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通过分析竞技体育手段和健身体育手段在本质、功能和评价等方面的共通与分殊,提出体育教学要以促进健康为宗旨,科学合理的采用练习手段,完成体育教学目标和任务。  相似文献   

To stereotype suggests that we impose characteristics on people based on their perceived group membership (Oks, Haslam, &; Turner, 1994). When stereotypes are based on a wealth of accumulated social and factual knowledge and are not used to make trait inferences about individual group members, they ure generally accurate and pose few problems. It is when stereotypes im based on fallacious, misleading, or limited information that they become problematic and therefore maladaptive. The purpase of this paper is to examine research that explicates the stereotyping process, review the psychological processes that operate in cognitive stereotype formation, and underscore the actual and possible detrimental consequences in the sport and physical activity domain, especially with regard to African Americans in general and African American males in particular. It is hoped that a more thorough understanding of the stereotyping process will be a deterrent to the perpetuation of maladaptive stereotypes.  相似文献   

My aim in this paper is to make the case for encouraging friendship in sport. First, I argue that sport is especially conducive to friendship. Second, I argue that since friendship is life-enhancing then to participate in sport and not to have made friends is to have failed to take a life-enhancing opportunity. Third, I argue that there are sporting benefits to be had from sporting friendships. Finally, I say something about the role of friendship in sport achieving its broad political aim of helping 'to build a better and more peaceful world'.  相似文献   

My aim in this paper is to make the case for encouraging friendship in sport. First, I argue that sport is especially conducive to friendship. Second, I argue that since friendship is life‐enhancing then to participate in sport and not to have made friends is to have failed to take a life‐enhancing opportunity. Third, I argue that there are sporting benefits to be had from sporting friendships. Finally, I say something about the role of friendship in sport achieving its broad political aim of helping ‘to build a better and more peaceful world’.  相似文献   

赵世炎在"五四"运动前后是一位工读主义的崇拜者,在法国工厂劳动过程中,在领导反对中法实业借款运动和占领里昂中法大学运动过程中,完成了由工读主义向马克思主义的思想转变.转变到马克思主义立场的赵世炎在法国同无政府主义等错误思潮进行了坚决的斗争,捍卫了马克思主义的尊严.  相似文献   

This study was set up as an adjunct to national assessment programmes undertake independently in Scotland and France in 1994. The stated aim was to compare Scottish pupils' performance in mathematics at Primary stages P4 and P7 with that of French pupils at stages CE2 and 6è. Issues of comparability which have arisen from multinational surveys are identified and compared with those found in the bilateral study to consider suggestions that it might provide a model for future European comparisons. Methodological issues addressed include the comparability of samples and the selection of and curriculum coverage of common items. Some findings on relative performance are reported and differences in test motivation discussed. Changes in national policies for survey organisation and design needed to minimise perceived difficulties are identified with attention drawn to the differing status and purposes of two national programmes and to cultural differences between two education systems.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to understand how gifts are discovered and talents developed within sport. The current literature is critically discussed, highlighting contributions and gaps in current knowledge. Due to issues concerning terminology and the nature versus nurture debate, research on talent faces challenges relating to continuity and meaningful progression. Williams and Reilly's (2000) defi nitions, along with Gagné's Differentiated Model of Giftedness and Talent are introduced and used to organize and add conceptual clarity to the existing knowledge base. Using Gagné's model, areas for further research begin to evolve. A case is made for the qualitative exploration of how gifts are discovered and why people commit to talent development, noting the advantages of phenomenological methods.  相似文献   

仲夏时分的芬兰是欢乐的,因为这是当地白昼最长、黑夜最短的时候,相对那寒冷而漫长的冬夜,芬兰人是绝对有理由珍惜的。他们挥去漫长冬夜带来的郁闷,享受着各种夏季的水上活动,享受着阳光带来的快乐。  相似文献   

