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根据新课程标准的要求,教学目标是教学活动能否顺利开展的起点和最终归宿。新课程标准对语文教学目标提出了新的要求,即三维目标在教学过程中的全面实施。很多语文教师理解不深刻,制定的目标不明确,影响了语文教学的效率。  相似文献   

长期以来,教师把自己更多的定位为管理者和控制者。在这种情况下,学生的主动性和主动地位难以得到保证,师生之间的有效互动关系难以建立。本文提出了情感互动的对应策略和焦虑的消除、外语学习倾向的培养。  相似文献   

Research findings suggest that most students who have foreign language learning problems have language-based difficulties and, in particular, phonological processing problems. Authors of the present study examined pre- and posttest scores on native language and foreign language aptitude tests of three groups of at-risk high school students enrolled in special, self-contained sections of first-year Spanish. Two groups were instructed using a multisensory structured language (MSL) approach. One of the groups was taught in both English and Spanish (MSL/ES), the other only in Spanish (MSL/S). The third group (NO-MSL) was instructed using more traditional second language teaching methodologies. Significant gains were made by the MSL-ES group on measures of native language phonology, vocabulary, and verbal memory and on a test of foreign language aptitude; the MSL/S group made significant gains on the test of foreign language aptitude. No significant gains on the native language or foreign language aptitude measures were made by the NO-MSL group. Implications for foreign language classroom instruction of at-risk students are discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper, three different methods for estimating the linguistic complexity of textbooks are reviewed: research on the readability, research on the vocabulary and research on understanding a text by means of the cloze technique. Application of these techniques leads to similar results as regards the difficulty of science textbooks. The results suggest that there is a general tendency for school science texts to be overdemanding on pupils’ abilities.  相似文献   

意象欲出造化已奇--中学语文教学中诗歌意象的解读   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“意象”即意中之象,它是一个古老的美学概念,是诗人抒发情感的最基本的方法,也是鉴赏诗歌最基本最重要的审美单元。意象欲出,造化已奇。所以,无论是创作,还是鉴赏、教学诗歌都要了解诗歌这一特征。本文拟从诗歌意象的内涵、诗歌意象的特点、诗歌意象的分类、中学语文教材中常见意象举例等方面来解读中学语文教学中诗歌的意象。  相似文献   

本文从高中教学现状出发,分析了初高中教学衔接困难的根源,针对衔接问题产生的原因,采取相应的对策,注重培养学生的质疑精神,填充学生知识空白,帮助学生完成从初中到高中学习思维的转变和学习习惯的形成。  相似文献   

本文阐述了高中语文学习常规的构建、实施及收效  相似文献   

艺术语言意象是一种象征性的艺术符号,它的符号意义是意象自身性质和象征效应的统一,它是对事物的拟态表现,它所蕴含的意义往往超越了所假之象本身的象限,从而生发出象外之象。发话主体为“尽意”所立之“象”,是一种佯谬性的复合意象,具有多向性、扩展性,能形成一种似谬实真的艺术张力。在言语交际中,发话主体“立象”只是为“尽意”创造了条件,真正的“尽意”要通过受话者接受来实现。  相似文献   

高中英语教学的深度不再停留在简单的基础交流层面,其教学内容也不仅局限于高考考试范围。高中英语是学生进行英语拓展的重要阶段,需要教师不断提高教学标准,综合学生的语言能力,将学生的听、说、读、写上升到综合应用语言的范畴,而不能仅仅只是单一的、孤立的语言教学模式。文章就以英语中的"说"为例,分析如何在综合语言下提高学生的口语表达能力。  相似文献   


Using the framework of Attachment Theory and related research and the research and experience of the author, a particular pattern of behaviour is described which can be identified in the classroom. This pattern, known as the Anxious Resistant/Ambivalent Attachment Pattern, is described from a teaching and learning perspective and is illustrated with examples from educational practice. Possible opportunities for intervention are discussed aimed at facilitating change in the pupil and enhancing emotional well being and educational opportunity. This article will be followed by another (Part II) describing other patterns of attachment which have been identified, with the aim of extending the teacher's understanding of the meaning of pupil behaviour and increasing the resilience potential in the learning situation.  相似文献   

数学语言转换在数学概念学习以及问题解决中发挥着重要作用.本文结合例题对高中阶段运用的数学语言转换进行分析,提出了高中生数学语言转化能力的培养策略.  相似文献   

科学素质包括科学知识、科学方法和科学思想三个方面。如果一个人只具备科学知识 ,而不懂科学方法 ,没有科学思想 ,就不能说明他受过系统的科学教育。生物学教育要实施科学素质教育 ,必须在上述三个方面全面加以实施。其主要内容包括 :科学知识 ;科学兴趣 ;科学方法 ;科学态度 ;科学精神  相似文献   

According to research findings, most students who experience foreign language learning problems are thought to have overt or subtle native language learning difficulties, primarily with phonological processing. A recent study by the authors showed that when a multisensory structured language approach to teaching Spanish was used with a group of at-risk high school students, the group’s pre- and posttest scores on native language phonological processing, verbal memory and vocabulary, and foreign language aptitude measures significantly improved. In this replication and follow-up study, the authors compared pre- and posttest scores of a second group of students (Cohort 2) who received MSL instruction in Spanish on native language and foreign language aptitude measures. They also followed students from the first study (Cohort 1) over a second year of foreign language instruction. Findings showed that the second cohort made significant gains on three native language phonological measures and a test of foreign language aptitude. Follow-up testing on the first cohort showed that the group maintained its initial gains on all native language and foreign language aptitude measures. Implications for the authors’ Linguistic Coding Deficit Hypothesis are discussed and linked with current reading research, in particular the concepts of the assumption of specificity and modularity.  相似文献   

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