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教师专业伦理教育的目的应当使教师切实地承担起教育责任,而不仅仅是培养教师的良好意愿和信念。这是责任伦理视野下的教师专业伦理教育与信念伦理视野下的教师专业伦理教育的最根本的区别,并由此产生了一系列相关的差异。分析了传统师德教育特征及其局限,指出了在责任承担基础下,教师专业伦理教育应该实现的几个转变。  相似文献   

高校思想政治教育课程教学是大学生道德教育的重要环节,其授课效果直接影响着大学生的综合素质培养。本文以工科专业为例,对工科专业学生学习思想政治教育课程的现状进行分析,探讨从专业特色角度为基点以提高大学生思想政治教育的有效性的方法。  相似文献   

In this article, differing interpretations of the internationalisation of higher education curriculum are explored analysing the structural and cultural aspects of the curriculum. Voices of tertiary staff from around the world taking part in a four-week, fully online course, entitled ‘Internationalising the curriculum for all students’ contributed to stimulating discussions that raised many questions about whose perspectives were being privileged in defining an internationalised curriculum and what constituted a transformed curriculum. In this analysis, the framework illuminates the varied theoretical and practical stances towards an internationalised curriculum. It highlights that indigenous knowledges and the positionings of marginal and diaspora peoples have been widely overlooked in internationalisation of curriculum practices, and these perspectives need to become integral to discussions of future tertiary education policies and curricula.  相似文献   

医学院校学生社团活动在医学生职业道德教育工作及人才培养中具有重要的作用,本文探索和创新医学生职业道德社团活动模式,提出社团活动课程内容与安排、实施与管理、考核与评价、制度保障等措施,合理的进行社团活动课程化,从而提高医学生职业道德教育的实效性,促进医学院校人才培养事业的发展。  相似文献   

Educational stakeholders across the globe are demanding science education reform that attends simultaneously to culturally diverse students’ needs and promotes academic excellence. Although professional development programs can foster science teachers’ growth as culturally responsive educators, effective supports to this end are not well identified. This study examined associations between specific Science Teachers are Responsive to Students (STARTS) program activities and United States high school life science teachers’ understanding and enactment of culturally responsive science teaching. Findings suggest: (a) critically examining their practices while learning of students’ needs and experiences enabled teachers to identify responsive instructional strategies and relevant science topics for culturally responsive teaching; (b) evaluating culturally responsive exemplars while identifying classroom-based needs allowed teachers to identify contextually appropriate instruction, thereby yielding a robust understanding of the purpose and feasibility of culturally responsive science teaching; and (c) by justifying the use of responsive and reform-based instructional strategies for their classrooms, teachers made purposeful connections between students’ experiences and science instruction. We propose a set of empirically based design conjectures and theoretical conjectures to generate adaptable knowledge about preparing culturally responsive science teachers through professional development.  相似文献   

This article presents early evaluation data on the effectiveness of an ethics-based sex education program, the Sexual Ethics for a Caring Society Curriculum (SECS-C), which strives to develop adolescents’ thinking about sex so that they might act ethically in relation to other people and reflect ethically upon sexual messages and events in the world around them. Unlike typical evidence-based curricula that measure prevention goals from a health perspective, effectiveness was measured in terms of attitude change. Seventy-nine 9th graders from 7 diverse classrooms at a charter school received 8 lessons from the curriculum. Pre and post measures assessed belief in rape myths (the Illinois Rape Myth Acceptance Scale) and bystanderism (the Bystander Attitude Scale, Revised (BAS-R)). The students showed improvements with regard to rape myth attitudes but not with regard to their beliefs in the likelihood of intervening in troublesome sexual situations.  相似文献   

Interest in engineering ethics education developed significant momentum in the USA as the 20th century drew to a close. Nevertheless, nearly 80% of engineering graduates are not required to take ethics-related courses. The content of engineering ethics education consists of 'microethical' issues focusing on individual professional responsibility and 'macroethical' issues dealing with the development of technology. The pedagogical framework of engineering ethics education has evolved primarily toward utilization of case studies and codes of ethics, in some instances supplemented by an introduction to moral theory. Substantial progress has been made in the development of case materials, including highprofile cases, everyday cases, quantitative cases and cases highlighting 'good works'. Cases are widely disseminated in textbooks and online. Online resources include interactive case studies and a rich variety of other ethics-related materials. Prominent curriculum models in the USA include a required course in engineering ethics, ethics-across-the-curriculum projects, and integration of engineering ethics and science, technology and society material. Changes in accreditation criteria for US engineering schools will potentially elevate the prominence of instruction in engineering ethics and the societal context of engineering. Many challenges remain, most notably the need for US engineering faculty to accept greater responsibility for engineering ethics education.  相似文献   

