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A system of restricted admission to certain faculties has been in operation in Netherlands universities for the past two or three years. Limiting the number of first-year students admitted to certain faculties was found necessary in order to ensure the maintenance of teaching standards, which could otherwise not be guaranteed. For financial reasons it is practically impossible to create the additional educational facilities which would be necessary if all applicants were to be admitted; and for this reason it was decided to institute a "student freeze" in some subjects which, it was hoped, would be of a temporary nature.  相似文献   

Letters of recommendation are commonly used to assess the potential of undergraduate students to be successful undergraduate research assistants/interns or their potential as graduate students. However, there is evidence to suggest that reference letters can include unconscious (or implicit) bias that can affect decisions and limit opportunities for under-represented minorities and students from non-research institutions. This study uses a text analysis software program to examine 457 letters of recommendation for undergraduate students applying to undertake international research experience to determine whether there is a statistically significant difference in the language used to describe the students accepted into the programme (n = 36 letters) compared to those who were not accepted (n = 421 letters). Results suggest that letters of recommendation for the accepted students describe the productivity of the students with greater certainty and include a greater number of quotes from student work. In comparison, the letters for those students who were not accepted into the programme include more positive emotion and describe the insight of the student, but include more words associated with discrepancy and tentative statements. Despite no statistically significant differences in grade point averages, a similar pattern was observed between male and female applicants, white and non-white applicants, and applicants from research and non-research institutions. Results suggest a need to standardise letters of recommendation to ensure that the biases are minimised and do not present a barrier to increasing diversity in undergraduate research.  相似文献   

This paper examines the implications of college admissions criteria on students’ academic and non-academic performance in university and their labor market outcomes. We exploit a unique feature of the admissions system at a large university in Singapore, the National University of Singapore, that has two admission tracks – a regular admission track where admission is based exclusively on academic performance and a discretionary admission (DA) track where applicants can instead gain admission on the basis of demonstrated non-academic qualities. Comparing students admitted through each track, we find that DA students fare similarly in terms of academic performance in university as marginal students admitted through the regular route. However, they are significantly more likely to be involved in optional academic and non-academic college activities and earn substantially higher labor market earnings up to three years after graduation. These results are not driven by the DA process differentially selecting students on the basis of family background or unobserved academic ability.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the long-term impact on earnings of attending a tuition-free, top-quality university in Brazil. We identify the causal effect through a sharp discontinuity in an admission process based on test scores. If admitted, low-income students are found to increase their earnings by 26% ten years later. However, admission has a small and insignificant effect on high-income students. The difference between income groups is not explained by educational attainment, program choice, or selection into better-paying jobs. The evidence suggests that most low-income applicants, if not admitted, still graduate from college but with much lower returns to education. High-income applicants who just miss the cutoff, however, can find other opportunities such that earnings trajectories are unchanged. Our results underscore the role of affordable higher education in promoting social mobility.  相似文献   

The effects that admission criteria may have for under-represented groups are an important concern for programs seeking to improve access to post-secondary education. Using data from a large preservice teacher education program in the Canadian province of Ontario, we demonstrate two approaches to evaluating the effects of admission criteria. The first approach uses survival analysis to compare the effects of minimum admission criteria for determining the admissibility of applicants. The second approach compares the actual admission decisions with the decisions that would have been made using eight alternative sets of rules with varying emphases on academic preparation, ratings of applicants’ essays and applicants’ demographic information. Both approaches offer insights into the roles of specific admission criteria in addressing under-representation.  相似文献   

In 1977 more than 2500 Israeli student‐teacher applicants were tested on a variety of cognitive and affective measures. Based on multivariate analytical techniques, the results showed three selection phases:

1. Self‐selection by the potential teacher for the vocation, characterized by a conservative modal personality.

2. Admission by the teacher‐training program, when the more able students are accepted.

3. Election, once admitted, to undergo the course of instruction. This phase cancels cognitive ability differences apparent in the admission phase; and elevates personality traits of a conforming and a conservative type, as the most discriminatory modality between future teachers and those who elected not to become teachers. The findings are discussed in terms of a type‐placement model.


