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饶宗颐先生早在"弱冠"以前就与詹安泰先生有了交往,因为才气过人,深受詹安泰先生赞赏,而在不足20岁的年龄被詹安泰先生推荐进入韩师,第一次踏上讲堂。随后又被詹安泰先生推荐赴中山大学任教,但由于途中饶先生身体不适未能到任而留在香港。饶宗颐先生与詹安泰先生虽终无缘同处一校共事,但音讯常通,酬唱不辍,堪称莫逆之交。惜解放后,囿于时局,两人最后失去联系。20世纪70年代末开始,饶宗颐先生与詹安泰先生的这种深厚情谊,又由詹伯慧接续下来,并在饶宗颐先生的竭力玉成下,使詹安泰先生手写的诗词遗墨得以影印刊行。  相似文献   

关于英国浪漫主义大诗人拜伦和雪莱的友谊,是一个引人入胜的话题。文学史上,人们因为他们属于同一诗歌流派而想当然地把他们视为很好的朋友,并对他们两人的所谓伟大友谊不顾史实地大加赞赏。然而,他们在实际生活中并不是好朋友,而仅仅是雪莱敬佩拜伦的诗歌才华和名气,他们最多只能算是诗歌界相互认识的同行。  相似文献   

作为人类艺术的最高形式之一的诗歌 ,不仅是一种单纯的艺术现象 ,它还是人类证明自己生命存在的一种特殊方式 ,是人类依靠自己的智慧创造出来的一种新的价值体系。人类经由诗歌而达到自身的充实与完善 ,实现精神对肉体的超越 ,完成人生的净化与诗化 ,使有限的生命寻得自己最终的归依。而鼓动诗歌女神腾飞的双翼 ,则是美与真。古今中外的优秀诗歌 ,无不是在对这诗歌女神的双翼进行言说、维护与重建、从而实现对人类精神家园的最忠诚的守护。同时在由诗的想象、激情、爱、幻想等给有限的生命带来的出神状态中 ,把握住超越时间的永恒 ,使充满重重矛盾和对立的现实生活转化为一种梦幻式的永远使自由与和平得到保证的生活 ,也即到达人类永远梦寐以求的理想的天园  相似文献   

“大卫”描写了两个好朋友在登山运动中出现意外事故的经过。大卫不慎跌落,摔成重伤,不能再登山就等于生命的结束。因此他恳求叙述把他从悬岸峭壁上推下去。叙述经过痛苦的挣扎和思想斗争满足了朋友的要求,但是他带着终身的内疚。作品对景色的描写恰到好处地烘托了人物的心理。  相似文献   

燕京大学是北京大学的前身之一。调查显示,该校女生的婚姻观虽然保留了一些封建性的残余,但大体上已挣脱了传统婚姻观的束缚,成为具有现代意义的婚姻观。该校女生的婚姻观无疑属于当时妇女界中的精英意识,其形成与当时社会的历史语境及燕京大学西化程度较高,崇尚自由平等,男女社交公开等因素密不可分。燕京大学女生的婚姻观具有表率作用,对知识女性发挥重大影响,有助于推动妇女思想由传统向现代转型。  相似文献   

我的名字叫盖尔。我有两个好朋友,一个叫朱莉,另一个叫凯。我们都有新年计划。我想成为一名歌手,因此我要去上些关于演唱方面的课,今年我还打算学钢琴。朱莉想成为一名足球运动员,而凯想成为一名电脑程序员。因此,朱莉每天都要踢足球,凯要努力学好数学。  相似文献   

在二破江南大营战役中,皖南各部太平军积极配合李秀成实施南下皖浙边界、奔袭杭州的战术机动,主动向各自正面敌人出击,牵制皖南清军。同时他们还为建平会议的召开积极准备条件。他们在战役期间均圆满完成了各自的战术牵制任务,为最后战略决战的胜利做出了贡献。  相似文献   

看见这个标题的时候你是不是就开始好奇了呢?的确,大家都问过我为什么会出现这种情况,我只能说,选择自己最合适的,选择自己最喜欢的。这段经历我引以为荣。当然,美味的啤酒一直都是我的最爱。  相似文献   

随着旅游度假升温,人们的度假方式已由观光旅游逐渐向休闲度假模式转变.根据市场的需求,从功能分区、空间组织、景观营造、服务设施、地块划分等方面的规划策划,把圆梦湖休闲度假村建设成为新的多元化的度假避署场所.  相似文献   

For you my friend... I believe-that we don't have to change friends if we understand that friends change. I believe-that no matter how good a friend is they're going to hurt you every once in a while and you must forgive them for that. I believe-that you can do something in an instant that will give you heartache for life. I believe-that it's taking me a long time to become the person I want to be.I believe-that you should always leave loved ones with loving words. It may be the last time you see them.I believe-that you can keep going long after you can't.I believe-that we are responsible for what we do, no matter how we feel.I believe-that either you control your attitude or it controls you. I believe-that heroes are the people who do what has to be done when it needs to be done, regardless of the consequences.  相似文献   

吴嘉纪是清初一位非常优秀的遗民诗人 ,生前身后一直为清人所景仰。但今天 ,人们对他的品性与诗歌存在一些误会与偏见 ,认为他与周亮工、王士等清廷官吏交游唱和 ,渐失本色 ,诗歌走了下坡路。经考辨 ,他一生坚持民族气节 ,品性高洁 ,抱穷守志至终老 ;他秉持儒家诗教精神 ,关心民生疾苦 ,善用白描 ,以高超的诗艺创造了自成一家的“野人体”诗歌 ,有力地彰显了清诗的实绩 ,从而成为清代最杰出的诗人之一。  相似文献   

