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基于雇主满意的高职院校品牌建设影响因素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来高等职业教育得到迅猛发展,但同时也面临着教育市场的激烈竞争和较低的社会认同等困境,高职院校要想获取竞争优势、实现突围,则必须全力打造自己的品牌。在吸收前人研究成果的基础上,笔者试图从雇主满意的角度来探讨高职院校的品牌建设策略,以文献研究和实证研究相结合的方法,构建高职院校雇主满意度的基本模型,探讨雇主满意度各种影响因素之间的关系及其对雇主满意度的作用机制.进而提出高职院校品牌建设的具体建议。  相似文献   

粉煤灰中硫形态的X射线荧光光谱法初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
X射线荧光光谱法的熔融片法测量粉煤灰中硫时,对不同制样(熔样)方法,硫分析有一定差异。本文用X射线荧光光谱法对粉煤灰中硫的价态做了分析测量,以尝试找出粉煤灰中硫在制样以及测量分析中不稳定的原因。  相似文献   

本文阐述了数据库中间件的概念、功能、原理,介绍了现今数据库中间件的几种主要技术,并进行了比较.  相似文献   

Should students receiving a review of previously learned material show better retention than nonreview students? Do students using audio-tutorial review retain more than students using only a study guide? Students at Highland Park Community College participated in a learning-retention experiment. Subjects were assigned randomly to one of four review groups: study guide only, summary audiotape; compressed-speech audiotape, and no review. Analysis of retention scores incorporated Bartlett’s statistic, ANOVAs, and Dunnett’st. A CTMM IQ test also was given the subjects.  相似文献   


In this National Science Foundation Advanced Technician Education program (NSF ATE) project, we aimed to explore factors that would strengthen the rural IT employee workforce and improve educational support related to broadband, telecommunications, and networks in rural settings. Using multiple methods to triangulate rural IT program curricula content with employers’ perceptions and new professionals’ on-the-job experiences, we gained an understanding of common general and technical competencies, perceived rural IT technician workforce readiness, and strategies to bring educational experiences in alignment with professional performance. We also offer findings concerning alignment of technician pathways and recommendations for how to transfer identified competencies to other similar rural markets, along with examples of extensions of this work for exploring and assessing IT pathways.  相似文献   

To help prepare students for the rigors of an online master’s degree in technical and professional communication, I created a course-embedded online student orientation (OSO) structured by the community of inquiry theory of online learning. The study researched the effect of the OSO on student satisfaction, student perceptions of online learning, and students’ program retention. The OSO was effective in helping students to reflect on their learning and demonstrated students’ interest in peer collaboration.  相似文献   

支付高昂教育费用的民办高职学生理应享受良好的教育服务。通过对819名民办高职学生对教育服务质量满意度因子均值得分的SPSS统计分析,发现民办高职院校学生满意度因子的总均值得分大体一致。无财政性拨款的民办高职教育促进了教育公平,培养了大量技能型人才,但在思想层面却不被社会各阶层所接受。为此,民办高职院校要在教育新常态的环境中求发展,必须重视提高教育服务质量和学校声誉建设,引导学生对母校的认同感。  相似文献   

用人单位调查是博士生教育质量评价的一个有效方法,通过获得用人单位对博士生实际工作表现评价的数据信息来客观评价博士生教育质量。研究以现有文献、工作文件和招聘启事等内容为基础,并结合博士生教育的特点,进行德尔菲专家问卷调查,充分听取高校、用人单位等各方专家的意见,初步构建了用人单位满意度评价指标体系,编制了《研究生教育满意度调查问卷(用人单位)》,开展了全国范围的问卷调查,获得了大量调查数据,佐证了本次问卷设计的学理。  相似文献   

本研究采用问卷法对村转居社区新居民心理幸福感、生活满意度和社会支持特点以及三者间关系进行了研究。结果表明:(1)村转居社区新居民的年龄、居住状况、婚姻状况对心理幸福感、生活满意度和社会支持的影响有显著差异。(2)居住状况为"三代同堂"的已婚新居民主观幸福感、生活满意度显著低于其他居住条件的新居民。(3)主观支持、客观支持及生活满意度和主观幸福感之间相关显著。(4)村转居社区新居民的生活满意度、主观支持、客观支持对主观幸福感有直接的预测作用。  相似文献   

