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国外灰色文献整理现状及其启示   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
灰色文献常应用于科技研究,是重要的参考资料,世界各国甚多图书馆或信息中心都非常重视征集重要的灰色文献.文章介绍了国外灰色文献整理与利用现状,并对我国灰色文献的建设提出了建议.  相似文献   

The use of grey literature in health sciences: a preliminary survey   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The paper describes some initiatives in the field of grey literature (GL) and the activities, from 1985, of the Italian Library Association Study Group. The major categories of GL are defined; a survey that evaluates the use of GL by end users in the health sciences is described. References in selected periodicals and databases have been analyzed for the years 1987-1988 to determine the number of articles citing GL, the number of GL citations found in selected periodicals, the various types of GL found, and the number of technical reports cited and their country of origin and intergovernmental issuing organization. Selected databases were also searched to determine the presence of GL during those same years. The paper presents the first results obtained.  相似文献   

A basic challenge of the Weinberg Report addressed the question of information overload. The Weinberg Panel was extremely concerned with the proliferation of scientific literature and the specific issue of how to sift through reams of data to find the “gems” of wisdom, or that which is truly new and useful. In the early 1960s when the report was being written, computers were not part of the information access and retrieval infrastructure. Writing twenty-five years later, in 1988, Dr. Weinberg recognized that the panel had not adequately taken into account the impact of the computer and the growth of the information industry. Today we have a new world of microcomputers and networked information which is fundamentally shifting the paradigm of scientific communication. We have new capabilities, including electronic publishing, visualization techniques, even virtual reality. Without getting into a great debate about the definition of “grey literature,” the main characteristics have traditionally been described as: rapid publication, wariable formats, no public peer review, and no commercial source of general availability. With networked information and multi-media technology, the new world of grey literature is emerging with an interesting set of new and revived challenges. This article looks at the most interesting characteristics, and based on them, presents the thesis that in the 1990s we are facing a new generation of “grey literature”.  相似文献   

Conclusions We are living a deep change in the information transfer process involving the different actors of the editorial scene (from authors to editors, web-editors, e-publishers and readers), who occasionally play different roles at the same time (e.g., authors sometimes bypass the editor thus assuming direct responsibilities in the diffusion of documents in the Internet). Furthermore, information producers, managers or seekers often show twofold personalities like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. They would like to find all documents free on the Internet and be able to read original, reliable, and high quality information, but they are sometimes reluctant to spread their papers through online nonofficial channels as they care for the impact factor, prestige, and career advancement. It is a revolutionary period in which new and alternative forms of scholarly communication live together with more traditional ones and the future is difficult to define. Recent initiatives of open access—such as Pubmed Central, Public Library of Science, Budapest Open Access Initiative—are contributing to define new trends in the editorial market, challenging the traditional distribution channels, mainly managed by commercial editors, and placing the authors’ role and publication copyrights under severe discussion. In this landscape, GL now has new dignity and becomes closer and closer to innovative scientific publications supported by researchers in view of a generalised movement towards open access. The nuances of grey are becoming lighter and lighter. The questions are many, the answers few, but, in any case, the ethical responsibility of producing and issuing quality documents can never be disregarded.  相似文献   

Conclusion In this paper we briefly described the current status of research in the field of digital libraries interoperability, mainly with respect to federated data processing such as permitted within the Open Archive Initiative framework. We then presented the CERN Document Server Software suite that is a free software package main-tained by CERN providing an online digital library solution for mid- to large-sized document repositories. The set of CDSware modules was described and the differ-ences with other existing tools briefly mentioned. Finally we have mentioned a typical usage statistics illustrating the scope of grey literature and networked con-ditions of the CERN Document Server. We pointed out that the current trend in grey literature management goes toward institutional repositories build upon the distributed and federated model. Further research is going on within the CDS collaboration in this area, focused particularly on (i) semantic interoperability using ontologies in distributed and federated data processing and (ii) ranking technologies when searching grey literature in OAI compliant repositories.  相似文献   


This paper arose from a discussion of the richness of languages used to describe different landscapes of Australia and how the landscape provides the affordances for the language created from this land. More importantly, each language embodies its place and associated world view. This paper looks at how information technology (IT) is supporting knowledge-sharing through approaches used in Indigenous community IT practice and projects to enhance multimedia repositories of knowledge. The origin of any archive is important, in terms of access and control of the use of this material, but also it is important in teaching, to provide the context and connectedness when presenting the material. A collection of knowledge resources can be used to recreate online flexible learning environments around engineering on country and traditional knowledge practices. IT can provide an interactive interface for people wishing to learn the material, through games or worksheet-style activities. Various case studies and their analysis illustrate the way IT can be used to share this knowledge in a legitimate manner across landscapes and cultures. In particular the aim is to understand how authentic this approach can be in view of concerns over appropriation or co-option of Aboriginal knowledge.  相似文献   

