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In this study, questions in context-based and traditional chemistry textbooks were analysed from two perspectives that are at the heart of chemistry curricula reforms: a content perspective and a learning activities perspective. To analyse these textbook questions, we developed an instrument for each perspective. In total, 971 textbook questions were analysed. Textbook questions in context-based and traditional curricula appeared to differ significantly in their orientation on content and in the activation to engage students in certain learning activities. Although traditional curricula included more questions that stress traditional chemistry content and included more reproductive chemistry questions than context-based curricula, they were not always as traditional as we had expected. Context-based chemistry curricula focused more on chemistry content relating to societal/technological issues and chemistry theory development and also more questions were included that activate students to regulate their own learning. However, context-based chemistry curricula still included a considerable amount of traditional chemistry content and did not focus as much on higher order learning as we had expected. The developed instruments might be helpful in chemistry curricula design to gain insights into the content which is stressed and how students are activated by textbook questions to engage in learning.  相似文献   

高校体育因具有不同于其他学科的特性,在教材建设上更加多样化、灵活化,校本教材的开发意义尤其重大.根据增强体质、增进健康和提高体育素养的课程目标,校本教材建设应该本着"为学生而写,为学生而用"的目的,突出助学意识和助学指向;应该从学习运动技术为主转变为关注人体健康,贯彻健康性和终身体育意识.校本体育教材在知识结构上应该是非系统性与完整性的有机结合,在内容选择上应该处理好运动技术与体育健身的关系,使内容更具有针对性、实用性、趣味性.  相似文献   

在统编高中历史教材《中外历史纲要》中,中国近现代史部分的内容涵盖鸦片战争至今的历史,跨越晚清、中华民国、中华人民共和国三个历史时期。解读教材时需注意把握以下四点。第一,内容上以中华民族对外反抗帝国主义侵略、对内反对专制独裁统治的救亡图存为主线,同时突出反映中国人民在中国共产党领导下进行现代化建设所取得的成就。第二,以大时序、小专题、“点一线一面”相结合的方式选择历史内容,着力培养学生的历史学科核心素养。第三,注意吸纳学界公认的、比较成熟稳定的学术成果。第四,兼顾历史的科学性和现实意义,充分发挥历史教育的功能。  相似文献   

如何切实有效地激发学生的学习兴趣、培养探索精神、提高探究能力,是当前我国中学历史教育亟需解决的课题;跨世纪之际,美国的历史教育也面临着相同的问题,这就为历史教科书的开发提出了一个新的课题。美国2000年新版的教科书《发现美国的过去:从史料中进行探究》,为中学生的探究性学习提供了有益的素材。本拟就该书的编撰意图、结构形式、主要内容和价值功能等作一番较为系统的论析,以期为我国的历史教科书的开发提供一些启迪。  相似文献   

对于教科书问题,目前过多的集中在"教教科书"与"用教科书教"以及教科书理论研究层面,而在真实的课堂教学中关注教科书研究问题却少有问津。课程标准指导下的新教材,其内涵已融入新的理念。基于个案研究分析以了解在真实的历史教学活动中教科书是如何影响教师的教授和学生的学习方式,换一种视角来探讨研究新课程下教科书变革问题比起纯理论说明也许会给我们今后使用或研究教科书更多启示。  相似文献   

在“中国近现代史纲要”课程教学中实施“问题式教学法”,可以紧扣教材体系,在教学中建立多层次的“问题”体系,逐一进行问题解析式教学.将统一的教材内容转化为生动的教学内容,使教学内容紧密与“问题”体系相结合.提高学生的学习兴趣,培养学生的“问题意识”和创新能力,促进“纲要”教学中的师生互动,增强思想政治理论课的实效性和感染力,从而实现“中国近现代史纲要”对大学生进行以史为鉴思想政治教育的功能.  相似文献   

李雪洁 《教育学报》2002,(11):20-25
新世纪版历史教科书紧扣课程标准精神 ,改变了传统教材“难、繁、偏、旧”的弊端 ,在体系、体例、内容等方面均具有鲜明特色 ,是符合时代要求 ,适应学生发展的教材。  相似文献   

五年制高职学生文化基础相对差,给教学带来了较大困难。针对目前教学中存在的问题,教学内容、教学方法、教材的选用等应根据学生的实际考虑。在教学中应重视学生的情感因素,改进教学手段,充分开展课外教学活动,构建英语学习的校园环境。此外,还应加强师资队伍建设,定期举行教学研讨会,加强教师之间的交流。  相似文献   

孙金焕 《天津教育》2021,(2):115-116
初中是接触历史学科的基础阶段,为了让学生更加了解历史、深入历史,目前的初中教材中图文形式占据课本内容的很大比例。主要是因为插图可以生动具体地代替文字难以表述的信息,更有效地帮助学生了解、突出重点,可以培养学生学习历史的能力,还可以在这个过程中让学生对历史的学习充满兴趣。  相似文献   

Two complementary studies, one in the laboratory and one in the field, compared the usage patterns and the effectiveness of interactive videos and illustrated textbooks when German secondary school students learned complex content. For this purpose, two videos affording different degrees of interactivity and a content-equivalent illustrated textbook were used. Both studies showed that in contrast to previous studies working with non-interactive videos, the effectiveness of interactive videos was at least comparable to that of print, probably due to the possibilities provided for self-regulated information processing. It was shown that the interactive features of the videos were used spontaneously. However, features enabling micro-level activities, such as stopping the video or browsing, seemed to be more beneficial for learning than features enabling macro-level activities, such as referring to a table of contents or an index. This finding is explained by students’ misconceptions about the use of features enabling macro-level activities.  相似文献   

