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①The most selfish one—letter word is“I”.Avoid it. 最自私的一个字母单词是“我”。避开它。②The most satisfying two—letter word is“we”.Use it. 最令人满意的两个字母单词是“我们”。使用它。③The most poisonous three—letter word is“ego”.Kill it 最有毒的三个字母单词是“自我”。除掉它。  相似文献   

1.The most selfish one-letter word is "I".Avoid it. 最自私的一个字母的单词是"I (我)",避开它. 2.The most satisfying two-letter word is "We".Use it. 最令人满意的两个字母的单词是"We(我们)",使用它.  相似文献   

Darwin 《初中生》2005,(19):62
①The most selfish one-letter word is "I". Avoid it. 最自私的一个字母单词是"我".避开它.  相似文献   

1.T he m ost selfish one-letter w ord is“I”.A void it.最自私的一个字母的单词是:“I”(我)。——避开它。2.T he m ost satisfying tw o-letter w ord is“W e”.U se it.最令人满意的两个字母的单词是:“W e”(我们)。——使用它。3.T he m ost poisonous three-letter w ord is“Ego”.K illit.最有毒的三个字母的单词是:“Ego”(自我)。——除掉它。4.T he m ostused four-letter w ord is“L ove”.V alue it.用的最多的四个字母的单词是:“Love”(爱)。——珍惜它。5.T he m ost pleasing five-letter w ord is“Sm ile…  相似文献   

赵晖 《初中生》2007,(5):57-57
最自私的一个字母的单词是“I(我)”,避开它。 最令人满意的两个字母的单词是“We(我们)”,使用它. 最有毒的三个字母的单词是“Ego(自我)”,除掉它。  相似文献   

何苗 《中学生英语》2014,(21):38-39
There are many expressions about the color"green".So today,let’s start with the color"green".语言中有很多表达与“绿色”有关。今天我们就从“绿色”说起吧。Green is an important color in nature.It is the color of grass and the leaves on trees.It is also the color of most growing plants.绿色是自然界中一种重要的颜色。它是青草和树叶的颜色,也是大多数生长中的植物的颜色。Sometimes,the word green means young,fresh and growing.Sometimes,it describes something that is not yet  相似文献   

The word "no" is one of the first words English-speaking children usually say when they are learning to talk. This is because they hear it so often from their parents."No, sweetie, do not play with the television." "No, dearest son, do not pull Mommy's hair." It was no surprise to me when my son began saying "no" to everything when he was 18 months old. He would often copy the way we reprimanded him, even shaking his little finger at us, much to our amusement.  相似文献   

L exical processing has achieved central prominence in ELT in China,because it is believed thatagood store of words is crucial for understanding and communication,and a major aim of most Englishteaching program is to help students gain a large vocabulary of useful words.The importance of lexi-cal processing is thus taken for granted.However,much of the vocabulary teaching is dominated byprocessing individual word separately,with the usual pattern that teachers explain the word list be-fore t…  相似文献   

一天,一只小老鼠问了一个问题:“太阳是什么颜色的?”小鸟说:“太阳是绿色的,它把叶子照绿了。”青蛙说:“太阳是黄色的,它把稻穗照黄了。”蝴蝶说:“太阳是红色的,它把花照红了。”小鱼说:“太阳是蓝色的,它把大海照蓝了。”One day a mouse asks a question. "What color is the sun ?" A bird says, "The sun is green . It makes the leaves green." A frog says, "The sun is yellow . It makes the rice heads yellow." A butterfly says, "The sun is red . It makes the flowers red." A fish says, "The sun isblue.Itm ake…  相似文献   

The word"no"is one of the first words English-speaking children usually say when they are learning to talk. This is because they hear it  相似文献   

1.This is a bird.Its name is Polly.(L.17)(这是一只鸟,它叫波利。) its与“it is”的缩写形式it’s在读音上相同,但写法与意义均不相同。its是形容词性物主代词,意为“它的”,it’s是it is两个单词的缩写形式,意为“它是”。例如:  相似文献   

王妍 《海外英语》2011,(6):265-266
Symbolism is one of the most important and effective means in English writing."Lord of the Flies"written by William Golding is a successful use of it and has received hot discussions from its publication. The symbolic meaning of the characters and the Conch and the Fire in the novel make the novel an allegory that is entirely symbolic.  相似文献   

施祥云 《小读者》2012,(10):39-39
1.No word in the English language rhymes with month,orange,silver,or purple. 英语中没有与month、 orange、silver或pur-ple押韵的单词。 2."Dreamt"is the only  相似文献   

一、最常用的英语单词和字母在书面英语中,使用频率最高的单词顺序为:the,of.and,to,a.in,that,is.I,it,for,as等12个。而在口语中,频率最高的单词是。  相似文献   

The Pacific Ocean The Pacific Ocean was named byan explorer from Spain, FerdinandMagellan. When Magellan sailed onthe ocean, it was peaceful. In Spanish,the word for peaceful is"pacifice"——  相似文献   

何苗 《中学生英语》2014,(33):42-43
There are many expressions about the word “bag” or using the word “bag” in English.So today,let’s start with the word “bag”.英语中有很多表达与“袋子”一词相关或者使用了“袋子”这个词。今天我们就从“袋子”这个词说起吧。The bag is one of the most simple and useful things in the world.It is a(容器)made of paper or cloth.It has given the world many strange expressions that are not very simple.Some of them are used in the United States today.  相似文献   

1.The Story of Sandwich三明治是上班族的最爱。这不仅是因为它味道鲜美,营养丰富,而且还因为它食用方便,节省时间,人们可以一边干活,一边享用。那么当初发明人是怎样突发灵感,做出了这种风靡全球的美味呢?请看“趣谈三明治”。In English there are som e interesting words.These words have som e interesting stories behindthem.The word“sandwich”,for exam ple,is verycom m on in English,but it has a good story.If wewant to know the story behind it,w e m ust knowsom ething about an E nglish noblem an.H is nam e…  相似文献   

教学要求:1.复习字母及单词。2.新授:字母:r s t:单词:rubber snake tiger。教学重点与难点:1.区分字母 a i r 的读音。2.掌握 rubber 的读音。教学过程:一、课前准备:儿歌 abc cba aabbccd…。二、复习:1.背诵所学字母。2.认读字母:ai bd pq nh bag face bike lamp3.游戏:Guess,What letter is it?教师用自制的字母扑克牌变戏法,先让学生看一个字母,然后老师找出这个字母。T:Is it a?S:Yes,it's a.(No,it is b.)  相似文献   

1.The longest one-syllable word in the English lan- guage is screeched. 英语中最长的单音节词就是尖叫声。2.Underground is the only word in the English lan- guage that begins and ends with the letters und. 在英语中,underground是惟一一个开始和结尾都是und 的单词。3.Dreamt is the only English word that ends in the  相似文献   

The word"language"comes from the Latin(拉丁语)word"lingua",which means"tongue".The tongue is used in more sound combinations(结合)than any other organ(器官)of speech.A broader(概括性的)interpretation(解释)of"language"is that it is any form of expression.This includes(包括)writing,sign(手势)language,dance,music,painting,and mathematics.But the basic(基本的)form of language is speech.  相似文献   

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