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Successful aging and lifelong learning are value-laden concepts that are culturally determined. To this effect, people with different value systems and cultural backgrounds may perceive and understand these two concepts differently, resulting in different definitions and conceptualizations by people in diverse cultural contexts. There have been studies of successful aging and lifelong learning that considered what role culture plays in these two constructs separately. However, there is a lack of research studying successful aging and lifelong learning alongside each other, using the same culturally relevant approach to examine the impact of culture on how these two constructs are understood and conceptualized. The aim of this paper is, therefore, two-fold. First, it will examine the concepts of successful aging and lifelong learning and consider the role that culture plays in the understanding of these two constructs. Second, it will present a culturally relevant theoretical framework to theorize and explain older people's own value systems and the predominant cultural values that have influenced their understandings and conceptualizations of what successful aging and lifelong learning mean to them in old age. Considering and examining the theoretical framework from the perspectives of elders themselves is necessary if we are to understand the ways in which culture shapes the experiences of aging and learning in later life.  相似文献   


Governments’ anxieties about ageing populations are mostly concerned with the costs of welfare, care and health provision which all have to be paid for by an ever dwindling working population. However, research in later life learning indicates the significant role that lifelong learning can play in promoting mental well-being and resilience, and in assisting with maintaining personal self-confidence and self-coping strategies that prevent cognitive decline in an ageing population. This paper draws on the research with a group of Chinese elders in Hong Kong, who provide information about their experiences and views on learning in later life, including the meaning of learning, barriers to participation, learning interests, needs, motivations, and instructional preferences. Both quantitative and qualitative findings are reported to shed light on later life learning experiences, which contribute to the global understanding of later life learning and serve to inform the development of policy and practice geared to the planning and provision of opportunities to keep learning at the later stages of life.  相似文献   

大学英语教学改革面临着社会对外语人才需求的压力和中小学英语教学改革的推动.在学生学习荚语过程中培养跨文化意识对提高学生的语言交际能力起到至关重要的作用.培养跨文化意识的关键在于要了解什么是文化,什么是文化差异.实现跨文化意识就要求学生既要学习外民族文化,又要提高本民族文化的修养.在大学英语教学中培养跨文化意识首先要转变观念,改革传统教法,使用社会文化分析法.  相似文献   

香港作为现代化国际大都市,既是国际金融、贸易和航运中心,又是东西方文化的交汇点,很多人都受我国传统文化的影响。此报告翔实反映了从香港特区行政官员到教育界、出版界、演艺界、商界和传媒界传播应用《孙子兵法》的理念和实践,其最显著的特色是文商并举,把孙子文化演绎得多姿多彩。台湾的孙子研究在20世纪50年代兴起,如今已汇集了一批研究专家学者,研究领域也从军事延伸至经济、文化、社会生活等诸多方面。台湾重视孙子书籍出版,在大陆文物出版社公开出版《银雀山汉墓竹简》后,台湾孙子研究兴起新一轮高潮,孙子应用研究也异彩纷呈,孙子文化广泛普及到学校和社会,孙子战略的活学活用在台湾成效显著。  相似文献   

在反对外来侵略的过程中,林则徐致力于了解夷情,学习西方先进的军事技术、经济思想、法律知识等;同时,也向西方传播和弘扬中国文化,促进了西方对中国文化的认识和了解,开创了中国近代初期的中西文化交流。因此,林则徐被称为中国近代开眼看世界的第一人。他接受外来新事物,介绍西方情况,吸收外来文化,开启了中国近代的维新思潮,是近代中西文化交融的实践者。林则徐对西方世界的认识及实践活动,林则徐对中西文化交流的贡献,值得学术界进一步研究。  相似文献   

While more and more teachers from Western culture teach in China, research on the different cultures of learning in China's teaching context and Western teachers' views on the Chinese culture of learning and teaching have been rarely conducted. This essay discusses the implications of cultural differences of learning between China and the West, particularly Western teachers' viewpoint on Chinese culture of learning. The conclusion suggests that it is of great importance to be aware that culture is just one of many factors that determine individual learning, and teachers are supposed to avoid stereotyping and simplistic views with regard to culture of learning, though general trends and patterns may exist among a certain type of culture.  相似文献   

