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This paper reports our experimental investigation into the use of more realistic concepts as opposed to simple keywords for document retrieval, and reinforcement learning for improving document representations to help the retrieval of useful documents for relevant queries. The framework used for achieving this was based on the theory of Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) and Lattice Theory. Features or concepts of each document (and query), formulated according to FCA, are represented in a separate concept lattice and are weighted separately with respect to the individual documents they present. The document retrieval process is viewed as a continuous conversation between queries and documents, during which documents are allowed to learn a set of significant concepts to help their retrieval. The learning strategy used was based on relevance feedback information that makes the similarity of relevant documents stronger and non-relevant documents weaker. Test results obtained on the Cranfield collection show a significant increase in average precisions as the system learns from experience.  相似文献   

Numerous feature-based models have been recently proposed by the information retrieval community. The capability of features to express different relevance facets (query- or document-dependent) can explain such a success story. Such models are most of the time supervised, thus requiring a learning phase. To leverage the advantages of feature-based representations of documents, we propose TournaRank, an unsupervised approach inspired by real-life game and sport competition principles. Documents compete against each other in tournaments using features as evidences of relevance. Tournaments are modeled as a sequence of matches, which involve pairs of documents playing in turn their features. Once a tournament is ended, documents are ranked according to their number of won matches during the tournament. This principle is generic since it can be applied to any collection type. It also provides great flexibility since different alternatives can be considered by changing the tournament type, the match rules, the feature set, or the strategies adopted by documents during matches. TournaRank was experimented on several collections to evaluate our model in different contexts and to compare it with related approaches such as Learning To Rank and fusion ones: the TREC Robust2004 collection for homogeneous documents, the TREC Web2014 (ClueWeb12) collection for heterogeneous web documents, and the LETOR3.0 collection for comparison with supervised feature-based models.  相似文献   

This paper presents a probabilistic information retrieval framework in which the retrieval problem is formally treated as a statistical decision problem. In this framework, queries and documents are modeled using statistical language models, user preferences are modeled through loss functions, and retrieval is cast as a risk minimization problem. We discuss how this framework can unify existing retrieval models and accommodate systematic development of new retrieval models. As an example of using the framework to model non-traditional retrieval problems, we derive retrieval models for subtopic retrieval, which is concerned with retrieving documents to cover many different subtopics of a general query topic. These new models differ from traditional retrieval models in that they relax the traditional assumption of independent relevance of documents.  相似文献   

The Internet, together with the large amount of textual information available in document archives, has increased the relevance of information retrieval related tools. In this work we present an extension of the Gambal system for clustering and visualization of documents based on fuzzy clustering techniques. The tool allows to structure the set of documents in a hierarchical way (using a fuzzy hierarchical structure) and represent this structure in a graphical interface (a 3D sphere) over which the user can navigate.Gambal allows the analysis of the documents and the computation of their similarity not only on the basis of the syntactic similarity between words but also based on a dictionary (Wordnet 1.7) and latent semantics analysis.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problem of how to rank retrieval systems without the need for human relevance judgments, which are very resource intensive to obtain. Using TREC 3, 6, 7 and 8 data, it is shown how the overlap structure between the search results of multiple systems can be used to infer relative performance differences. In particular, the overlap structures for random groupings of five systems are computed, so that each system is selected an equal number of times. It is shown that the average percentage of a system’s documents that are only found by it and no other systems is strongly and negatively correlated with its retrieval performance effectiveness, such as its mean average precision or precision at 1000. The presented method uses the degree of consensus or agreement a retrieval system can generate to infer its quality. This paper also addresses the question of how many documents in a ranked list need to be examined to be able to rank the systems. It is shown that the overlap structure of the top 50 documents can be used to rank the systems, often producing the best results. The presented method significantly improves upon previous attempts to rank retrieval systems without the need for human relevance judgments. This “structure of overlap” method can be of value to communities that need to identify the best experts or rank them, but do not have the resources to evaluate the experts’ recommendations, since it does not require knowledge about the domain being searched or the information being requested.  相似文献   

