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在视频后期编辑中,常常需要对视频素材校色,校色是一项细致而繁琐的工作,很多初学者往往不得其法。文章首先介绍视频素材色彩形成原理,分析偏色原因,认识视频素材的色彩RGB通过波形图及其规律特征,然后利用常用编辑软件Adobe Premiere进行校色,供视频编辑者参考。  相似文献   

This study uses diffusion of innovations theory to examine the influence of Muslim religious scholars on internet diffusion in Saudi Arabia. It applies content analysis to the fatwa, the religious edicts that Muslim religious scholars issue, to explore fatwa decisions relating to the internet since its launch in Saudi Arabia in 1999. There are 34 fatwa in total, 11 with approving decisions, 11 with disapproving ones, and 12 with conditionally approving decisions. Those who issue approving fatwa argue that it helps to spread the word of Allah and that if Muslims do not exploit the opportunities provided by the internet, then non-Muslims and non-believers will use it for evil. To explain their disapproving fatwa, other scholars argue that the internet corrupts people. The study discusses the impact of religion and religious scholars on the dissemination of communication technologies in Saudi society. It also predicts a pattern of opinions that scholars may be expected to adopt on the introduction of any new communication technology that is culturally controversial.  相似文献   

If the rhetorical and economic investment of educators, policy makersand the popular press in the United States is any indication, thenunbridled enthusiasm for the introduction of computer mediatedcommunication (CMC) into the educational process is wide-spread.In large part this enthusiasm is rooted in the hope that throughthe use of Internet-based CMC we may create an expanded communityof learners and educators not principally bounded by physicalgeography. The purpose of this paper is to reflect critically uponwhether students and teachers are truly linked together as a``community' through the use of Internet-based CMC. The paper usesthe writings of Kierkegaard, and Hubert Dreyfus's exploration ofKierkegaardian ideas, to look more closely at the prospects andproblems embedded in the use of Internet-based CMC to create ``distributed communities' of teachers and learners. It is arguedthat from Kierkegaard's perspective, technologically mediatedcommunications run a serious risk of attenuating interpersonalconnectivity. Insofar as interpersonal connectivity is an integralcomponent of education, such attenuation bodes ill for some, andperhaps many instances of Internet-based CMC.  相似文献   

This paper argues that the accelerating pace of life is reducing the time for thoughtful reflection, and in particular for contemplative scholarship, within the academy. It notes that the loss of time to think is occurring at exactly the moment when scholars, educators, and students have gained access to digital tools of great value to scholarship. It goes on to explore how and why both of these facts might be true, what it says about the nature of scholarship, and what might be done to address this state of affairs.  相似文献   

研究生奖学金分配的规范化和科学化研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究生奖学金分配制度,是研究生教育工作者和广大研究生普遍关注的一个焦点问题,因此从分析研究生奖学金分配制度的现状入手,运用多目标决策中的专家打分法以及模糊综合评价等定量分析方法,对其规范化和科学化问题提出了一些具有较强可制作性的建议。  相似文献   

我是北京中国科学技术大学物理系1962年入学的学生,是华罗庚先生到上海格致中学选拔动员考科大的。1968年分到成昆铁路当了5年铁路工人,然后由恩师严济慈先生推荐调到中国科学院合肥等离子体物理研究所作了5年实习研究员。1981年起师从美国德克萨斯大学诺贝尔化学奖获得者普里高津教授,1984年以来,在经济混沌,经济复杂性,和经济物理的研究上,从事前沿和开拓性的研究。1987年以非线性  相似文献   

文章阐述了使用一台计算机作为转换服务器,在其上开发一个转换系统,将其他视频格式的转化为FLASH视频格式,再与硬盘录像机通过网络层连接,不用在物理层上与摄像头连接,就可以实现使用FLASH PLAYER观看实时视频的技术方案;由于FALSH已被运用的广泛性,FLASH视频流可以无需安装任何其它插件或程序就可以在PC终端,普通智能手机终端观看实时视频,可以很大程度的解决因网络原因出现的卡帧、掉帧现象,降低网络要求,提高用户体验质量。  相似文献   

