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义务教育阶段体罚现象调查与原因分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

一、农村“空校”现象产生的原因 一般说来,农村“空校”不外乎学额少,校舍多。出现这种现象的原因是多方面的,除了客观上人口出生率下降和合理“裁撤并”学校导致部分校舍闲置外,有相当一部分闲置校舍是由于不当的人为因素造成的。  相似文献   

教师主要表现为教师教学热情耗尽、教学情感淡漠、职业角色模糊等。其产生根源有工作内容,组织因素和个人因素等三个方面。教师在"职业高原"阶段如果不能有效突破,不仅有碍于其自身的成长与发展,更不利于教育教学改革的顺利进行以及学生的健康成长。解决教师职业生涯"高原现象"要从个人和学校两个方面入手。  相似文献   

星期一是一周新的开始,经过双休日的充分休息,学生在星期一应该精力充沛,思想集中。但事实并非如此。每到星期一,一部分学生懒懒散散,学习情绪不佳,课堂上反应相对以往显得较为迟钝,学习积极性、主动性相对滞后,师生之间的交流时常出现“暂时短路”现象,其主要表现如下:  相似文献   

近年来,高等院校普遍存在着青年教师党员比例偏低,申请入党积极分子偏少,甚至出现部分高学历、高职称的青年高级知识分子不愿入党的现象,究其原因是多方面的,诸如思想政治工作的滞后、行政管理中重业务轻政治教育、基层党组织工作不到位以及社会环境中的非正常现象等都是影响青年教师入党的消极因素。但是,这种影响仅仅是一个外因或外力,高学历高职称青年教师不愿入党的真正取决因素是他们价值取向中消极因素的增长趋势这一内力的作用。高校党组织应明确地意识到:注重积极引导青年教师入党的内在动力,才是高校党组织积极引导青年教师入党工作的重中之重。做好这项工作不能仅靠单纯的价值灌输教育,而要依靠青年人的自我教育。即应重视青年教师的自我调节、自我管理、自我教育能力的培养,以价值分析取代价值灌输。  相似文献   

大学生创业“双低现象”原因探析及对策研   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
世界创业型经济方兴未艾,世界范围创业教育开展得如火如荼。而我国的大学生创业呈现“双低”(创业率低,成功率低)态势。本文试图挖掘我国大学生创业“双低”现象背后的根源,对大学生创业的障碍因素做一番梳理,并针对其解决对策进行探讨。  相似文献   

一、问题的提出 我国现代教育早在解放区时就要求废除体罚.建国后,教育部于1952年2月14日发出明确批示:废止对学生施行体罚或变相体罚.以后,在不同时期曾多次明令严禁体罚学生.自1985年以来,更是以立法形式在《义务教育法》、《教师法》、《未成年人保护法》等法律中做了明确规定.  相似文献   

目前很多人对人事档案越来越淡漠,认为人事档案是可有可无的东西,因此社会上的"弃档"现象屡见不鲜。本文从对人事档案的重视程度、人事档案内容的实用性、人事档案的管理方式等方面对弃档的原因和对策进行了分析和阐述。  相似文献   

音乐大众现象是当今音乐文化存在的一种普遍现象,它体现和渗透在每一种音乐形式中,从民间音乐到流行音乐,再到由少数人保存着体裁和形式的传统音乐,都以不同的形式被人们接受并发展着。这些非专业的音乐文化在音乐生活和文化的社会历史中可能是更重要和更有趣的。考察团就"大众"的音乐特征对吉首峒河公园的音乐文化进行了调查,对峒河公园音乐大众现象进行理论分析归类,从而得出峒河公园音乐符合"大众"特征的结论。  相似文献   

随着我国对外开放的不断扩大和社会主义市场经济的深入发展,农村初中生的自主意识不断增强,思想活动的独立性、选择性、多变性明显增加,价值取向观念和行为方式日益呈现出多元化的态势,使得传统的激励教育效应大大弱化,如何树立新时期农村初中生学习的先进典型,开展以激励为目的的励志教育成为广大教育工作者面临的重要课题。  相似文献   

目前一些大型水库相继出现藻类水华,对饮用水安全构成了威胁.通过对北方几座大型水库水体的浮游生物进行调查,提出了水华的防治措施:加强水源防护、进行深度处理、挖底泥、人工或机械捞取、采用化学方法、修复污染水体等.  相似文献   

