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More Than Manga     
This paper describes a partnership project between Hazel Grove High School, Stockport and Cornerhouse Gallery, Manchester, during June 2001. In celebration of National Children’s Art Day, all year 10 students (14–15 year olds) spent a full day at the Cornerhouse, engaging with different types of manga (the Japanese word for comic). Pupils explored its diversity and developed their own storyboards and graphic styles. Pupils worked alongside artist, Adela Jones, with each pupil making their own sculptural comic book at school the following week. All artwork produced was exhibited either at the Cornerhouse or at school in celebration of the project. This was a unique experience for all pupils and staff, and the outcomes of the project exceeded all expectations.  相似文献   

More Than Little     
吴颖 《音乐世界》2010,(11):44-45
当最新一季的日剧《无法坦诚相对》将题材瞄准了微博,当很多明星都在念念叨叨要更新的不再是博客,而是微博时,似乎整个世界都掀起了微博的狂潮。Easy独家专访7组人气艺人,为你送上第一手私房微博密语。  相似文献   

The wholesome practice of free public school education is a great heritage for the budding generations. Free education has become one of the several main bearings around which the wheels of our democratic society revolve. Regardless of any transitory disillusionments growing out of our experiences with the institution of education, we readily agree that it is founded upon the highest principles known among men. We have a common faith in its indefatigable efforts to promote truth and light. It has been exalted by our vested faith to the position of torchbearer to illuminate the uncharted road ahead. Socrates in his wildest, hopeful dreaming could not have envisioned an institution so uniquely principled and strangely idealistic. Keeping this thought in mind, that education is unquestionably a great heritage and our faith in it has been well placed, we may proceed to criticize its tendencies without fear of overemphasizing its faults. It will necessarily be the criticism of the new, untried, unfledged neophyte, somewhat distracted and bewildered by the complex action of education.  相似文献   

从曾经的“最美丽小朋友”到现在的新一代韩流小天王,是那部《原来是美男啊》让张根硕红出韩国。走向亚洲.但这样的成绩绝不是凭借《美男》的一蹴而就。越了懈越发现,张根硕其人,比他饰演的种种角色更精彩。  相似文献   

小议more than     
本文从语法的角度分析、探讨more than的用法及翻译。  相似文献   

在信息时代里成长的年轻一代,一方面很早就结识了网络的虚拟世界.另一方面在校园的学习中,很少能深入了解电脑背后的故事。很多学生沉浸在网游、网络小说等虚拟环境中,但是真正的电脑高手可不是玩游戏。本文就从一个高中生过渡到大学生的主观角度.简单介绍了电脑软件的世界。  相似文献   

In general, this essay explores the theoretical and practical political problems associated with being an Olympic anthropologist. In particular, it examines the practical attitude that an anthropological relativist should adopt toward universal humanism in pluricultural contexts. As such, this essay serves as a critique not only of the dominant Olympic ideology itself but also of the Olympic leaders who embrace the universalist claims of Olympism and the scientists of sport who reinforce the European versions of universal humanism by which those same Olympic officials typically comprehend the world.  相似文献   

Action learning, as it is often implemented in the U.S., differs little from a typical cross-functional task force. Those characteristics of action learning that originated with Reginald Revan's work and that have such potential to change both organizations and participants are often absent in the Americanized version of action learning. Outlined here are the principles that underlie Revan's work as well as an explanation of why they are so critical to both individual development and organizational problem resolution. These principles are then contrasted with a case study of a Fortune 500 company which implemented the more Americanized version. The benefits of that implementation are explored as well as a discussion of the learning difficulties the teams experienced.  相似文献   

可怜天下父母心——可深深的溺爱为何就成了孩子的桎梏?一日夫妻百日恩——但相爱的两人为何最终徒留遗·眼?有时候,盲目的“爱”越是深刻,越会适得其反。心理学中素有“移情作用”的概念,它或许可以从科学的角度帮助我们理解人与人相处过程中“懂得”的重要意义。  相似文献   

