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冠心病的心理、社会因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冠心病的发病率较高,传统的病因学理论已不能全面阐明疾病的发生机理。临床观察证实:心理社会因素对疾病的发生、发展及全面防治都具有重要意义。  相似文献   

近年来高校大学生网络成瘾问题呈上升趋势,明显地影响着高校大学生的身心健康、学习生活乃至社会的稳定。本文通过对高校大学生网络成瘾问题的现状透析出其社会心理因素,以期能为对高校大学生网络成瘾问题进行预防、干预和治疗提供理论依据。  相似文献   

在我国的网球运动训练中常发生各种运动损伤,这些损伤严重影响了我国优秀运动员运动成绩的提高,造成了许多人才资源的浪费和流失。通过对网球运动损伤影响的隐性因素—社会心理因素进行分析,试图提供一条新的预防伤病的思路。  相似文献   

抑郁是一种常见的负性情绪,会对个体的学习、工作、生活产生消极的影响。大学生正处于青年期,由于大量生理的、社会的和心理的变化加在一起,会提高该时期抑郁的发生频率。本文从心理、社会因素两方面对影响大学生抑郁情绪的因素进行综述。  相似文献   

希特勒纳粹运动与德国传统文化心态相吻合,其组织者又以各种各样的宣传手法成功地激发德国民众的感情与下意识的冲动,使之得到陷入生存困境的各阶级、各阶层的支持,导致全民族的狂热,最终将德国引向战争深渊。  相似文献   

社会心理因素与心脑血管疾病   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
心理学与人体生理状态关系非常密切,心理状态的改变,必然会影响人体的生理功能。新的生物、心理,社会医学模式告诉我们,医学像一辆三驾马车,一是药物、二是外科手术、三是心理活动。心理活动健康或疾病,都是电化学物质推动的,据多方面研究表明,神经生理、社会内分泌和免疫系统三种机能的相互联系,在社会、心理紧张刺激导致心脑血管系统疾病的病程演变过程中,起重要的中介作用。  相似文献   

论社会心理因素对高等教育改革与发展的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
林金辉 《高教探索》2001,4(2):13-15
本在肯定社会的经济、政治因素对高等教育改革与发展进程起决定性制约作用的基础上,探讨社会心理因素对高等教育改革与发展的影响作用,这是高等教育改革论的一个新视角,本认为,社会心理因素对高等教育改革与发展起推动或延缓的作用,它在一定程度上影响着高等教育发展的规模和速度;社会心理对高等教育改革与发展的影响是深厚的,持久的,这种影响是一个复杂、广泛的过程,也是一个贯穿始终的过程,探索高等教育改革与发展的道路、制订改革的政策与措施,必须充分重视社会心理因素的影响,才能具有科学性与可行性。  相似文献   

外来词进入汉语有一个汉化过程,但是,外来词的汉化程度是不同的.外来词进入汉语之初形式不一,通常情况下是汉化程度高的形式被最广泛地接受.近年来,随着社会的发展,人们对外来词形式的选择呈现出与汉化相反的倾向,相当一部分词,人们选择了汉化程度低的形式.这种反汉化倾向背后,有着社会心理因素在起作用.  相似文献   

外来词进入汉语有一个汉化过程 ,但是 ,外来词的汉化程度是不同的。外来词进入汉语之初形式不一 ,通常情况下是汉化程度高的形式被最广泛地接受。近年来 ,随着社会的发展 ,人们对外来词形式的选择呈现出与汉化相反的倾向 ,相当一部分词 ,人们选择了汉化程度低的形式。这种反汉化倾向背后 ,有着社会心理因素在起作用。  相似文献   

教师是职业倦怠的高危人群,其倦怠状态直接影响到教学质量和学生的心理健康。职业倦怠的产生既有物理方面,又有心理方面的原因。探究心理因素,对于教师进行自我调节,克服职业倦怠更具有指导意义。  相似文献   

本文通过对网络、媒体、书籍等方面的检索和查阅,把收集到的粗俗化新词语进行整理,并分析其产生的两大原因:男尊女卑的文化积淀和生殖器崇拜的文化现象。  相似文献   



Depression is prevalent in mothers receiving home visiting. Little is known about the impact of treatment on associated features of maternal depression in this population. The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of a novel, adapted treatment for depressed mothers in home visiting on psychological distress and social functioning.


In-Home Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (IH-CBT) was developed to treat depressed mothers in home visiting. A randomized clinical trial design was used in which subjects were 93 new mothers in a home visiting program. Mothers with major depressive disorder identified at 3 months postpartum were randomized into IH-CBT and ongoing home visiting (n = 47) or standard home visiting (SHV; n = 46) in which they received home visitation alone and could obtain treatment in the community. Measures of psychological distress, social support, and social network were measured at pre-treatment, post-treatment, and three-month follow-up. Clinical features of depression and home visiting parameters were examined as potential moderators.