We established a hydrodynamic model to simulate the pollutant transport and decay process in the case of a pollution incident in the sections of the Yangtze and the Jialing passing through the city area of Chongqing. The Boussinesq assumptions and the Navier-Stokes equations of incompressible fluid were applied to setting up the pollutant diffusion equations and the equations for the decay process. E. coli was taken as the example pollutant, and chloride dosage, light, temperature and ultraviolet intensity were considered in the equations for bacterial decay process. The calculated values of the fluid velocities in the two rivers agree well with corresponding measured results, indicating an ideal accuracy of the model. In simulation, the concentration of E. coli in water was assumed to be zero before the accident. The upriver boundary velocity was ?1.35 m/s for the Jialing flow and 1.75 m/s for the Yangtze flow, and the downriver boundary was water depth set at 0. Simulation results show that the bacteria are transported downstream along the riverbank. A long and narrow pollutant belt develops at 12 h after the start of the accident ascribed to the quick longitudinal transfer. After the pollution sources are cut off, the pollutant concentration decreases slowly, mostly by advection and diffusion, suggesting inadequate self-purification ability of the rivers and the necessity of effective decontaminating measures in the case of a pollution incident. The model can be a useful tool for understanding the polluting situations of an improper discharge incident and evaluating the effects of decontaminating measures for the water body of the Three Gorges Reservoir.  相似文献   

对河流水质模型和流域非点源污染模型在三峡库区水质预测的相关研究进行了综述,着重探讨了河流水质模型中水质组分在三峡库区多介质环境的迁移与转化机理.以及流域非点源污染模型在三峡流域污染负荷的研究进展。  相似文献   

Water environment security of the Three Gorges Reservoir Area has become a more extensive concern since the impoundment of the reservoir. This paper describes the existing water environmental hazards and defects in current legal system for water environmental protection in this area, and also discusses their possible causes and potential problems in the future based on first hand materials and other literature. According to the theories of integrated river basin management and environmental equity principle, legal proposals are put forward, which include building an unitary legal system dedicated to the Reservoir Area, setting up a basin authority of the Yangtze River to preside over the resources protection and development, using interests' compensation system to solve interest conflicts among different reaches, and making concrete regulations to direct public participation in water environmental security protection of the Three Gorges Reservoir Area.  相似文献   

We established a hydrodynamic model to simulate the pollutant transport and decay process in the case of a pollution incident in the sections of the Yangtze and the Jialing passing through the city area of Chongqing. The Boussinesq assumptions and the Navier-Stokes equations of incompressible fluid were applied to setting up the pollutant diffusion equations and the equations for the decay process. E. coli was taken as the example pollutant, and chloride dosage, light, temperature and ultraviolet intensity were considered in the equations for bacterial decay process. The calculated values of the fluid velocities in the two rivers agree well with corresponding measured results, indicating an ideal accuracy of the model. In simulation, the concentration of E. coli in water was assumed to be zero before the accident. The upriver boundary velocity was (1.35 m/s for the Jialing flow and 1.75 m/s for the Yangtze flow, and the downriver boundary was water depth set at 0. Simulation results show that the bacteria are transported downstream along the riverbank. A long and narrow pollutant belt develops at 12 h after the start of the accident ascribed to the quick longitudinal transfer. After the pollution sources are cut off, the pollutant concentration decreases slowly, mostly by advection and diffusion, suggesting inadequate self-purification ability of the rivers and the necessity of effective decontaminating measures in the case of a pollution incident. The model can be a useful tool for understanding the polluting situations of an improper discharge incident and evaluating the effects of decontaminating measures for the water body of the Three Gorges Reservoir.  相似文献   

季节性肯达尔流量检验是一种可以消除季节和流量影响的水质趋势分析的方法。本文介绍了该方法的基本原理,并运用其分析了三峡库区重庆段的水质变化趋势。结果表明,蓄水使库区水质短期内有所好转。蓄水对库区水质的长远影响因素太多,因此有待于进一步的研究。  相似文献   

我院迎评创建工作历时20个月,各项工作扎实、有序、有效推进,顺利接受了专家组的现场考察评估。本文对此进行了回顾。  相似文献   

漳河水库灌区水资源脆弱性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据湖北省漳河水库灌区水资源开发与利用现状,分析了水资源脆弱性的表现、带来的影响、分类、影响因子和主要原因,提出了降低水资源系统脆弱性的措施。  相似文献   

高州水库库区水质状况具有与湖泊相似的特点。在对I类水源保护区——高州水库的水源地资源环境现状调查分析的基础上,根据国家对水源保护区的保护要求和茂名地区实际发展需要,立足已调查的总磷、总氮、叶绿素、透明度等指标和国内外有关水体富营养化状态判断标准,通过比较分析研究,采用两种方法,提出高州水库水体富营养化状态进行初步判别的结果——中营养、富营养,为其将来科学决策提供科学参考。  相似文献   

The safety of water quality in the Three Gorges Reservoir(TGR)is very important.Protections and remediation of environment safety are very crucial for guaranteeing TGR environmental quality.When piled municipal solid waste(MSW) dumps are submerged without treatment,pollutants in the MSW will leach into the water and threaten the water safety of the reservoir.Based on the surveys of the amount,distribution and characteristics of piled MSW in the TGR area,this study focusing on the MSW dumps at the water leve...  相似文献   

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