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电信诈骗严重影响社会信任,但探讨人们如何误信电信诈骗的心理机制的研究还比较欠缺。从电信诈骗受害者的角度分析电信诈骗误信的影响因素,发现受害者的电信诈骗易感性、诈骗者的社会影响技术以及受害者被骗时的心理状态起着关键的影响作用。对此,详尽可能性模型、骗子说服技巧模型和网络受骗易感性工作模型对现有研究进行了解释,但并不完善。未来的研究可以在模型的整合与发展、电信诈骗分类型分阶段研究的丰富和完善、因果研究方法的改进与创新、预防研究的实证性和可操作性方面深入开展。  相似文献   

In recent years, questions have been raised about the usefulness of experimental inquiry in educational research and evaluation. An alternative paradigm, called naturalistic inquiry has been advocated by some and appears to be growing in acceptability. In this article, these two approaches are described and compared using illustrations from two science education research projects. Several strengths and limitations of each inquiry style are identified. Investigators are urged to seriously consider both paradigms in planning research and evaluation studies.  相似文献   

最近电话或网络诈骗情况相当严重,让社会感到困扰。我们常会发现,骗子的技巧并没有什么特别高明之处。骗子也不是什么有独门绝技的高智商的人物。他们的所作所为都是古已有之的老骗术的翻版,其策略和方法不过是在今天的信息时代稍有发展和变化而已,但还是能够对我们造成困扰,这说明他们抓住了我们人性的弱点。因此,对于骗子的思路有了充分的了解和洞察,我们才可能不上当,更明智,对于我们当下处理事务也会有所裨益。  相似文献   

随着翻译学科的发展和"翻译专业本科教学质量国家标准"的出台,翻译本科专业人才培养的目标进一步明确。这对教师的教和学生的学都提出了新要求。本文以BTI的口译课程实践为研究对象,探讨把研究性学习和研究性教学方法引入口译课程之中,以期改变传统教学中以知识传授为主的教和学的方式,调动学生的主观能动性,依托学生的实践,使其理解口译工作的过程特点,提高学生口译能力。  相似文献   

Giant pandas may not be in as much danger of extinction as feared with a new British-Chinese study finding there could be twice as many living in the wild as previously thought, scientists said on June 19. "This finding indicates that the species may have a significantly better chance of long-term viability (生存能力) than recently anticipated, and that this beautiful animal may have a brighter future," the scientists said in a statement. Until now scientists thought there were about 1,590 giant pandas living in reserves in the mountains of China. But scientists from Britain's Cardiff University and the Chinese Academy of Sciences now think there could be as many as 3,000 there after a survey using a new method to profile DNA from panda faces revealed  相似文献   

Dynamic inquiry learning emphasizes aspects of change, intellectual flexibility, and critical thinking. Dynamic inquiry learning is characterized by the following criteria: learning as a process, changes during the inquiry, procedural understanding, and affective points of view. This study compared the influence of open versus guided inquiry learning approaches on dynamic inquiry performances among high‐school biology students. We hypothesized that open inquiry students who engage in the inquiry process from its initial stage, participating in the decision making process of asking inquiry questions and planning all aspects of the inquiry, will outperform students who experienced guided inquiry, in terms of developing dynamic inquiry performances. Students were divided into two groups: guided and open inquiry learning approaches. Both groups were followed throughout their 2‐year inquiry learning process. The data sources included interviews, students' inquiry summary papers, logbooks, and reflections. A quantitative content analysis of the two groups, using a dynamic inquiry performances index, revealed that open inquiry students used significantly higher levels of performances in the criteria “changes during inquiry” and “procedural understanding.” However, the study's results indicated no significant differences in the criteria “learning as a process” and “affective points of view.” The implementation of dynamic inquiry performances during inquiry learning may shed light on the procedural and epistemological scientific understanding of students conducting inquiries. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 46: 1137–1160, 2009  相似文献   

头韵是英语语音修辞手段之一 ,它蕴含了语言的音乐美和整齐美 ,使得语言声情交融、音义一体 ,具有很强的表现力和感染力。从应用范围、结构特征以及审美价值三个方面对其进行分析讨论 ,将有助于我们理解和欣赏这一辞格。  相似文献   

在我国引进外资的过程中,外商虚假出资、虚报注册资本、抽逃出资等出资欺诈现象较为普遍,严重影响了我国引进外资国策的健康实施。产生这些现象的原因主要有中方企业急于招商引资、信息不灵、追求优惠待遇等,以及相关法律的不完善。建议制定和完善外商投资财产鉴定法律制度,加大对外商出资欺诈行为的刑事制裁。  相似文献   

象思维是人类认知世界的普遍方式,但象思维的表达须借助语言。与两种象思维相对应,语言可以区分为量言与性言。量言强调世界之有分别,其语言的建构遵循“同构性四原则”:对应原则、赋值原则、关系原则与形式化原则。性言强调世界之无分别,其重要形式是意象语言,它属于“比兴思维”,其语言的建构体现情景原则、超越原则、联想原则、意味原则、象征原则。量言与性言均属于语言的“特异化”,人们在平常生活中普遍采用的是“日常语言”。日常语言具有不同的意义空间与意味层次,从本质上看,它才是一种可以言说形上世界与形下世界合一的“中观”语言。  相似文献   

新颁布的中学物理课程标准的基本理念的核心是以学生的发展为本,全面提高学生的基本科学素养.关键的切入点是改变学生的学习方式,给学生创造实践探究、搜集信息、分析归纳、应用结论为主线的完整的学习过程.  相似文献   

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