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新的历史时期赋予领导干部以新的历史使命,也对领导干部提出了更高的要求。领导干部要不断加强自己的道德修养,领导人民群众进行社会主义新农村的建设,全面推进建设有中国特色的社会主义的伟大事业。对此,从新时期领导干部道德修养的内涵,领导干部道德修养方面的缺失和健全提高领导干部修养水平的机制三个方面进行了论述。  相似文献   

领导干部的道德修养如何关系到“以德治国”方略的贯彻实施,因此,必须加强领导干部的道德修养,采取各种行之有效的方式方法,增强领导干部的政治责任感和以权为民、平等待人的意识。  相似文献   

领导干部的道德修养如何关系到“以德治国”方略的贯彻实施 ,因此 ,必须加强领导干部的道德修养 ,采取各种行之有效的方式方法 ,增强领导干部的政治责任感和以权为民、平等待人的意识  相似文献   

领导干部应不断加强道德修养,这关系着党和政府的形象、关系着党的先进性建设和执政能力建设,要通过自觉进行自我教育,树立责任意识,接受党和群众的监督来加强领导干部的道德修养。  相似文献   

高校领导班子的素质和工作成效如何,直接影响到党的路线、方针、政策和国家的法律、法规在高校的贯彻落实,影响到学校的改革和发展的决策是否正确,影响到广大师生员工的积极性、创造性能否充分发挥,最终影响到能否培养出合格人才这样一件关系未来、关系国家民族兴衰的大事。一、加强领导干部道德修养是社会转型期一项战略任务第一,加强领导干部的道德修养是贯彻执行党的基本路线的重要保证。我们党把马克思主义普遍真理与我国具体实际相结合而制定的建设有中国特色社会主义的基本路线,及其一系列方针、政策,都是要通过党和国家机关的…  相似文献   

党政领导干部队伍建设是关系我国社会主义发展的重大工程,在社会主义现代化建设的新时期,我们要认真贯彻“三个代表”重要思想,从政治修养、道德修养、作风修养、知识修养等方面去努力提高干部素质。  相似文献   

以为政之德为基本内容的共产主义道德修养,是领导干部保持先进性的重要途径。领导干部必须以“三个代表”重要思想为指导,以执政为民、廉洁奉公、勤政为民为核心,慎权、慎思、慎行、慎言、慎欲、慎独、慎微、慎好、慎家、慎友、慎初、慎终,在自我实践、自我陶冶、自我锻炼中加强道德修养,提升道德水准,树立良好的道德形象。  相似文献   

社会主义荣辱观的树立和实践,领导干部是关键。从“官德”建设入手,论述领导干部因所处地位特殊,要在自觉增强政治意识、加强道德修养、正确运用权力等方面带头树立社会主义荣辱观,做践行社会主义荣辱观的表率。  相似文献   

谈高校中层领导干部素质   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高校中层领导干部应该具备全局意识、踏实作风、创新意识、合作精神和廉政形象等基本素质 ,因此 ,要不断加强理论修养、思想修养、知识修养和道德修养。  相似文献   

实施“以德治国”方略 ,关键是加强党的道德建设 ,尤其是加强对党员领导干部的世界观、人生观和价值观的教育。从讲政治、讲学习、讲正气的角度加强党员领导干部的学习指导 ,提高党员领导干部的马克思主义理论水平 ;从制度和监督的结合入手督促党员领导干部加强个人的共产主义道德实践锻炼 ,不断提高个人的共产主义道德修养水平 ;党员领导干部要牢记全心全意为人民服务的宗旨 ,确立社会主义的权力道德观 ,廉洁自律 ,做精神文明建设的表率。  相似文献   

通过对贵州省贫困地区中小学校长基本信息、个人素质、教育思想的调查与分析,发现部分校长存在一些不容忽视的问题,主要是基本条件不达标,选拔方式单一、敬业精神不够、学校管理流于一般、知识功底较薄弱,教育技术运用较困难、缺乏现代教育观。  相似文献   

