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一个多世纪以来,中国近代养蜂业的文化建构一直模仿西方的技术体系,引进西方蜜蜂优良品种意大利蜂等,以至于今天外来蜂种引发的生物污染导致了中华蜂的濒临灭绝。而中华蜂是我国传统养蜂业的主要蜂种,鉴于传统养蜂业直接关系到中国的传统医药、中华各民族的文化传承和体质健康问题,因此中华蜂的濒临灭绝势必影响到国人的体质健康,所以保护中华蜂迫在眉睫。  相似文献   

1956年,一位巴西博士从非洲带回47只毒蜂的蜂后,用于驯化毒蜂的研究。不料一年后,其中的26只蜂后从实验室里飞跑了。当时,该实验室的人员谁都没有把这当作“事故”,而去追捕那26只毒蜂。谁料想,这26只非洲毒蜂  相似文献   

概述了在蜂群出现分蜂行为前后所涉及的3种类型蜂发育、雌性蜜蜂的级型理论、工蜂监督及蜂群分蜂行为的发生等诸多蜜蜂生物学知识。这也是蜜蜂生物学研究领域中的热点问题。另外还介绍了人工分蜂的简要方法。  相似文献   

近几十年来,世界各国学者对蜂毒及蜂胶、蜂巢、蜂花粉,蜂王桨蜂产品的化学、药理、毒理及临床衣用做了大量的研究工作,证明蜂产品对人体的许多疾病具有独特的治疗效果和良好的保健作用,旦无化学合成药物类似的不良反应,显示出“蜂疗”这一年自然疗法有着可观的前景。“蜂针(蜂毒)疗法”仅是“蜂疗中的一种方法,本文从理论上操讨了蜂针(蜂毒)疗法的医疗基础,又结合蜂疗临床实践提出了蜂针(蜂春)疗法的临床措施。  相似文献   

正一提到蜂类,我们就不由自主地想到蜜蜂或马蜂,想到它们尾部那可怕的蜇刺。其实,除了蜜蜂和马蜂,蜂类世界还有许多其他的种类,无论在野外还是在城市的绿化地带,我们都能够见到它们的身影……"寄生蜂":茧蜂与卵蜂与我们熟悉的蜜蜂不同,多数蜂类都是食肉的昆虫,它们狩猎其他昆虫作为自己和幼虫的食物,有的蜂类则直接利用其他昆虫的躯  相似文献   

<正>屋檐下的一根椽木上,坑坑窝窝地紧挨着砌了两个蜂包:牛角蜂和蛇皮蜂是同一个战壕里的哥们儿!闷热的午后,他们从那两个包里"嗡嗡嗡"地飞出来。离牛角蜂包和蛇皮蜂窝不远处的一张长  相似文献   

在蝶的眼中, 花是天使,因为花给予她生命的甘露;在花的眼中, 蜂是挚友,因为蜂给予她生命的延续。然而在蝶眼中,蜂不过是埋头苦干的笨蛋,在蜂眼中,蝶不过是游戏花间的浪子。——题记  相似文献   

工蜂对蜂粮的消化利用情况,对蜂群的王浆产量有一定的影响.蜂粮的消化吸收主要在中肠中进行.工蜂中肠胃蛋白酶活力随日龄的变化而改变.产浆量较高的浆蜂与本地意蜂相比,工蜂中肠胃蛋白酶活力无显著差异.  相似文献   

工蜂对蜂粮的消化利用情况。对蜂群的王浆产量有一定的影响。蜂粮的消化吸收主要在中肠中进行,工蜂中肠胃蛋白酶活力随日龄的变化而改变,产浆量较高的浆蜂与本地意蜂相比,工蜂中肠胃蛋白酶活力无显著差异。  相似文献   

探讨割取粉脾块。同时利用有一定蜂粮的中蜂淘汰巢脾,生产纯天然蜂粮的方法。  相似文献   

为了研究榕-蜂互利共生系统中繁殖资源的分配模式,本研究比较了小叶榕榕果内的种子及小蜂后代数量。研究结果表明:榕果内传粉榕小蜂小蜂数量显著高于种子数量。随着榕果内小蜂后代数量的增加,种子数量也呈增加的趋势,但其增加趋势并不显著。这说明传粉榕小蜂更倾向于在榕果内孕育更多的后代,而非种子。所以说在榕-蜂互利共生系统资源的分配上,传粉榕小蜂应该占主导地位。除传粉榕小蜂外,小叶榕榕果内还寄生着一种非传粉榕小蜂W.kurandensis,该种小蜂仅影响种子产出,而不影响传粉榕小蜂的后代数。这可能是由于该种小蜂与种子都利用榕果内同种空间分布类型繁殖资源资源造成的。  相似文献   

