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林淑妹 《教师》2024,(5):75-77
为提升小学体育教学效果,文章作者基于研究经验,指出在小学体育中应用趣味田径有助于提升学生的运动兴趣和运动效果,并结合教学案例指出教师可以采用开展趣味热身训练、设计趣味田径竞赛、建构趣味课堂探究情境、丰富趣味田径训练形式、健全趣味田径训练设施和拓宽趣味田径训练平台等策略将趣味田径与小学体育教学自然结合,实现让学生养成良好的运动习惯,强健体魄,加快建设体育强国的目标。  相似文献   

在小学教育阶段,趣味田径教学的开展,能够对田径运动基本属性进行保留,创新田径教学方式,增强田径教学的吸引力,对学生参与积极性进行有效调动。文章首先分析了趣味田径在小学体育教学中的作用和特点,进一步从教学设计凸显田径功能、课堂导入环节运用趣味游戏营造氛围、借助合作互动和创设情境化教学提升趣味性这四个方面入手,对小学趣味田...  相似文献   

国际田联少儿趣味田径由国际田联发起,并根据少儿生理、心理等发育特点制定出的一套以短跑、耐力跑、跳跃、投掷等田径基本项目为内容的活动游戏,此项目对孩子未来的发展相当重要。在此背景下,通过对南京市部分小学走访调查,分析对少儿趣味田径的认知现状,并根据调查结果提出相关建议。  相似文献   

田径运动是小学体育中最常见的运动形式,在小学体育教学中应用趣味田径,有利于吸引学生的注意力,培养学生的道德情操,开发学生的身体机能,使学生在掌握体育项目技术要领的同时还能充分享受运动的快乐。就当前小学体育教学现状来看,趣味田径的应用尚未普及,有进一步开发和应用的空间。体育教师应当对此予以重视,针对体育教学与趣味田径之间的结合进行深入研究,立足实际有效应用趣味田径,使体育教学取得事半功倍的效果。  相似文献   

趣味田径的概念及创编原则与方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
趣味田径是针对少年儿童的生理、心理特点而设计的某些具有娱乐性、趣味性的田径活动形式的总称 .对趣味田径的概念、特点以及趣味田径的创编原则与方法分别进行了论述 .其目的在于培育、扶植、推动趣味田径活动的发展 ,丰富田径运动的内容 .并希望能为促进趣味田径进入体育课堂 ,丰富体育教学内容 ,提供有益的帮助  相似文献   

大多数学生都很抵触提高身体素质的运动,尤其是田径运动。为了构建高效的体育课堂,教师可从构建趣味课堂的角度出发,以游戏为媒介,使学生真正掌握运动技巧。  相似文献   

趣味性是少儿趣味田径运动的重要前提。所谓少儿趣味田径运动,实际上就是在游戏中加入了田径的形式,如跑、跳、走等等,使之与游戏的某些特点相互符合。通过少儿趣味田径运动,让学生们可以在锻炼身体的同时也能够获得乐趣。对于体育运动来说,竞争性是其重要的特点,同时也是其主要的魅力所在。少儿趣味田径运动与其他的运动竞技性质不同,不需要参与者具备很高的水平,而是主要通过团队比赛的方式来对学生们的好胜心进行培养,从而锻炼学生们的意志力。  相似文献   

国际少儿趣味田径的推广可以使全世界更好地发展田径运动,少儿趣味田径已经在全世界大范围地推广,并取得了一定的成就。在我国也进行了推广。实践证明,这一田径新形式适合我国的少年儿童。主要研究的是在国际少儿趣味田径的推广下,把国际少儿趣味田径融入我国小学体育教学中的方法,并提出相关建议。  相似文献   

田径是初中体育课堂中的重点内容,贯穿于整个教学过程。在体育课堂上,随着教学的深入,艰难枯燥的技术性练习影响了学生的积极性,也影响了田径教学的效果。为了有效提高田径技术教学的效果,可将游戏与田径技术相结合,在准备活动、基础环节、结束部分中应用游戏教学法。  相似文献   

为了在全世界更好地发展田径运动,国际田联和德国田联一起推出了"少儿趣味田径"这种新的田径形式。而体育田径器材是该项目顺利开展和普及推广的必要物质保障,田径器材的开发研制对于少儿趣味田径的发展有着重要的意义。就当前国内少儿趣味田径的发展趋势、器材开发的意义及研制时应注意的问题作了分析,供广大研究人员参考。  相似文献   

通过问卷调查与统计处理,对浙江省大学生的健康状况及参加体育活动的情况进行了分析。大学生的身体健康状况良好;大多数学生以增强体质作为参加体育活动的主要目的;每周参加体育活动3-4次的人数为35.1%,男生比例略高于女生;每次锻炼的时间为30-60分钟;主要在体育场馆和空地进行以球类、跑步和健身操为主的体育活动。  相似文献   

通过问卷调查法抽取360名大学生进行调查,结果表明:大部分学生对体育教师安排的游戏并认为体育游戏的奖惩制度是有必要的。大部分学生喜欢集体趣味性游戏的奖惩模式,学生的认识和奖惩的模式及其难度对奖惩的实施、奖惩效果有着较大的影响。  相似文献   

田径运动种类丰富,对于高校学生运动素质的发展有着重要促进作用。在高校田径训练中,必须重视参与者的健康安全保障,在健康安全的前提下进行田径训练,才更有价值和意义。高校田径运动训练的健康安全保障,需要从安全保障意识、有效措施与方法等方面着手,这样才能构筑立体的健康安全保障体系,真正保障参与田径训练的大学生的身体安全。  相似文献   


