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90年代的罗马尼亚高等教育改革(1989~1995)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
巨变后罗马尼亚的高等教育发生了翻天覆地的变化.本文从公立高校、私立高校、就业市场、政策法规等不同方面描述了罗马尼亚高等教育在20世纪90年代前半期的发展情况和面临的问题;并阐述了政府针对这些问题在高等教育结构、拨款渠道的多样化、人事制度以及政府管理职能的转变等方面采取的改革措施.  相似文献   

The problems facing Chinese higher education are analysed and it is argued that these are caused by underfunding, high inflation and low internal efficiency. Possible strategies for addressing these problems are discussed: these include: (i) improving internal efficiency; (ii) developing systems of cost-sharing and cost-recovery; (iii) income generation by individual universities; and (iv) increasing national expenditure on higher education as soon as the state of the economy allows.  相似文献   

In Argentina, inadequate financing of higher education is an old rather than a new issue. The paper takes a close look at the financing issues associated with the evolution of national universities in Argentina in 1960–1990. Accordingly, the first and second sections highlight the major trend of the last thirty years in student population, faculty staff and goverment spending. The third section explores the teaching and research labor market covered by the national universities. The fourth section includes a discussion of several proposals under debate to ease existing constraints to the financing of higher education. Finally, the feasibility of these proposals, as well as their limitations and possibilities in the light of the the long run trend in enrollment and expenditures reviewed in the previous sections are discussed.This work was partially financed by a grant from the Consejo de Investigaciones de la Provincia de Córdoba (CONICOR).  相似文献   

This article contextualizes Neus Evans’ recommendations for moving Education for Sustainability in Teacher Education forward by introducing advances in this work in the context of Canadian faculties of education. By tracking the developments of a growing national network, and its contributions to research, practice and policy in this field, clear steps are being made to move from adaptation of the existing systems towards a wider transformation of education towards sustainability in Canada.  相似文献   

This article offers a series of reflections based on a recent edited collection, Environmental and Sustainability Education Policy: International Trends, Priorities and Challenges. As one of its editors, here I bring together key features of the collection and themes pertinent to this emerging field of scholarship, to offer some way-markers for possible future research avenues. Taken together, I trust these observations might help others navigate what we encountered in policy studies and practice development, and illuminate various blank, blind, bald and bright spots for research and policy in both environmental and sustainability education, and related fields of inquiry.  相似文献   

The author, a well-known Romanian academic and politician, reflects upon the nearly three years, beginning in December 1997, that he served as Minister of National Education. A member of the Democratic Coalition government, he was granted a mandate to undertake a massive and comprehensive reform of the whole Romanian education system. His aim was to remove the last vestiges of the communist heritage from it, to adapt it to European Union norms, and thus to enable Romania to meet the educational criteria for accession to the European Union. He set in motion a reform process that was even more profound than the earlier communist reform of Romanian education in 1948.  相似文献   

The further education sector in England and Wales has been marketized. Colleges are now corporations, business practices have been adopted wholesale and a new managerialism is clearly evident. Economic rationalist discourse, a new cult of the individual and a growing emphasis on the promises of new technology are all major features of the further education sector today. In this paper, I want to argue that these changes are not simply the result of the global restructuring of the economy and New Right politics, but can be seen as a direct descendant of deeply patriarchal philosophical trends in the history of Western thought. The Cartesian mind/body dichotomy, with its gendered, racialized and classed implications, is replayed within the discourses and practices of economic rationality, masculinist managerialism and the mythologies of the new technology. I will argue that far from being neutral and rational, newly marketized colleges embody those irrational and dangerous elements usually reserved for ‘Others’.  相似文献   


