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读高昌古城刘元举高昌古城位于交河古城的东边40公里处。因为没有旅游年我只能搭出租车。出租车司机并不容易被感动,所以,收费之高可想而知。高昌古城与交河古场面的历史一样久远。据载,“高昌国者,乃西汉屯之壁,遗兵之所居。”旅游小册子上也说这座古城是公元1世...  相似文献   

俞果 《寻根》2000,(1):4-9
1999年9月,考古工作者在新疆库车首次发现了开凿于唐代的一座石窟。窟中完整丰富的汉文化遗存在古西域地区千余座石窟中绝无仅有,专家喻之为“汉文化的形象博物馆”。这座石窟被名为“阿艾石窟”。  相似文献   

卞利 《寻根》2003,(1):72-76
地处皖浙赣三省交界之区的徽州,自然风光旖旎秀丽,黄山和中国四大道教圣地之一的齐云山都坐落在徽州境内,且文化底蕴丰厚,有数十万件千年契约文书、数千种珍稀家谱和善本古籍,徽州一府六县(即历史上徽州府所管辖的歙县、休宁、婺源、黟县、祁门和绩溪六县)至今还存有包括牌坊在内、号称“古建三绝”的古民居、古祠堂等地面文化遗存,令中外学人和游客叹为观止。走进徽州,在古朴村落的田头路口、街衢深巷或民居祠堂门前,我们不时会看到座座造型各异、巍峨矗立的门洞式建筑,有的甚至相连成群,从而形成古老徽州一条独特的风景线,这就…  相似文献   

陈虎  詹素娟 《寻根》2007,(3):34-40
房中术作为道教养生方法之一,来源于先秦时期的神仙家、秦汉之际的方仙道和汉代的黄老道,在中国早期的文献中多称之为“阴道”、“房中”或“房内”。大约在150万年前,人类就可能已经发现了性交与怀孕之间的关系。在母系氏族社会时期,初民通过观察女性在种族繁衍中的巨大作用,产生了对女性生殖器的崇拜。  相似文献   

黄帝祭典及其文化意蕴姚敏杰,何炳武一《史记》开宗明义:“黄帝崩,葬桥山。”肯定了黄帝的陵寝所在地为桥山之巅(今陕西省黄陵县)。黄帝仙逝后,一直受到人们的祭祀。据王国维校补《古本竹书纪年辑校》:“黄帝既仙去,其臣有左彻者,削木不黄帝之像,师诸侯朝奉之。...  相似文献   

“丝绸之路”是人类文明史上亚、欧、非洲大陆主要交通道路的统称。自古以来,中西方文化交流大都是通过这条线路传播的。80年代以来,青海省文物考古Xi作者对位于古丝绸之路通道上的都兰县吐着墓群进行了较大规模的发掘,目前为止,已累计发掘墓葬60座,出土了一大批珍贵的文物,其中尤以数量多、图案精美、质量上乘的“唐代丝绸”而引人注目。这些史料的发现,为探讨“青海丝绸之路”在中西方贸易、文化交流中的地位和作用提供了新的重要线索。中国是世界上养蚕和生产丝绸最早的国家①。远在秦汉以前,丝绸制品就经过活动于中国西北地区…  相似文献   

8月,地处中国大西北的甘肃,瓜果飘香。改革开放的春风早已吹绿了这千里陇原,“飞天的故乡”呈现出一派繁荣兴旺的新景象。省府兰州,这座丝路古道上的“金城”,披上了节日的盛装,到处是鲜花、彩旗、彩球。8月18日至28日,人们期待已久的第四届中国艺术节,在这里圆满举办。这是继两年前云南昆明之后,中国政府第二次在首都以外城市举办的国家级艺术盛会。它的举办象征着中国这条“东方巨龙”国力强盛,民族团结,文化繁荣。通过举办这种规模大、水平高的国家艺术节,集中地向国内外展示中国近几年来在继承和发扬民族文化优良传统、借鉴…  相似文献   

中国古小说的演进(续二)陈平原逸事与志怪“逸事”的产生,照刘知几的说法,乃是因“国史之任,记事记言,视听不该,必有遗逸,于是好奇之士,补其所亡”。这种初衷本为“补正史之阙”的“逸事”,既可能“求诸异说,为益实多”,也可能“真伪不别,是非相乱”。作为史...  相似文献   

许竟成  李新堂 《寻根》2008,(3):123-127
皋陶李氏本为“理氏”,源于尧帝时皋陶之理官。《史记·五帝本纪》记载:“帝颛顼高阳者,黄帝之孙而昌意之子也。”《新唐书·宗室世系》记载:“帝颛项高阳氏生大业,大业生女华,女华生皋陶,字庭坚,为尧大理。”  相似文献   

石砚溯源吴梓林一般人认为,砚始于黄帝。东汉兰台今史李尤《墨研铭》载:“书契既造,砚墨乃陈,则是兹二物者,与文字同兴于黄帝之代也。”宋苏易简《文房四谱》卷三《砚谱》也载:“黄帝得玉一钮,治为墨海焉。其上篆文曰:‘帝鸿氏之砚’。”宋李之彦《砚谱》、宋唐彦...  相似文献   