职业院校的学生有两块重要的教育内容,即职业道德教育和心理健康教育。所谓职业道德就是从事某项工作的工作者,在进行职业职责履行的过程里需要遵循的跟职责工作相应的规章制度。职业道德不仅包含对工作内容的认识、对职业情感的培育、对职业认知的理解还有对职业习惯的养成。所谓职业学校学生的心理健康教育包括很多方面,不仅有职业院校学生的学习方面的心理问题,还有青春期成长的感情心理问题,还有很多学生的个性心理,还有人际交往方面的心理问题,以及两性心理问题,最后就是涉及现实情况的就业心理问题。本篇文章结合当下职业院校学生职业道德与心理健康教育的实际现状,分析指出了当下存在的问题,并提出了科学有效的解决措施,希望可以带给职业院校的教育工作者一些启发和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Crossley's article deliberately highlights the hazards of a pilot project strategy for implementing educational reform. However, important strengths of such a strategy need also to he addressed to provide a balanced assessment for policy-makers. Pilot projects, if realistically evaluated, can help avoid the costly system-wide adoption of impractical reforms. They also allow more attention to be paid to the actual implementation of a policy, together with research into that implementation process. In some circumstances, they provide the only pragmatic possibilities for reform. Research into the Secondary Schools Community Extension Project in Papua New Guinea usefully exemplifies both the strengths and weaknesses of a pilot project strategy.  相似文献   

西方发达国家在对未来劳动者实施职业道德教育方面拥有较为成熟的经验,其教学理念和教学模式值得我国高职院校借鉴.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the pedagogic value of dialogue to strengthen pre-service teachers’ reflective practices and improve their knowledge about the power of talk for learning. Dialogic learning was introduced to a unit of study taken by a final-year cohort of students in an initial teacher education degree at an urban university in Australia. Various opportunities for dialogue were designed into the unit through blended learning such as face-to-face tutorials, social networks and Viva Voce contexts. In the face of mixed opinion on their efficacy, the author profiles the use of social networks as a means of incorporating more interactive discourse through Web 2.0 platforms in higher education. The mixed-methods study reports on data collected from focus group interviews run at the end of the semester. An analytical framework based on Alexander’s principles of dialogic learning is used to interrogate the data set. The results illustrate the positive impact that dialogue employed as a pedagogic tool had on the value students perceived of their learning experience. It is recommended that designs for learning in higher education incorporate iterative exchanges across a variety of blended learning contexts to encourage productive interactions between students, peers and tutors.  相似文献   

Widening participation (WP) in higher education (HE) is an increasingly important policy issue, with interventions to increase participation from minority ethnic, low-income and other under-represented groups undertaken in HE sectors in many countries. In the UK there is a large amount of WP activity but a lack of robust evidence of its effectiveness. This article presents a systematic review in the topic area of WP in HE. We included studies of systematic review, randomised controlled trial (RCT) and quasi-experimental (QE) designs, and assessed evidence of the effectiveness of university access strategies and approaches in relation to the participation of disadvantaged students at university. We searched for, quality appraised and synthesised the international evidence, that is, evidence published in any country, in the English language. The findings from 4 systematic reviews and 12 experimental studies (4 RCTs, 4 RDDs and 4 QEDs) are presented as narrative syntheses in a series of thematic sub-topics. We found some evidence of effectiveness for a number of university access interventions. ‘Black box’ WP programmes (those with multiple elements in a single programme) and financial incentives were found to be effective. However, much of the evidence had design limitations and the majority were conducted in the US. The article concludes with research recommendations in relation to UK interventions, including suggested designs for future quasi-experimental evaluation.  相似文献   

随着社会的发展,对于教育的重视程度越来越高,高等职业教育是一个以实施就业为目的学校。随着发展,其在教学理念方面已经不能适应现代社会的发展需求了,其对现在社会的发展带来了巨大的影响。要想让高职教育能够符合课程教育,一定要重视学生的职业能力培养,所以在进行课程设计上,一定要注意高职体育教育应当以职业能力为目标来进行。本文就针对,现在高职体育教育课程设计中存在的不足,提出了改进这方面不足的方法。  相似文献   

