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文章分析了伺服系统中精密齿轮传动装置总传动比、传动误差、传动回差对整个系统的精度影响,提出传动装置各级精度分配时应注意的问题。  相似文献   

以氯仿为萃取剂,选取UNIQUAC相平衡模型,以ASPEN PLUS过程模拟软件对采用萃取-精馏技术回收废水中N,N-二甲基酰胺(DMF)的过程进行模拟计算;讨论了萃取过程的萃取级数、萃取比及精馏过程的回流比、塔板数和进料位置变化对回收过程的影响,优化了DMF废水回收过程中的主要工艺参数;同时对萃取-精馏与普通精馏技术的能耗进行了比较,萃取-精馏技术节约能耗可达80%。  相似文献   

针对用计算机来实现不同语言间的自动翻译这一问题,设计了基于规则的英汉翻译系统,系统对词库中的词进行预处理,使之符合一定的规范,在此基础上根据单词语义切分句子,将特定单词划分成结点逐步形成译文,而后在查找过程中,找到匹配的译文,最后对每个结点的译文按照事先设立的语法来进行重组,使之最大限度地符合自然语言语法规则,达到使用户可以认识和理解的最终目的。实验证明,系统能有效实现翻译功能,具有一定的应用性。  相似文献   

从输油系统的动力利用率和热能利用率出发,分析了影响输油效率的因素,在此基础上,结合目前最新应用的技术,提出提高输油效率的方法。  相似文献   

为了便于对比分析不同机床的加工过程能耗,设计了包括几种典型加工元素的能耗分析标准样件。使用不同的机床对标准样件进行加工,根据测得的功率计算各个部分的加工能耗,以对比不同机床的能耗信息。同时依据不同机床的功率信息,计算不同生产线安排的总的工作能耗,寻找能耗更少的生产线安排方案。  相似文献   

自动应答系统是一种基于因特网的高性能的软件系统.是一种对用户用自然语言提出的问题能够做出尽可能简洁、准确回答的计算机程序.本文根据房产中的应答系统的特点,采用了自然语言处理技术,设计了一种支持自然语言理解的自动应答系统的模型,同时通过详细的需求分析设计了总体框架.  相似文献   

齿轮范成实验的一种图形仿真系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍一种面向齿轮范成原理实验教学的图形仿真CAI软件。借助于计算机图形学工具,直观、动态地模拟齿轮范成加工的情况,充分展示齿轮设计参数对于渐开线齿廓曲线的影响规律。多年的实践证明,利用该软件进行实验教学,不但能够提高实验效率,还能使学生更容易理解和掌握齿轮传动理论。与传统的机械式齿轮范成仪实验相结合,二者相得益彰,能够得到最好的教学效果。  相似文献   

本文以齿轮设计过程中某些数表,线图系数查询为例,探讨了机械CAD中设计资料的程序化处理方法。  相似文献   

通过代换,将基于劳伦兹系统构建的交通流方程组转换成非线性方程,分别利用匹配渐近法和同伦分析法研究非线性交通模型,讨论当参数σ= t n/t v ?1时的新情况,得到非线性方程的两种解析近似解,为分析车头变化情况提供理论依据。  相似文献   

To solve the low power density issue of hybrid electric vehicular batteries, a combination of batteries and ultra- capacitors (UCs) could be a solution. The high power density feature of UCs can improve the performance of battery/UC hybrid energy storage systems (HESSs). This paper presents a parallel hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) equipped with an internal combus- tion engine and an HESS. An advanced energy management strategy (EMS), mainly based on fuzzy logic, is proposed to improve the fuel economy of the HEV and the endurance of the HESS. The EMS is capable of determining the ideal distribution of output power among the internal combustion engine, battery, and UC according to the propelling power or regenerative braking power of the vehicle. To validate the effectiveness of the EMS, numerical simulation and experimental validations are carried out. The results indicate that EMS can effectively control the power sources to work within their respective efficient areas. The battery load can be mitigated and prolonged battery life can be expected. The electrical energy consumption in the HESS is reduced by 3.91% compared with that in the battery only system. Fuel consumption of the HEV is reduced by 24.3% compared with that of the same class conventional vehicles under Economic Commission of Europe driving cycle.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to build a flexible mechanical system with a hydrostatic skeleton. The main components of this system are two type flexible bags. One is a structural bag with constant inner pressure. The other is an actuator bag with controlled inner pressure. To design the system, it was necessary to estimate both structural deformation and driving force. Nu- merical analysis of flexible bags, however, is difficult because of large nonlinear deformation. This study analyzed structural strength and driving force of flexible bags with the nonlinear finite element analysis (FEA) software ABAQUS. The stress con- centration dependency on the bag shape is described and the driving force is calculated to include the large deformation. From the analytical results, this study derives an empirical equation of driving force. The validity of the equation was confirmed by condition-changed analyses and experimental results.  相似文献   

研究弱阻尼双曲方程组的Cauchy问题。利用试验函数方法 ,给出了问题的爆破临界指数 ,它与热方程组的Fujita临界指数相同  相似文献   

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