安娜·卡列尼娜与繁漪是中外文学史上不朽的人物形象。她们的命运有着惊人的相似之处:渴望爱情与幸福,在追求个性解放中充实着自我,最终却都在与命运的斗争中失败,为爱牺牲。不同的社会背景、宗教信仰、自身性格以及女性意识等决定了他们的悲剧命运。  相似文献   

一封绝交书使人们对嵇康和山涛的关系产生好奇,曾经的好朋友为何就此绝交?本文通过具体分析《与山巨源绝交书》、《世说新语》等文献中的嵇康和山涛,了解山涛的为人,理解嵇康和山涛之间的友谊。这种相互间的友谊是坦诚的,不同寻常的。他们之间的交流不是用言语,而是用心。他们是真正的心灵上契合的朋友。  相似文献   

鸦片战争前后和戊戌变法前后,京师学人的交游演为热潮。与清初学人文酒之会的潇酒闲适不同,此期的学人交游分别表达了以学问经世和以上书、组织学会来改良社会的时代诉求。鸦片战争前后,京师学人的交游既是学术交流一种方式,也是表达时势见解的一种手段。交游活动,或于名寺,或在学人私宅中。这一时期,学人交游之广泛,探讨学术、社会之活跃,对边疆史地研究的兴起起了推动作用。戊戌变法前后,京师学人主要以会馆为聚居地和活动中心,积极展开维新变法活动,组织公车上书,创办各种学会。康有为、梁启超成为京师维新学人的重要组织者,交游活动的政治色彩明显增强。  相似文献   

明代小说《金瓶梅》中男主角西门庆是一个在其交际圈中左右逢源上下顺畅的有万般手段的高明者。他深深懂得走上层路线结交权贵的重要,不惜用金钱铺路来寻找靠山,为的就是以财贿官,依官生财。对于身边亲近的人,西门庆懂得如何平衡妻妾关系,拉拢朋友伙计,来成就家庭稳定、朋友广泛、生意顺利的局面。对待他的下层关系,他利用金钱利诱奸淫妇女,利用流氓气息欺凌弱小,作威作福,凶狠乖戾,戕害性命,坏事做尽。  相似文献   

Joshua Lederberg will surely be remembered for his stellar contributions to microbial genetics and his sage intervention in public affairs concerning exobiology, infectious diseases, epidemiology, and bioterrorism. Not so well know is his emphatic mission to spell out that bacteria are cells and not something else. This brief sketch examines some of his contributions to bacterial cytology. Moselio Schaechter (Elio to friends) spent his career studying growth physiology and cell structure of enteric bacteria. Born in Italy, he spent his youth in Ecuador before going to the United States where he chaired the Department of Molecular Biology and Microbiology at Tufts University in Boston for twenty three years. After retirement he is at San Diego, where he has devoted himself to sharing the excitement of the microbial world, mainly via a blog called “Small Things Considered”. He has authored several influential textbooks and reference works. He succeeded Joshua Lederberg as Editor-in-Chief of the Encyclopedia of Microbiology. He also authored a book, In the Company of Mushrooms, which deals with his avocation, wild mushrooms.  相似文献   

A total of 53 high-ability students who had completed the eleventh year in high school enrolled in a standard college chemistry course at the University of Iowa. Half of them had completed a high-school course in chemistry and half had not. After 2 months of instruction during a summer session, there was no difference between groups as to attitude toward chemistry, performance on the ACS-NSTA Chemistry Achievement Examination, final examination for the course, and course grade. There was a great difference in the amount of time required of tutors; the students who had not completed high-school chemistry spent more time in studying and with tutors.  相似文献   

提高大型仪器设备利用率的探索与实践   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
该文主要介绍了陕西师范大学化学与材料科学学院在提高大型仪器设备利用率方面进行的探索,通过建立网络化管理系统、探索新的管理模式、加强仪器信息及功能的宣传讲座工作等措施,较好地解决了“如何管好、用好大型仪器,提高大型仪器利用率和使用效益”等问题,为我院大型仪器的使用建立了一个良好的运行环境。  相似文献   

Chemistry lessons were observed in the 8th grade of two West German schools over a period of a term. Boys received more attention from the teacher than girls. They were called on more often and they spontaneously gave their opinions more frequently. An equal proportion of girls’ and boys’ replies were praised and encouraged, but this meant that boys received more praise and encouragement in absolute terms. Teachers should be made aware of the problematic nature of their own behaviour, so that they can remove the discrimination against girls in chemistry education.  相似文献   

Predictors of 5-year-old kindergartners' insights into their friends, and their accounts of liking and conflict with their friends were investigated, with a focus on both the children's and their friends' social understanding during the preschool period, and the quality of their preschool friendships. Seventy children initially studied at 4 years utilizing social cognition tasks and observations of dyadic play with their friends were followed over the transition to school; at school they were interviewed about their friendships and their social understanding was assessed. One group had remained close to their preschool friends, whereas a second group had formed new friendships. Social understanding, language abilities, and prosocial characteristics of both the children and preschool friends, their successful communication and shared pretend play experiences during the preschool period, and their mothers' educational level were related to their perspectives on their current school friends. Liking of current friends was linked to relationship history and maternal educational level for both those with old and with new friends, whereas insight was related to assessments of social cognition.  相似文献   

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