The relevance of admission policy for educational outcome in medical schools is demonstrated by means of longitudinal data on the total population of several cohorts of students admitted to the German medical schools on the basis of a variety of criteria (n = 28,000 students). The correlations between the quantitative criteria for admission and performance on the First Medical Examination (which takes place after 2–3 years of study) were calculated. Secondly, the mean total scores on this examination that have been achieved at first attempt by groups of students admitted according to different selection criteria were compared. Thirdly, the rates of success on the medical examination at first attempt after two years of study were compared for the above‐mentioned groups of students. The most striking result is the large difference between the groups under comparison in terms of their success rates in the First Medical Examination. The highest pass rates (80%) are achieved by students selected on the basis of a combination of the average mark in the secondary school leaving certificate and the total score on the ‘Test for Medical Studies’, an aptitude test. Had the students been admitted at random, they would only have attained a pass rate of 48% (base rate). For those admitted on the basis of the result of an interview or on the basis of ‘waiting‐time’ (i.e. the number of semesters they had spent queuing) the pass rates are 49 and 45%. The results are interpreted in the light of different political and educational goals that are or can be envisaged when decisions on admission strategies are made.  相似文献   

In the early to mid-2000s, four flagship Israeli selective universities introduced a voluntary need-blind and color-blind affirmative action policy for students from disadvantaged backgrounds. The program allowed departments to offer admission to academically borderline applicants who were above a certain threshold of disadvantage. We examine the effect of eligibility for affirmative action on admission and enrollment outcomes as well as on academic achievement using a regression discontinuity (RD) design. We show that students who were just barely eligible for this voluntary policy had a significantly higher probability of admission and enrollment, as compared to otherwise similar students. The affirmative action program also led to higher rates of admission to the most selective majors. Moreover, after enrollment, AA-eligible students are not falling behind academically, even at the most selective majors. Our results suggest the potential for a long-lasting impact of class-based preferences in admission on social and economic mobility.  相似文献   

This paper examines and discusses the profiles of applicants and entrants to the DGO (Dioplóma Gairmiúil san Oideachas) initial teacher education programme between 2000 and 2011. The DGO is the only initial teacher education programme in Ireland that is specifically designated to prepare student teachers for the second-level Irish-medium (SLIM) school sector. It is delivered entirely through the Irish language. This study examines data collected from all DGO applicants (N = 1002) between 2000 and 2011. Results show that demand for this programme has increased over the past decade. The academic quality of applicants has risen dramatically in recent years and 75% of successful applicants are female. The data show that a significant proportion of DGO applicants are native Irish speakers from Gaeltacht (areas in Ireland where the Irish language Gaeilge is the vernacular). There has been a severe shortage of applicants with qualifications in certain subject areas, in particular in Sciences, Mathematics and European languages. Drawing on findings from this study as well as on national statistics and educational policy documents, this paper discusses how changes to the DGO selection process may contribute to better meeting the staffing demands in SLIM schools in Ireland.  相似文献   


The amount of merit-based scholarship support for graduate students in the United States has increased dramatically. Given this increased investment, does increasing the size of scholarships awarded to the most academically able admitted students substantially increase their probability of enrollment? We found no support for a positive answer to the question. Our study is unique in the literature in two important ways. First, the design randomly assigned admitted students to size of scholarship. Second, the size of scholarship varied from substantial ($10,000) to substantially larger ($18,500). The applicants in the study were the most academically able applicants to master's programs in a graduate school of education at an elite university. It may be that the difference between no scholarship support and some scholarship support (e.g., $10,000) might have a positive effect on yield. Natural variation data from the same site supported this conclusion. It may be that dramatically larger amounts of scholarship support would have a positive effect on yield as well (e.g., the full cost of tuition).  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine effects of the admission system to higher education on background diversity of students and study efficiency. By using data from a longitudinal project, the students admitted to medical education on different admission grounds are compared. The results indicate that admissions based on upper secondary grades best promote the goal of diversity. In addition, those students perform nearly as well as those admitted via step‐wise procedures. The step‐wise procedures promote study efficiency, but tend to favour applicants with upper‐middle‐class and Swedish backgrounds compared to those admitted via grades. Those admitted on the basis of SweSAT scores perform more poorly than those admitted via grades and step‐wise procedures. Furthermore, the results indicate that admission via SweSAT scores contradict rather than promote the goals of increasing social, educational, and national diversity in higher education.  相似文献   

Selection for admission to initial teacher training is an interface between the teaching profession and those who aspire to join it. Well-managed selection can communicate a positive image of teaching as a career and can encourage applicants to maintain their interest in joining the profession. In an earlier report [4] issues in selection were considered from the standpoint of Scotland's seven colleges of education. This paper presents the views of applicants to the profession. Its principal focus is the views of candidates who did not subsequently enter on course because either they changed their minds or they were not offered places. To balance this, information gained from a smaller number of applicants who did enroll on a teaching course is also considered. Applicants' views on selection are obviously of importance in obtaining a rounded view of the strengths and weaknesses of current practice.  相似文献   

