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Journal of Science Education and Technology - For over a decade, the National Science Foundation’s Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST) program has funded...  相似文献   

发源于外部社会发展新要求的STEM教育理念与美国现存教育体系中的技术教育实践之间存在着共生关系,其基础是STEM需要技术教育对技术的深刻理解和其在教育体系中的基础,技术教育则可借助STEM提升认知度和培养技术素养。共生关系主要通过转变教育教学组织、建立教育教学新标准等方式构建,并最终产生技术教育目标复杂化、课程教学工程化以及教师队伍综合化三方面效果。  相似文献   

新媒体联盟(NMC:New Media Consortium)于2002年启动的"地平线项目",该项目以在未来五年内可能在教育领域被广泛应用的六种新兴信息技术为核心,采用重复的基于德尔菲(Delphi)方法,以年度报告的形式发布研究成果。在"地平线总报告"的基础上,从2009年开始,新增了地平线报告基础教育版(The HorizonReport:K-12 Edition)。该报告的主要内容有五个核心趋势、五个重大挑战和六种新兴关键技术。通过介绍"地平线报告"的研究过程,对比分析了从2009到2011年地平线报告(K-12)的主要研究成果,探讨了地平线报告基础教育版对我国基础教育改革与发展的启示。  相似文献   

随着信息技术在教育中的不断普及,中小学教育信息化取得了一定的进展,但同时也遭遇了教学、技术、理念等诸多方面的问题,而这其中,以网络教育为主体的中小学网校则更面临着选择发展方向的尴尬.  相似文献   

开展理工科研究生创业教育的思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
从创业教育的国家生态环境,创业教育与传统专业教育的区别与关系,实现研究生创业教育的途径探讨等三个方面阐述了开展面向理工科研究生创业教育的系统思考。提出了创业教育与专业教育是互补而不是对立的关系,进而阐述了在保持专业教育均衡条件下嵌入多层次创业教育的新理念。指出了讨论式课堂、研究生创新基地、大学科技园"三位一体化"开放式的创业教育模式将是构成我国独具特色的理工科研究生科技型企业家培养的有效途径。  相似文献   

This article discusses the development and impact of the Platte River Corridor Project, a successful university/K-12 partnership designed to address the inequality in learning outcomes for Latino students by increasing the effectiveness of K-12 classroom teachers in educating Latino English Language Learner (ELL) students and by facilitating access to higher education for Latino students. The project includes components that train K-12 educators, provide financial and social support for Latino students to attend college, provide ELL resources to school systems, and establish a regional teacher information network. Assessment data specific to each program component is provided. Challenges and recommendations are included for others who may be interested in creating a similar project.  相似文献   

Greater investments in community college workforce education are fostering large-scale partnerships between employers and educators. However, the evaluation work in this area has focused on outcome and productivity metrics, rather than addressing measures of implementation quality, which is critical to scaling any innovation. To deepen understanding of the field, sound metrics need to be assembled of the processes involved in workforce education (e.g., partnering with employers, designing and delivering instruction). This article addresses that gap with the Workforce Education Implementation Evaluation (WEIE) framework. Relying on five case studies of employer-community college collaborations, and drawing on labor-market analysis methods, partnership capital and regional ecosystem theory, and the learning sciences, the WEIE framework provides tools to characterize implementation quality. To illustrate how it works, we have applied the framework to two contrasting cases that represent the predominant approaches to engaging employers in workforce education programming: large-scale partnership and employer outreach.  相似文献   

As former and current STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) school teachers in Singapore, we explore the challenges we both experienced while teaching at different STEM schools. Through this article, we make a case for the teacher preparation programs locally and around the world to give more attention to a changing education landscape with emerging specialized STEM schools. Nonetheless, even though specialized STEM teacher preparation is needed, we also caution that having such a specialized program may limit teachers' horizontal transition to mainstream schools and awareness of the contextualized needs of more diverse learners.  相似文献   

This paper begins by examining the profound impact of energy usage on our lives, and on every major sector of the economy. Then, the anticipated US energy needs by the year 2025 are presented based on the Department of Energys projections. The paper considers the much-touted National Energy Policy Report, and identifies a major flaw where the policy report neglects education as a contributor to solving future energy problems. The inextricable interaction between energy solutions and education is described, with emphasis on education policy as a potential vehicle for developing economically and commercially sustainable energy systems that have a minimal impact on the environment. With that said, an earnest argument is made as to the need to educate science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) proficient individuals for the energy technology development workforce, starting with the K-12 level. A framework for the aforementioned STEM education policies is presented that includes a sustained national awareness campaign, address the teachers salary issues, and addresses teacher quality issues. Moreover, the framework suggests a John Dewey-style learning-by-doing shift in pedagogy. Finally, the framework presents specific changes to the current national standards that would be valuable to the 21st century student.  相似文献   

