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The paper offers a historical perspective on the linguistic and cultural imperialism embedded in the struggle to maintain French as a leading international language. France was the nation-state where the ideology of national language was first clearly formulated and directly extended to overseas colonies. This shows the close relationship between linguistic nationalism and imperialism. It was believed that French was the language of universal human reason and had the power to civilize people who spoke it. This myth of the "clarté française" and the "mission civilisatrice" had a strong influence on various kinds of metalinguistic discourses that created the taken-for-granted representation of French as dominant language. It is the essential strategy of language dominance to establish the hierarchy of languages as if it were natural order of things. When French was obliged to yield the status of international language to English, there emerged the ideology of "Francophonie" which tried to defend its privilege against the monopoly of English, but the same ideology is also directed against minorities' claims for their own linguistic human right. It could be said that these discourses form a recursive prototype of language dominance whose variations are to be found in other shapes almost all over the world.  相似文献   

张林华 《海外英语》2012,(4):253-255
The paper is divided into Five Chapters,aiming to explain the humorous effect in our daily discourse in the perspective of linguistic analysis.It is another new discovery.Two languages have their own distinct features.When translating,we will find a lot of humorous effect created by these language differences.The analysis of the topic is undergoing through term definition and case study.The paper might be of some help to further the humorous research in literature,art,academic circles or daily conversations.More methods of analysis,at the same time,are appreciated.  相似文献   

商务英语文体,比如商务信函、协议、合同、广告、单证和商务演说词等都具有共同的文体风格。商务英语语言简洁、严密,用语礼貌,在用词方面也有自己的特点。而语篇类型是构成语篇的基本因素,对语篇的表达结构起制约作用,语篇模式正是这种制约的结果。本文将主要从文体的角度讨论商务英语语篇在语言形式方面的特点。  相似文献   

孙静夏 《海外英语》2014,(13):210-211,219
Language is the product of social development,which can also reflect the reality of the society.Linguistic sexism is a kind of linguistic phenomenon,which mirrors the social tradition and culture at the same time.Since linguistic sexism embodies in morphologic,semantics,pragmatics and so on,the way of extinguishing sexual discriminative language can be also found from these aspects.The root course of language discrimination against women will be explored.The feasible ways of reconstructing sexual discriminative English will also be discussed in the thesis.  相似文献   

The authors situate the politics of language surrounding the passage of California's Proposition 227, by discussing the historical and contemporary conditions that have led to the recent dismantling of bilingual education. They review the dynamics of power, language, and ideology since precolonial times, through the colonial period, the era of the Treaty of the Guadalupe Hidalgo, the process of Americanization, the Civil Rights decades, and up to the current 227 law. These are used to bear the point that the hegemonic bond of language is a continual thread that carries over to the new millennium, as we witness the spread of English-only legislation.  相似文献   

关于“经济文化”概念的历史学思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
关于“经济文化”的概念,经济学界做出了许多解释。历史学视角的经济文化概念强调它的历史性和民族性,尤其注重在时间和空间框架内考察“经济”的隐性与显性文化内涵。历史学视野中的经济文化不仅要发掘“经济”的文化含义,还要考察其警动过程和规律,尤其要考察和研究它作为经济发展的动力源泉是如何推动社会变迁的。经济文化研究需要采纳跨学科的方法,加强对经济文化的研究具有较高的学术价值和极强的现实意义。  相似文献   

The present secondary education system in Kiribati is little changed from its establishment and growth through the colonial years when the island group was known as the Gilbert Islands. It is marked by a heavy emphasis on English language and a curriculum geared to place students in a limited labour market. It is also marked by an uneven distribution of privilege across the population it serves. This article suggests a theoretical basis for critiquing the dominant voices in the educational and colonial past and their representations of Kiribati others. In such a critique, the legitimising technologies and discursive practices that have helped shape these educational practices are exposed. The act of exposing “how they did it” in turn creates the conditions for more equitable educational futures. This article presents a critical postcolonial discourse analysis of some language and language teaching policies from the Kiribati educational and colonial past. Though focused on Kiribati, the ideas here have relevance across the Pacific region.  相似文献   

考察朝鲜半岛有关于历史的话语,解读其细节以及体系建构,可以发现不同时代的现实影像在历史话语中有充分的展现与表达。针对韩民族的始祖记忆,由檀君最初见载于史直至被明确为半岛始祖,从文献的角度看有一个清晰的"层累"过程;讨论古代民族及其所建立的政权与半岛历史的关联性,血统成为连接古与今的重要纽带;作为地理坐标的山脉,其位置是恒定的,文献中繁复出现的长白山、白头山等名词所指则并非同一,以"同名"而附会为同一山体,在逻辑上的错误是明显的。针对朝鲜半岛的重要话语进行解构,有助于明辨蕴含于历史中的复杂情结,进而澄清学术是非。  相似文献   