This article is an overview and summary of the findings from a General Research Fund project funded (2012–2014) by the Research Grants Council of the University Grants Committee of Hong Kong to investigate cross cultural understanding of ageing and learning by seniors in Hong Kong and Australia. Results have been published separately in Boulton-Lewis, & Buys (2015), Boulton-Lewis, Aird, & Buys (2016), Boulton-Lewis, Tam, Buys, & Chui (2016), Tam (2016), Tam & Chui (2016) and Tam, Aird, Boulton-Lewis & Buys (2016). These articles have dealt separately and variously with either a qualitative or quantitative analysis of learning choices in Australia, structural barriers to learning in Australia, a comparison of views of and ageing and learning in both cultures, Chinese views of later life learning, the meaning of ageing and learning to Chinese elders and an analysis and comparison of results in both places. The focus of this article is a summative discussion based mainly on the quantitative and qualitative analyses of the main themes of ageing and learning. It intends to provide an overview of the findings in some of the publications above. Other details can be found in the publications listed.  相似文献   

颜色词对人类的影响显而易见,由于各种原因,东西方对颜色的看法不尽相同。本文从语言学的认知角度——隐喻——着手,对六种基本颜色进行深入分析,从而更好地认识东西方文明,促进双方的文化交流。  相似文献   

中国禅诗的翻译传播了中国传统文化,中国禅诗的精炼语言、复杂蕴涵、宁静意境给西方文化以更深启迪和艺术灵感,禅诗的翻译对中西文化思想交流起了重大作用。  相似文献   

音乐学专业的学生在学习西方优秀音乐文化艺术的同时,不能忘记牢牢扎根于中国的音乐文化艺术的土壤中,这两方面是相辅相成、互相促进的因此,在钢琴学习中,我们既应学习、继承国外钢琴音乐作品中的精髓,同时还要注重引导学生多接触、学习中国优秀的铜琴音乐作品,使他们贯通中外、融汇东西,更好地了解中、西方两种音乐文化,使学生的艺术审美情趣和音乐理解能力得到提高,培养全面发展的音乐人才。  相似文献   

人们常常把世界文化分为东方文化和西方文化,这种文化的"东西两分法"不符合历史事实。自从上古两河流域文化和尼罗河流域文化消亡之后,欧亚大陆上的许多文化摇篮渐渐聚合成四种地区传统文化:东亚文化、南亚文化、西亚文化和西欧文化。西欧文化扩大到美洲,称西方文化。东亚、南亚和西亚合称东方。东亚是东方的一部分,不能代表整个东方。东亚文化以华夏文化为基础,发源于黄河流域,传到长江和珠江流域;传到越南、朝鲜和日本。南亚文化以印度吠陀文化为基础,印度的主体民族和主流文化都是外来的,多民族、多语言、多文字、多宗教,是印度的特色。西亚文化以伊斯兰教为基础。西欧的文艺复兴得力于阿拉伯文转译的古代希腊著作。西方文化包括西欧和北美,以希腊和罗马文化为基础。从文艺复兴到启蒙运动这500年间,西方文化发生了改换人间的突变。以上四种地区传统文化的精华,随着人群活动范围的扩大,聚合成覆盖全球的国际现代文化,同时保留各地的传统文化。凡是能为全人类造福并受到全人类欢迎的事物和意识,合成"共创、共有、共享"的国际现代文化;凡是没有被全人类认同的,仍旧保留在传统文化之中。现代是地区传统文化和国际现代文化相辅相成的双文化时代。  相似文献   

“Culture,” a set of principles that trace and familiarize human beings within their existential realities, may provide an invisible lens through which reality could be discerned. Critically explored in this study is how culture- and language-sensitive curriculum materials in physics improve Pangasinan learners’ attitude toward science. Their cultural preference or profile defined their cultural dimensions, epistemological beliefs, and views on integration of culture and language in the teaching and learning processes. The culture- and language-influenced curriculum materials in physics were heavily influenced by Pangasinan learners’ cultural preference or profile. Results of the experimental participants’ pretest and posttest on science attitude measure, when compared, showed significant statistical difference. Assessment of science attitude enhancement favored the experimental group over the control group. Qualitative data gathered from postimplementation interviews, focus group discussions, and journal log entries indicated the same trend in favor of the experimental participants. The study yielded that culture and language integration in the teaching and learning processes of physics concepts allowed students to develop positive attitude to science, their culture, and native language.  相似文献   

