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During the last decade, entrepreneurship education has become a central curricular topic in many locations in the world. In Sweden, entrepreneurship education was implemented in the curriculum for the first time in 2011, as something that should be included in all upper secondary school programmes. In this article, we focus on one of these programmes, the handicraft programme, investigating how entrepreneurship education is formulated in the latest curriculum and how teachers understand and transform such content in their teaching. Drawing on Bernstein’s concepts of classification and framing, we illustrate how entrepreneurship education in the Swedish curriculum has a ‘dual definition’, representing very different framing and classification, but still clearly belongs in a ‘market relevance’ discourse. This is expressed through the way in which the concept is transformed by teachers in their teaching. We also find that entrepreneurship education has low legitimacy among teachers, particularly when it is classified weakly. The weak framing and classification, taken together with the low legitimacy among teachers, are likely to lead to very different transformations of entrepreneurship education in different educational contexts. In the long run, this could have a negative effect on the equivalence of teaching at upper secondary school.  相似文献   

This paper presents the findings of a comparative study using data from questionnaire surveys carried out in England (n=57) and Ireland (n=72). The researchers examine how teachers and teaching assistants who are currently teaching pupils with dyslexia in primary schools describe dyslexia and what may have influenced their conceptualisation. The paper examines teachers' responses both in terms of how they view their pupils presenting difficulties in the classroom, and how far they link these to underlying differences in cognitive processing. The researchers suggest ways in which this might influence their teaching in terms of methodology. Findings have been mapped to the Morton and Frith causal modelling framework. The implications of these findings for the training and support of teachers are discussed in the light of recent national initiatives to improve the teaching of dyslexic pupils in both countries.  相似文献   

Environmental responsibility can be collective or individual. In environmental education, private-sphere responsibility is often promoted. However, emphasising individual pro-environmental behaviour may cause problems, such as feelings of guilt and powerlessness, a focus on ineffective activities, and gendered responsibility. In this article, I discuss the perceptions of 13 environmentally minded Finnish teachers concerning environmental responsibility. Results suggest that the individualisation of environmental responsibility may limit educational possibilities at school. Although the interviewees are well aware of significant environmental behaviours, they perceive their pupils’ range of action possibilities as narrow. Based on the results, I suggest that collective responsibility be promoted in environmental education, and practitioners should develop easy options for youth participation.  相似文献   

Lori Wynia 《TechTrends》2000,44(4):39-41
Conclusion I continue to believe that distance education through interactive television has merit. All participating students felt moderately satisfied with the quality of their education regardless of the classroom type. We as educators cannot ignore the areas of lower satisfaction, however. To improve the quality of ITV educational opportunities we must look to enhancing the strengths of ITV and compensating for the perceived weaknesses remote classroom students face. The primary factor relies heavily upon the instructor. Students tell us that the physical presence of the faculty member is important because it greatly improves the level of communication both in and out of the class period. If we as professors can enhance and magnify that communication through such avenues as online chat rooms, virtual office hours, responsive e-mail, and remote site visits, even students at remote sites may find higher satisfaction through education at a distance  相似文献   

How do parenting concepts vary within and between the families? The present study regards parenting as a complex family process by considering three concepts of parenting: styles, differential treatment and coparenting consistency. A main question was addressed: whether and how these parenting concepts vary within the families towards siblings or between the two parents, and between the families according to the child's, the parent's and the family's characteristics? The parenting concepts were computed from the EPEP questionnaire (Meunier &; Roskam, 2007) in a sample of 101 non-divorced families: 101 mothers and 101 fathers of two siblings from 6- to 12-years-old. The parenting concepts were found to vary within the families towards two siblings and between the mother and the father. They were also found to vary between the families according to the child's age and personality traits as well as a function of the parent's educational level and the number of siblings.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the relationships between cognitive appraisals, classroom and test emotions, and math achievement in a sample of 1219 Portuguese students from the 6th and 8th grades. Participants completed measures of perceived value, perceived competence, and seven math achievement emotions (boredom, hopelessness, anger, anxiety, enjoyment, pride, and relief) experienced in two different settings: classroom and tests. Math achievement was obtained from school records. Results showed significant associations between student competence and value appraisals, their emotional experiences in test and classroom situations, and their math achievement. However, when emotions were considered simultaneously in structural equation modeling, only anger in test situations and hopelessness were significant negative predictors of students’ math achievement. Hopelessness appears to play a particular role in the interplay between cognitive appraisals, emotions, and academic achievement as it is the only emotion that relates to math achievement both in test and classroom situations. Furthermore, findings also support the existence of differences in the relationships between cognitive appraisals and the achievement emotions students experience in these two settings.  相似文献   


