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5‐year‐olds, 7‐year‐olds and 9‐year‐olds were asked to draw three figures, one standing still and facing them, one standing still in profile and one running in profile. Half drew from imagination and half drew from models. The 5‐year‐olds made fewest distinctions in the way they drew the figures, the most notable being the greater spread of the legs of the running figure. With increasing age, more features were used to differentiate the three figures. There was little evidence of 5‐year‐olds adapting their figures in the presence of a model. Only among the older children was there a significant effect of the presence of a model when the 7‐year‐olds and, to a greater extent, the 9‐year‐olds drew their running figure with bent arms and legs and also with more transparencies and partial occlusions.  相似文献   

Children aged 4 to 10 years old were asked to draw a person standing absolutely still and a person walking very fast so that someone not present would know from the pictures alone what had been depicted. Even at four some children were able to convey the difference to a viewer and there was increasing success with age. The number of differentiating cues increased with age and there was an age‐related trend in the order in which specific cues appeared in the drawings. The ability of the children to respond flexibly to the task gives no support to notions of rigid mental representations determining what young children can draw. It is argued that contrast tasks are a useful tool for investigating problem solving skills in the domain of drawing and could be used to extend children's skill by providing an occasion for explicit dialogue about how representational information is conveyed to a viewer.  相似文献   

In many Ibero-American countries children in the early childhood education (ECE) system have the opportunity to interact with textbooks on a regular basis. The powerful social function of textbooks in socializing children in primary and secondary school, and in legitimizing what counts as cultural norms and officially sanctioned values and knowledge, is clearly documented. However, the examination of ECE textbooks especially in the context of developing countries for messages about the social construction of the body is virtually nonexistent. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to examine, through a content analysis of the illustrations, the representation of the body across the different categories of gender, age, activity level, space and disability in eight Colombian ECE textbooks from the three major commercial publishing houses between 2009 and 2012. Our results show that these textbook authors and publishers have made an effort to promote equality between the genders. However, only four disabled people were portrayed in the illustrations and there was a lower proportion of older adults doing a limited range of gross motor activities. Likewise the results note that, although progress has been made in terms of the balance of gender representation in textbooks, these still reinforce and legitimize the status of the “able-body”, and contribute to consolidating a view of able-bodiedness as the dominant norm. Taking into account that beliefs and prejudices constitute barriers to education and social participation, these results suggest that the representation of children with disabilities in ECE textbooks at the earliest stages of education should be mandatory.  相似文献   

Extending a recent study of the standards mothers apply in evaluating the quality of children's programs (Nikken et al., 1996), this study investigated the standards children between 9 and 12 years of age (N = 427) use to evaluate the quality of four types of children's programs: children's news programs, educational programs for children, dramatic programs for children, and cartoons. Data were collected by means of questionnaires. A factor analysis resulted in a list of nine types of quality standards. The two quality standards children considered most important were: (a) comprehensibility, and (b) aesthetic quality. Additional standards were: (c) entertainment, (d) involvement, (e) credibility, (f) innocuousness, (g) restfulness, (h) thought provocation, and (i) presence of role models. The importance children attached to the nine quality standards varied with both program type and child characteristics. Seven of the quality standards found in the present study are similar to the maternal quality standards observed in Nikken et al. ‘s study. The children in the present study generally viewed these seven quality standards as less important than the mothers in Nikken et al.’s study. However, the relative importance children and mothers attached to these quality standards showed similarity, especially in the case of cartoons, and to a lesser extent for children's news programs and dramatic programs.  相似文献   

陈鹤琴,中国近代学前儿童教育理论和实践的开创者,以"一切为儿童,一切为教育"的崇高精神、极大的爱国热情献身于民族教育事业,一生致力于从中国国情出发,学习和引进西方教育思想和方法,建设有民族特色的中国现代儿童教育。其倡导的"活教育"为改革传统旧教育对儿童的压迫和残害,提出极有价值的思路,也起到突出而显著的作用。给我们后人留下了博大精深的儿童教育思想。其中,陈鹤琴围绕学习问题,从学习目的、学习客体、学习过程及学习方法等方面做了深入细致的论述,为中国学习思想史宝库留下了极其独特和珍贵的遗产。  相似文献   

