土心理学如何发展的一个元理论问题.以往中国的本土心理学,一方面过于注重文化大传统的研究定向,忽视了本土心理学与现实民众的心理契合问题;另一方面,虽然也曾关注文化小传统层面,但是却对文化小传统与中国本土心理学的关系缺乏明确的理论自觉.然而问题是,惟有自觉地进行文化小传统的研究定向,进行细致的、多样化的心理资源挖掘才有望实现中国本土心理学的新生.  相似文献   

上善若水、圣人为腹不为目、宠辱不惊是老子生命观的主要内容。他对生命教育的启示如下;生命贵乎顺其自然;俭朴是人生幸福的根本;无私、忘我的人生不会轻易被动摇。  相似文献   

价值观的位移与高等教育理念的更新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代高等教育理念在于促使人类文明与文化的传承、积累、扬弃与发展,培植社会资本与文化资本,引导社会良性健康发展,培育具有反思性、批判性的公众知识分子与人格健全的国民。在经济全球化的当今世界,大学生价值观表现出多样性、差异性和矛盾性,这就需要从长时效的视域来反省我们的高等教育,形成高等教育理念与价值观位移之间良性互动和匹配。  相似文献   

《热爱生命》通过对“他”在渺无人迹的旷野甲,与严寒、饥饿、伤痛,与野兽袭击进行顽强搏斗的场景,向读者表明惟有顽强的精神和意志,不畏凶险,才能成为最后的胜利者,同时也颂扬了敢于斗争,敢于胜利的精神。  相似文献   

让德育回归生活世界,实现德育生活化,德育才能具有生命力.文章在教学实践的基础上,尝试探寻德育生活化的一些途径.注意引导学生观察生活,做有心之人;引导学生感悟生活,做有爱之人;引导学生理解生活,做有德之人;引导学生体验生活,做有用之人.  相似文献   

欧亚一些国家职业教育的新举措   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
一、德国 (一)促进职教发展,制定<职业教育保障法> 针对"双元制"职业教育中企业提供的培训位子低于培训需求的情况,国家采取立法手段调控.2004年3月30日,德国政府拟定联邦<职业教育保障法>,如果该法获得联邦议会通过,今秋就将实施.其主要内容是:每年9月30日若全德企业所提供的尚未签约的培训位子总数低于当年未获得培训位子的求学者总数的15%时,该法生效.此时,凡从业人员超过10人的企业,其接受的培训学员不到从业人员的7%,必须交纳培训税;凡提供的培训位子超过7%且全部签订培训合同的企业,将得到相应的经费补偿.  相似文献   

Studies of the impact of education on adults’ lives must go beyond the background details of students, the course and the immediate learning outcomes, and be grounded in the changing lives of learners in a changing world. Life histories provide a rich source of data to assess the significance of education but are difficult to analyse. New approaches based on life course analysis show at what stage in students’ various ‘careers’ they participate, what else is going on at the time, and how education affects areas of their lives. The paper begins with a brief review of the literature on collecting life histories and a justification for the method adopted which provides the starting point for life course analysis. A case study of a student living in an area of multiple deprivation who took an Open University community education course is presented to show how life course analysis can be carried out and the place and influence of education evaluated.  相似文献   

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