The use of social media and Web 2.0 platforms is proliferating and affecting different formal and highly structured organisations including public safety agencies. Much of the research in the area has focussed on public use of social media during an emergency as well as how emergency agencies benefit from the data and information generated by this process. However, there is little understanding of “what are the operational implications of this public use on emergency management agencies and how does social media either positively or negatively impact these operations”? In order to progress research into this topic, we chose an engaged scholarship framework to shape a research agenda with the active participation of stakeholders. Hence, we conducted a series of workshops primarily involving over 100 public safety practitioners working in the area of disasters and emergency management who work in public safety agencies, humanitarian organisations, volunteering online platforms and volunteer groups in addition to 20 academics working on this area of enquiry. The findings highlight six different challenges that emergency responding organisations currently face in relation to social media use. We conceptualise these challenges as creating six operational tension zones for organisations. We discuss these tensions and their implications for future research and practice.  相似文献   

This study aims to explore the relationships between Instagram user characteristics and color features of their photos. Based on the assumption that individuals who are similar in characteristics would exhibit a similar style in their social media photos, this study pays attention to color as one of the key elements of style. An online survey to 179 university students measured their Big Five personality traits, narcissism, life satisfaction, loneliness, attitude to Instagram, and gender, and their Instagram photos were analyzed in terms of colorfulness, color diversity, and color harmony. Total 25,394 photos were analyzed. Results suggest that (1) agreeableness was the most relevant user variable associated with all color features; (2) the color features of Instagram photos were different by gender; (3) neuroticism of Instagram users was negatively associated with the color harmony of their photos; (4) color diversity was negatively correlated with loneliness, and romantic loneliness in particular; (5) users’ attitude to Instagram and the color harmony of their photos were positively correlated; and (6) extraversion of Instagram users was positively correlated with the color diversity while openness was negatively correlated with the color diversity and color harmony of their photos. They reveal that the color features of Instagram photos are linked to the characteristics of their uploader. The present study contributes to the body of research on color preference and online self-presentation. It not only exemplifies how the stylometric approach can be adopted to SNS research but also presents the link between user characteristics and the features of their posts at pixel-level, including color.  相似文献   

Anonymity versus commitment: The dangers of education on the internet   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
I shall translate Kierkegaard's account of the dangers and opportunities of what he called the Press into a critique of the Internet so as to raise the question: what contribution -- for good or ill -- can the World Wide Web, with its ability to deliver vast amounts of information to users all over the world, make to educators trying to pass on knowledge and to develop skills and wisdom in their students? I will then use Kierkegaard's three-stage answer to the problem of lack of involvement posed by the Press -- his claim that to have a meaningful life the learner must pass through the aesthetic, the ethical and the religious spheres of existence -- to suggest that only the first two stages -- the aesthetic and the ethical -- can be implemented with Information Technology, while the final stage, which alone makes meaningful learning possible, is undermined rather than supported by the tendencies of the desituated and anonymous Net.  相似文献   

网络财务报告研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马花如  施惟  钟钰 《科技与管理》2004,6(6):112-114
随着互联网的发展,财务报告的传递模式也在不断发生着变化。为了使网络财务报告能够得到广泛发展应用,从网络财务报告的现状出发,提出了网络财务报告的模式,并针对其安全性问题和发展阶段提出了看法。  相似文献   

李纯青  郭承运  孙瑛 《科学学研究》2003,21(Z1):238-242
为促进我国互联网商务的发展,本文根据传统环境下的SERVQUAL模型、技术采用模型和自服务技术理论,识别出了e 服务质量的决定因素,并提出研究模型及相应的假设。选择中国B—C网上经营环境为背景,以网络调研的方式收集了138份客户的样本数据,利用SPSS11 0软件对该研究模型进行了检验。检验结果表明:信任、易用性、反应性和可靠性是e 服务质量的决定因素。其中,信任的影响作用最大,其次是易用性、反应性,可靠性的影响较小。  相似文献   

物联网是一项新兴的全球信息化工程,是互联网的延伸和扩展,即延伸和扩展到了任何物体与物体的信息传递和共享。物联网技术成为信息产业领域未来竞争的制高点之一,其应用前景非常广阔。文章介绍了物联网的定义、特征和分类,然后探讨了物联网的技术架构、基本应用模式和产业链及其构成。  相似文献   

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