为了探究近20年来国内对瘿蜂的研究现状和研究进展,本文利用可视化分析工具CiteSpace,从发文时间、数量、作者、机构、关键词的共现和聚类等参数的角度,分析了CNKI数据库中关于国内瘿蜂方面的文献情况。结果表明,作者群体中吴琼贡献量最大、中心度最高;研究机构中浙江大学昆虫研究所发文量最多;关键词共现分析发现,瘿蜂研究的高频关键词为栗瘿蜂、板栗、栗属、寄生蜂、虫瘿等;关键词聚类发现,对瘿蜂的研究可聚类为结果母枝、中国、天敌、Wolbachia、噻虫啉、舞毒蛾、幼虫孵化、栗实象甲8个方向;通过对关键词时间序列的可视化,直观地展示了国内对瘿蜂研究的方向和现状。该研究可为从事瘿蜂研究的学者与决策者提供数据参考。  相似文献   

墨胸胡蜂为杭州市城区的主要螯人毒蜂种类。文章报道了九种杀虫剂对该蜂的应用效果评价结果.  相似文献   

约马蜂在福建为1种常见的中型马蜂.野外摘取盛夏繁殖高峰期的蜂巢,室内观察计数各类幼体数目,研究该蜂蜂巢的各种特征,结果表明:约马蜂8月下旬最大蜂巢巢脾直径可达23cm,有775个巢房,其中蛹房最多占33.8l%;产卵雌蜂与职蜂在外形上无法区别;在室温32℃下蛹历期12.5d,并据此推算卵历期4.3d,幼虫发育历期11.3d;马蜂的巢为单脾的裸巢,较为原始,第二代幼蜂已有1/3雄蜂.  相似文献   

Although the biochemical dissection of parasitoid-host interactions is becoming well characterized, the molecular knowledge concerning them is minimal. In order to understand the molecular bases of the host immune response to parasitoid attack, we explored the response of Papilio xuthus parasitized by the endoparasitic wasp Pteromalus puparum using proteomic approach. By examining the differential expression of plasma proteins in the parasitized and unparasitized host pupae by two-dimensional (2D) electrophoresis, 16 proteins were found to vary in relation to parasitization compared with unparasitized control samples. All of them were submitted to identification by mass spectrometry coupled with a database search. The modulated proteins were found to fall into the following functional groups: humoral or cellular immunity, detoxification, energy metabolism,and others. This study contributes insights into the molecular mechanism of the relationships between parasitoids and their host insects.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the effect of associative and nonassociative odor conditioning on odor preference in a specialist larval parasitic wasp ofDrosophila melanogaster, Leptopilina boulardi. Differently experienced females were offered a choice between banana and strawberry odors in a four-armed olfactometer. Wasps that were allowed to oviposit in an odorless airflow before testing exhibited no significant response to the odors, whereas females with an oviposition experience in the presence of an odor clearly preferred the scent that they had experienced. Furthermore, exposure to strawberry odor after oviposition could also induce a preference for strawberry or banana odor, depending on the concentrations of both scents used for conditioning and testing. This effect was independent of the time elapsed between oviposition and strawberry exposure, suggesting that it was caused by nonassociative conditioning and not by backward associative learning. Exposure to banana odor after oviposition had no effect on females’ responses. Variations in odor concentrations also influenced the expression of associative learning, although to a much lesser extent.  相似文献   

Although the biochemical dissection of parasitoid-host interactions is becoming well characterized, the molecular knowledge concerning them is minimal. In order to understand the molecular bases of the host immune response to parasitoid attack, we explored the response of Papilio xuthus parasitized by the endoparasitic wasp Pteromalus puparum using proteomic approach. By examining the differential expression of plasma proteins in the parasitized and unparasitized host pupae by two-dimensional (2D) electrophoresis, 16 proteins were found to vary in relation to parasitization compared with unparasitized control samples. All of them were submitted to identification by mass spectrometry coupled with a database search. The modulated proteins were found to fall into the following functional groups: humoral or cellular immunity, detoxification, energy metabolism, and others. This study contributes insights into the molecular mechanism of the relationships between parasitoids and their host insects. Project supported by the National Basic Research Program (973) of China (No. 2006CB102005), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 30571251 and 30170626), the Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University of the Ministry of Education of China (No. NCET-05-0513), and the Innovation Research Team Program of the Ministry of Education of China (No. IRT0535)  相似文献   

本文对如何培养和提高师专中文专业生写作思维能力的问题进行了探讨,主张在写作教学中教师必须把握好四个环节:一是明确思维特点,讲授思维方法;二是抓住写作理论课堂,引导学生走上科学思维轨道;三是加大文章赏析力度,锻炼科学思维能力;四是抓好习作实践,提高学生写作思维能力。  相似文献   

否定转移是指位置上与一个词或短语放在一起的否定词,有时在意义上或逻辑上可转移到去否定另一个词或短语。通过总结英语否定转移的四种表达方式,即从一般否定转移到特指否定;从特指否定转移到一般否定;从一种特指否定转移到另一种特指否定;从否定主句谓语动词转移到否定从句谓语动词,来探讨其在汉语中的翻译,以期进一步提高翻译的准确性。  相似文献   

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