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The purpose of this literature review is to describe intervention research studies in which paraprofessionals received training applicable to student with disabilities. Thirty studies were systematically reviewed to identify (a) characteristics of study participants and settings, (b) characteristics of paraprofessional training and paraprofessional-implemented intervention evaluated within these studies, (c) quality of the studies, and (d) implications for practice and areas for future research. Overall, paraprofessional training and subsequent intervention with students yielded positive outcomes. Training sessions typically were delivered by workshops, lectures, or classes and classroom-based training. However, numerous studies failed to demonstrate characteristics of study quality.  相似文献   

我国学习不良儿童社会性发展研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学习不良是指个体的实际学业成就与根据其智力潜能期望达到的学业成绩之间的差异,这种差异达到一定标准时就是学习不良。我国对学习不良儿童社会性发展的研究主要从其社会认知、社会行为与相关因素三个方面来探讨学习不良儿童社会性发展的内在机制、特点及影响因素。本文总结了国内这方面的相关研究,以便理清思路,为今后的研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

本文从语境、指示词语、会话含义、言语行为和话轮转换五个方面出发,分析自上个世纪九十年代以来以英语为母语的智力落后儿童的语用障碍研究。结果显示智力落后儿童不能根据语境调整交往策略,经常出现离题现象,同时还发现他们理解指示词语的能力比表达指示词语的能力强。  相似文献   

This study compared perceived stress and social support in fathers and mothers of children with and without disabilities. The sample consisted of 15 families with special needs children and 15 with children with no known handicapping conditions. The Parent Stress Index and a parental questionnaire were used. Findings indicated higher perceived stress in families with special needs children. Within these families no significant differences were found between fathers' and mothers' perceived stress. Significant negative correlations were found between families' stress and support received from fiends and relatives. Negative correlations were found for mothers' stress in Child Domain and support from the community. Implications include planning for active engagement of fathers in all areas of service delivery in early intervention programs, including encouragement for more participation in programming; opening a direct line of communication through designing tailored workshops, support groups and counseling; recognizing fathers' strengths beyond their traditional roles; and viewing them as an additional emotional source of support for mothers.  相似文献   

This study compared perceived stress and social support in fathers and mothers of children with and without disabilities. The sample consisted of 15 families with special needs children and 15 with children with no known handicapping conditions. The Parent Stress Index and a parental questionnaire were used. Findings indicated higher perceived stress in families with special needs children. Within these families no significant differences were found between fathers' and mothers' perceived stress. Significant negative correlations were found between families' stress and support received from fiends and relatives. Negative correlations were found for mothers' stress in Child Domain and support from the community. Implications include planning for active engagement of fathers in all areas of service delivery in early intervention programs, including encouragement for more participation in programming; opening a direct line of communication through designing tailored workshops, support groups and counseling; recognizing fathers' strengths beyond their traditional roles; and viewing them as an additional emotional source of support for mothers.  相似文献   

In this systematic review of literature that spans 1975–2015, integrated reading and writing interventions for students with learning disabilities (LD) or students with academic difficulties were evaluated to understand the extant research, identify encouraging practices, and guide future research. Ten studies met inclusion criteria and each study was evaluated according to the relevant What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) design standards. Eight of the 10 investigations were conducted with students in grades 4–8. While only 4 of the 10 studies met WWC design with or without reservations, results from these studies are encouraging. Study findings suggest several areas for immediate future research relating to methodological and treatment variables and considerations for classroom instruction in order to respond to advanced expectations for the successful integration of reading and writing across subjects. In addition to employing stronger experimental designs and additional replications of encouraging studies, future research should explore the utility of integrated reading and writing interventions with secondary students with who have academic difficulties.  相似文献   

流动学前儿童问题日益严重,越来越多的研究者就流动学前儿童的学校教育、家庭教育、心理健康、社会适应、人身安全、卫生保健服务等多维度展开研究。近18年关于流动学前儿童研究的核心论文,探讨了流动学前儿童面临入园教育机构资源差、园内教育过程不平等与教育效果差的问题,家庭教育面临教育内容不全面和教育方式不科学的问题,心理健康面临焦虑时间长、缺乏自信和自控力的问题,卫生保健面临保健服务利用率普遍低的问题等。这些研究较为全面地揭示了流动学前儿童在城市的生活状况和受教育状况,但在研究对象、研究方法、研究视角和理论发展方面仍有不足,这是后续研究应该继续拓展的方向。  相似文献   