依据学生认识事物的规律和科学实验的一般程序,小学自然教学实验过程一般可分为:创设情境、提出问题,提出假设、设计实验,操作实验、观察现象,分析结果、得出结论四个阶段.这四个环节有着内在的逻辑联系,忽视或淡化某个环节都会对实验效果产生影响.但在现实的实验教学中,我们发现有许多教师淡化或者忽视学生设计实验的环节,其结果,教师的主导变成了教师的主讲,学生的操作实验变成了模仿实验.取而代之的是教师的讲解和示范.学生对于“科学的志趣”,不是教师讲解给学生的,而是学生在自我探究中逐步积累起来的对自然科学知识及其研究方法的强烈兴趣.学生学科学用科学的能力,也不是教师通过讲解能植入学生大脑的,而是需要教师引导学生在长期的实践中进行科学思维方法的训练.“实验能力”的培养既包括操作能力的培养,也包括提出假设和如何验证假设等实验设计能力的训练,并且后者比前者更重要,因为后者落实到学生身上的是科学思维方法的掌握和运用.  相似文献   

例谈信息技术教学对工具的超越   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
信息技术以人性化的操作方式日益深入地融入人们的生活,但中小学信息技术教学却在一定程度上,为信息技术工具本身所左右。本文提出新课程理念下的信息技术课堂教学,要超越工具关注文化、超越权威研究学习、超越使用关注发展、超越课堂直面现实。  相似文献   

Some 11.170 plant and animal species face extinc-tion,including a European lynx(山猫)that couldbecome the first wild cat species to have disap-pealed for thousands of years,a major conservationgroup said.  相似文献   

本文介绍了折射光振幅、先强大于入射光振幅、光强的情况,进而阐明了其产生的原因.  相似文献   

对翻译本质的争论由来已久,但多是总的概括。本文在赞成翻译综合派认为翻译既是科学又是艺术的基础上,提出了文学翻译应更重视艺术性的观点,并从文学翻译的复杂性、文学作品的社会作用以及诗歌翻译“可译”与“不可译”三方面来加以论证。  相似文献   

对于相当一部分研究生来说,学习的困惑、人生的迷惘、就业的压力、生活的烦恼,会使他们觉得不堪重负。如何卸却压力,消除烦恼,走上通向成功和快乐的道路?这封来自一位母亲给刚考上研究生的女儿的家信,相信会给广大研究生同学、研究生导师以及研究生教育管理人员以一定的启迪。本文转自《清华研究生》第297期,略有删改。  相似文献   

当时我们正站在一个教堂塔楼的顶上.是父亲把我从罗马的家里带到这个离家不远的意大利小镇楼顶上来的,我不明白这是为什么。[第一段]  相似文献   

More Than Fiber Distance education in Iowa   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  

Keeping classroom animals is a common practice in many classrooms. Their value for learning is often seen narrowly as the potential to involve children in learning biological science. They also provide opportunities for increased empathy, as well as socio-emotional development. Realization of their potential for enhancing primary children’s learning can be affected by many factors. This paper focuses on teachers’ perceptions of classroom animals, drawing on accounts and reflections provided by 19 participants located in an Australian primary school where each classroom kept an animal. This study aims to progress the conversation about classroom animals, the learning opportunities that they afford, and the issues they present. Phenomenographic analysis of data resulted in five categories of teachers’ perceptions of the affordances and constraints of keeping classroom animals.  相似文献   

二十多年来我国法律语言研究可分三个阶段:酝酿期、草创期、深化期.研究的特色是重视构建法律语言学理论体系,潘庆云的<跨世纪的中国法律语言>等的理论及体系各具特色.法律语言研究的成绩主要是:初步形成具有一定实力和发展前景的学术队伍;初步构建了法律语言理论与体系;研究的领域不断扩大,观念和方法不断更新;重视为现实服务.不足之处是:法律语言各部分研究不平衡;学术争论不够;科学性、系统性不够,紧扣法律语言特殊规律的力作不多.  相似文献   

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