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构建高校学生"精准资助"工作机制,是实现教育公平、优化资源配置、提升工作效率的需要.高校学生"精准资助"工作机制构建的内容主要由四个方面组成,即对家庭经济困难学生的精准识别;实施差异化的精准帮扶措施;实行动态化的精准管理;进行积极的精准引导.此外,还需要高校资助队伍建设、平台建设、理论建设等为"精准资助"机制的构建提供基本保障,建立长效工作机制,确保功能的发挥.  相似文献   

"精准扶贫"是本届党中央在扶贫问题上最核心的指导思想,高校扶贫同样要做到精准,这也是促进国家2020年实现全面脱贫的重要保障.但在当前高校资助工作中,由于资助工作人员专业化程度不高、资助体系未能有效落实、贫困生认定环节存在较大障碍和资助过程缺乏科学设计等原因,直接或间接影响了高校资助工作的精准化程度.在大数据的时代背景下,将大数据思维引入高校资助工作,实现资助对象的人性化精准识别、资助方式的多样化精准定制和资助管理的动态化精准调整,从而能真正解决贫困生问题,做到高校的"精准扶贫".  相似文献   

新时代对高职院校贫困生资助工作提出了新的要求.广西高职院校认真贯彻落实资助育人理念,结合工作实际规范健全了一系列规章制度,但在执行过程中仍然存在精准识别不彻底、按需资助不充分、资助体系不完善的问题.为此,建议通过利用海量大数据分析进行精准识别、完善贫困生精准资助"四大保障"体系、实施贫困生精准资助"四大育人"工程、构建贫困生"四大能力"平台,来实现职业教育扶贫"扶智、强能、脱贫"的目标.  相似文献   

高校资助经过多年实践,取得了显著的成绩,但目前的资助方式存在着资助对象、资助程序、经费使用等方面不精准的问题,亟待建立"精准资助"工作机制,科学有效地实行精准识别、精准资助、精准管理的学生资助工作方式,提升学生资助工作的效率和管理水平。  相似文献   

资助育人是高校人才培养的必然要求,但在实际工作中,高校资助工作往往侧重于经济上的资助,尚未达到"精准"育人的要求。习近平总书记的精准扶贫思想对高校资助工作具有很强的指导意义。文章为此提出构建精准资助育人体系,使资助与育人紧密融合,包括"精准识别,建立贫困学生信息化数据库;精准帮扶,实现资助教育平台化;精准管理,促进资助教育信息化"。  相似文献   

"精准扶贫"是新时期我国扶贫开发工作的重要指导思想和战略部署,将"精准扶贫"思想的理念和基本内容引入高等教育的资助工作,实现"精准资助",既是扶贫工作在教育领域的集中体现,又是解决现阶段高校资助工作中种种瓶颈的有效途径。做好高等学校的"精准资助",应以"精准扶贫"思想为指导,从"精准识别"、"精准帮扶"和"精准管理"着手,推动资助工作精准化的新发展。  相似文献   

高校学生资助政策精准实施的价值内涵表现为帮助家庭经济困难学生实现自由全面发展、有助于社会公平正义以及和谐稳定。本研究对高校学生资助政策实施精准性调研,选取了对象识别精准、资助过程精准、资助结果精准三个维度进行量化分析,从畅通信息传递渠道、精准覆盖资助对象、完善资助政策精准实施的制度保障以及动态的长效反馈机制四个方面提出了高校学生资助政策精准实施的实践理路。  相似文献   

精细化管理是一种现代化的专业管理理念,源于现代企业管理,在教育不断深化改革的背景下被引入高校学生资助工作中。精细化管理融入高校学生资助工作,有助于实现对家庭经济困难学生的精准识别,满足学生的多样化需求,改善学生资助工作开展的效果。当下高校学生资助工作开展中存在未注重资助对象的精准判定、学生的资助资源仍需要不断创新、未构建健全的监督与管理体制等问题。为了进一步提高精细化管理在高校学生资助工作中的应用效果,需要结合当下资助工作开展现状,从资助对象识别、资助资源以及责任划分上加强学生资助工作的创新发展。  相似文献   

