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In a previous paper the construction of an instrument designed to be of use in the evaluation of modular Masters courses for teachers and administrators in international schools was described. Initial impressions of the efficacy of the instrument were encouraging, and its use was extended in a number of ways within the scheme of continuing professional development organised through the Centre for the study of Education in an International Context at the University of Bath. In particular, the evaluation model was extended to three different modules taught in an increased number of Study Centre locations, by different tutors, to groups of different sizes and composition. Under such a range of conditions the question arises of parity of quality in the delivery of the modules, and the usefulness of the evaluation instrument in contributing to an assessment of the quality of teaching and learning was explored. This paper describes the results of an investigation undertaken to test the robustness of the instrument with respect to both the increased range of dimensions involved and the level of detail possible. The outcomes confirm initial impressions of the overall value of the instrument in assessing general levels of satisfaction expressed by participants with respect to a variety of course features, but also indicate the ways in which it could be employed as a tool to evaluate the relative contributions to overall success made by a set of components concerned with the content of the modules, the teaching arrangements, support for participants and the relevance of the modules to the educational work of those taking part.  相似文献   

In recent guidelines offered to its inspectors, the Office for Standards in Education stressed the importance of monitoring the work not only of subject teachers but also of class tutors. Traditionally, programmes of initial teacher training have largely neglected preparation of their students for the centrality of this role. With the recent move to school‐based ITE there is clear opportunity for PGCE courses to address this shortfall. This paper considers the implications of a programme of initial training in form tutoring from the point of view of the School and Higher Education. It draws on recent research carried out within the Bath University PGCE Partnership scheme and specifically on the author's work as a PGCE tutor.  相似文献   

《高等光学》精品课程建设的实践探索   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
按照教育部关于启动高等学校教学质量与教学改革工程精品建设工作的通知精神,在学校研究生院的支持下,我们开展了高等光学课程建设工作。经过几年的努力,已经完成了教材的编写和出版工作。对高等光学教学实验支持模块建设、网络课程建设、课堂教学改革已取得一些初步成果。本文介绍了我们在高等光学课程建设实践过程中处理和解决问题的一些思考与体会。  相似文献   


During 1992/93, a scheme was set up at the University of Greenwich in the School of Post Compulsory Education and Training to pilot a new way of delivering the one year full‐time pre‐service CertEd(FE)/PGCE(FE) course. The School entered into formal partnership contracts with 4 selected FE colleges and a combined team of University and FE staff collectively planned, taught and assessed many of the key course components. This article describes aspects of the national and local context which led to this development and evaluates its success. Some contrasts are drawn with school‐based partnerships and the potential of the model to meet some of the profession's major concerns at a time of massive upheaval and change is discussed.  相似文献   

This article documents a two‐year journey developing and implementing a teacher education programme that required preservice teachers and teachers, administrators, and students in six cooperating schools to address issues of diversity, multi‐/transculturalisms, inclusion, anti‐racism/anti‐oppression and social justice. We describe approaches and analyse changing attitudes, commitment and activism among those who participated in this ‘Diversity’ cohort initiative—a collaboration between the University of British Columbia’s Faculty of Education and the Vancouver School Board. We profile the courage and commitment of those who began to see themselves as important allies and agents of change in Canada’s most multicultural environment. We acknowledge the less successful aspects, and generate implications for teacher education partnerships that seek to embrace ‘critical’ multicultural, inclusive, and social justice education.  相似文献   