娄丽雯 《海外英语》2014,(15):232-234
Memetics is originally a theory for interpreting cultural evolution. Memes, coined to disclose a strong analogy with genes, are ideas that spread through human cultures and across the generation. As cultural replicators, memes are propagated and transmitted through imitation; language, as part of culture, produces under the influence of memes. This paper discusses the relationship between language and culture and that between language and memes. In addition, the classification of linguistic memes and the survival law residing in the memes are also expounded. The next research will focus on the impact of linguistic memes on translation and language teaching.  相似文献   

语言问题决定着历史小说创作的真实性程度及艺术成败。凌力历史小说注重探索语言的“历史/现代”形态;适度掌控叙述节奏,形成适中有度、放任中有收束的叙事风格,含蓄蕴藉的情感表达方式;努力发掘语言背后的历史情韵与文化意蕴等,形成了鲜明的诗性特征,为近年来历史小说创作的语言探索提供了成功的范例。  相似文献   

“十七年”的文学创作以颂歌的基调为主,散文创作总体上缺乏真实感。傅雷的家书谈如何做人、谈爱情婚姻、谈艺术追求,以其真挚的情感、丰富的学识、深刻的哲理、流畅的文笔,使傅雷家书成为特定历史语境中保持着个人话语空间的真诚之作,成为中国当代散文史上别具一格的真诚、精彩的篇章。  相似文献   

"批判组"及其类义符号和"毒草"香花"及其类义符号是文革文学批评中最突出的两组话语,烙有文革时期特有的印记。以"批判组"为代表的文学批评主体的集体出场,表明政治主流意识形态对个体言说的强力控制;当"毒草"被妖魔化、"香花"被英雄化时,文学批评方式的两极分化愈演愈烈,显示出政治主流意识形态对批评话语的强力渗透。  相似文献   

在二外法语语言习得过程中,学习者的母语知识必然会影响到其法语的学习,根据语言迁移理论对母语为汉语的二外法语学习者在语音、词汇和语法汇学习过程中所出现的母语负迁移现象进行简单的分析,从而帮助学生克服由于母语知识负迁移所引起的学习困难,促进学生的二外法语的语言发展。  相似文献   

语码转换是语言接触中一种常见的现象。网络语言作为一种随着互联网迅速发展而兴起的独具特色的语言现象,其中存在着大量的语码转换现象。通过回顾语码转换的定义和对网络语言的简介,浅析了网络语言中常见语码转换的结构类型,并从顺应论的角度解释了网络语言语码转换是交际者选择的产物,是对语言现实、社会规约和心理动机的顺应。  相似文献   

象似性是语言符号和指称对象之间的关系,语言中象似性可分为影象象似性、拟象象拟性和喻象象似性三种类型。网络语言作为语言一种新的变异形式,存在大量的象似性现象。以象似性理论为指导,对网络语言进行深层次地分析,揭示出网络语言的象似性特征。  相似文献   

《周易》的历史思想管窥   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
《周易》是中国古代思想文化的源头活水 ,它包含有丰富的古代史料和思想内容。其深远的历史忧患意识、明确的历史变通理论以及彰往察来的历史作用 ,仍有不少思想精华。这些思想精华值得我们去咀嚼 ,以便更好地挖掘作为我们民族文化灵魂和核心的《周易》的历史价值  相似文献   

“轮换式”作为一种新的教学 (组织 )形式应用于思想道德修养课教学中 ,符合教学的基本规律 ,符合思想道德修养课的目标要求 ,也符合大学生的接受心理 ,其理论及实践价值都是较高的。  相似文献   

作为一种特殊的语言形式,外交辞令特别讲究策略,可以说策略在某种程度上影响着外交的成败,因此历来为各国外交官所高度重视。本文旨在探讨外交辞令的得体性、礼貌性、准确性、模糊性、委婉性、含蓄性、折衷性、合作性、修辞性语言策略。  相似文献   

试探刘咸炘的历史教育思想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近代四川著名历史学家刘咸炘一生从事教学活动,先后在尚友书塾、敬业学院、国立成都大学、国立四川大学做过塾师和教授,撰写了大量有关历史教育方面的论著。在教学上,他提出"观事理必于史"的观点,阐释了历史教育的必要性。在历史教学方法论上,他特别强调学生应作读书札记,要求教师启发学生问难、培养学生的问题意识。他认为大学历史教育的重点是通晓古今风化大势,这一观点蕴含着近代历史教育的积极因素。刘咸炘以读书人自居,以育人为职志,在历史教育上取得了一定的成就,对民国时期的历史教育作出了一定的贡献。  相似文献   

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