作为一名土耳其作家,帕慕克生活于东、西方两种文化的交流、冲突、融合中,他关注土耳其的历史、现实与未来,在民主自由问题上坚守自己作为一名知识分子的良知;在对待传统与现代的问题上,帕慕克重视传统文化,但又不拘泥于一味的泥古,而是主张在坚守土耳其文化灵魂的基础上积极向西方学习。  相似文献   

Individual and Sociocultural Views of Learning in Science Education   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
Leach  John  Scott  Phil 《Science & Education》2003,12(1):91-113
In this paper we consider how theories of learning can inform the practice of scienceteaching in formal settings. We describe two broad strands of learning theory that havebeen drawn upon in science education, namely individual and sociocultural views. Weshow how aspects of both views can usefully inform our understanding of teaching andlearning science in formal settings. A perspective on science learning in formal settingsis presented which draws on and develops features of both individual and socioculturalviews, and the implications of this perspective on science learning for research and practice are discussed. The paper concludes with reflections on some of the recent critiques of so-called `constructivist views of learning' in the light of the perspective developed.  相似文献   

在20世纪中国现代思想的探索发展进程中,1923年的科学与玄学论战是继五四之后又一场关涉对中西方文化不同认识和抉择的学术思想论战。笔者认为在学术层次上科学派虽然取得优势,但在哲学层面上科学与玄学的认识论相互对峙,不容相互代替;科玄论战的实质依然是中国学术思想界面对西学东渐问题所产生的意识形态分歧,这场论战展现的是东西方不同人生信仰的操持及发展路向。  相似文献   

Love is an eternal theme of literature which plays a vital role in people's life.With cultural exchanges,the acceleration of globalization,and cultural integration,Chinese and Western’s view of love have influenced each other.There is no doubt that literature is the mirror of the culture.By comparing Western and Chinese literature together,people could learn more about the differences between the two different lifestyles and cultural values.From the angle of culture,this thesis will look at how the characters’fates are mainly infl uenced by their attitudes towards material life,different sexual understanding and the way they view themselves.  相似文献   

在东西方不同的文化背景下 ,中英两种语言所表现出的差异是不容忽视的。文章从比喻这一语言中最常用的修辞手法 ,来说明语言与文化的密切关系 ,并进一步指出 :在外语教学中 ,应充分认识到这点 ,做到真正意义上的跨文化交流。  相似文献   

In this paper, I demonstrate a way of conducting narrative inquiry that is oriented towards understanding and improving teachers’ experiences in a particular Toronto–Shanghai/West–East Sister School reciprocal learning partnership. I show how this narrative inquiry process is informed by a Deweyan way of thinking about experience and is enriched by the Confucian idea of being a good guest. I illustrate how this inquiry process involves teachers and researchers as collaborative and reciprocal learners on the Dao of further personal and professional growth and learning. I suggest that conducting narrative inquiry in a Canada–China interschool setting could give rise to West–East reciprocal learning communities that have the potential of bridging the cultural and historical narratives that underlie Chinese and North American education. It could also create the harmonious and democratic educational conditions for fostering global citizens as learners in our 21st century.  相似文献   

戊戌维新时期传统的政治文化体制虽然受到了冲击,"中体西用"论受到了批判,但维新派的进步思想对下层人民的生活影响甚微.直到义和团运动之前,"中体西用"仍是社会上盛行的主导思想.义和团运动一方面使传统的文化政治体制失去了权威,另一方面清廷利用义和团所结成的盲目排外的统一战线最后以失败告终.这既暴露了中国社会与西方的巨大差距,也标志着"中学为体"思路的终结.  相似文献   

林语堂是学贯中西、誉满天下的小说家和散文家,他的写作观渗透在他的小说、散文、文化著作和传记文学中。探询他的写作心理,观照其写作理念及审美特征,对于全面解读林语堂的文化思想和指导现代写作都大有裨益。  相似文献   

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