科学发展观立足于人与自然、人与社会、人与人自身这三重关系的协调性去建构新的发展模式,实现了从传统发展观到科学发展观伟大而深刻的转折。从伦理的角度来看这三重关系就是需要我们爱自然、爱社会和爱人类自身。传统发展观相对于科学发展观在某种程度上说就是缺失了这种爱的精神。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of using role play (portraying a scientist's life story) on the children's views of the nature of science (NOS). The study was carried out at the Children's University of Trakya in Turkey during the summer of 2010. The participants consisted of 18 children, aged 10–11. They met for 10 days for approximately 3 h per day. All children completed the pre- and post-tests including 16 open-ended questions in order to reveal changes in their views of the NOS prior to and at the completion of the role-play activities. The results revealed that the children had more informed views of the target NOS aspects in comparison with their views prior to the role-play activities. A large majority of the children (around 80–85%) started out with naive conceptions of the target NOS aspects. Following the role-play activities portraying scientists’ lives, there was a 40–45% positive change in children's views of the tentative, empirical and creative/imaginative aspect of the NOS, and a 50–60% positive change in their views regarding the subjective/theory-laden and social–cultural embeddedness of science. The most substantial change occurred in their views concerning scientific method, with a shift of 72%. The percentage of informed views on images of scientists showed diversity. Overall results indicate that role-play/drama-oriented activities portraying scientist's life stories could be used as one of the exciting, informative and constructive ways of developing understanding of the NOS among children.  相似文献   

Teachers' perceptions of their changing practice in the context of the National Literacy Strategy have been well documented in recent years. However, few studies have collected pupils' views or voices. As part of a collaborative research and development project into the teaching and learning of writing, 390 primary pupils' views were collected. A marked difference in attitude to writing and self‐esteem as writers was found between Key Stages 1 and 2, as well as a degree of indifference and disengagement from in‐school writing for some KS2 writers. A strong desire for choice and greater autonomy as writers was expressed and a preference for narrative emerged. This part of the research project ‘We're Writers' has underlined the importance of listening to pupils’ views about literacy, in order to create a more open dialogue about language and learning, and to negotiate the content of the curriculum in response to their perspectives.  相似文献   

This study investigated reasons for the omission of the torso typical in most young children's drawings of the human figure. Do they have an incomplete mental image of the human figure; if so will the torso be omitted from a manikin task too? As the head is normally drawn first, is the torso simply forgotten; if so will children include it if they are asked to draw the torso first? Eighty tadpole‐drawers (aged between 2 years 7 months and 5 years) were randomly allocated to a drawing or a manikin condition; they were further subdivided into a head‐first or torso‐first condition. Significantly more children produced a conventional figure when they constructed a manikin compared with those who were asked to draw; the order of body parts (head‐first vs torso‐first) had no significant effect. These results suggest that young children omit the torso from their human figures because they have yet to devise a way of drawing it, perhaps because it is a relatively unimportant item; there is little evidence that they have simply forgotten it or that their mental model for the human figure is incomplete.  相似文献   

涂山考源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
禹的一生,与涂山颇有缘-据传,他曾娶于涂山,又曾大会诸侯于涂山。文献于“涂山之会”外,又有“会稽之会”一说,事实上,二者是一回事,“会稽之会”本不存在,是作为“禹之苗裔”的越人的善意创制;“娶于涂山”与“会于涂山”之“涂山”,是同一个地方,不应该是两个不同的处所;茫茫禹迹,涂山何在?本文在比较诸说长短得失的基础上,认为还是杜预的“在寿春东北”得之,并予新的论证。  相似文献   

