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Critique of the Schema Concept   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A basic concept in most theories in cognitive psychology, as well as in many versions of constructivism, is that of the schema. The questions behind this paper concern the nature of schemata and what role the concept plays in educational theory and practice. It starts with a brief look at the historical development of the concept, from Kant to its use in some modern textbooks of psychology. One argument is that during its history the originally hypothetical character of the concept has been forgotten. It is now more or less taken for granted that schemata exist. But there are logical inconsistencies in applications of the concept and its usefulness within educational theories can be questioned. The concept also lends itself to manipulatory psychological practices, illustrated by the example of a US advertising company. The paper ends with a suggestion that we return to Aristotle and a more phenomenological approach to the questions of learning and knowledge formation.  相似文献   

现象学一诠释学的心理学是作为一种可行的心理学研究途径而存在的,它为心理学家研究人的现象提供了一种有价值的实践手段。它有着高度发展的哲学基础,它使用合理的方法来分析经验、行为、文本材料以及其他描述性资料。而且,它还有一段相对久远的研究历史,对心理学研究形成了一系列有价值的洞见。它的目标是为我们对人的存在、我们自身以及他人提供“深层而充分的理解”。  相似文献   

幸福感已经成为心理学的研究热点,文章从享乐主义、理性主义、进化心理观和行为决策观等不同研究视角对幸福感的研究进行了综述,并指出今后的研究趋势。  相似文献   

This article is concerned with the study of analogy and memory as viewed from the perspectives of both artificial intelligence (AI) and psychology. Its aim is to combine what seem to be two distinct and conflicting approaches to memory–the functional approach of AI and the empirical approach of psychology–and propose a unified view that does not compromise the nature of either field yet resolves the existing conflicts between them. To do this we propose a shift away from the narrow view of analogical reminding as an isolated memory behavior and toward a more general view of memory as a process that serves the needs of planning, problem solving, and understanding. This shift involves changes to both the functional arguments that have arisen in AI and a reexamination of the empirical evidence that has been presented in psychology.  相似文献   

文化心理学是一个新兴的心理学取向,其兴起的背景:主流心理学的困境、非主流心理学的启发、后现代思潮的反思.文化心理学是把文化纳入心理学,将人置于社会文化背景中,研究文化和心理的关系的一门学科,其主要研究方法有现象学、释义学和民族志方法.同时,文化心理学与跨文化心理学、本土心理学既有区别,又有联系。  相似文献   

行动研究的理论基础探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
行动研究越来越受到人们的重视,对行动研究本身的研究是成功开展行动研究的重要保障.本文运用图书馆法,尝试从哲学、认知心理学以及教育学三个角度探讨批判理论、建构主义以及教师个人理论对行动研究的理论指导意义,旨在为广大行动研究者开展行动研究实践活动提供理论支撑.  相似文献   

西方心理学中的人文传统和形态非常丰富,早期有布伦塔诺的意动心理学、狄尔泰的人文心理学思想、弗洛伊德的精神分析以及随后的人本主义心理学、现象学心理学等,尽管形式各异,但核心精神上,它们都试图从人的本质和要求出发,以适合于人之为人的心理现象的概念、原则和方法发展心理学,试图真实、全面、细致地分析和描述生活中的具体心理体验,把握心理学个案中心理的结构和意义,实现对独特个体的心理意义和价值的敏锐理解。  相似文献   

Case Study as a Constructivist Pedagogy for Teaching Educational Psychology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent interest and inquiry into constructivism, pedagogical content knowledge, and case study methodology are influencing the content and goals of educational psychology in teacher preparation. The reasons seem clear: The content of educational psychology lends itself to authentic, active, and pragmatic applications of theory to school practices, as well as to investigations of a variety of educational issues, perspectives, and contexts which can be viewed through case study, a constructivist problem-based approach to learning. Widely-used educational psychology texts are including constructivism as a cognitive alternative to behaviorist and information processing views of teaching and learning. Concurrently, case studies are being integrated in educational psychology texts, and a myriad of case texts have appeared with application to educational psychology courses. This article considers the decisions, benefits, and difficulties in teaching educational psychology through a constructivist case study approach.  相似文献   

通过对当前音乐教育心理学的发展现状的分析指出,音乐教育心理学已经成为音乐心理学的一个重要组成部分,对音乐教育心理学研究方法的思考具有现实意义。当今我国音乐教育心理学研究一方面亟需加强“量的研究”,另一方面必须重视“质的研究”,在教育实践中采用行动研究模式将两者有机地结合是实际有效的研究方法。  相似文献   

歌唱的连贯性是歌唱技巧的重要内容之一,也是声乐学习者常遇到西问题。为解决这一问题,本文从歌唱技巧、心理、情感三个方面谈谈歌唱中的连贯性。  相似文献   

19世纪末20世纪初,伴随着胡塞尔的现象学哲学以一种突破性的新型描述方法走进了西方哲学视野,现象学心理学作为一门新的心理学学科也成为了西方心理学人文取向的一支。胡塞尔现象学心理学从根本上说是一门本质现象学,即是先天纯粹的心理学,从区域性本体论以及一般性本体论入手,阐述了现象学哲学的内容,从现象学哲学所引导出来看待世界的...  相似文献   

