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勾勒关键能力,打造优质生活——OECD关键能力框架概述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
关键能力是个人实现自我、终身发展、融入主流社会和充分就业所必需的知识、技能及态度之集合,是一种通用能力或横向能力,从而使得每个人具有追求完美人生的热忱,以积极公民的身份参与社会进步的本领和在劳动力市场获得充分就业的表现。关键能力框架的核心是"个体的自我认识能力",表明其心智成熟、道德完善,勇于为自我学习和行动负责。  相似文献   

Universities in Germany show an increasing need for specific information on professional demands encountered and addressed by graduates training to become teachers. To provide information on demands and abilities in teaching graduates, a specialised teacher module was developed in the framework of the German Cooperation Project for Graduate Tracer Studies (KOAB, INCHER Kassel). The scale operationalises a model of teacher action based on guidelines published by the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education (KMK 2004; 2000). To test validity of the 40-item-strong scale, a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA, AMOS) was conducted. Analyses are based on a sample of 937 teachers in training who graduated from the universities of Cologne and Münster, North Rhine-Westphalia, between 1 October 2007 and 30 September 2008. Overall, the results of the first analyses emphasise the scale’s potential to provide insight into the demands for which students should be prepared by their teaching studies.  相似文献   

The competence discourse issued by the Colombian Ministry of National Education defines an ontological duty, a set of logics for the education of subjectivity. Some interesting elements result from this analysis. The first level, or denotative level, manages a management or business cultural code. This code is closely related to the second level or connotative level linked to certain values translated, as Saussure says, into an ideology or myth: the myth of rational market in this case. This is the performing work of discourse, that language game that entails the promise of future success and happiness.  相似文献   

The use of formative and shared or co-assessment has been shown to improve the motivation, involvement and learning of university students. The aim of this study is to analyse the effect that implementing these processes has on university students’ perception of their acquisition of transversal competences. The participants in the study were 1021 students from five Spanish universities taking degree courses in primary education or physical education and sport science. They all experienced formative and shared or co-assessment throughout a complete academic year of their courses. For the data collection, a Self-Perception Scale of Transversal Competences was created, which had adequate values of reliability and validity. Using a transversal design (inter-subjects), inferential statistical analysis was undertaken of the differences in means between the perception of a range of transversal competences before and after the course. The results show significant perceived improvements at the end of the course for most of the competences analysed, which indicates, among other thing, the value and importance of this type of assessment for the educational process.  相似文献   

In this article, we have analysed whether graduates from activating learning environments assess themselves as having more generic and reflective competences than graduates who studied in conventional learning environments. We have also investigated whether graduates from different learning environments look back differently on their training for the workplace. Contrary to earlier research we have used data from a large-scale survey among higher education graduates, the ‘Higher education and Graduate Employment in Europe’ project (CHEERS). The CHEERS-data distinguishes different kind of learning environments and 36 different kind of competencies among more than 1,200 graduates from 12 universities in the Netherlands. Results show that graduates from activating learning environments attribute more generic and reflective competences to themselves than graduates from conventional learning environments. In addition, results indicate that the quality of contents of majors and of curriculum design are significantly related to the presence of generic and reflective competences according to the perception of graduates. Finally, results demonstrate that the competences learning ability, analytic competences, working independently and working in a team positively contribute to the development of competences in the later careers of graduates.  相似文献   

新一轮的基础教育课程改革的基本目标、特点及四个“转变”对高师教育提出了紧迫的挑战:培养集人本型、指导促进型、合作型、综合型、创新型、研究型特征为一体的高素质的新型教师,高师应积极应对,探索相应对策。  相似文献   

The educational model based on competences established under the unifying framework of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), has brought new challenges and threats for educational institutions at university level, who now have to adapt, update and face up to this new educational paradigm. This paper addresses the competences from two different perspectives; the first relating to the level reached by the student through university training received; and the second concerning the level required by labour market in the profession studied. The empirical analysis was performed using nonparametric statistics on a sample of 236 individuals, following the methodology of the Tuning project. The results support the existence of differences between the two blocks of analysed competences, as well as the importance of communication competences and the relationships of competences related to communication with all other competences with highest differences. This point to a course of action based on these competences, especially communication competences, as a way for working on improving the competence results in higher education.  相似文献   

国际学生教育本质上是一种跨文化教育。跨文化性、个体差异显著性、涉外性与专业分散性构成了我国高校国际学生事务的特性,对国际学生辅导员的角色与能力提出相应要求。跨文化教育视角下,我国高校国际学生辅导员承载着跨文化交际者、跨文化教育者、跨文化管理者与跨文化研究者的角色,应具备由跨文化交际能力、跨文化教育能力、跨文化管理能力与跨文化研究能力等四个维度构成的跨文化能力。  相似文献   

在分析我国工程师现状及工程教育体制的基础上,详细介绍法国工程师培养制度,重点探究我国发展工程师学历教育的必要性与可行性.  相似文献   

加拿大高职能力本位课程教学大纲探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
加拿大高职能力本位课程教学大纲具有以下特点:课程大纲理念与内容始终贯穿职业能力这一主线,课程大纲开发与结果始终贯穿"行业、企业导向",课程大纲目标与实施始终体现能力本位的整合能力观。借鉴其经验,我国高职教育课程大纲开发应体现全面的职业能力,设计能力培养方案,规划"教、学、做一体化"。  相似文献   

