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教师动机与教师教学行为、专业发展,与学生对教学感知及学业表现密切相关。本文在对教师领域主要的三种动机理论及相关研究的介绍基础上,概述了这些理论的联系和区别,最后指出了这些理论和研究对我国的启示。  相似文献   

我国研究生教育的效率分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
以大学为分析单元,将教育和研究作为研究生教育的产出,将导师数、具有高级职称的教师数和研究经费作为投入,通过DEA(数据包络分析)对我国66所大学的研究生教育的效率进行定量分析发现:31所大学的研究生教育是总体技术有效的,47所大学是纯技术有效的,而规模无效的大学中有32所处于规模收益递减阶段。从数量效率看,有33所大学处于规模收益递减阶段,从质量效率看,有39所大学处于规模收益递减阶段。提高我国研究生教育效率的当务之急是提高管理效率,消除规模无效。  相似文献   

本文是对学习动机的激发原理所作的一种概括。这些动机激发原理源自课堂学习的研究,它们回答了成就动机、内部动机和目标定向这些基本问题.也包括转变动机信念、激发动机的策略和增强意志力等问题。  相似文献   

有机整合动机理论为如何促进幼儿教师工作动机内化、增强工作动机的自主性提供了一个新的视角。促进幼儿教师工作动机内化的策略包括提高教师的能力知觉水平、给教师专业自主权、让教师获得归属感。  相似文献   

研究生课程教学改革是目前研究生教育改革的重要组成部分,开设硕士研究生学科通开课是保障和提高硕士研究生培养质量的基础环节。本文主要探讨武汉大学生命科学学院开设的学科通开课程"现代仪器分析"在建设过程中的经验。围绕整合教学资源和相关课程优势,加强教学团队的建设,采用现代化的教学手段,在教学过程中培养科研能力等多方面进行了有益的探索,为培育精品课程打下了好的基础。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was trying to predict success in the qualifying round for the International Chemistry Olympiad (IChO) on the basis of the expectancy-value model of achievement motivation by Eccles et al. The investigation with 52 participants, including 14 females, was conducted during the third of four qualifying rounds of the IChO in Germany. The subjects filled in a questionnaire, took an intelligence test, and participated in two theoretical chemistry exams. Male and female Olympians showed large differences in parental support, motivation, and emotion as well as test performance. Ultimately, only one female participant qualified for the fourth round of the IChO. The model of Eccles et al. was well suited for predicting test performance in the competition. The strongest predictor was found to be the participation in a previous IChO. The implications for reducing gender differences and promoting scientifically talented students are discussed.  相似文献   

教学中学生动机研究新进展简述   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
教学中学生的动机对学生的学习绩效和素质发展有着重大影响,教学中的学生动机是教育心理学研究中的一个新热点。最新的研究普遍认为,学习动机对学生学业和行为的效应必须通过作为中介的社会认知建构得以实现。关于动机的社会认知建构的研究很多,主要集中在自我效能感、归因和控制信念、兴趣和内隐动机、任务价值信念、个人目标等五个领域。采取有效的教学设计原则可以激发和维持学生动机。  相似文献   

激励理论与实务技巧探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
简要综述了国内外管理学激励理论、经济学激励理论及实务激励模式,进一步从权益层、经营层、操作层论述三个不同层面提出了实用性很强的几种具体的激励措施。  相似文献   

激发学生学习动机一直以来都是教学研究的一个主题,本文从期待价值理论的视角,提出了通过构建"期待差",以提高学习者期待,并由此实现激发学习动机的方法.本文结合《创新思维》课程的导入教学,对该方法的应用和效果进行了分析和探讨.实践表明,在课程导入教学中,构建"期待差"对激发学习者学习动机具有明显的积极作用.  相似文献   

Flipped classroom approaches remove the traditional transmissive lecture and replace it with active in-class tasks and pre-/post-class work. Despite the popularity of these approaches in the media, Google search, and casual hallway chats, there is very little evidence of effectiveness or consistency in understanding what a flipped classroom actually is. Although the flipped terminology is new, some of the approaches being labelled ‘flipped’ are actually much older. In this paper, we provide a catch-all definition for the flipped classroom, and attempt to retrofit it with a pedagogical rationale, which we articulate through six testable propositions. These propositions provide a potential agenda for research about flipped approaches and form the structure of our investigation. We construct a theoretical argument that flipped approaches might improve student motivation and help manage cognitive load. We conclude with a call for more specific types of research into the effectiveness of the flipped classroom approach.  相似文献   

