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A bstract .  In this essay, Gert Biesta provides a critical analysis of the idea of evidence-based practice and the ways in which it has been promoted and implemented in the field of education, focusing on the tension between scientific and democratic control over educational practice and research. Biesta examines three key assumptions of evidence-based education: first, the extent to which educational practice can be compared to the practice of medicine, the field in which evidence-based practice was first developed; second, the role of knowledge in professional actions, with special attention to what kind of epistemology is appropriate for professional practices that wish to be informed by the outcomes of research; and third, the expectations about the practical role of research implicit in the idea of evidence-based education. Biesta concludes that evidence-based practice provides a framework for understanding the role of research in educational practice that not only restricts the scope of decision making to questions about effectivity and effectiveness, but that also restricts the opportunities for participation in educational decision making. He argues that we must expand our views about the interrelations among research, policy, and practice to keep in view education as a thoroughly moral and political practice that requires continuous democratic contestation and deliberation.  相似文献   

文章从宏观上用马克思主义的科学眼光考察了广义意义上西方教育目的演进的主要历程,阐释了每一演进历程中西方教育目的主要特征和思想内容,并从西方教育目的的历史演变中理性探索了西方教育目的的三种价值取向。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  This paper critiques what it sees as a tendency on the part of certain social researchers to engage in moralistic critiques of middle-class parents, especially in relation to the choices and actions of such parents within educational quasi-markets. It proceeds to a linked critique of the influence within education of certain aspects of the work of Pierre Bourdieu, with particular reference to the concepts of symbolic violence and the depiction of cultural meanings as arbitrary. It is argued that both these developments involve unhelpful and unjustified forms of reductionism that could have the effect of alienating middle-class support for a range of broadly progressive political endeavours within and beyond education.  相似文献   

西部开发与区域经济创新   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
西部开发中国世纪之交的重要战略决策,事关21世纪中国的现代化建设和各民族的发展,比起东部开发,优先发展,西部开发要艰巨得多。这是由国际原料初级产业市场价格的降低和国内生产相对过剩所决定的,内蒙古横跨三北,毗邻八省,是西部整体开发不可或缺的组成部分,有其不可替代的作用,甚至有望成为重要支点,内蒙古区域经济的发展必须进行体制创新,机制创新,政策创新和战略创新。  相似文献   

教育过程中的知识具有公共性,并非是纯粹意义上的个人主观建构。现代主流的建构主义教育观与课程观,在本质上强调知识的社会建构。过于淡化教育过程中知识的公共性,将使教育实践陷入混乱无序的境地。  相似文献   

The National Institute of Educational Sciences (INCIE), together with the Institute of Educational Sciences (ICE), is a nation‐wide network, the main activities of which are research on education and teacher training. We give below information on its current activities.  相似文献   

社会学组织分析中的新老制度主义与教育研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
二十世纪七八十年代以来,制度理论在社会科学的主要基础学科中重新兴起,对教育研究产生了重要的影响。本文试图系统地分析社会学组织分析的新老制度主义的发展过程、基本概念和分析框架及其在教育领域中的应用,并探讨新老制度主义研究范式在教育组织研究中存在的问题及发展趋向。  相似文献   

西方关于跨国高等教育的研究:概念与问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
跨国高等教育在西方国家已经成为一种发展迅猛的全球性教育现象。本文从跨国教育的涵义、出现原因、推动跨国高等教育的行动者、对输入国的影响、政府管制和教育服务贸易协议六个主题出发,综述了西方学者的跨国高等教育研究,并对其优点与不足加以评介,以期为我国学者在这一领域的进一步研究提供参考。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  This paper considers the use of secondary data analysis in educational research. It addresses some of the promises and potential pitfalls that influence its use and explores a possible role for the secondary analysis of numeric data in the 'new' political arithmetic tradition of social research. Secondary data analysis is a relatively under-used technique in Education and in the social sciences more widely, and it is an approach that is not without its critics. Here we consider two main objections to the use of secondary data: that it is full of errors and that because of the socially constructed nature of social data, simply reducing it to a numeric form cannot fully encapsulate its complexity. However, secondary data also offers numerous methodological, theoretical and pedagogical benefits. Indeed by treating secondary data analysis with appropriate scepticism and respect for its limitations, by demanding that tacit assumptions about the unreliability of secondary data are applied equally to other research methods, and crucially by combining secondary data analysis with small-scale in-depth work, this paper argues for a return to prominence of secondary data analysis in its own right as well as becoming a central component of the new political arithmetic tradition of social research.  相似文献   


This paper concerns research with students on the margins, the disaffected, the excluded, the educational ‘other”. It explores their role in educational research, their relationships to adults and those discourses that prevent their voices being heard It stems from the desire to break free from the theoretical and methodological orthodoxy that is stifling enquiry and the perception of students as passive providers of data.  相似文献   

当前教育研究主要有两种范式 :自然科学范式与人文范式。它们在研究对象、真理及知识观上均有着不同的理解 ,在哲学上则是基于“注视”与“倾听”的不同取向。同时 ,在这两种教育研究范式中 ,研究者有着不同的成长内涵 ,自然科学范式关注研究者的理性、严谨客观态度的形成 ,而人文范式则促进研究者的精神性参与及对被研究者的理解与宽容态度  相似文献   

从美术形式的本体科学性与审美主体对象的客体科学性界定审美与科学的互渗关系。综合实践活动的机制在于它的自然性与自觉性的建构知识与经验体系。综合实践活动的策略是基于其机制的功能构建的,其最大的特点是包容性与多元性:主题的开放性、目标的范性与结果的不可预料性、内容的广泛性、方法的多样与立体性。  相似文献   

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