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This paper is concerned with an innovative approach to teaching Chinese characters. Traditionally, pupils learn Chinese characters by repeatedly copying them until they can reproduce their form and pronunciation from memory. Most of the characters pupils are required to learn are selected on the basis of their frequency in adult written communications rather in everyday child usage. The process takes many years and is perceived by pupils as laborious and boring. The writers of the paper developed an approach based on the phenomenographic approach to learning and on various pioneering ways of teaching Chinese characters. Learning starts with the pupils’ own language and characters are introduced and used in contexts meaningful to the pupil, attention being drawn systematically to structural features, written form and pronunciation. Characters are learnt in relational clusters, similarities and variations among related characters in the clusters being used by teachers to highlight and emphasise crucial aspects of Chinese characters and words. The learning mastered serves as a foundation for subsequent learning. After an in-depth discussion of theory and pedagogy, the writers report an investigation in four primary schools in Hong Kong that yields strong support for the efficacy of the approach.  相似文献   

Counseling theory and practice tend to be dominated by a European-American orientation. Cross-cultural counseling is advanced as an approach that transcends European dominance while focusing on the specific needs of African American, Asian and Pacific Islander, Hispanic/Latino, and Native American cultures. This paper reviews the major conceptual models, described by social scientists, and advances a more culturally sensitive, cross-cultural approach to conceptualizing counseling theory and practice when counseling members of large minority groups living in the United States.  相似文献   

Conclusion The Strategic Impact Model is distinctive in its portrayal of the integration of instructional and non-instructional interventions and its suggestion that all performance interventions undergo an analysis-design-development-production cycle, just as instruction does. It also differs from other similar models in its use of evaluative activities at each stage to assure alignment with strategic needs as well as quality control, and its suggestions for improving the chances of successful implementation by carrying out change management activities at each phase of the development process. He has special interests in distance education, historical and philosophical foundations of instructional technology and instructional development processes. He has special interests in planning and evaluating performance improvement initiatives, including training. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

School psychologists have a critical role in identifying social‐emotional problems and psychopathology in youth based on a set of personality‐assessment competencies. The development of competencies in assessing personality and psychopathology is complex, requiring a variety of integrated methods and approaches. Given the limited extent and scope of formal preparation in personality assessment in school psychology training programs, it is important to develop models using multiple methods of assessment. It is proposed that an integrated paradigm associated with a combination of empirical and clinical methods serve as a framework for the development of school psychology practice competencies in personality assessment. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Psychol Schs 43: 513–526, 2006.  相似文献   

Moving clients past counterproductive approaches to improving performance requires performance improvement (PI) professionals to work differently. They must collaboratively engage clients in anticipating and solving problems. It calls for a user‐friendly and explicit PI process that drives results. This proactive engagement promotes a shared view and language of the PI process. It enables PI professionals and clients to work jointly with common tools to improve performance, make everyday decisions, and achieve business results.  相似文献   

This paper describes the development of the teaching of communication skills on Engineering Degree courses run by the School of Manufacturing Systems Engineering at Leeds Polytechnic from the early 1970s to the mid 1980s. The development is seen as moving from the notion of Liberal Studies through Communication Studies to eventually the concept of Integrated Studies. The ideas behind Integrated Studies are described and the benefits and problems of this approach are discussed.  相似文献   

We examine relations of values and intelligence to overt behavior in a field study of clients in career counseling (N=365). Eleven counselors reported their clients' independence, activity and insightfulness behaviors. As predicted, both values and intelligence correlated substantially with particular behaviors. Activity and independence correlated positively with self-direction and achievement values and negatively with conformity and tradition values. Independence correlated positively with maturity values as well. Insightfulness correlated positively with maturity values and negatively with conformity and tradition values. All three behaviors correlated positively with intelligence. Values predicted behavior over and above intelligence, but intelligence added to the prediction by values only for the clients of some counselors. Implications of the findings for research on values and behavior are discussed.  相似文献   

A serious problem exists in the academic world, namely doctoral education attrition rates that approach 50% in some disciplines. Yet, calls for action have generally been ad hoc rather than theory driven. Further, research has not been conceived and implemented with sufficient breadth to integrate factors influencing the outcomes across the societal/supra‐societal, institutional and departmental/disciplinary contexts. Concurrently, epistemological questions are being directed at the appropriateness of both the content and the process of doctoral programs. In this paper, we propose as a heuristic, an integrative framework of nested contexts to guide both research and action. The framework integrates the range of factors influencing doctoral student experience, so that we can envision responding to this issue in a coherent and effective fashion.  相似文献   

Psychologists working in schools are often the first contacts for children experiencing a potentially traumatizing event or change in status. This article reviews basic concepts in crisis counseling and describes the components of psychological first aid. This form of counseling must be developmentally and culturally appropriate as well as individualized. Effective intervention can prevent post‐traumatic stress syndrome and facilitate normal mourning processes associated with any losses experienced. These prevention activities are also discussed. Some children may need resources beyond those that the school can provide, and appropriate referrals can link children and adults to a variety of treatments such as psychotherapy and medication, also briefly outlined. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

英语教学中的听力理解是语言运用能力的综合体现,在实际的教学中,教师要做到精听与泛听相结合、传统课堂教学与多媒体点化教学相结合、听力训练与多种技能相结合。教师要充分有效地利用各种条件作到形式多样、内容丰富地发挥学生的主体作用。  相似文献   

新中国成立以来,中国的民族关系格局发生了历史性嬗变。如何从浩如烟海的质性研究中总结出民族心理的发展脉络和演进规律,是铸牢中华民族共同体意识的理论之需和时代要求。族际通婚作为衡量民族关系的关键性指标,其变化趋势是观察民族心理变迁的重要历史透镜。但是,以往研究主要采用访谈、深描和扎根等质性研究方法,使得同类主题的研究无法通过元分析等技术进行量化的总结,因而较难形成解释力高的统合性结论。采用元民族志分析法,对族际通婚视野下的质性研究进行高阶的解释性分析,转译原始资料中可以相互比对的核心概念与观点,从而揭示民族心理随时代变迁所呈现的阶段性特征,以及从“异己观”到“天下观”的演进脉络, 以期提炼出既符合当前民族工作的需要又符合民族心理研究本土化建设的理论资源和分析框架。  相似文献   

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