English language programmes provide established pathways for international students seeking university admission in countries such as Australia and the United Kingdom. In order to refer international applicants to appropriate levels and durations of English language support prior to matriculation into their main course of study, pathway providers need effective and efficient language assessment tools. This report evaluates the effectiveness of an online vocabulary knowledge test as an index of English proficiency for university English pathway programme applicants (N = 177). The Timed Yes/No (TYN) test measures vocabulary recognition size and speed in a time- and resource-effective format. Test results were correlated with performance on a comprehensive placement test consisting of speaking, writing, reading and listening components. The predictive validity of word recognition accuracy (a proxy for size) and response time (a measure of efficiency) for placement test outcomes were examined independently and in combination. The TYN test scores’ sensitivity at predicting comprehensive placement test scores were assessed using a cut-score analysis resulting in an identification accuracy rate ranging from 76 to 86% for five critical band scores. The potential use of the online vocabulary-screening test for measuring international students’ English language proficiency is discussed in terms of reliability, validity, speed, usability and cost-effectiveness in onsite and offshore testing conditions.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the effectiveness of a cognitive enrichment programme as a tool for enhancing the chances of immigrant and minority students to be admitted to a technological college. Students received two weekly sessions (four hours) of Instrumental Enrichment (IE) during the second semester of the college preparatory programme. The cognitive principles of IE were ‘bridged’ to mathematics and science curricular material. The mathematics and science tasks were analysed to show the students the underlying cognitive principles essential for their solution. Graduates of the programme were much more successful in being admitted to technological college than students in previous years who received no cognitive enrichment.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether subject-specific admission tests may allow Swedish higher education institutions to admit better-performing students. The performance of students admitted via a mathematics and physics aptitude test was reviewed with a focus on activity, retention, and credits earned, and the results were compared with students admitted in traditional ways, such as secondary school grade point averages (GPA). The results show that the students admitted in the test quota show a higher activity rate as well as a higher retention rate than most other students, but that they are not as successful as the GPA quota students in acquiring their intended credits. It is concluded that subject-specific admission tests seem to entail higher student motivation and that they therefore may be a valuable instrument to supplement traditional admission instruments. The observed differences in the study have generated a number of hypotheses that would need further study to fully understand the merits of different admission instruments.  相似文献   

Misrecognition of South African university students is at the heart of this article. Misrecognition refers in this article to the exclusionary institutional discourses and practices of this country’s universities, which continue to prevent the majority of their (Black) students’ from achieving a successful education. It is a conceptual account of the ways in which these misrecognized students develop a complex educational life in their quest for a university education. The article argues that at the heart of students’ university experiences is an essential misrecognition of who they are, and how they access and encounter their university studies. I suggest that gaining greater purchase on their (mis)recognition struggles may place the university in a position to establish an engaging recognition platform to facilitate their educational success. Divided into four sections, the article starts with a rationale for bringing the institutional misrecognition of students into view. This is followed by a theoretical consideration of the notion of recognition, which opens space for what I call the recognitive agency of the education subject, who remains largely unknown to the university. The third section provides an account of the nature and extent of Black students’ survivalist educational navigations and practices in their family, community, school, and university contexts. The final and concluding section of the article presents a normative argument for developing an education platform for facilitating a productive encounter aimed at animating students’ educational becoming. This, I argue, should proceed on the basis of a decolonizing knowledge approach, involving curriculum recognition, which would accord students the conceptual tools for developing the epistemic virtues necessary for complex decolonized living.  相似文献   

Statistical tools found in the service quality assessment literature—the T2 statistic combined with factor analysis—can enhance the feedback instructors receive from student ratings. T2 examines variability across multiple sets of ratings to isolate individual respondents with aberrant response patterns (i.e., outliers). Analyzing student responses that are outside the “normal” range of responses can identify aspects of the course that cause pockets of students to be dissatisfied. This fresh insight into sources of student dissatisfaction is particularly valuable for instructors willing to make tactical classroom changes that accommodate individual students rather than the traditional approach of using student ratings to develop systemwide changes in course delivery. A case study is presented to demonstrate how the recommended procedure minimizes data overload, allows for valid schoolwide and longitudinal comparisons of correlated survey responses, and helps instructors identify priority areas for instructional improvement.  相似文献   

This paper describes ongoing research that builds on earlier studies by the authors that have investigated issues concerning the selection of science graduates to secondary PGCE courses. These studies identified the need for criteria that are understood by tutors and applicants to ensure that candidates from ethnic minority groups are not disadvantaged. The research focuses on the perceptions that science graduates have about the selection process for secondary teacher education courses and seeks to identify whether the procedures used disadvantage any particular groups or individuals. We are interested also in whether there is a mismatch between tutors’ perceptions of the interview process and those of the applicants. During 1995/96 current students and applicants for one year PGCE courses in science were asked how they had prepared for their interviews and for their impressions of the interviewing process. The paper describes initial findings and the implication of these findings.  相似文献   

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