通过文献计量法对1995年至2009年我国核心期刊上公开发表的终身教育领域研究论文从时间分布、期刊分布、作者分布、科研机构分布、基金论文分布、主题内容分布六个方面进行数据的统计分析,得出一系列相关结论:我国的终身教育研究重心已经转移至实践领域,但对立法环节研究尚欠缺;论文在各种类型的期刊均有发表;其主要科研机构分布在长江三角洲以及北京等发达地区,但是研究者分布较分散,尚未形成核心团队。  相似文献   

体操是高等院校体育教育专业的主干课程之一,也是基础教育阶段体育与健康课程的重要教学内容。结合河北省基础教育阶段体操教学内容开展情况,从课程论和教学论角度考察普通高校体操课程建设,可发现其中存在先进教学理念在教学实践中落实不足、教学内容局限性突出、新型教学方法应用受限和考核评价方式单一性显著等问题。要改变这一现状,就要在科学定位课程目标的基础上,转变体操教育教学理念,增强教学内容开放性,灵活运用教学方法,增加形成性评价,提高学生主体意识。  相似文献   

通过对我国部分高师院校的通识课程的分析,指出了其中存在的问题是由于高师通识课程未凸现师范性,具体表现在:通识课程分类不明确,提高学生师范素质的课程较少;内容单调,选修课程数量不足,涉及领域窄;通识课程设置过于随意,设置模式僵化,缺乏多样性与灵活性;课程总量虽大,但学生自由选择度过小;通识课程和专业课程泾渭分明,缺乏整合;通识课程的教学枯燥,缺乏活力。我国高师院校通识课程要凸现师范性应从师范教育的独特性和培养目标两方面着手,只有在师范性的基础上来进行的通识课程,才能激活学生"通识"的兴趣,真正实现通识教育应有的目标。  相似文献   

“课程思政”是促进高等教育更好地发挥“四个服务”功能的理念创新、制度创新和实践创新,是育人的“根”与“魂”。针对目前高校能力本位教学中职业能力开发不够深入导致人才培养目标与社会需求脱节的问题,本研究对新时代课程思政内涵进行分析,以跨境电商阿里巴巴国际站产教融合项目平台为依托,以能力本位为理论指导,确定人才培养体系,并进行课程思政视域下高职跨境电商英语课程能力本位教学设计与实践。应用研究结果表明,课程思政视域下高职能力本位教学设计,不仅在学生的知识、技能与就业等三个维度有明显的促进作用,而且有助于提升学生团队合作能力、工匠意识,以及树立正确价值观。  相似文献   

我国民族教育课程改革及其政策研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
王鉴 《西北师大学报》2002,39(6):102-105
新一轮国家基础教育课程改革在民族地区会遇到特殊的教育体系与内容设计等因素的影响,为此需要一系列特殊的民族教育的课程政策来保障,如民族教育的课程目标政策、课程设计的原则、三级课程的管理体系等。  相似文献   

全纳教育的根源在欧洲,发端于美国,以西方文艺复兴和启蒙运动时期追求的自由和平等价值观为思想基础.目前,全纳教育在中国的发展仍处于摸索阶段,需要借鉴国外全纳教育的研究成果和成功经验,尽管我国全纳教育的理论研究逐年增加,但仅限于全纳教育理念的起源与发展、全纳教育的定义等领域,鲜有行为实践研究.因此,文章对国内外全纳教育相关研究进行较为全面的归纳总结,获取有益于我国全纳教育发展的重要启示.  相似文献   

以ERIC数据库收录2003至2010年间,经同行评审的有关远程教育的文献为数据样本,在确定国外远程教育研究领域49个高频主题词的基础上,运用共词分析法,以SPSS软件为工具,探索国外远程教育的研究热点。研究结果表明,2003至2010年间,国外学者在远程教育领域的研究热点主要集中在对远程教育的技术支撑环境、人文资源环境、教学手段、教学系统中的通讯方式、不同教学层次的学习效能、教学模式中的教师作用和研究方法等七个方面的研究。  相似文献   

公平和效率是各国高等教育发展中存在的重要问题之一。一般认为公平和效率在理论上和宏观上是可以统一的,并能够得到协调发展和可持续发展。然而,从微观和实践层面上分析却往往会发现存在一种矛盾现象,似乎是一个不可调和的两难问题。我国省(市)高等教育发展的公平与效率就是当前急需关注的一个典型的、具体的问题。通过对反映我国1999年和2000年各省(市)高等教育和经济发展状况的多指标进行聚类、相关等统计分析,考察了我国20世纪90年代高等教育区域公平和效率的发展变化特征,并通过对二者量化关系的揭示,对我国省(市)20世纪90年代高等教育公平与效率问题进行了实证分析和评估,并对我国未来省(市)高等教育的进一步发展提出了相应的对策和建议。  相似文献   

本就高职院校国际贸易专业课程体系中存在的问题进行了分析,指出了改革应把握的取向,并就部分课程设置的调整提出具体设想。  相似文献   

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