The Internet has become a pivotal source of information among university students. However, studies routinely show that many students lack digital information literacy skills (i.e. skills needed to find and evaluate information online). In this paper, we report results from an experimental study testing the effect of a workshop for third-year students of a German university. The workshop was designed to teach relevant information literacy skills in a computer lab. Afterwards, students were given academic search tasks and their search behavior was recorded with a tracking device. We find that, compared with the control group, workshop participants significantly increased their use of academic databases and cited more articles from scholarly journals. On the other hand, we find no effect on the relevance of the content students found online. Teaching digital information literacy is essential and feasible, but it is no panacea for increasing the academic quality of students’ work.  相似文献   

Educational researchers have indicated that although computer games have the potential to promote students’ motivation and engagement, the work on how to design effective games that fulfil educational purposes is still in its infancy. This study aimed to examine how integration of self-explanation into a computer game affected primary schoolers’ acquisition of light and shadow concepts. The participants were randomly assigned to either an experimental group or a control group and played a computer game with or without self-explanation prompts individually as a treatment. Students’ conceptual understanding was evaluated through a pretest and a posttest administered right after the treatment. The results revealed that by controlling the pretest scores, students who played the game with self-explanation features did not outperform those who played the game without any prompts in the posttest. Further analyses of the experimental group students’ responses to the self-explanation prompts also indicated that the students with more correct responses to the prompts did not perform better than those with lower accuracy rates. The deficits in the use of self-explanation prompts are identified, and possible improvements to enhance the function of self-explanation in educational games are proposed.  相似文献   

目的:研究基于生涯建构理论模型,以提高公费师范生生涯适应力为目的进行干预,并对其效果进行追踪评估。方法:招募选取28名生涯适应力较低的公费师范生,实验组和对照组各14人,实验组接受6次生涯团体辅导,对照组参加学校开展的心理健康教育课程。采用生涯适应力问卷,干预前后进行重复测量,一个半月后进行延时测量。结果:干预后,实验组在生涯适应力的总分及其4个分维度上得分显著高于对照组,追踪评估结果表明干预效果的持续性较好。结论:基于生涯建构理论模型设计的干预方案能够一定程度上提高公费师范生的生涯适应力,并且干预具有良好的持续性。  相似文献   

教育游戏的应用与发展很大程度上依赖一线教师对教育游戏的理解,因此了解即将成为一线教师的师范毕业生对教育游戏的认知状况与期望有助于把握教育游戏应用的现状以及未来的发展趋向.该文通过对南京晓庄学院302名不同专业的师范毕业生的抽样调查,分析讨论了师范毕业生对教育游戏的概念认知、功能认知以及期望.通过调查发现:师范毕业生对教育游戏的概念认知程度偏低,不同专业的师范毕业生对教育游戏的概念认知情况存在较大差异;师范毕业生对教育游戏的教育功能持肯定态度;师范毕业生对教育游戏的课堂教学应用持怀疑态度;师范毕业生对于一款“好”教育游戏产品的期望主要表现在教育游戏的趣味性和教育性方面.  相似文献   

In this article we analyse the inclusion of students with disabilities in the field of university attendance, emphasising the importance of attitudes of teachers as well as the rest of the university community as a whole for inclusion to be successful. The effect of variables of gender, education and training and contact with students with disabilities on these attitudes is also detailed. A scale was applied to assess attitudes towards disabilities to 2671 participants, including students with and without disabilities, teachers and administrative and services staff from the Faculty of Education in a University in Southern Spain. The results show that in general, the university community has positive attitudes towards students with disabilities, with differences according to the group, with university teachers having the most favourable attitudes. The results are discussed and suggestions for future research are offered.  相似文献   

当今,大学校园学生购置计算机的逐渐多了起来,民族院校也不例外。大学生的计算机除学习外,用来玩游戏是不可避免的,如果掌控不好,成迷入魔者已不在少数。因此,对高校大学生计算机的合理使用,有研究、分析与引导的必要。要认清其利弊,研究引导的措施,让计算机更好地为大学生的学习服务。  相似文献   

The present study tests the assumption that the stable vs. unstable character of the structural relationship between groups influences the type of bias to which differentiation may lead, and affects the likelihood of identification with one's ingroup. Study 1 was conducted in Canada with university students and Study 2 in two French highschools; they both measured the impact of membership in a prestigious vs. a non-prestigious group on intergroup perceptions. In the Canadian sample, the structural relationship between groups was unstable, in a way that status asymmetry due to prestige differences might in time be eased out to the advantage of the less prestigious group. In the French study, the structural relationship was stable and not likely to evolve. As predicted, data from both samples' prestigious groups demonstrate a clear ingroup bias. Students from the less prestigious Canadian university situated in an ascending movement did not judge their competencies as lower than those of the prestigious university students, and further expressed the wish to enrol their children in their own university rather than the prestigious university. As expected, data collected from French high school students in the less prestigious study programme demonstrate a clear outgroup bias. Contrary to the initial hypothesis, in Canada, the prestigious university students identify less strongly with their ingroup than the less prestigious university students. This effect may be interpreted as participants distancing themselves from their ingroup prototype and it was also observed in the students of the prestigious study programme in the French high schools.  相似文献   

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