Recent studies suggest that teacher messages can affect students’ well-being. Using a multilevel, variable, and person-centred approach, this study aimed to identify profiles of students according to their teachers’ use of engaging messages and analyse the relation among these profiles and teacher-student relatedness and students’ subjective vitality. A total of 1209 students participated in the study. At the student-level, profile analysis indicated the existence of four different profiles: the few messages profile, the autonomous motivational appeals profile, the loss-framed messages profile, and the gain-framed messages profile. At the teacher level, profile analysis indicated the existence of two profiles: the variant and the invariant profiles. Results showed that overall, at both levels of analysis, teachers’ engaging messages related with teacher-student relatedness (either positively or negatively) with clear differences among profiles. Moreover, also at both levels of analysis, teacher-student relatedness related with students’ subjective vitality. Main findings and implications for practice are discussed.


How teachers and students deal with assessment practices is largely influenced by the conceptions they hold about the purpose of assessment. This means that, given the current plea for a paradigm shift from Assessment of Learning to Assessment for Leaning with a balance between the formative and summative purposes of assessment, the study of teachers’ and students’ conceptions of the purpose of assessment is of the utmost relevance. In this study Dutch secondary school teachers’ (n = 351) and students’ (n = 712) conceptions of the purpose of assessment were measured using a translation of the teachers’ conceptions of assessment questionnaire and a translated and shortened version of the students’ conceptions of assessment questionnaire. Maximum Likelihood factor analyses resulted in four teacher and five student conceptions of the purpose of assessment. The results indicate that the teachers in our sample did not distinguish between formative and summative purposes of assessment. They did discern classroom assessment (formative as well as summative) from school accountability. In addition, they conceive assessment as being of bad (in terms of measurement errors) or good quality. In contrast with the teachers, students do make a distinction between the formative and summative purpose of assessment. They also refer to school accountability and the affects that assessment triggers in them as further purposes of assessment.  相似文献   

This study describes the development of a self-report instrument: the Teacher Self-Efficacy Scale to implement Self-Regulated Learning (TSES-SRL). The TSES-SRL assesses teachers' perceived ability of implementing SRL as a specific instructional domain. The process of the item and scale development is presented. Exploratory factor analysis suggests a four-factor structure. Next, confirmatory factor analysis was performed and goodness of fit estimates were calculated, indicating an acceptable fit. Further, comparing the TSES-SRL to The Ohio State Teacher Efficacy Scale reveals the domain-specificity of the instrument. Overall, the TSES-SRL is considered a useful instrument to measure teachers' feelings of competence regarding SRL implementation.  相似文献   

Since the 1970s, schools have been characterized as loosely coupled systems, meaning that the teachers’ work is weakly coordinated at the local level. Nonetheless, few studies have focused on the local variations of coordination modes, their sources and their nature. In this article, the process of local coordination of the teachers’ work is analyzed, using a sociocognitive approach. A longitudinal study of the framing process conducted during two years in one school is presented, in order to capture the parallel evolution of the teachers’ cognitive structures and the school’s social structures. The results show that: (1) the framing process is at the heart of political games, meaning that the local definition of teaching and its conditions represent an important issue for the teachers; and that (2) the cognitive structures that emerge from the framing process appear to some extent to be decoupled from the teachers’ actual practices, contributing only partially to the local process of the teachers’ work coordination.  相似文献   