英语教学不仅要强调语言知识和能力的学习,更要重视学生社会文化知识和能力的培养,这样才能为学生跨文化交际能力的提高打下坚实的基础。教师可以通过丰富课堂知识以及选用课外的文化素材和安排合适的小组活动,传授必要的语用规则等策略为学生进行文化背景知识的点拨和渗透,帮助学生有意识地去辨析中西文化的差异,以达到提高英语交际能力的目的。  相似文献   

分数除法是小学数学的重要内容。对比中韩两国的课程标准,发现两国都注重算理:韩国要求掌握带分数的计算,中国则注重含分数除法的混合运算与应用。从宏观与微观比较两国的数学教材,在结构编排方面,两国都注重分数除法的学习基础与循序渐进,中国更注重内容的纵向联系与应用,韩国突显螺旋上升。针对具体的教学内容,两国都注重设置情境引入课题;注重以几何直观帮助学生理解分数除法算理;中国更为抽象概括,韩国更看重算法的多样化和发挥教材的"学材"功能。  相似文献   

以"氧化还原反应"的内容为例,比较中国现行的三套教科书和美版教科书在位置编排上的不同之处,发现氧化还原反应的内容处于教科书的不同位置时对于教学活动的影响,寻找氧化还原反应的内容在教科书中的什么位置更利于学生对于化学知识的学习。  相似文献   

Effects of illustrations on learning authentic textbook materials were studied among 10-year-old elementary school children of high and low intellectual ability. Experiment 1 showed that the presence of illustrations improved learning of illustrated text content, but not that of nonillustrated text content. Comprehension scores were improved by the presence of illustrations for high-ability children, but not for low-ability children. In Experiment 2, children's eye movements were measured during learning of illustrated textbook passages to study how children divide their attention between text and illustrations. The results suggest that learning is heavily driven by the text and that children inspect illustrations only minimally. High-ability students were more strategic in processing in the sense that they spent relatively more time on pertinent segments of text and illustrations. It is concluded that the learning of illustrated science textbook materials involves requirements that may be more readily met by more intellectually capable students. Copyright 1999 Academic Press.  相似文献   

李雪 《教育与教学研究》2013,(11):107-109,123
当前初中历史教材的编写采用的是逻辑式组织方式.这种组织方式是不合理的,因为逻辑式组织方式是“学科中心”教育观的体现,使历史教材内容远离了学生的生活和学习;并且,逻辑式组织方式违背了人的社会认知规律,造成了历史教学和历史学习的障碍,导致了历史教学目的难以实现.历史教材的编写应该从学生认识生活开始,以人的社会认知规律为原则、以逆时间顺序的方式编写.  相似文献   

We examined students’ naturalistic decisions about spacing their study in an undergraduate course (N = 185) and whether self-selected spacing predicted course performance. Usage of two study tools – an online textbook and quiz tool – was recorded daily. We operationalized spacing as how often the tools were used and the timing of their use relative to exams. We found that students increased their study near deadlines and exams, used the textbook more often than the quiz tool, and used the tools infrequently when they were optional (vs. required). Importantly, spaced retrieval practice (via quiz tool) predicted course performance and GPA, whereas spaced reading (via textbook) was a weaker predictor. That is, when students opted for more frequent and early quizzing, they earned higher grades, even controlling for time spent quizzing. Thus, self-selected spaced study – especially spaced retrieval practice – supports student achievement.  相似文献   

提升教师教科书评价意识保障教科书质量   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
教科书的用户才是教科书质量的真正评判者,提升教科书的质量,应该首先关注师生需要的满足程度。教师具有良好的教科书质量评价意识是“用教材教的基本前提。从提升教师的教科书质量意识出发保障教科书质量,可以通过分析教科书对师生需要的满足程度,研制合理、有效和便捷的教科书质量标准与内容分析方法,建立流畅的教科书质量信息反馈系统等渠道来进行。  相似文献   

《中外历史纲要(下)》的编写体现了高中历史课程标准立德树人的要求。在课程体系上,以马克思作为世界史的历史是结果的论断为基础,致力于破除“西方中心论”,力图揭示世界历史从古代的多中心,到近代的单一中心,再到现代和当今的多中心的发展进程,并将中国历史与世界历史有机结合,在世界历史中观察中国的地位,也从中国的视角看世界历史的进程。史料阅读等辅助栏目的设置,有助于实现历史学科的核心素养,培养学生尊重史料、进行历史解释的基本能力。  相似文献   

语文教科书承载着丰富的劳动教育资源。本研究通过对不同版本语文教科书进行内容分析发现,聋校人教社新版教科书的劳动教育内容有以下特点:(1)在旧版基础上精简了劳动要素,加强了对劳动精神品质的关注,优化了内容的呈现方式;(2)劳动价值主题与普校教科书一致,且安排了部分相同选文;(3)劳动要素多于普校教科书、尤其重视生活劳动和服务劳动,选读篇目多、内容直观性强、淡化了思辨深度,符合聋生的特殊学情。  相似文献   

历史教育中的美育有着丰富的内容,它涵盖自然美、社会美、艺术美和科学美,形成一种具有综合特征的历史美。教师要充分挖掘和利用历史教材中的美育因素,在美育渗透中掌握几种行之有效的原则和方法,不仅能激发学生学习的兴趣,增强学生的美感体验,而且能培养学生欣赏美的能力,促进学生的全面发展和健康成长。  相似文献   

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