Subjects receiving IH-CBT reported decreased psychological distress at post-treatment (ES = 0.77) and follow-up (ES = 0.73). Examination of types of psychological distress indicated broad improvements at both time points. Those receiving IH-CBT reported increased social support over time relative to those in the SHV condition. Effect sizes were modest at post-treatment (ES = 0.38) but increased at follow-up (ES = 0.65). Improvements were seen in affiliative and belonginess aspects of social support, in contrast to tangible support which was statistically non-significant. Findings were not moderated by clinical features of depression or home visiting parameters. No group differences were found in size of and involvement with social networks.


IH-CBT is effective in reducing psychological distress and improving perceived social support in depressed mothers receiving home visiting. To the extent that mothers are better adjusted and feel socially supported, they are more available to their children and more amenable to home visiting services. IH-CBT is a feasible, readily adopted treatment that is compatible with multiple home visiting models. As a result it is a promising approach to help depressed mothers in home visiting. Additional interventions may be needed to support depressed mothers in building sizable and stable social networks.  相似文献   

邓演达的唯物史观是他思想的重要组成部分。他的唯物史观主要体现在: 一是对唯物史观基本原理有着科学的见解。认为推进历史的只有一元: 生产技术的发展; 社会存在决定社会意识; 人民群众是历史的创造者; 阶级斗争推动社会向前发展。二是科学地把握人类社会发展的规律。认为在我国半殖民地、半封建社会特定历史条件下, 资本主义道路走不通。只有进行“超资本主义”的革命, 建立平民政权, 进行社会主义建设。  相似文献   

近年来随着泰语语言的不断发展与进步,越来越多的泰语新词新语出现在人们日常生活交流之中,给传统的泰语听力教学带来了不小的冲击。对英语借词的语音转化规律及旧词产生的新词义等新词知识的掌握与教学俨然成为泰语听力课程教学中不可忽视的环节。  相似文献   

Scholars suggest that racial/ethnic and class disparities in school-based social capital contribute to educational inequalities. Previous studies demonstrate that social capital (relations of trust, mutual expectations, and shared values) between parents and schools supports children's development. Yet we know little about the emergence of social capital, that is, the processes through which it develops. In this study, we explore mechanisms of social capital emergence in predominantly low-income Latino school communities. We draw data from an experimental study that manipulated social capital through an after-school family engagement program. Based on interviews and focus groups with participating parents, teachers, and program staff in two elementary schools, we identified four types of interactions that act as mechanisms of social capital emergence: (1) responsive communication; (2) reciprocal communication; (3) shared experiences; and (4) institutional linkage. The article connects these mechanisms to theoretically linked sources of social capital and discusses implications for theory and practice.  相似文献   

英语新词汇研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
语言的基本特点之一是变化。变化源自社会因素和语言因素。词义的演变和新词的增加是语言发展的突出表现。英语新词汇分布在十多个语义场,反映了当代西方社会生活的现状。新词汇的构成遵循着英语构词法规则。英语新词的发展前景有三大特点:数量与日俱增;来源多种多样;形式趋向简洁。  相似文献   

Child poverty is well known as a major risk factor for child maltreatment. However, it is not known whether parental psychological distress and individual-level social capital mediate the association. We examined the mediation effect of these two factors on the association between child poverty and maltreatment. In the Adachi Child Health Impact of Living Difficulty (A-CHILD) Study, a questionnaire was administered to all caregivers of first-grade children in every public elementary school in Adachi City between July and November 2015, and valid responses were used for analysis (N = 3944). Logistic and Poisson regression analyses were employed to examine the association between child poverty and maltreatment. Child poverty was defined in this study as meeting one of these criteria: 1) household income less than 3 million yen; 2) deprivation of specific material items that children or the household requires, or 3) experience of being unable to pay for lifeline utilities. Child maltreatment (physical abuse, neglect, and psychological abuse) was answered by parents. We confirmed a robust association between child poverty and maltreatment. Mediation analysis indicated that parental psychological distress mediated more than 60% of the association between child poverty on physical abuse and psychological abuse, while individual-level social capital mediated only 10% of the association with any type of maltreatment. In addition, structural equation modeling analysis revealed that the association was mediated by both parental psychological distress and social capital simultaneously. The findings suggest that supporting parental psychological distress may be an effective intervention to remedy the negative impact of child poverty on maltreatment.  相似文献   

我国大力发展非公有制经济的理论依据,不仅是既定生产力的不发达,更主要是对生产力的促进和发展作用。同时,生产力并不是生成非公有制经济的唯一因素,我国的社会的主体力量结构对非公有制经济的形成与发展起着得要的主观塑造作用,将大力发展非公有制经济的理论依据只与既定生产力的不发达相联系,既不符合当代非公有制经济的生产力实际状况和社会生产力发展的潮流,也限制和束缚了我国非公有制经济的快速发展。  相似文献   

发球是排球技术中唯一不受他人制约的技术。如果发球威力不大,不但失去直接得分和破坏对方战术的机会,还会给本方防守造成很大困难,形成被动局面。造成发球失误的因素是多方面的,但其总体来说心理因素是重要方面,据有关资料表明:心理因素占造成发球失误的76.14%。所以有必要对影响发球的心理因素进行分析、归因,从而提出相应的心理训练方法,以达到提高比赛中发球的成功率和攻击性的目的。  相似文献   

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