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Although there is a common understanding of instructional sensitivity, it lacks a common operationalization. Various approaches have been proposed, some focusing on item responses, others on test scores. As approaches often do not produce consistent results, previous research has created the impression that approaches to instructional sensitivity are noticeably fragmented. To counter this impression, we present an item response theory–based framework that can help us to understand similarities and differences between existing approaches. Using empirical data for illustration, this article identifies three perspectives on instructional sensitivity: One perspective views instructional sensitivity as the capacity to detect differences in students' stages of learning across points of time. A second perspective treats instructional sensitivity as the capacity to detect differences between groups that have received different instruction. For a third perspective, the previous two are combined to consider differences between both time points and groups. We discuss linking sensitivity indices to measures of instruction.  相似文献   

A thorough search of the literature was conducted to locate empirical studies investigating the trait or construct equivalence of multiple-choice (MC) and constructed-response (CR) items. Of the 67 studies identified, 29 studies included 56 correlations between items in both formats. These 56 correlations were corrected for attenuation and synthesized to establish evidence for a common estimate of correlation (true-score correlations). The 56 disattenuated correlations were highly heterogeneous. A search for moderators to explain this variation uncovered the role of the design characteristics of test items used in the studies. When items are constructed in both formats using the same stem (stem equivalent), the mean correlation between the two formats approaches unity and is significantly higher than when using non-stem-equivalent items (particularly when using essay-type items). Construct equivalence, in part, appears to be a function of the item design method or the item writer's intent.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the practical use of Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. The current status of analyzing and classifying test items and behavioral objectives was examined in this study. Specifically, the purpose of this study was to analyze and classify the ISIS minicourse performance objectives and criterion-referenced test items according to Bloom's cognitive Taxonomy in order to determine what levels of cognition the ISIS instructional materials are directed. The performance objectives and test items of thirty-three ISIS minicourses and criterion-referenced tests were collected and classified. Four research questions were posed in the study. The findings indicate that ISIS minicourse test items and performance objectives are written primarily at the Knowledge and Comprehension levels. The ISIS instructional materials reflect low percentages of upper cognitive level test items and performance objectives. Based upon the use of a chi-square analysis, twenty-four of the ISIS minicourses and tests demonstrate a positive congruence between their performance objectives and criterion-referenced test items. Nine ISIS minicourses were found to demonstrate a negative relationship between their performance objectives and test items. Implications and Recommendations based on the findings of the studies are provided.  相似文献   

Although many have rejected classical test construction and analysis procedures for criterion-referenced tests, the present study was concerned with the possibility that classical procedures are both applicable and appropriate when samples of both mastery and nonmastery examinees are employed. A rationale for using these samples was presented, and empirical evidence was gathered which supported the practice of combining samples to increase the variance of test scores and thereby permit the proper estimate of reliability and item validities.  相似文献   

This article presents a study of ethnic Differential Item Functioning (DIF) for 4th-, 7th-, and 10th-grade reading items on a state criterion-referenced achievement test. The tests, administered 1997 to 2001, were composed of multiple-choice and constructed-response items. Item performance by focal groups (i.e., students from Asian/Pacific Island, Black/African American, Native American, and Latino/Hispanic origins) were compared with the performance of White students using simultaneous item bias and Rasch procedures. Flagged multiple-choice items generally favored White students, whereas flagged constructed-response items generally favored students from Asian/Pacific Islander, Black/African American, and Latino/Hispanic origins. Content analysis of flagged reading items showed that positively and negatively flagged items typically measured inference, interpretation, or analysis of text in multiple-choice and constructed-response formats. Items that were not flagged for DIF generally measured very easy reading skills (e.g., literal comprehension) and reading skills that require higher level thinking (e.g., developing interpretations across texts and analyzing graphic elements).  相似文献   

It has been argued that item variance and test variance are not necessary characteristics for criterion-referenced tests, although they are necessary for normreferenced tests. This position is in error because it considers sample statistics as the criteria for evaluating items and tests. Within a particular sample, an item or test may have no variance, but in the population of observations for which the test was designed, calibrated, and evaluated, both items and tests must have variance.  相似文献   

Contrasts between constructed-response items and multiple-choice counterparts have yielded but a few weak generalizations. Such contrasts typically have been based on the statistical properties of groups of items, an approach that masks differences in properties at the item level and may lead to inaccurate conclusions. In this article, we examine item-level differences between a certain type of constructed-response item (called figural response) and comparable multiple-choice items in the domain of architecture. Our data show that in comparing two item formats, item-level differences in difficulty correspond to differences in cognitive processing requirements and that relations between processing requirements and psychometric properties are systematic. These findings illuminate one aspect of construct validity that is frequently neglected in comparing item types, namely the cognitive demand of test items.  相似文献   

