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劝返作为引渡的替代性措施之一,早在2007年的胡星案中就成功使用过。劝返较引渡和引渡的其他替代性措施,确实存在一系列优势,但它的困境也是显而易见的:其前提性条件的具备何其艰难;其是否像有的学者所说的那样应认定为自首;为何杨湘洪至今未被劝返。总之,充分比较劝返的利弊之后,我们是否继续不遗余力地对劝返措施进行提倡,如果提倡的话,如何提倡,则是不得不面对的问题。  相似文献   

Why are so many teachers reluctant to make talking to parents a priority? In the Warnock Report, the 1981 Education Act and, more recently, the Fish Report teachers were urged to form 'partnerships' with parents. Yet very little progress has been made in this direction with the parents of children with emotional and behavioural difficulties. Neil Dawson and Brenda McHugh are two ILEA teachers who have been using a family systems approach in the Marlborongh Family Service Education Unit for children with emotional and behavioural difficulties in north west London. In this article they explore the question, 'Why is it so difficult?' and share their ideas and experiences of possible solutions.  相似文献   

颜回是孔子最得意的弟子。孔子曾说过"回也非助我者也"的话,但实际情况并非如此。与孔、颜同时代的人也不这样认为。颜回在道德修养、传道、守道、弘道,团结门人及思想方法等方面对孔子多所助益。孔子也曾说过颜回在"仁"、"信"方面要强于自己,又径直称之为"圣人",这些都说明"回也非助我者也"这一句并不能概括孔颜之间的关系。  相似文献   

大学对于学生最主要的意义是扩大眼界、提高见识,使人拥有更丰富的内心世界和更高洁的人生境界,有丰富的不断超越自我的内在动力。因此,大学首先要带给学生的是现代文明的教养;其次是发展学生的洞察力、鉴赏力和批判性的思考力;第三才是专业知识和专业技能;最终,要帮助学生获得作为知识分子的品格。为此,大学应该是思想最活跃、最富有创造力的学术殿堂,是新思想、新知识和新文化的策源地。  相似文献   

Diversity programs are common in the American workplace. Most organizations, either formally or informally, have facilitated diversity interventions designed to educate employees about cultural differences, to recruit a diverse workforce, to enhance career opportunities, or to improve cross‐cultural interactions. Unfortunately, many of these programs have failed to deliver the desired results. One reason for this lack of success is the failure to connect diversity programs to organizational performance systems. This article offers a five‐step process to use in systematically developing performance‐focused diversity interventions and evaluating their impact on individual and organizational success.  相似文献   

从中学英语到大学英语是一个新的转折 ,而许多新生却无法适应。在整个学习过程中仍沿用着中学英语的学习方法和习惯 ,因而出现了许多问题。作为教师 ,应积极引导并帮助他们尽快适应大学英语的学习 ,从而达到大学英语的教学目的。  相似文献   

现代社会的信息化使得学校德育处于一个完全开放的社会环境中。在各种不同的意识形态、价值观、道德观的冲击下,学校德育面临许多困境。只有变“强迫服从”为“教会选择”才能使学校德育摆脱困境,为社会培养更多的人才。  相似文献   

译者作为原文和译文的中介 ,要处理好与原文作者、原文及译文读者等几个方面的关系。译者首先要了解原文作者所处的文化背景、社会背景和时代背景及其写作风格 ,这样才能有助于正确解读原文。译者在翻译原文时 ,必须注意译文和原文在字词、句子结构及文化习俗等方面的不对等现象 ,用符合译入语习惯的行文传达原文的意义。另一方面 ,译者在翻译时要尽最大可能地忠实传达原文风格 ,压抑乃至隐藏自己的个人风格。在处理和译文读者的关系时 ,要充分考虑读者群的接受能力及其所处的社会、时代和文化背景 ,及由此形成的读者的审美情趣等。  相似文献   

在环境权的理论探讨方面,学术界多把注意力集中在环境权的基本理论方面,对于环境权的保护、补偿、救济等实务,特别是关于公民环境权的救济则鲜有论及,导致环境权的救济在司法实践中难以实现。尤其是公民环境权的救济途径与救济的实现方式这两方面存在严重缺陷,需要进一步完善。  相似文献   

在英语学习过程中,介词的学习和使用是比较重要的方面,需要在弄懂其确切含义的前提下,努力加以掌握,本文着重探讨了成语介词due to(因为)和owing to(因为)的相同和不同之外,以期引起英语学习者的注意,掌握好成语介词,进面为学习英语打好基础。  相似文献   

如何提高中学生学习数学的兴趣   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
教师的神圣职责是"传道、授业、解惑".教学有法而无定法,教师在教学过程中要提高教学质量,必须提高自己的业务素质,必须加强工作责任心,从提高学生学习数学的兴趣着手.  相似文献   