Vygotsky speculated that parents play an important role in the intellectual development of their children, and that this role includes the transfer of expectations related to their children's academic achievement. Consequently, different parents can produce different contexts of academic achievement for their children. The participants were 215 Primary 5 and 6 students from four primary schools in Hong Kong, and their parents. Students were administered a test of working memory and their academic achievement was indicated by their school‐assessed mathematics and language achievement scores. Parents reported their expectations of their children's academic achievement, the extent of their home and school involvement, and their educational and income levels. Correlational and sequential regression analyses showed that different schools yielded different contexts of academic achievement. The results support the hypothesis that parents, and especially parental expectations, play an important role in children's academic achievement, and that within Hong Kong different schools can be characterised by different contexts of achievement.  相似文献   

以往的一些学者只是从书法的不同去理解孔子的真和司马迁的真,而没有从他们政治理想的角度去理解,这是不得要领的。通过对孔子、司马迁生活的时代背景以及他们的著作中透露出来的政治理想的分析,可对他们的真有一个全面的了解。通过比较,我们可以发现二者的精神是一致的:二者都坚持了儒家的真精神,即拨乱反正的救世精神。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to consider how mothers of kindergartners navigate their families’ experiences within a community and how their children’s school experiences affect their interactions and investment in a place. The questions this research asks is: How do mothers define and describe their neighborhood? What role does the school play as mothers navigate their children’s experiences in the community? Findings indicate that the way that families conceptualize and manage their context indicates that their values, needs, and life aspirations, which are clearly connected to their experiences and perceptions of the school.  相似文献   

This investigation of mother and toddler play had 2 goals. The primary goal was to examine the types of play mothers introduce in direct response to their toddlers' play. A secondary and exploratory goal was to examine the relation between maternal knowledge about child play and actual maternal play behaviors. 50 mothers and their 21-month-old toddlers were observed at home during free play. Mother and child exploratory, nonsymbolic, and symbolic play were coded. Sequential analyses revealed that mothers adjusted their play to their children's play level by responding to their children with play that was either at the same level or at a higher level than their children's play. Furthermore, mothers who were more knowledgeable about early play development more often responded to their children's play by introducing higher level play. These findings suggest that mothers tend to play with their toddlers in ways that might promote their child's development, and that mothers with more knowledge about play development provide their children with appropriately challenging play interactions.  相似文献   

The account of the evolution of a classroom teacher (me) that follows is suggestive of a degree of agency and creativity that is rarely acknowledged. Teachers are currently positioned in ways that underline their instrumental role – their duty to students, parents, school and government to ensure that students achieve. A lack of faith in teachers’ capacity to innovate on their own terms means that creative practice in schools is routinely overlooked or mistrusted. My own history serves to illustrate the complex ways in which teachers develop their practice, and the cultural and political influences that play their part in the process. This article ends with some comparison between my own experience and that of my student teachers as they embark on their teaching careers nearly 30 years later.  相似文献   

毕业生的职业决策困难主要受缺乏信息的影响;内控性与职业决策困难呈极其显著的负相关,有势力的他人和机遇与职业决策困难呈极其显著的正相关;心理控制源对职业决策困难具有一定的预测力,但心理控制源的三个维度并不具有同等效力。毕业生心理控制源与职业决策困难存在显著相关,其中,内控性因子和机遇因子对职业决策困难能起到预测作用。  相似文献   

该文通过分析应用化学专业学生在校创新实践活动的现状,提出了大学生创新能力培养的措施,指出大学生应积极参加科技活动,在活动中培养创新思维,提高创新能力,掌握科学研究方法,提升科研潜力,为成为创新型人才打下良好基础。  相似文献   

Fiona Maine 《Education 3-13》2013,41(3):298-312
This article reports a research project, where two pairs of children were recorded in discussion, first in Year One and then five years later in Year Six. A unique opportunity meant that the children engaged in the same task at the beginning and end of their Primary School education. The research analyses the talk on three levels, considering the language that they use, the way that they manage their talk together, and the broader themes that they bring to their discussion. The findings suggest that their language changes subtly over time, with their earlier discussions more imaginative and fluid.  相似文献   

楹联是客家祠堂中的一大景观,它们的文化内涵非常丰富。其追根溯源的楹联,表现出客家人重传统、重本源、重宗族的精神;其颂扬祖先、怀念祖先的楹联,表现出客家人极为浓厚的崇祖观念;其训诫、劝勉族人的楹联,表现出客家人重视伦理道德的特点。民族英雄文天祥、伟大的革命先行者孙中山等人为客家祠堂所题楹联,更为客家文化增添了一段段奇韵异彩  相似文献   

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