In this piece, I think through some of the ways I define the “critical” and “critique” in my pedagogy and research. I argue against critique as pessimism, instead making the case that critique is about a particular kind of hope for what we want our work to do.  相似文献   

War, political persecution, and human rights abuses all drive millions from their homes. Some qualify for asylum as refugees, often after spending years in camps and intermediary locations before attaining asylum. The United States has been criticized for taking in relatively few refugees as well as for playing a role in the conditions that lead people to seek asylum. Once in the United States, though, how are refugees constructed in community discourses? Is an international or local frame more prominent? The United Nations established World Refugee Day to bring attention to the problems refugees face. This study tracks US coverage of World Refugee Day, analyzing it both quantitatively and qualitatively, to determine how refugees as people and as a political issue are constructed in the US press. Discursive features and measures of framing are discussed as indicators of journalistic practices of newsmaking and localization.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(61-62):255-264

The Internet, being a global tool capable of supporting multi-media format, can provide a venue for information in ways that traditional resources cannot. There is an abundance of information on the Internet regarding various aspects of the Holocaust. Responding to the broad disparity of the quality of information, political agendas of information providers, and the multi-disciplinary nature of the topic, this article is designed to provide an overview of available resources, and a spring-board for further research using the Internet as a medium.  相似文献   

In the field of scientific, technical, and business information a new legend has arisen. Grey literature (GL), thought by many to have become dormant, has witnessed a rebirth. Grey literature, like the phoenix of ancient legend, has been enkindled by its own resources. New producers and publishers of grey literature have provided us with new forms and types of grey literature. New methods and mediums of storing and distributing grey literature have created new uses for these resources, and in turn, new users of these resources are demonstrating its further capabilities. Government organizations, business and industry, as well as academic institutions have come to view themselves as publishers of grey literature. Their reports, working papers, and policy statements are no longer available only to a limited few in printed form, but are published electronically and are available in networked environments for unlimited retrieval. These new resources, stored in a host of electronic formats, have lured new user groups worldwide, and the exploitation of these resources have not only been made for economic gain, but have greatly contributed to the knowledge base in many fields and disciplines, to the decision making in local and (inter)national government agencies, and in information forecasts for businesses. The rise of this new grey phoenix has emerged over the past quarter of a century from an uncontrolled mass of information to new meta-information applicable for science and industry. phoenix n: A bird of ancient legend said to be the only one of its kind and to live more than 500 years, at the end of which it built for itself a funeral pile, lighted it with the fanning of its wings, and rose again from its ashes; hence, an emblem of immortality; a paragon. this article was adapted from a paper presented at the second U.S. Workshop on Grey Literature (GreyWorks’96) held at College Park, Maryland, USA on November 18, 1996.  相似文献   

《Knowledge Acquisition》1993,5(4):449-481
This paper contains a philosophical examination of the generic task methodology as developed by B. Chandrasekaran and others. Two phases in the evolution of this methodology are discerned. The earlier, "Platonic" phase resulted in a methodology in which the notions of "task" and "method" were very closely coupled. This led to a tension between two functions of generic tasks: the conceptualization of a task would ipso facto include some commitment to an AI method, but typically, the criteria for a task analysis are different from those for choosing an AI method. In the later phase of the generic task methodology, a generic task is to be seen as an analysis of a task, issuing in a task structure. The connection between tasks and the methods for their performance is loosened, but not severed. This entails that the same philosophical problems re-emerge, albeit in a less virulent form. If the task structure is to be seen as an analysis of the task, then that impairs its function as an AI methodology, and vice versa. This paper concludes with the setting out of a thoroughgoing anti-realist philosophy of mind which enables the generic task view to avoid many of these problems.  相似文献   

基于对万方数据、中国知网等国内主要学位论文、会议论文的文献信息资源平台在时效性、全面性等方面的效用评价,提出国内现有数十所财经高校以其已有协助机构“图书资料协作委员会”为组织架构,合作共建以学位论文、会议论文为主的财经类灰色文献资源新平台的设想与模式。  相似文献   

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