China is an old nation enjoying five thousand years of splendid civilization. But Chinese culture remains abstract and mysterious to many foreigners today. They know little about Chinese culture, partly because original cultural products or brands as well as suitable marketing mechanisms have yet to be developed. Take an example of performing arts. China has rich traditions in theatre, dance, music and acrobatics. But foreign audiences know virtually nothing about Chinese masterpieces in the…  相似文献   

2005 Taishan International Congress of Cultures, approvedby Chinese Ministry of Culture, was held between October 29and November 1 at the foot of Taishan Mountain, known as aholy mountain of China.The event, co-organized by Center of International CulturalExchange and Tai’an People’s Government, witnessed some800 social celebrities, writers, poets and artists from homeand abroad to conduct extensive and in-depth discussions andexplorations on the theme of “Cultural China, Harmonious…  相似文献   

County has played an important role in the history of China since it was first established as a basic administrative unit in the Qin Dynasty more than2000years ago.Historic counties have not only performed administrative and economic functions but also carried and preserved basic information about culture and traditions of China.Not long ago,the Photographic Exhibition on the Cultural Heritage of Historic Counties of China,organized by China Cultural Relics Protection Foundation in partnership with the Pala...  相似文献   

County has played an important role in the history of China since it was first established as a basic administrative unit in the Qin Dynasty more than 2000 years ago. Historic counties have not only performed administrative and economic functions but also carried and preserved basic information about culture and traditions of China. Not long ago, the Photographic Exhibition on the Cultural Heritage of Historic Counties of China, organized by China Cultural Relics Protection Foundation in partnership with the Palace Museum and China Institute of Toponymy, was held at the Forbidden City, displaying photographs on the cultures and traditions of the first 16 Historic Counties of China, with an objective to enhance the public’s awareness of the conservation of cultural heritage in these historic counties. Our magazine will cover each of these chosen historic counties in each issue.  相似文献   

County has played an important role in the history of China since it was first established as a basic administrative unit in the Qin Dynasty more than 2000 years ago.Historic counties have not only performed administrative and economic functions but also carried and preserved basic information about culture and traditions of China.Not long ago,the Photographic Exhibition on the Cultural Heritage of Historic Counties of China,organized by China Cultural Relics Protection Foundation in partnership with the Palace Museum and China Institute of Toponymy,was held at the Forbidden City,displaying photographs on the cultures and traditions of the first 16 Historic Counties of China, with an objective to enhance the public’s awareness of the conservation of cultural heritage in these historic counties.Our magazine will cover each of these chosen historic counties in each issue.  相似文献   

County has played an important role in the history of China since it was first established as a basic administrative unit in the Qin Dynasty more than 2000 years ago. Historic counties have not only performed administrative and economic functions but also carried and preserved basic information about culture and traditions of China. Not long ago, the Photographic Exhibition on the Cultural Heritage of Historic Counties of China, organized by China Cultural Relics Protection Foundation in partnership with th...  相似文献   

County has played an important role in the history of China since it was first established as a basic administrative unit in the Qin Dynasty more than 2,000 years ago. Historic counties have not only performed administrative and economic functions but also carried and preserved basic information about culture and traditions of China. Not long ago, the Photographic Exhibition on the Cultural Heritage of Historic Counties of China, organized by China Cultural Relics Protection Foundation in partnership with the Palace Museum and China Institute of Toponymy, was held at the Forbidden City, displaying photographs on the cultures and traditions of the first 16 Historic Counties of China, with an objective to enhance the public’s awareness of the conservation of cultural heritage in these historic counties. Our magazine will cover each of these chosen historic counties in each issue.  相似文献   


In April 2005, waves of anti‐Japan protest swept China and South Korea. In China, hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets in more than 40 cities to protest against Japan over its irresponsible attitude toward the history of colonial rule and war crimes of 60 years ago. Despite the protest having a strong ground and its action being generally non‐violent and peaceful, it was then severely condemned by many Western critics and media as chauvinistic and irrational, and as being manipulated by the Chinese government to legitimize its rule. Against such a notion, this essay attempts to work with China’s ‘popular nationalism’ (renmin minzu zhuyi), and considers its space as an autonomous political domain that is independent of the state nationalism. The ‘cyber‐nationalism’ (wanglu minzu zhuyi), this paper argues, not only challenges the state monopoly over domestic nationalist discursive production, but also opens up new possibilities for performing common people’s ‘public discursive right’ (gonggong huayu quanli). Far from being a homogeneous unity, the online campaign is characterized by free exchange of information and lively debate over the boycott strategy.  相似文献   

County has played an important role in the history of China since it was first established as a basic administrative unit in 00the Qin Dynasty more than 2,000 years ago. Historic counties have not only performed administrative and economic functions but also carried and preserved basic information about culture and traditions of China. Not long ago, the Photographic Exhibition on the Cultural Heritage of Historic Counties of China, organized by China Cultural Relics Protection Foundation in partnership with the Palace Museum and China Institute of Toponymy, was held at the Forbidden City, displaying photographs on the cultures and traditions of the first 16 Historic Counties of China, with an objective to enhance the public’s awareness of the conservation of cultural heritage in these historic counties.Our magazine will cover each of these chosen historic counties in each issue.  相似文献   

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