坦培拉绘画艺术在油画产生之前一直作为西方主要的绘画艺术形式而存在,其起源建立在中世纪拜占庭风格基础上,后又鉴于文艺复兴时期的广泛运用得以发展和盛行。坦培拉绘画艺术在欧洲艺术文化史研究中一直被作为一种非常重要的绘画技法而深入研究和借鉴,在现代绘画艺术的运用中也占据特殊的地位,其特殊的技法显示出古朴的艺术表现力和强烈的生命力,对绘画艺术史的发展一直产生着重要影响。  相似文献   

Test fairness and test bias are not synonymous concepts. Test bias refers to statistical evidence that the psychometrics or interpretation of test scores depend on group membership, such as gender or race, when such differences are not expected. A test that is grossly biased may be judged to be unfair, but test fairness concerns the broader, more subjective evaluation of assessment outcomes from perspectives of social justice. Thus, the determination of test fairness is not solely a matter of statistics, but statistical evidence is important when evaluating test fairness. This work introduces the use of the structural equation modelling technique of multiple-group confirmatory factor analysis (MGCFA) to evaluate hypotheses of measurement invariance, or whether a set of observed variables measures the same factors with the same precision over different populations. An example of testing for measurement invariance with MGCFA in an actual, downloadable data set is also demonstrated.  相似文献   

This article reports on a study of the quality assessment of doctoral dissertations, and asks whether examiner characteristics influence assessment of research quality in PhD dissertations. Utilising a multi-dimensional concept of quality of PhD dissertations, we look at differences in assessment of research quality, and particularly test whether prior relationship to supervisor, examiners’ assessment experience and the regional affiliation of examiners influence assessment, also controlling for academic fields and type of higher education institutions. The data are drawn from a survey to foreign members of thesis evaluation committees that served in the year 2010 at the Norwegian universities. The sample consisted of 1159 foreign committee members, representing a response rate of 79%. The results indicate that the regional affiliation and previous experience of committee members influence quality assessment significantly, but that the relationship to supervisor(s) was of little importance.  相似文献   

There are few graduate programs available for pursuing a doctorate in anatomy where students gain specific training in gross anatomy dissection and the responsibilities of a medical educator. In light of this fact, the University of Kentucky created a Graduate Certificate in Anatomical Sciences Instruction in 2006. This 12‐credit hour curriculum includes detailed training in gross anatomy and/or neuroscience courses, practicum experiences, a seminar class in pedagogical literature, and a course in educational strategies for the anatomical sciences. The award of certificate completion affirms that the candidate has demonstrated faculty‐supervised proficiency in anatomy dissection, instruction in anatomy topics, and teaching strategies for anatomy. Seventeen graduate students have earned the certificate since its inception; nine students accepted teaching positions in anatomy following their graduate training and currently nine certificate graduates have assistant (six) or associate (three) professor positions in academia. In 2016, an anonymous survey including Likert‐style and open‐ended questions was emailed to all certificate graduates. Graduates favorably responded (each question averaged 4.4 or greater out of 5) that the certificate increased their awareness of teaching‐faculty responsibilities, adequately prepared them for teaching‐related duties, and positively contributed toward their first employment. Graduates indicated that the lecturing and dissection experience, awareness of faculty responsibilities, and job preparation (e.g., teaching philosophy development) were the most helpful aspects of the certificate. These results indicate that the Graduate Certificate in Anatomical Sciences Instruction is viewed by its graduates and their employers as a valuable teaching credential that can be attained alongside a basic science degree. Anat Sci Educ 11: 516–524. © 2018 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

宁波市高职教育学生学习满意度调查分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文参照教育部组织的高职高专院校人才培养工作水平评估指标体系初拟指标,运用调查统计法,构建了高职学生学习满意度测评指标体系;提出了高职教育服务质量六大差距模型;运用灰色关联分析对宁波市几所高职院校的指标满意程度进行排序、分析,为决策提供依据。  相似文献   

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