Over the past 50 years, identity has provided us with a dynamic tool to understand and examine how people are constituted as agents as well as subjects of culturally constructed, socially enacted worlds. Pertinent to this conceptualization, Skerrett and Sevian focus on science and mathematics faculty’s identities and seek to understand how certain aspects of their identities mediate certain motivations to involvement in K-12 service. While I believe that the authors presented an affluent discussion of agency from the perspective of identity, I think that if we are to understand agency from a sociocultural perspective, we have to magnify a view of identity and agency in the figured world of practice/activity. My main goal is not only to reclaim the importance of the individual dimension and agency within a profoundly social view of the self, but also to highlight the figured contextual factors that would either enable or constrain STEM faculty’s involvement in K-12 outreach. After first outlining the perspective of identity and agency that was adopted by Skerrett and Sevian, I extend the discussion of Skerrett and Sevian to move forward toward a figured world of partnership. I conclude by positing that the third generation of activity theory has a potential for contributing to our understanding of how the social institutional context and its structure is important to our understanding of individual agency.  相似文献   

本研究在分析智能教育、人工智能教育、教育人工智能等关键概念发展演进及内在关联的基础上,结合知识、能力与素养之间的内涵与关系,阐述了面向K-12教师的智能教育素养的概念及特征:智能教育素养是以创意为内核,教师基于知识、能力、思维、文化价值协同发展,借助教育人工智能技术促进创意设计、创意应用与创意生成的教学实践过程,体现内生性、关联性、持续性、创价性等特征.文章还以教师角色重塑为核心基点,以学习文化、社会活动文化、技术文化为境脉,构建了包含知识基础层、能力聚合层、思维支撑层、文化价值深化层的K-12教师智能教育素养结构模型,并阐明了各层结构中的核心构成要素,以期为提升教师智能教育素养提供引导,为开发智能教育素养测评工具提供理论依据.  相似文献   

工程领导力(Engineering Leadership)是当前欧美发达国家为把握技术革新在引领经济发展与工业进步中的契机,针对拔尖工程人才培育所提出的领导力理论研究和教育实践。本文从当前工程领导力的研究现状出发,从定位目标、培训内容和实施方法 3个方面对国外世界一流大学的工程领导力教育进行了系统的比较分析,以期为我国开展工程领导力培育提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

本文从农村中小学现代远程教育工程环境下的教学模式与传统教学模式的对比分析出发,探讨了农村中小学现代远程教育工程三种技术模式的特点,并重点分析和研究了每种模式环境下适用的教学模式,对提高农村中小学现代远程教育工程的应用绩效和教育教学效益具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

韩国中小学ICT教育的现状及其启示   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为适应信息社会的要求,世界各国都在纷纷推广信息技术在教育中的应用,用信息技术促进教育改革和创新,培养适应信息社会要求的学生。鉴于此,本文概述了韩国在中小学ICT教育(即教育信息化)方面的实践情况,并从他们对教育信息化的态度、政策措施以及实践等方面,对照我国当前的教育信息化,进行了比较和分析。一、韩国ICT教育概述信息通讯技术(Information&CommunicationTechnology)简称ICT。它是信息技术和通讯技术的合成语,具体指信息硬件技术、信息软件技术以及利用这些技术收集、加工、保存、传递信息的方法。韩国的ICT教育分素养教育…  相似文献   

ADSL宽带接入技术及其在中小学信息技术教育中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、中小学校园ADSL宽带接入的技术特点中小学校园ADSL宽带接入技术的主要特点可概括为:1.高速率。校园局域网通过ADSL与ISP相连,再由ISP接到155M以上的宽带接入互联网,从而实现高速上网。从校园到电信局有固定的带宽保证,从理论上讲,ADSL向终端用户提供8M/S的下行传输速率和640K/S的上行传输速率。尽管受到目前电话网络和Internet体系的种种限制,只能达到5M/S左右的下行最高速率,但已是传统56K模拟Modem或ISDN的数十倍。2.低投入。ADSL是基于双绞铜线的宽带接入技术,利用普通电话线也可进行技术连接,因此,能够充分发掘校园…  相似文献   

基于中小学远程教育资源的教学过程实质是导教。导教模式的本质是资源的整合。在基于中小学远程教育资源的导教模式下,教师利用远程教育模式中的先进、科学的课堂教学理念和教学方法,充分发挥远程教育资源优势,提高课堂教学质量和效率,促进农村地区教育的快速发展。  相似文献   

情感领域的教学设计理论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该介绍了马丁和瑞戈鲁斯对进行情感领域教学必要性的论述,及他们关于情感领域教学设计的基本理论,包括情感领域的概念模型、各个维度的划分依据等。另外还介绍了与此模型相对应的情感发展课程的应用模式。  相似文献   

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