This paper presents a relevance model to rank the facts of a data warehouse that are described in a set of documents retrieved with an information retrieval (IR) query. The model is based in language modeling and relevance modeling techniques. We estimate the relevance of the facts by the probability of finding their dimensions values and the query keywords in the documents that are relevant to the query. The model is the core of the so-called contextualized warehouse, which is a new kind of decision support system that combines structured data sources and document collections. The paper evaluates the relevance model with the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) TREC test subcollection and a self-constructed fact database.  相似文献   

Traditional measures of retrieval effectiveness, of which the recall ratio is an outstanding example, are strongly influenced by the relevance properties of unexamined documents—documents with which the system user has no direct contact. Such an influence is awkward to explain in traditional terms, but is readily justified within the broader framework of a utility-theoretic approach. The utility-theoretic analysis shows that unexamined documents can be important in theory, but usually are not when it is the statistics of large samples that are of interest. It is concluded that the traditional concern with the relevance or nonrelevance of unexamined documents is misplaced, and that traditional measures of effectiveness should be replaced by estimates of the direct utility of the examined documents.  相似文献   

Traditional measures of retrieval effectiveness, of which the recall ratio is an outstanding example, are strongly influenced by the relevance properties of unexamined documents—documents with which the system user has no direct contact. Such an influence is awkward to explain in traditional terms, but is readily justified within the broader framework of a utility-theoretic approach. The utility-theoretic analysis shows that unexamined documents can be important in theory, but usually are not when it is the statistics of large samples that are of interest. It is concluded that the traditional concern with the relevance or nonrelevance of unexamined documents is misplaced, and that traditional measures of effectiveness should be replaced by estimates of the direct utility of the examined documents.  相似文献   

Typical pseudo-relevance feedback methods assume the top-retrieved documents are relevant and use these pseudo-relevant documents to expand terms. The initial retrieval set can, however, contain a great deal of noise. In this paper, we present a cluster-based resampling method to select novel pseudo-relevant documents based on Lavrenko’s relevance model approach. The main idea is to use overlapping clusters to find dominant documents for the initial retrieval set, and to repeatedly use these documents to emphasize the core topics of a query.  相似文献   

文献资源保障体系是揭示文献资源收集、贮存、传递、检索、利用等诸多功能为一体,保障满足读者对任何文献需求的工作整体,对此国家、各大区域或省市、各高校图书馆及情报单位都相应建设本单位的文献资源保障体系,在网络环境下,全国形成了一个有序的联合整体,供读者检索利用。  相似文献   

This paper presents an investigation about how to automatically formulate effective queries using full or partial relevance information (i.e., the terms that are in relevant documents) in the context of relevance feedback (RF). The effects of adding relevance information in the RF environment are studied via controlled experiments. The conditions of these controlled experiments are formalized into a set of assumptions that form the framework of our study. This framework is called idealized relevance feedback (IRF) framework. In our IRF settings, we confirm the previous findings of relevance feedback studies. In addition, our experiments show that better retrieval effectiveness can be obtained when (i) we normalize the term weights by their ranks, (ii) we select weighted terms in the top K retrieved documents, (iii) we include terms in the initial title queries, and (iv) we use the best query sizes for each topic instead of the average best query size where they produce at most five percentage points improvement in the mean average precision (MAP) value. We have also achieved a new level of retrieval effectiveness which is about 55–60% MAP instead of 40+% in the previous findings. This new level of retrieval effectiveness was found to be similar to a level using a TREC ad hoc test collection that is about double the number of documents in the TREC-3 test collection used in previous works.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new robust relevance model is proposed that can be applied to both pseudo and true relevance feedback in the language-modeling framework for document retrieval. There are at least three main differences between our new relevance model and other relevance models. The proposed model brings back the original query into the relevance model by treating it as a short, special document, in addition to a number of top-ranked documents returned from the first round retrieval for pseudo feedback, or a number of relevant documents for true relevance feedback. Second, instead of using a uniform prior as in the original relevance model proposed by Lavrenko and Croft, documents are assigned with different priors according to their lengths (in terms) and ranks in the first round retrieval. Third, the probability of a term in the relevance model is further adjusted by its probability in a background language model. In both pseudo and true relevance cases, we have compared the performance of our model to that of the two baselines: the original relevance model and a linear combination model. Our experimental results show that the proposed new model outperforms both of the two baselines in terms of mean average precision.  相似文献   