基于设计的研究:教育理论与实践创新的持续动力   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
教育理论与实践的创新与教育研究的方法或方法论创新密切相关。在设计成为人类社会生活的一种必需方式、设计科学日趋成熟的当今,教育的设计属性逐渐凸显。以往徘徊于科学主义和人文主义路线的教育科学正走向统整的设计科学。作为一种集中方法与方法论功能为一体的新型研究范式,基于设计的研究以洞察和探究真实教育情境中的学习机制为原动力,通过层层递进的问题解决方案的设计、实施、修订与迭代循环,把教育实证研究与理论驱动的学习环境设计融合在一起,是理解教育创新如何、何时以及为什么在实践中起作用的重要方法论,在持续地推动教育理论与实践创新方面蕴含着巨大的潜力。  相似文献   

语言理据研究中的几个理论问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
理据性和任意性都是语言的重要属性,一起构成"和而不同"的对立统一关系;理据论是理据性的理论升华,是人们借用心理学中的"动因"概念并从认知、功能、文化等角度来解释语言符号发生和发展的一种理论;语言表述是捕捉理据的唯一方式,离开语言表述,理据研究将成为空谈;理据(理据义)是每一个具体的语言符号的能指和所指结合在一起的动因,而理据性是对这种结合关系在性质上的描写与判断,二者形成具体与抽象的关系。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine ninth-grade students’ perception of a Swedish national test in science (high-stakes for the students) and a field trial (low-stakes for the students), in terms of test-taking motivation. The study is based on semi-structured interviews with 12 students. Overall, the students had a positive perception of the national test; they were motivated to do their best, believed they did well and found the test important and good. Several students were nervous before the test and some during the test whereas others felt okay, or even enjoyed taking the national test. The students talked about less effort and test anxiety in the field trial and perceived the test as less important compared to the national test. The interviews provided a rich understanding of the different aspects of test-taking motivation as described by the expectancy-value theory. Furthermore, they indicated how the test administration could be adjusted so as to achieve higher test validity.  相似文献   

论公平理论对教师激励的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在影响教师工作积极性的诸多因素中,公平感是极为重要的因素.美国行为科学家亚当斯的公平理论能帮助学校管理者科学地分析教师的公平感,有效地实施公平激励,以提升教师的公平感.  相似文献   

公平理论及其在组织激励中的作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
公平意味着规则和秩序,是社会关系和谐的核心和根本。公平理论及其在组织激励中的应用对组织中员工的心理具有最基本和重要的影响。文章综述了影响组织的公平理论,除了传统的分配公平理论外,还有程序公平理论、相互作用公平理论、内部公平和外部公平理论,并阐述了这几种公平对组织激励的作用和影响。  相似文献   

归因理论与学习动机   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
归因理论有助于分析学生学习动机的形成 ,预测学生的学习动机 ,培养学生良好的归因风格。根据归因理论 ,培养学生良好的学习动机和归因风格的策略主要有 :尊重差异 ,树立学习目标 ,进行合理的归因训练 ,正确看待错误 ,使学生掌握学习策略 ,创设合作学习的情境  相似文献   

对英语词汇中存在较多的“音表意”现象进行了探究 ,不仅分析了拟声作为一种构词理据的各种表现形式 ,还借助于关联理论对拟声作了尝试性透视 ,得出了有关制约“拟声机制”之原则的结论。  相似文献   

The authors examined 1,781 rural students' reading motivation and behavior across the transition from middle to high school. Using expectancy-value theory, they investigated how motivational variables predicted changes in reading behavior and achievement across the transition in terms of their expectancies, values, and out-of-school reading behaviors. A repeated measures analysis of variance indicated significant increases in vocabulary, intrinsic value, and out-of-school reading, whereas significant decreases were found in attainment value. Hierarchical regression analysis indicated students' subjective expectancy for success was a significant predictor of increases in both comprehension and vocabulary scores. Students' utility value interacted with intrinsic value in predicting reading comprehension scores. In terms of change in students' reading behavior, their perceptions of intrinsic value and utility value were significant predictors. Gender interacted significantly with expectancies in predicting behaviors. Findings have implications for instructional support, particularly as it relates to reading motivation across the transition from middle to high school.  相似文献   

当前我国基层公务员管理中还存在着激励不足、激励手段单一、激励效果不佳等问题,因此,在管理工作中基于需要层次理论,完善薪酬激励、竞争激励和晋升激励;基于双因素理论,改善保健因素,加强激励因素;基于公平理论,建立科学合理的绩效考核、薪酬结构体系,完善公平竞争机制;基于期望理论,强化上下级交流,注重外部激励和自我激励相结合。  相似文献   

任意性和理据性都是语言符号重要的客观属性。从现代语言学发展到当代语言学的过程中,这一对客观属性被语言学家进行了理论升华,形成两种彼此关联的理论一任意论和理据论。因此从“客观属性”与“主观理论”二分的全新角度看,贯穿现当代语言研究始终的任意性与理据性之争,实质上是任意论与理据论之争,而正确地处理任意论与理据论的关系,有助于我们建设一种更加科学合理的语言研究方法论。  相似文献   

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