通过观察儿童日常行为,了解其在人际冲突情境下的行为表现,进而研究人际冲突与攻击行为的关系。本次研究主要包括三个方面:1.儿童人际冲突的主要特点;2.儿童自我调解冲突能力的发展特点;3.如何发展儿童调解冲突的能力?研究发现儿童之间发生的人际冲突频繁,但冲突时间较短,而且很少引起暴力攻击行为,随着年龄的增长,儿童自我调节冲突的能力也在不断的增强,发生在同辈之间的人际冲突是儿童发展调节冲突能力的最佳环境,教师在冲突应提供必要支持,促进儿童人际交往能力的发展。  相似文献   

通过构造不同的图形去解一个几何概型问题,联想到发散思维能力的培养。  相似文献   

<正>Children’s Day is one of the happiest days for children,but not all children in the world have it on June 1st.In fact,there are many dates and ways to celebrate it all over the world.Different countries have their own special day for children in their own way.They even have different histories about the holiday.对孩子们来说,儿童节是最令他们开心的节日之一。但不是所有的孩子都  相似文献   

绘人测验是一种重要的心理测评技术,是投射技术的一种。文章简要论述了绘人测验的发展、实施过程、信效度分析及研究状况,修改Koppitz(1968)系统的30项情绪指标,并将各项指标采用5点式评分法,施测于吸毒人群,建立绘人测验人格量化分析体系。以漳州劳动教育研究所30名吸毒人员为被试,通过绘人测验、访谈法以及统计分析法来收集分析数据。采用专家命名法建立的绘人测验人格量化分析体系具有六个维度:对外界的探索性(主动探索、被动探索)、自我接纳性、性生理自我、安全感、自尊、能力自我,各指标间具有较高评分者一致性信度。  相似文献   

乔姆斯基和海姆斯的语言能力观有所不同,乔姆斯基注重语言能力,而海姆斯注重交际能力。针对高职学生英语基础各异的特点,教授不同的学生应以不同的语言理论为指导,实行分级教学,并施以不同的教学方法,真正做到因材施教。  相似文献   

在不同的社会形态中,在社会发展的不同历史阶段上,存在着不同的对化价值的社会评价,就知识化本身而言,它是既不善也不恶的人类的创造物,它只有在被用来增进人类幸福时才可能存在一个善恶,好坏问题,如果说古代社会本质是“权力”的社会,近代社会是“资本”的社会的话,那么,现代社会则是“知识”的社会,要对知识化的发展作出科学的评价,就必须把知识化本身当作人类社会的一种基本价值加以追求,即进一步提高科学技术,知识化的自身价值。  相似文献   

郭梦雅 《海外英语》2013,(22):209-212
The purpose of this research is to identify the historical status of Song Dynasty of China.The historical status of Song Dynasty has been a controversial topic for a long time.Song Dynasty has been remembered in different ways in China and in the West at different times.This study will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Song Dynasty and evaluate Song Dynasty real istically and fairly.  相似文献   

晴雯是《红楼梦》中一个内涵非常丰富的形象,其“身为下贱,心比不高”的品性令人赞赏。对这一复杂性格形象的理解与把握,疾病描写是一条重要的线索。通过对晴雯疾病描写的分析,可以发现这一人物形象独特的性格内,核同时,通过疾病描写能更好地把握这一典型人物的典型环境,从而使读者对晴雯“这一个”有了更全面的认识,这就是《红楼梦》关于晴雯疾病描写的美学意义。  相似文献   

论江泽民人的全面发展观   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
人的全面发展,是共产主义和社会主义的统一。就人的全面发展在社会主义社会的地位和作用而言,它是社会主义的本质规定和要求。在现阶段,人的全面发展的含义和所要达到的目标与要求,是物质生活、政治生活、化生活的全面发展和人与自然的和谐。从马克思主义的理论基础和社会发展的实际过程看,人的全面发展与社会经济化的发展,是两个相互联系、相互促进的永无止境的历史过程。  相似文献   

流质契约一方面是意思自治的结果,另一方面又维护了交易双方利益的衡平,实无禁止的必要。承认了流质契约的效力,也就为非典型担保物权制度的建立扫清了障碍,对我国担保物权制度的完善意义重大。  相似文献   

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