高校学生资助是国家扶贫的一项重要内容,是保证国家教育公平的重要举措。大数据技术为高校学生资助工作提供了新途径,为建立精准学生资助工作机制提供可能。本文从现存学生资助工作机制的问题,大数据在精准学生资助工作机制中建立的价值、内容、问题和策略方面,分析大数据在建立精准学生资助工作机制中的可能性,真正实现教育公平。  相似文献   

大学生资助工作需要贯彻国家精准扶贫理念.通过对精准扶贫理念的探究,首先对现阶段大学生资助中出现的资金使用不当现状进行准确分析;其次是高校对于资助不将学习成绩纳入评价体系,没有学习标准,导致受助学生忽视学习的重要性,从而丧失了资助学生成功的意义;再就是学生信息平台的时效性和精准性缺失.通过对这三个方面的分析,从精准识别、点面结合、提升服务等方面提出了一些精准化助学的方法,使大学生资助能在精准扶贫理念下进行系统地研究与分析,以达到资助的最高意义.  相似文献   

学生资助政策是促进受教育机会均等和社会公正的重要措施。新常态下,高校学生资助体系主要存在困难生等级评定模糊、国家财政负担过重、学校教育主导性功能受损和资助资金分配不合理等问题。建立定性与定量相结合的弹性认困机制和"一体多翼"的学生资助体系;坚持杠杆与另辟新径并存,探索"求同存异"的资金分配模式;提升高校的教育主导性功能,为完善学生资助建设体系提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

Math is a subject in which students are generally not very interested and are unsuccessful compared to other courses. It has been suggested that digital stories designed for educational purposes could be used to prevent students’ lack of interest and failure in this subject. However, designing stories that are fit for purpose is important if the use of digital stories is to be successful. The purpose of this study is to investigate pre-service teachers’ opinions about how they utilized the steps of Gagne’s model while designing digital stories for math lessons. The participants in the study were 49 pre-service teachers studying at a Math Department at a Turkish state university in the spring term of the 2014–2015 academic year. The Pre-service Teachers’ Opinion Form and a Personal Information Form, both developed by the researchers, were used as data collection tools in the study, in which the qualitative method was adopted. Content analysis was utilized to analyze the data collected through open-ended questions. When the findings were examined it was seen that pre-service teachers had designed digital stories in which they often chose to attract attention by creating interesting characters in the “gaining students’ attention” step of Gagne’s teaching model, that the main character stated the objectives/topic in the story precisely in the “informing students of the objectives” step, and that the characters created repeated the previous topic in the “stimulating recall of prior learning” step. In the current study, the integration of digital story design into lesson plans in accordance with Gagne’s model was carried out and pre-service teachers’ opinions about their experiences of this process were investigated.  相似文献   

“精确评价—精准指导”辅助学生发展体系是评价学生与指导发展的新方案、新实践。该体系修正了传统的评价体系,从学生自身、同学、导师三者入手设定“自己眼中的自己”“同学眼中的自己”“老师眼中的自己”“自己认为别人眼中的自己”四个评价模块,挖掘学生学业成绩、努力程度等13项评价数据,利用EXCEL、赋权频数统计、大数据原理等方法进行统计与整合,用雷达图分析法对整合后数据进行了精准化分析,并提出个性化发展建议。该体系有助于发现学生的优势与不足,有利于高校将人才素质和人才特性与因材施教合理匹配,促成差异化管理、因材管理理念的实现,从而达到“人尽其才、人适其位、人位相宜”这一较为理想的模式。  相似文献   

The effect of students’ subject discipline on their preferences toward m-learning applications was investigated by using a mixed-method research design. A questionnaire on students’ preferences of m-learning application features was used to collect data from 181 undergraduate students. One-way analysis of variance found a significant difference among perceptions of students from different subject disciplines related to the “collaboration” and “learning” features. Follow-up interviews were carried out to further investigate students’ perceptions. Content analysis revealed that “availability” and “ease of use” were the most preferred features, and “collaboration” and “entertaining” were the least preferred ones. Interview results related to universities’ readiness for m-learning were categorized into (i) universities’ infrastructures, (ii) instructors’ skills and (iii) students’ skills for m-learning. Students indicated their universities’ infrastructures as “moderately ready” for m-learning. They ranked their instructors’ skills as “low”. However, students assessed their own skills as “moderate” for utilizing m-learning in their respective universities.  相似文献   