Educational Psychology makes a significant contribution to the development of skills to research the effectivity of teacher practices in class. However, there is little agreement on what educational psychology concepts are most relevant for teacher training. This paper reports on trainee teachers’ self-perceived mastery of, and attributed importance to, the syllabus content of the Learning & Development module taken as part of the BA Primary Education programme at a university in Barcelona (Spain). Data were collected through a questionnaire answered by all the participants (N = 561) and a focused interview conducted with a representative sample (n = 24). Results showed that students attributed greater importance to syllabus topics related to socio-emotional development and teaching roles in the classroom. Theoretical topics, such as conceptual frameworks for development and learning, were less rated. Students reported deficient mastery of the syllabus topics and significant gaps between attributed importance and self-perceived mastery of contents were confirmed. Implications of our study results for teaching psychology to primary school pre-service teachers are discussed.  相似文献   

European Journal of Psychology of Education - This study aimed to understand how children reflect about learning, report their regulation of learning activity, and develop their performance in...  相似文献   

In this paper we aim to describe how secondary school teachers explain multicausal historical events. To that end, we recorded and analyzed seven classes on “The discovery and colonization of America”. The results show that secondary school teachers do not simply deal with history as a catalog of actions, characters and dates. On the contrary, historical contents are presented as a mesh of events and factors, explicitly or implicitly interwoven. In the discourse analysed, causal-conditional relationships are predominant, although some intentional and narrative elements are also integrated. The teachers asked some questions specifically aimed at involving students in causal reasoning. In spite of the fact that some students recalled a great deal of information, they were likely to describe the historical accounts without explaining why they were generated. Recall protocols contained many more narrative elements than causal ones. Most of the students only remembered and understood those causal relationships which had been signaled and supported verbally by teachers during the explanation. Implications for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

A random sample of primary grade teachers from across the United States was surveyed about their instructional practices in handwriting. Nine out of every ten teachers indicated that they taught handwriting, averaging 70 minutes of instruction per week. Only 12% of teachers, however, indicated that the education courses taken in college adequately prepared them to teach handwriting. Despite this lack of formal preparation, the majority of teachers used a variety of recommended instructional practices for teaching handwriting. The application of such practices, though, was applied unevenly, raising concerns about the quality of handwriting instruction for all children. Preparation of this paper was supported by the Center to Accelerate Student Learning, funded by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education Programs Grant H324V980001.  相似文献   

The purpose of this cross-national study is to understand teachers’ views about the meaning of instructional coherence and the ways to achieve instructional coherence. With respect to the meaning of instructional coherence, whereas the majority of U.S. teachers paid attention to connections between teaching activities, lessons, or topics, the majority of Chinese teachers emphasized the interconnected nature of mathematical knowledge beyond the teaching flow. U.S. teachers expressed their views about ways to achieve instructional coherence through managing a complete lesson structure. In contrast, Chinese teachers emphasized pre-design of teaching sequences, transitional language and questioning based on the study of textbooks and students beforehand. Moreover, they emphasized addressing student thinking and dealing with emerging events in order to achieve “real” coherence. The findings of the study contribute to our understanding about the meaning of instructional coherence and ways to achieve instructional coherence in different cultural contexts.  相似文献   

Education and Information Technologies - In this qualitative case study, we examined in-service elementary school teachers’ learning of coding and robotics in a blended professional learning...  相似文献   

A concern for self-sustaining, generative change shifts the focus of teacher development from the factors that initiate change to factors that enable teachers to continue to learn and grow. If we believe that teachers develop and cannot be developed, then it is necessary to understand not only whether a professional development programme promotes principles of  相似文献   

张蓉 《海外英语》2013,(15):34-37
Reading is a very essential skill in the process of knowledge aqusition,while,effective reading ability is the outcome of the good combination of both time and skills.The differences between good readers and poor reader will be studied in terms of comparisons towards their reading speed,efficiency and reasons behind in the domain of psychological perspectives.  相似文献   

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