This article describes a course designed to prepare undergraduate students to participate effectively in civic life and in public decisions about education and schooling. The course includes an examination of the theoretical and conceptual basis of civic responsibility and service learning, a review of the process of educational policymaking, and an in-depth exploration of a number of current educational policy issues. The course is taught with service learning pedagogy. Experiences in a service placement yield personal knowledge that has the potential to inform students' critical analysis of theoretical, research, and policy literature and to make students more effective active classroom learners.Susan G. Forman is Vice President for Undergraduate Education at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. She obtained her B.A. and her M.S. at the University of Rhode Island and her Ph.D. in School Psychology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Vice President Forman is responsible for oversight of university-wide curriculum and teaching issues and has substantially expanded service learning courses as a means of increasing students' understanding of citizenship. Louise C. Wilkinson is Dean of the Graduate School of Education at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. Her B.A. is from Oberlin College, her Ed.M. from Harvard University, and her Ph.D. in Human Development also from Harvard. Dean Wilkinson's interests in education span primary through higher education and include a focus on teacher education and how educational policies are formulated and implemented.  相似文献   

This paper describes the development of criteria for the production, marking and external examination of sketchbooks as research tools. The sketchbooks are developed in the Department of Education at Liverpool University in two settings: by students on a one- year Post Graduate Certificate of Education courses (PGCE), training to be primary teachers, and by practising primary teachers on Certificate of Advanced Studies in Education courses (CASE). In this setting the sketchbooks are weighted as the equivalent of a 5,000 word essay.  相似文献   

Maureen Nimon has taught high school and college students and is currently teaching in Librarianship at the South Australian College of Advanced Education in Adelaide. She holds a doctorate from Flinders University.  相似文献   

Two intensive drawing weekends were held to at Bath Spa University College, School of Art & Design – in September 2001 and again in 2002. The weekends are designed as ‘taster’ events for the NSEAD Artist–Teacher Scheme and have been a joint venture between the Society and ‘Power Drawing’ the education programme of ‘The Campaign for Drawing’. The Artist–Teacher Scheme is based on the simple belief that art and design teachers who maintain their own creative practice are significantly more effective in the classroom or studio and more likely to be satisfied with their work in education. The scheme aims to provide opportunities for artist–teachers to review and develop their creative practice in relation to the highest levels of contemporary practice in the contexts of higher education institutions and art museums and galleries. The Campaign for Drawing is led by the Guild of St George, a charity founded by John Ruskin. It aims to promote visual literacy as an integral part of learning at all ages, to investigate the functions of drawing across the curriculum and to develop appropriate learning and teaching strategies. Artist Teachers who have led the weekends include Eileen Adams (Education Programme Leader Power Drawing), Sonia Boyce, Bob Briggs, Peter Feroze, John McNorton, Sheila Paine, Lesley Sanderson and Tom Wood. Over 100 teachers have experienced the drawing weekend to date and another event is planned for 2003.  相似文献   

This is a case study of using the ePortfolio in a module taught in a Master degree at the High Institute of Continuous Education of a Tunisian university. The first purpose of our initiative is to raise awareness of the concept among the Tunisian teachers because most of our students are teachers. Our second purpose is to support these students throughout their learning. To evaluate the impact of the ePortfolio use, a questionnaire was proposed to the students and its results indicate that they appreciate it. The students were keen to have the ePortfolio extended to the other modules despite the fact that they find it time-consuming. An ideal student’s profile for the continuation of similar initiatives is suggested: it is an adult learner who massively uses the computer in a diversified and a well-targeted manner. This paper addresses also the case study findings concerning teaching adult learners.  相似文献   

This paper reports on an evaluation of the visiting teacher lecturer programme at the University of Western Sydney Macarthur in Sydney, Australia. Between 1992 and 1996, ten practising school teachers taught full‐time within the Faculty of Education for a period of 12 months each. The teachers were known as visiting teaching lecturers and worked in the Faculty's Secondary, Primary and Early Childhood Teacher Education Programmes. The visiting teaching lecturer programme was instigated in order to ensure that recent and relevant experience was available to preservice teacher education students within the Faculty's programmes. Also, the Department of School Education was enthusiastic about the programme as it enabled teachers to gain significant professional development both for themselves and for the Department. The extent to which the programme met these goals, in spite of numerous policy barriers introduced at both State and Federal level, is explored.  相似文献   