The method of reflective equilibrium (RE) is well known within the domain of moral philosophy, but hardly discussed as a method in professional ethics education. We argue that an interpersonal version of RE is very promising for professional ethics education. We offer several arguments to support this claim. The first group of arguments focus on a changed practice that is more team-oriented, inter-professional and aims at shared decision-making with patients and clients. The second group of arguments relate to the core aim of professional ethics education, namely to stimulate critical moral reflection. This central aim is a core professional moral competence that entails both a dialogical approach to practice and one’s own moral beliefs as well as a more detached viewpoint on practice, reflection on types of cases and one’s attitude as a professional in practice.  相似文献   

This paper presents an inclusive and emergent approach to identifying ethics courses and revealing their pedagogical methods and goals. It outlines a two-year study of undergraduate and professional courses at a private university addressing ethical themes. The study began with three assumptions: 1) ethics education occurs across the curriculum; 2) instructors are master practitioners with learning theories and goals that are often implicit; and 3) education contributes to three domains of human development: existential, civic, and vocational. These principles informed the development of a method for describing ethics education based on instructor reports of what and how they teach. Results of an application of this method are presented, and implications for ethics teaching and assessment in higher education are discussed.  相似文献   

To correspond to the Association for Educational Communication Technology (AECT) Code of Professional Ethics and the professional journal TechTrends’ ethics columns, this paper provides empirical data regarding ethical issues associated with the use of instructional technology in design and training situations. In-depth interviews of 20 professional technologists were conducted. The three most prominent ethical concerns reported were copyright, learner privacy, and accessibility. The results of this study also identified three ethical issues that have not been discussed extensively in the literature: diversity, conflicts of interest, and professionalism/confidence. In addition to identifying ethical issues, the findings of the study also contribute to the current literature through identifying coping strategies of ethical issues adopted by professional technologists. Finally, implications to researchers, managers, and practitioners were discussed.  相似文献   

Pilot projects are increasingly adopted for the generation and promotion of educational innovations. Such small-scale initiatives can be most helpful during the early stages of educational reform, but, unless sufficient care is taken in their formulation, they can contribute to the emergence of unrealistic and over-optimistic proposals for project expansion. While not opposing the movement towards pilot projects, this paper draws attention to the hazards of such means of intervention by considering their potential for ‘relevance education’ initiatives in developing countries. The argument is supported by recent empirically-grounded research carried out on the Secondary Schools Community Extension Project in Papua New Guinea.  相似文献   

Sexuality education forms part of the national school curricula of most sub-Saharan African countries, yet risk-related sexual behaviour among young people continues to fuel the HIV pandemic in this part of the world. One of the arguments put forward to explain why sexuality education seems to have had little impact on sexual risk-taking is that existing curricula have neglected to take into account the complexity of the social, cultural and gender norms that influence the behaviour of school-going young people in sub-Saharan Africa. Over the past few years, the Department of Basic Education in South Africa has recognised the need to provide guidance to teachers on the content, pedagogical processes and messages that are relevant to their specific context. This paper critically reflects on findings from a literature-based study conducted to identify the cognitive and social factors influencing the behaviour of school-going young people in South Africa and the risk and protective factors that might be particular to their circumstances. The findings provide helpful guidelines about the development, content and implementation of sexuality education curricula more likely to be relevant in contexts of serious poverty and disadvantage. Although based on the South African literature, the findings may also offer useful lessons for curriculum designers in other developing countries.  相似文献   

黄炎培的职业道德教育思想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄炎培的职业道德教育思想是在黄炎培的长期职业教育实践中逐渐形成的一个完整的体系,是其职业教育思想的重要组成部分之一。本文试从黄炎培职业道德教育思想产生的理论基础和社会依据、职业道德教育的内容和职业道德教育的原则与方法三个方面加以分析,以期获得对其职业道德教育思想的较为系统的认识。  相似文献   

现代职业教育课程改革理念新探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
职业教育课程改革,必须把转变教育观念贯穿于整个课改的进程中.综合国内外职业教育课程改革发展的基本理念,我国职业教育课程改革应树立以市场为导向,以素质为本位,以学生为主体,以探究与实践为主要课程形式,以终身学习为目标几个方面的新理念.  相似文献   

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