智障儿童青少年的健康问题越来越被社会所关注.采用针对性的干预措施,提高智障儿童青少年基本运动技能,对于促进其体力、心理、认知发展及提升其社会参与度等具有重要意义.研究利用Web of Science、EBSCO、Pub Med等8个数据库,搜索了国内外1990-2020年间发表的有关智障儿童青少年基本运动技能干预的文献...  相似文献   

30年来,儿童哲学理论研究与实践探索在我国取得了一定进展,回顾与总结前人的研究成果,借鉴其学术经验与智慧,反思其研究与探索轨迹,并进行评价与创新,对于儿童哲学教育的健康发展具有重要意义。文章主要阐释儿童哲学的文献概貌、儿童哲学的翻译介绍、儿童哲学的概念阐释、儿童哲学研究的可行性与必要性、儿童哲学的实际运用与中国化及儿童哲学的研究综论。  相似文献   

以CNKI《中国期刊全文数据库》为统计源,运用文献计量学分析方法对国内关于自闭症儿童语言障碍研究的文献进行了年代分布、发表期刊类型、研究力量的机构以及研究角度的统计分析,从而探讨了国内自闲症儿童语障研究的现状和存在的问题,并提出相关建议,以期能对本领域今后的研究提供一些参考与启示。  相似文献   

本文探讨了聋儿心理理论的研究范式、聋儿心理理论的发展特点及影响因素三个方面研究成果,旨在介绍国内外研究现状,并提出聋儿心理理论的未来研究趋势与取向.  相似文献   

在美国特殊教育的发展进程中,残障儿童家庭面临着巨大的压力,同时也起着不可替代性的作用.家庭参与的权利不仅通过法律加以保证,在研究和实践领域中,也得到人们的格外重视.家庭压力、家庭支持、伙伴协作等成为残障儿童家庭参与的研究主题,并最终走向聚焦家庭生活质量提升的赋权增能.  相似文献   

学习困难儿童同时性加工水平低下;性别对同时性加工任务没有显著影响;综合学业成就与同时性加工效率呈显著正相关.分析发现注意的缺陷和计划性的不足可能使学习困难儿童无法将自身的三个动态联系的机能系统有效地协调起来,无法根据经验作出正确的反应;而教育缺陷的积累可能也是导致其同时性加工水平低下的原因之一.  相似文献   

Requirements for reasoning, explaining, and generalizing mathematical concepts increase as students advance through the educational system; hence, improving overall mathematical proficiency is critical. Mathematical proficiency requires students to interpret quantities and their corresponding relationships during problem‐solving tasks as well as generalizing to different contexts; both requirements are particularly challenging for many students with learning disabilities. An in‐depth review of research was completed to (1) demonstrate how interventions targeting mathematical problem solving are categorized into heuristic, semantic, or authentic approaches; (2) explore the degree to which generalization is presented in each approach; and (3) determine the efficacy of each intervention approach. Experimental studies (n = 17) demonstrating the effects of interventions designed to enhance mathematical problem solving for secondary students with or at risk of learning disabilities were analyzed. Findings indicate that the efficacy of the three intervention approaches varies, and that the real‐world connections differ. Implications for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper examines the potential effects on parent‐child interactions when children, because of severe mental and physical impairments, are unable to exhibit most social responses. A model is proposed to explain why a child is perceived to be responsive or unresponsive by parents and caregivers; the former applies only if the child's behaviour is recognized and valued by the observer. It is also proposed that: (a) perceived unresponsiveness may be more critical than the disability per se;(b) intense interactions early in the disabled child's development, commonly described by observers as controlling, intrusive behaviour, may be due to high levels of caregiver motivation and extinction burst effects; and (c) reductions in the amount of some caregiver‐child interactions may be the outcome of previously unrewarded interaction attempts and decreased expectancy levels.  相似文献   

It has been argued that intervention strategies designed to reduce racial prejudice in young children have been based on weak theoretical models of racial stereotyping and prejudice with little effect on the reduction of racial bias. This paper examines the social-cognitive and intergroup scholarship post-Bigler (J Soc Issues 55(4), 687–705, 1999), with an emphasis on the development of racial prejudice in young children. The purpose of this paper is not to argue for a particular theoretical approach, but to provide an overview of some of the important pieces of research. Findings indicate that social learning and cognitive development models need to be understood when implementing curriculum designed to reduce racist beliefs and attitudes in young children.  相似文献   

通过对学龄前残疾儿童家长培训主要形式的基本分析,提出个别指导形式、集体性培训、推荐与提供文字音像资料是学龄前残疾儿童家长培训的有效途径。关注教师与家长双向互动、突出家长主体地位、分层分类培训是提高学龄前残疾儿童家长培训效果的基本要求。  相似文献   

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