During the past several years measurement and instructional specialists have distinguished between norm-referenced and criterion-referenced approaches to measurement. More traditional, a norm-referenced measure is used to identify an individual's performance in relation to the performance of others on the same measure. A criterion-referenced test is used to identify an individual's status with respect to an established standard of performance. This discussion examines the implications of these two approaches to measurement, particularly criterion-referenced measurement, with respect to variability, item construction, reliability, validity, item analysis, reporting, and interpretation.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to address a major gap in the instructional sensitivity literature on how to develop instructionally sensitive assessments. We propose an approach to developing and evaluating instructionally sensitive assessments in science and test this approach with one elementary life‐science module. The assessment we developed was administered to 125 students in seven classrooms. The development approach considered three dimensions of instructional sensitivity; that is, assessment items should: represent the curriculum content, reflect the quality of instruction, and have formative value for teaching. Focusing solely on the first dimension, representation of the curriculum content, this study was guided by the following research questions: (1) What science module characteristics can be systematically manipulated to develop items that prove to be instructionally sensitive? and (2) Are the instructionally sensitive assessments developed sufficiently valid to make inferences about the impact of instruction on students' performance? In this article, we describe our item development approach and provide empirical evidence to support validity arguments about the developed instructionally sensitive items. Results indicated that: (1) manipulations of the items at different proximities to vary their sensitivity were aligned with the rules for item development and also corresponded with pre‐to‐post gains; and (2) the items developed at different distances from the science module showed a pattern of pre‐to‐post gain consistent with their instructional sensitivity, that is, the closer the items were to the science module, the larger the observed gains and effect sizes. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 49: 691–712, 2012  相似文献   

The psychometric literature provides little empirical evaluation of examinee test data to assess essential psychometric properties of innovative items. In this study, examinee responses to conventional (e.g., multiple choice) and innovative item formats in a computer-based testing program were analyzed for IRT information with the three-parameter and graded response models. The innovative item types considered in this study provided more information across all levels of ability than multiple-choice items. In addition, accurate timing data captured via computer administration were analyzed to consider the relative efficiency of the multiple choice and innovative item types. As with previous research, multiple-choice items provide more information per unit time. Implications for balancing policy, psychometric, and pragmatic factors in selecting item formats are also discussed.  相似文献   

Many innovative item formats have been proposed over the past decade, but little empirical research has been conducted on their measurement properties. This study examines the reliability, efficiency, and construct validity of two innovative item formats—the figural response (FR) and constructed response (CR) formats used in a K–12 computerized science test. The item response theory (IRT) information function and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) were employed to address the research questions. It was found that the FR items were similar to the multiple-choice (MC) items in providing information and efficiency, whereas the CR items provided noticeably more information than the MC items but tended to provide less information per minute. The CFA suggested that the innovative formats and the MC format measure similar constructs. Innovations in computerized item formats are reviewed, and the merits as well as challenges of implementing the innovative formats are discussed.  相似文献   


Drawing inferences about the extent to which student performance reflects instructional opportunities relies on the premise that the measure of student performance is reflective of instructional opportunities. An instructional sensitivity framework suggests that some assessments are more sensitive to detecting differences in instructional opportunities compared to other assessments. This study applies an instructional sensitivity framework to compare student performance on two different mathematics achievement measures across five states and three grade levels. Results suggest a range of variation in student performance among teachers on the same mathematics achievement measure, variation between the two different mathematics achievement measures, and variation between grade levels within the same state. Findings highlight initial considerations for educators interested in selecting and evaluating measures of student performance that are reflective of instructional opportunities.  相似文献   

This article reports large item effects in a study of computer-based learning of neuroanatomy. Outcome measures of the efficiency of learning, transfer of learning, and generalization of knowledge diverged by a wide margin across test items, with certain sets of items emerging as particularly difficult to master. In addition, the outcomes of comparisons between instructional methods changed with the difficulty of the items to be learned. More challenging items better differentiated between instructional methods. This set of results is important for two reasons. First, it suggests that instruction may be more efficient if sets of consistently difficult items are the targets of instructional methods particularly suited to them. Second, there is wide variation in the published literature regarding the outcomes of empirical evaluations of computer-based instruction. As a consequence, many questions arise as to the factors that may affect such evaluations. The present article demonstrates that the level of challenge in the material that is presented to learners is an important factor to consider in the evaluation of a computer-based instructional system.  相似文献   