Students’ feedback is common in teaching evaluation, but there is no documented instrument enabling instructors to systematically gather relevant student feedback on written exams in higher education. Three studies are described to develop a valid instrument for evaluating written exams. Study 1 analyzes characteristics of effective written exams from the perspective of students and instructors, using qualitative content-analysis. This informs study 2, which analyzes and revises the structure of a questionnaire via exploratory factor analysis. In study 3, confirmatory factor analysis and cross-validation are conducted to confirm the structure found in study 2. Central factors are “Transparency”, “Composition of the exam” and “Students’ workload”. Students’ feedback as assessed by this questionnaire provides reliable feedback to improve the quality of exams.  相似文献   

社会实习实践是提升研究生学术水平、创新能力、综合素质和社会适应力的重要手段.针对工程硕士校企联合培养中"学生不理解、导师不积极、合作单位培养计划不明确、评估与评价方法不健全"等问题,立足于北京航空航天大学的特色,深入思考并积极实践,提出了"早、合、新、凝"工程硕士研究生的创新培养思路与方法,构建了"高校+企业+课题联合...  相似文献   

A NEW THRUST for the integration of students with a mild disability has been initiated by special education scholars and Federal government officials in the U.S. The “regular education initiative” is based upon the assumption that mildly disabled students’ educational and social needs can be better served in regular education settings. Proponents of the regular education initiative are seeking “waivers for performance” that would allow school districts to experiment with alternative service delivery models and the allocation of resources without being Financially penalized under the current funding systems. Critics argue that the strength of the research base used to support REI is insufficient to warrant wholesale changes in current service delivery systems. They are sceptical of the argument that REI type programs can eliminate the effects of labeling by better integrating students who need supplemental educational resources. An analysis of the REI proposals and their conceptual relevance to the Australian context is presented.  相似文献   

This study seeks to explore the impact of social upbringing on architectural learning. The theory of “habitus” helps to understand how students’ personality dispositions might affect the way they approach learning in the “field” of architectural education. The notions of learning approaches and knowledge codes in literature are used to develop a framework for the study that helps to explore the field of architectural education. It is a qualitative study, conducted through semi-structured interviews with 44 students in 10 architecture schools in Pakistan. Interviews explored students’ habitus as well as their learning approaches, later explored through the framework developed in the study. Interviews are transcribed and coded using Nvivo 12. A detailed analysis explores the connection between habitus and learning approaches and finds out that habitus plays a major role in determining the way students approach learning in Architecture, with most cultivated habitus students showing a deep learning approach.  相似文献   


Constructing scientific arguments is an important practice for students because it helps them to make sense of data using scientific knowledge and within the conceptual and experimental boundaries of an investigation. In this study, we used a text mining method called Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) to identify underlying patterns in students written scientific arguments about a complex scientific phenomenon called Albedo Effect. We further examined how identified patterns compare to existing frameworks related to explaining evidence to support claims and attributing sources of uncertainty. LDA was applied to electronically stored arguments written by 2472 students and concerning how decreases in sea ice affect global temperatures. The results indicated that each content topic identified in the explanations by the LDA— “data only,” “reasoning only,” “data and reasoning combined,” “wrong reasoning types,” and “restatement of the claim”—could be interpreted using the claim–evidence–reasoning framework. Similarly, each topic identified in the students’ uncertainty attributions— “self-evaluations,” “personal sources related to knowledge and experience,” and “scientific sources related to reasoning and data”—could be interpreted using the taxonomy of uncertainty attribution. These results indicate that LDA can serve as a tool for content analysis that can discover semantic patterns in students’ scientific argumentation in particular science domains and facilitate teachers’ providing help to students.


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