The success of information retrieval depends on the ability to measure the effective relationship between a query and its response. If both are posed in natural language, one might expect that understanding the meaning of that language could not be avoided. The aim of this research is to demonstrate that it is perhaps unnecessary to be able to determine the meaning in the absolute sense; it may be sufficient to measure how far there is a conformity in meaning, and then only in the context of the set of documents in which the answer to a query is sought. Handling a particular language using a computer is made possible through replacing certain texts by special sets. A given text has a ‘syntactic trace’, the set of all the overlapping trigrams forming part of the text. When determining the effective relationship between a query and its answer, not only do their syntactic traces play a role, but so do the traces of all other documents in the set. This is known as the ‘information trace method’.  相似文献   

Listwise learning to rank models, which optimize the ranking of a document list, are among the most widely adopted algorithms for finding and ranking relevant documents to user information needs. In this paper, we propose ListMAP, a new listwise learning to rank model with prior distribution that encodes the informativeness of training data and assigns different weights to training instances. The main intuition behind ListMAP is that documents in the training dataset do not have the same impact on training a ranking function. ListMAP formalizes the listwise loss function as a maximum a posteriori estimation problem in which the scoring function must be estimated such that the log probability of the predicted ranked list is maximized given a prior distribution on the labeled data. We provide a model for approximating the prior distribution parameters from a set of observation data. We implement the proposed learning to rank model using neural networks. We theoretically discuss and analyze the characteristics of the introduced model and empirically illustrate its performance on a number of benchmark datasets; namely MQ2007 and MQ2008 of the Letor 4.0 benchmark, Set 1 and Set 2 of the Yahoo! learning to rank challenge data set, and Microsoft 30k and Microsoft 10K datasets. We show that the proposed models are effective across different datasets in terms of information retrieval evaluation metrics NDCG and MRR at positions 1, 3, 5, 10, and 20.  相似文献   

Searching for relevant material that satisfies the information need of a user, within a large document collection is a critical activity for web search engines. Query Expansion techniques are widely used by search engines for the disambiguation of user’s information need and for improving the information retrieval (IR) performance. Knowledge-based, corpus-based and relevance feedback, are the main QE techniques, that employ different approaches for expanding the user query with synonyms of the search terms (word synonymy) in order to bring more relevant documents and for filtering documents that contain search terms but with a different meaning (also known as word polysemy problem) than the user intended. This work, surveys existing query expansion techniques, highlights their strengths and limitations and introduces a new method that combines the power of knowledge-based or corpus-based techniques with that of relevance feedback. Experimental evaluation on three information retrieval benchmark datasets shows that the application of knowledge or corpus-based query expansion techniques on the results of the relevance feedback step improves the information retrieval performance, with knowledge-based techniques providing significantly better results than their simple relevance feedback alternatives in all sets.  相似文献   

The relevance feedback process uses information obtained from a user about a set of initially retrieved documents to improve subsequent search formulations and retrieval performance. In extended Boolean models, the relevance feedback implies not only that new query terms must be identified and re-weighted, but also that the terms must be connected with Boolean And/Or operators properly. Salton et al. proposed a relevance feedback method, called DNF (disjunctive normal form) method, for a well established extended Boolean model. However, this method mainly focuses on generating Boolean queries but does not concern about re-weighting query terms. Also, this method has some problems in generating reformulated Boolean queries. In this study, we investigate the problems of the DNF method and propose a relevance feedback method using hierarchical clustering techniques to solve those problems. We also propose a neural network model in which the term weights used in extended Boolean queries can be adjusted by the users’ relevance feedbacks.  相似文献   

This paper presents a study of relevance feedback in a cross-language information retrieval environment. We have performed an experiment in which Portuguese speakers are asked to judge the relevance of English documents; documents hand-translated to Portuguese and documents automatically translated to Portuguese. The goals of the experiment were to answer two questions (i) how well can native Portuguese searchers recognise relevant documents written in English, compared to documents that are hand translated and automatically translated to Portuguese; and (ii) what is the impact of misjudged documents on the performance improvement that can be achieved by relevance feedback. Surprisingly, the results show that machine translation is as effective as hand translation in aiding users to assess relevance in the experiment. In addition, the impact of misjudged documents on the performance of RF is overall just moderate, and varies greatly for different query topics.  相似文献   

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