This paper identifies and analyses different dimensions of time and their implications for teachers’ work. The theoretical analysis arises from a study of elementary principals’ and teachers’ perceptions and uses of preparation time. Five dimensions of time are identified and discussed: technical‐rational time, micropolitical time, phenomenological time, physical time, and sociopolitical time. From the point of view of the classroom, teachers and administrators have different perceptions of time. Driven by linear, technical‐rational time perspectives, administrators seek to speed the pace of change. Teachers operate in a phenomenological time‐frame where they seek to slow down change. As the gap between administration and teaching widens, so do the differences in time perspectives between teachers and administrators. The paper concludes with a set of questions about the strength of present divisions between administration and teaching.  相似文献   

Often early childhood educators who fail to frame their research or research methods in positivist traditions or theories of developmental psychology find themselves marginalized in their own field. A reason for the lack of recognition or acceptance of critical theoretical perspectives in early childhood education is the century-long domination of psychological and child development perspectives in the field of early childhood. A second reason relates to the important separate institutional histories of early and elementary education in the United States within academia. This paper explores both the disciplinary and institutional history of early childhood education in an effort to explain the continuing lack of acceptance of critical science perspectives in the field. The costs of this reliance in the past and for the future are discussed.  相似文献   

This article examines the contribution of scientific phenomenology in design pedagogy through the theoretical relationships between the German art school Staatliches Bauhaus and the most important scientific phenomenological theories of the first half of the twentieth century. After showing the relationships between the Gestalt Theory and the principal teachers of the Bauhaus (Johannes Itten, Paul Klee, Wassily Kandinsky, László Moholy‐Nagy, Josef Albers), the pedagogical epistemology of Walter Gropius is critically presented. The epoché, the intersubjective criterion and the anti‐psychologism are examined. In conclusion, it is evidenced that Gropius was strongly influenced by Gestalt psychology. This undeclared influence was a necessary consequence of the fact that phenomenological attitude is a crucial operating modality for the concrete practice of design.  相似文献   

问题的提出需要有一种知识论基础作为内在结构支撑.不同研究范式规定了不同的致思理路,形成了对同一教育现象的多元研究视角.教育现象学提问方式从教育事实出发,为研究者提供了一种灵活地"看"教育和"问"教育的方式.教育现象学的问题意识引导研究者对教育现象的意义追问,教育现象学问题域则规定了研究范围和研究范式.教育现象学透过对问题的表述、分析与理解,实现教育意义的重构.以实践取向为基础的教育现象学,通过对教育现象"是其所是"的追问,形成一条深入"教育实事本身"的致思路径.  相似文献   

Often early childhood educators who fail to frame their research or research methods in positivist traditions or theories of developmental psychology find themselves marginalized in their own field. A reason for the lack of recognition or acceptance of critical theoretical perspectives in early childhood education is the century-long domination of psychological and child development perspectives in the field of early childhood. A second reason relates to the important separate institutional histories of early and elementary education in the United States within academia. This paper explores both the disciplinary and institutional history of early childhood education in an effort to explain the continuing lack of acceptance of critical science perspectives in the field. The costs of this reliance in the past and for the future are discussed.  相似文献   

从不同的社会心理层面阐述英汉语中因文化视角的不同而可能引起的交际障碍。进而提出英语教学应提倡培养学生切换文化视角的能力。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to suggest future directions for research in educational psychology as we enter our second hundred years of psychology in America. The basic theme is that there are both continuities and discontinuities in our development from the early days of Hall, Thorndike, James, and Dewey to the current multiplicity of perspectives represented in educational psychology. Eight issues are presented that will guide future research directions. They include. (a) specifying basic constructs; (b) developing integrative models and linkages between constructs; (c) returning to the problems of acquisition, learning, and transfer; (d) applying models from the sciences and mathematics; (e) dealing with the discontinuity of contextual and cultural models; (0 including content and disciplinary perspectives; (g) adapting to diversity; and (h) developing multiple perspectives an the unit of analysis issue. The article concludes with a call for the allowance of multiple perspectives and multiple possible selves for educational psychologists while maintaining a commitment to psychological models and the improvement of education.  相似文献   

This study addresses a competency of students’ historical thinking related to taking perspectives. We start by discussing socio-cognitive theories from psychology as well as approaches from history education that focus on this competency. We also present empirical findings concerning relationships between achievement, self-concept and interest in the subject of history and connect these findings with the competency to take historical perspectives. Our research questions target this relationship between indicators of achievement and motivation in the subject of history, the competency of historical perspective taking and students’ socio-cognitive ability to adopt social perspectives in their everyday lives. These questions are investigated using a cross-sectional design with 375 grammar school students in grades 7 and 10. Results indicate that in grade 7 the competency to take historical perspectives relates to students’ ability to coordinate social perspectives in their everyday lives. For 10th graders, however, the adoption of historical perspectives is closely related to subject-specific variables such as interest for history, self-concept, history grade and achievement in a test of historical knowledge. In the last section of this paper, we discuss challenges that arise when students’ competencies in a subject like history are assessed within the context of standard-based testing. Specifically, we raise the issues of reliability, validity, the context-specificity of measurements, the kinds of response formats used and the formulation of progression models of historical thinking.  相似文献   

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