In this article, we compare the Secondary English Post Graduate Certificate of Education (PGCE) programme for initial teacher education at the University of Bristol, UK, with that at the University of Malta, with particular attention to the content of the respective programmes and the role of the school‐based mentor. We explore issues raised by the fact that, while Bristol relies on a mentor figure to support all student teachers, the Maltese programme does not yet use this model. Consideration is given to the benefits and challenges of working with mentors and the implications for student teachers and their mentors with the development of the newly‐introduced School Direct programme in England.  相似文献   

孟禄是20世纪上半叶世界知名的美国教育家。他曾主持哥伦比亚大学师范学院教育部和国际研究所,热忱指导和培养了许多中国留学生,其中不少人日后成为中国文教界领袖。  相似文献   


This article describes the role of primary school teachers in Iraq in connection with curriculum change and development. It identifies the ways in which professional teachers have been faced with increased central control and concludes by responding directly to the Ministry of Education. A survey involving interviews and question‐ naires was conducted with primary school teachers of different school location, age, gender, experience, qualifications and subjects taught, and in various school locations. Headteachers and education officials were also interviewed to establish the degree of involvement of primary teachers in their curriculum planning process.  相似文献   

Carol Miller and Jill Porter, of the School of Education, The University of Birmingham, provide a penetrating critical response to the Teacher Training Agency's two consultation documents on SEN specialist teachers, which it is hoped will stimulate a wide-ranging debate.  相似文献   

Joseph Black. Professor Black is Head of the School of Engineering at the University of Bath. Objects in Higher Education , by Ruth Beard, F. G. Healey and P. J. Holloway.
K. G. Collier Mr. Collier is Principal of Bede College, Durham. Case Studies of Educational Innovation: IV Strategies for Innovation in Education .  相似文献   

当今,许多教师和研究人员对发展教学专业性方面特别感兴趣。各国政府也特别重视和鼓励这一方面的研究和实践。但是,在发展教师的专业性方面,教育领域和教师群体中仍存在很多的问题和意见分歧。从本文中韩国忠南的中学教师的教师专业性的研究结果来看,很多教师都想在课堂上教好,而且希望促进和提高教师在教学中的专业性。源于此,ITEN (国际教师联网,http://www.iten.kr)开发了为搭配型先进教学的教师个性化自我进修系统。此系统分为,教学关注区域、教学观察区域、模仿优秀教学案例进行教学实践的区域,以及进行创意性教学和反思性专栏的区域等四个领域。在这些区域教师可以使用相互比较的优秀的和不好的教学录像。此系统(ISSUE:合格教育者个性化自我进修系统)将有助于教师专业性的开发和发展,而且通过教学可以自动地混合教学。  相似文献   

通过对华中师范大学与湖北第二师范学院两所大学通识选修课相关政策的对比分析,发现两所学校通识选修课在开设目的、开课模块与考核方式等方面相同,在管理机构、开课条件、学分要求与设置、政策支持等方面不同。指出湖北二师为提高人才培养质量,真正实现通识教育的目标应从加强对通识选修课理念的理解,设置通识选修课程实体性机构,优化课程结构、课程内容、上课时间,加强通识选修课程师资力量建设等方面着手改进。  相似文献   

Ms. Swing, who has studied and taught in Belgium, is a research assistant at the Graduate School of Education, University of Pennsylvania. This article was prepared specifically for Western European Education.  相似文献   

2 1世纪应当培养什么样的人才 ,大连大学体育人以自己的实践经验探索出强化培养体育大学生综合素质的新路。本文从适应市场需求 ,开拓办学视野 ,建立特色专业 ,改革教学模式 ,交叉学科内容 ,构建体育文化 ,加强学风建设 ,丰富学生社会实践 ,提高学生创新能力 ,体育赛事为载体 ,教育实践双丰收的不同侧面 ,阐述了培养体育人才的探索之路 ,以此与各高校同行共同探讨。  相似文献   

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