This article explicates the inconvenient truth that is at the core of the crisis currently facing the field of kinesiology. Namely, the instantiation of an epistemological hierarchy that privileges positivist over postpositivist, quantitative over qualitative, and predictive over interpretive ways of knowing. The discussion outlines the political, economic, and cultural forces responsible for kinesiology's putative scientific hegemony and speaks to its corollary: the very demise of the field caused by intensified subdisciplinary specialization and fragmentation and fundamental lack of comprehensiveness. The article outlines a potential corrective to kinesiology's blinkered epistemological and empirical vision, currently being developed at the University of Maryland. Physical Cultural Studies (PCS) is introduced as a synthesis of empirical, theoretical, and methodological influences (drawn from, among other sources, the sociology and history of sport and physical activity, the sociology of the body, and cultural studies) that are focused on the critical analysis of active bodies and specifically the manner in which they become organized, represented, and experienced in relation to the operations of social power. Thus, PCS is offered as an important contribution toward realizing the truly integrative and comprehensive kinesiology to which we as kinesiologists—and regardless of our empirical, theoretical, or epistemological proclivities—should aspire.  相似文献   

运动与补水   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着现代社会经济的不断发展,运动者的训练水平不断提高,运动者的健康意识也日益增强,竞技运动和日常运动已很普遍。运动者在运动前、运动中补水的意识很浅,即使补水也不科学,结果对运动者造成另一种伤害。通过收集多方面资料,提醒运动者在运动前、运动中要合理补水,以达到既出成绩又健康的目的。  相似文献   

The direction of graduate education in sport psychology has changed considerably since its emergence as a recognizable subdiscipline within exercise and sport science in the late 1960s. This paper describes (a) the structure of current sport psychology specializations within graduate programs based on a survey of 33 programs with sport psychology specializations in the United States, (b) trends in sport psychology graduate education, and (c) concerns regarding the future of graduate education in sport psychology in terms of coursework, research, and applied service provision.  相似文献   

Sport Star     
奔奔要成为体育明星的理想是美好的,可是实现理想需要毅力和恒心,可不能像小猫钓鱼一样三心二意.奔奔跑步、跳高倦了就改变主意,游泳、跳水累了就轻易放弃,打篮球、踢足球、打棒球,什么都试过了,可还是找不到自己能坚持的运动项目.这样什么时候才能实现自己的理想呢?故事中的小熊该怎样做呢?请你帮帮他!  相似文献   

上个星期五,学校举行了一场运动会。所有的老师和学生都非常兴奋。我们都集中到操场观看比赛。赛跑是最激动人心的比赛。运动员们跑得非常快.所有的学生都为他们呐喊助威:加油!加油…最后,  相似文献   

中西体育产生于不同的社会土壤和文化氛围,各有其认知方式和价值取向,从中西体育存在的差异,探讨近代中西体育由冲突走向融合的必然性。  相似文献   

This article reviews literature that discusses parallels between women of color in society and sport. Although special emphasis is placed on African American women's social, historical, and sport traditions, information on other ethnic groups' socioeconomic status and participation in sport is included. The discussion focuses on the absence or silence of diverse ethnic women within the mainstream of society, sport, and scholarship and summarizes literature that highlights intersections of gender, race, and socioeconomic class. Research completed on women of color in sport is reviewed using Douglas's analysis of the levels of research. A call is made for more scholarship on women of color from diverse ethnic backgrounds and different social realities in order to have more inclusive womanist/feminist scholarship and race-relations theory.  相似文献   

19世纪法国浪漫主义运动是对18世纪法国启蒙运动理性主义的反驳。浪漫主义强调人的感官和情感的价值。宣扬人性解放和思想自由,其艺创作力主张扬个性、宣泄情感并挖掘人的深层精神世界,艺术表现手法多采用对比强烈的、充满感染情绪的戏剧性效果来表现人性的冲突和社会的矛盾。19世纪上半期的法国绘画受浪漫主义运动和法国大革命的影响,其创作题材、美学形态和表现形式较之传统都发生了巨大的变化。浪漫主义绘画摆脱了庸俗审美观和陈腐的学院派体制的束缚,满足了法国新兴资产阶级和平民阶层对自由、民主思想的化需求,其艺思想和美学形态在美术史上具有积极的进步意义。  相似文献   

French education has been dominated by the cultural and academic training of the lycée. It was little known outside of France that the majority of schoolchildren were presented with inadequate educational offerings beyond the first five years of elementary education. The nonacademically oriented children-indeed the majority-usually had only the fin d'étude (terminal) classes of primary school to attend until they reached the school-leaving age.  相似文献   

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