Item stem formats can alter the cognitive complexity as well as the type of abilities required for solving mathematics items. Consequently, it is possible that item stem formats can affect the dimensional structure of mathematics assessments. This empirical study investigated the relationship between item stem format and the dimensionality of mathematics assessments. A sample of 671 sixth-grade students was given two forms of a mathematics assessment in which mathematical expression (ME) items and word problems (WP) were used to measure the same content. The effects of mathematical language and reading abilities in responding to ME and WP items were explored using unidimensional and multidimensional item response theory models. The results showed that WP and ME items appear to differ with regard to the underlying abilities required to answer these items. Hence, the multidimensional model fit the response data better than the unidimensional model. For the accurate assessment of mathematics achievement, students’ reading and mathematical language abilities should also be considered when implementing mathematics assessments with ME and WP items.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the technical properties of stem-equivalent mathematics items differing only with respect to response format. Using socio- economic factors to define the strata, a proportional stratified random sample of 1,366 Connecticut sixth-grade students were administered one of three forms. Classical item analysis, dimensionality assessment, item response theory goodness-of-fit, and an item bias analysis were conducted. Analysis of variance and confirmatory factor analysis were used to examine the functioning of the items presented in the three different formats. It was found that, after equating forms, the constructed-response formats were somewhat more difficult than the multiple-choice format. However, there was no significant difference across formats with respect to item discrimination. A differential item functioning (DIF) analysis was conducted using both the Mantel-Haenszel procedure and the comparison of the item characteristic curves. The DIF analysis indicated that the presence of bias was not greatly affected by item format; that is, items biased in one format tended to be biased in a similar manner when presented in a different format, and unbiased items tended to remain so regardless of format.  相似文献   

This article suggests that item analysis computer programs include, as an option, a printing of English comments alongside of the item statistics. The particular comments that appear for each item depend upon that item's statistics. These comments should provide clear directions to the classroom teacher for the improvement of the items, and they should be flexible to reflect the differing decisions required by norm-referenced items and criterion-referenced items.  相似文献   

We developed a criterion-referenced student rating of instruction (SRI) to facilitate formative assessment of teaching. It involves four dimensions of teaching quality that are grounded in current instructional design principles: Organization and structure, Assessment and feedback, Personal interactions, and Academic rigor. Using item response theory and Wright mapping methods, we describe teaching characteristics at various points along the latent continuum for each scale. These maps enable criterion-referenced score interpretation by making an explicit connection between test performance and the theoretical framework. We explain the way our Wright maps can be used to enhance an instructor’s ability to interpret scores and identify ways to refine teaching. Although our work is aimed at improving score interpretation, a criterion-referenced test is not immune to factors that may bias test scores. The literature on SRIs is filled with research on factors unrelated to teaching that may bias scores. Therefore, we also used multilevel models to evaluate the extent to which student and course characteristic may affect scores and compromise score interpretation. Results indicated that student anger and the interaction between student gender and instructor gender are significant effects that account for a small amount of variance in SRI scores. All things considered, our criterion-referenced approach to SRIs is a viable way to describe teaching quality and help instructors refine pedagogy and facilitate course development.  相似文献   

Students’ performance in assessments is commonly attributed to more or less effective teaching. This implies that students’ responses are significantly affected by instruction. However, the assumption that outcome measures indeed are instructionally sensitive is scarcely investigated empirically. In the present study, we propose a longitudinal multilevel‐differential item functioning (DIF) model to combine two existing yet independent approaches to evaluate items’ instructional sensitivity. The model permits for a more informative judgment of instructional sensitivity, allowing the distinction of global and differential sensitivity. Exemplarily, the model is applied to two empirical data sets, with classical indices (Pretest–Posttest Difference Index and posttest multilevel‐DIF) computed for comparison. Results suggest that the approach works well in the application to empirical data, and may provide important information to test developers.  相似文献   

This study investigated two procedures for estimating the population standard deviation of nonnormed tests. Two normed tests, both whose population standard deviation was known, were administered to 272 students in grades 3–6. One of the normed tests was treated as a criterion-referenced test; the two variance estimation procedures were applied to the scores from this test. Substantial differences were found between both estimated statistics and the actual standard deviation. The first estimation procedure estimated the standard deviation systematically higher, whereas the second procedure's estimation was systematically lower. These results are discussed in terms of using such procedures for program evaluation.  相似文献   

College students use information about upcoming tests, including the item formats to be used, to guide their study strategies and allocation of effort, but little is known about how students perceive item formats. In this study, college students rated the dissimilarity of pairs of common item formats (true/false, multiple choice, essay, fill-in-the-blank, matching, short answer, analogy, and arrangement). A multidimensional scaling model with individual differences (INDSCAL) was fit to the data of 11 1 students and suggested that they were using two dimensions to distinguish among these formats. One dimension separated supply from selection items, and the formats' positions on the dimension were related to ratings of difficulty, review time allocated, objectivity, and recognition (as opposed to recall) required. The second dimension ordered item formats from those with few options from which to choose (e.g., true/false) or brief responses (e.g., fill-in-the-blank), to those with many options from which to choose (e.g., matching) or long responses (e.g., essay). These student perceptions are likely to mediate the impact of classroom evaluation on student study strategies and allocation of effort.  相似文献   

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