Under the apartheid state, higher education was structured to maintain and reproduce the subordinate social and economic position of non-Whites. The post-apartheid higher education sector suffered from fragmentation along racial lines, a lack of sustainability, and a structural incapacity to meet the challenges of restructuring and development. After more than a decade of reform, the Ministry of Education announced the plan to restructure the higher education system, consolidating 36 institutions into 21. Institutional mergers were perhaps the most significant structural change to the higher education system since post-apartheid desegregation of universities. This article examines the role of these new higher education institutions in promoting social cohesion within the university and by extension, the society at large. The institutional functions of the new universities are evaluated on the basis of the following indicators: (a) curriculum, (b) institutional climate, (c) perception of fair treatment of all students and (d) mechanisms to adjudicate community differences. Although all these aspects of institutional functions are important, it is the perception of fair treatment across the higher education system that informs desirable behavior that can promote social cohesion in society as a whole.  相似文献   

化学实验中学生要对产生的现象进行科学的分析、判断,这就需要培养学生的观察能力.要他们知道观察什么,怎样观察,选择什么样的观察方法,使之逐步学会仔细、敏捷、全面、系统地观察分析及抽象思维,提高观察质量,向理性认识发展.  相似文献   

要努力提高学生的思辨能力   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
高考作文命题在不断改革,对高中学生思维能力、表达能力的考查也不断提升。因此,需要学生善于思辨,能洞悉事物之间的相互联系;需要学生视野开阔,能密切关注现实、关注人生。  相似文献   

听力是英语专业的学生必须掌握的基本技能之一。收听VOA新闻广播能在很大程度上提高学生的听力。VOA新闻节目有几个特点:结构简单,短小精悍;语法简单易懂;词汇浅显流畅。认识和掌握了这些特点有助于学生更有效地收听VOA新闻广播,以便更快地提高听力。  相似文献   

LEARNING TO BE:The World of Education Today and Tomorrow一书自1979年翻译出版以来,以《学会生存——教育世界的今天和明天》此版本的翻译风靡一时,引起了我国教育界的广泛关注。但时至今日,笔者对LEARNING TO BE被译为学会生存仍旧存在诸多疑惑和不解。根据该书和20年之后的《教育——财富蕴藏其中》所涉内容,笔者提议LEARNING TO BE应译为学会发展。  相似文献   

根据江泽民总书记“三个代表”的重要思想,阐述新时期如何发挥思想政治教育的优势,使这项工作做到入情入理,情理融合,达到良好效果。思考与探究的要点是情与理的同一性、差异性与辩证性。  相似文献   

Young children enter formal schooling with a repertoire of modes of representation with which they try to make sense of the world – drawing, modelling, role play, storying, emergent literacy and numeracy. In drawing they use mark making for kinesthetic pleasure and later learn to repeat patterns and shapes intentionally. From these repeated marks they begin to explore the potential of drawings to represent what they know. A parallel set of drawing strategies with an explicit communicative function develop through social relationships at home or in pre-school/care settings. Children observe and mimic modes of representation and absorb the semiotics modelled by adults or older children in the community/culture[s] in which they are reared. On entering formal school, the messages children receive from the culture of classrooms is that the modes of representation that are valued are the formal symbolic modes of literacy and numeracy whereas teachers perceive drawing as useful for occupational or recreational purposes. Ironically, as children are cultured into ‘academic’ achievements, they lose out on opportunities to engage in alternative modes of representation/symbolic systems, which may offer opportunities for cognitive challenge at higher levels. Thus, whilst pushing children to perform ‘academically’ in the early stages of schooling, we underestimate them ‘intellectually’. At elementary school level children’s mark-making is shaped into a ‘catch-all’, narrative/representational style of drawing across all subjects. Children often elect to explore their own personal, culturally specific ways of drawing outside school as ‘home art’. In school their capabilities in using alternative modes of representation as tools for learning wither away.  相似文献   

This article attempts to characterize the general problem of selecting methods for decision-making. The traditional rational approach to choice is from economics, which offers expected-value maximization. The task environment of decision method selection, however, does not seem to provide the data necessary for carrying out the expected-value calculations. Our approach uses methods from the field of cognitive science. We develop the notion of domain size in fields such as chess, borrowing the concept of a chunk from human memory. We then develop a heuristic rule for choiceamongmethods. We propose this rule as one of many possible rules.  相似文献   

介绍了Powerpoint、Dreamweaver、Author-ware、Frontpage、Director、VB等常用课件制作工具中如何插入Flash动画的技巧,以使课件更加生动、形象。  相似文献   

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