In 1986 the Federal Government in India adopted a National Policy on Education after a decade's debate on how to more effectively universalise elementary education. The preparation of teachers is to be central. New attitudes as well as skills are recognised as having to be developed. Many Indian children attend private schools and many others do not attend school at all. The implementing of the NPE aim to equalise educational opportunity is an immense challenge to teachers, especially when working with the disadvantaged sections in society such as women, the disabled, the lowest caste and the scheduled tribes. This follows since, traditionally, teachers worked with the privileged, highly motivated school‐attenders rather than with the school drop‐outs or the non‐enroilers. Teachers will now be expected to be concerned with the development of both the whole person and the community.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to identify the major science education programs in the United States, where the science education researchers published their research. This research is the first study of the scholarly productivity of science education programs at domestic institutions of higher education. Each issue of the eight research journals (Journal of Research in Science Teaching, Science Education, International Journal of Science Education, Journal of Science Teacher Education, School Science and Mathematics, Journal of Computers in Math and Science Teaching, Journal of Science Education and Technology, and Journal of Elementary Science Education) published in the 1990s provided the author(s) and their institutional affiliation. The resultant ranking of raw and weighted counts for the top 30 science educations programs shows variation in journals where research was published. Overall, regardless whether the total number of publications (raw) or weighted rating there was 90% agreement among top 10 and 70% agreement among the bottom 10. Potential explanations for variations and uses for rankings are discussed.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the processof internationalization of higher education inJapan since 1995 from two main points of view:1) the improved quality and efficiency ofuniversity education and 2) the increasedopenness to students from any background. Governmental initiatives, intended to increasethe number of international students, alsoenabled drastic changes in financial and humanresource allocations at both national andinstitutional levels. Individual institutionshave been strongly influenced by theseinitiatives and some have actively utilizedinternationalization as a way to enrich theiruniversity education. Equal opportunity foruniversity admission has not been fully securedfor ethnic minorities residing in Japan. Themeaning of internationalization should be nowconsidered from a broader perspective.  相似文献   

Higher education in Australia is seen as having reached the conclusion of one phase of development characterized by a high degree of central planning and to be engineering a new phase in which it is argued that a radically different orientation is required. Recovery of at least shared responsibility by the states and the development of private initiatives should help to promote more creative management through diversification of funding sources and lines of accountability. Pressures for change follow demographic and social changes in the Australian population which are likely to favors increased participation in higher education for both personal and national economic purposes.  相似文献   

文章以90年代以来的华文教育作为研究对象,结合国际环境、菲律宾政府和菲华社会的改变,分析菲律宾华文教育的走向及其原因和特点。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代德国高等教育财政改革述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪 90年代是统一后的德国高等教育财政改革十分活跃的 1 0年。高等教育拨款、科研经费、学生资助三个层面的改革举措 ,使德国高等教育财政体制和运行机制向以市场为导向、以效益为本位、以多元投资为特征的方向演变  相似文献   

References to environmental literacy in the environmental education literature tend not to pay specific attention to fundamental debates about literacy, for example concerning the limits of textuality. If it can be argued that we 'read' the environment, then the scope of environmental literacy is even larger than that of environmental education. However, it is hard to justify the relevance of 'literacy' in a narrower sense than this as any more than marginal in environmental education. In this article, we define a weak conception as one which is inconsistent or unclear in these respects in the field of environmental education; a strong conception takes a broad view of literacy and acknowledges its full ramifications with respect to environmental education.  相似文献   

建国后以色列高等教育发展十分迅速,并且取得了巨大的教育成就,但在上世纪90年代以色列的高等教育也出现了一些问题和危机。分析这些问题和危机及其产生的原因,希望能对我国高等教育的发展有所启发和借鉴。  相似文献   

The decade of the 1990s was a time of intense production and the consolidation of its institutionalchannels for research, debate and publication for the historiography of education in Argentina. In theoretical‐methodological terms, this period saw the disappearance of the traditional lines of events‐based chronicles, a relative continuity in the social history of education and the consolidation of a new critical pedagogical and institutional history. Interest developed in current problems like power and gender relations, andin non‐hegemonic and alternative discourses’ present in different area like the curriculum, school organization and everyday life, teacher training and educadonal policies. The present article analyzes the particularities of this development in the historiography of education, constituted as it is with a stronginter‐disdpHnarypresence, and notes its objects of study, the methodologies that are used, and the theoretical resources that gave rise to the hypotheses and arguments.


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