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图式、理解与阅读   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
心理语言学认为图式是语义记忆网络中的一种信息贮存结构.在语言理解和记忆中的作用是根据已知信息对新信息进行加工.阅读是为了汲取新知识,获得新信息.在阅读过程中读者大脑中已有的语言图式、内容图式和形式图式与文章中信息的相互作用决定了读者对文章的理解程度,是影响阅读理解的主要因素.采用相应阅读策略进行训练,可提高阅读力.读者语义记忆中的图式越多越完善,阅读效率就越高.  相似文献   

《封锁》是张爱玲小说集《传奇》中的一篇,1943年11月发表于《天地》杂志。在这篇小说里,正史被消解成了一道背景:传统的“真”与“伪”的二元对立的价值体系被颠覆;全篇弥漫着一种张爱玲特有的悲凉氛围。  相似文献   

读与写密不可分。阅读过程中,学生会接触到不同文体的语篇.了解各种文体的写作特点有助于透彻地理解文章。本文讨论了如何借助记叙文的写作特点指导记叙文的阅读,从而提高学生的阅读技能。  相似文献   

体验和感悟是语文新课标阅读教学中的重要内容,阅读教学中缺少体验和感悟就无法体现学生的主体地位,阅读教学就会重复传统语文教学的老路。因此,正确理解体验和感悟的内涵,并在阅读教学中进行有效的实施,是目前语文教学领域所面临的重要课题。  相似文献   

阅读不仅是作者和读者之间通过视觉传递信息的交际过程,还是读者通过一系列思维活动对阅读材料由表及里、由浅入深的综合理解过程。阅读理解大致分为五个层面,客观理解是英语阅读理解的初级阶段,是通向深层理解的桥梁;主观理解、推断性理解、评价性理解、欣赏性理解均属阅读理解的高层阶段,具有无限延伸性。  相似文献   

提高学生的英语阅读能力,不仅要重视语言知识的传授及语言能力的培养,还要引导学生在阅读中进行积极的思维活动,通过透视作者的构思,揭示文章的主题和把握文化背景等方式,将语言因素与非语言因素有机结合起来,培养深层理解力。  相似文献   

The transition from first-generation to second-generation studies of genetic and environmental influences on the development of reading is underway. The first generation of quantitative genetic studies yielded an extraordinary conclusion: Fifty percent or more of the variance in most constructs, including reading, is attributable to genetic variation. The first generation of molecular genetic studies produced methods for analysis of effects of genetic variation at the molecular level and some tantalizing preliminary results identifying reading-related chromosomal regions. The articles in this special issue provide examples of a second generation of studies that go well beyond heritability estimates and preliminary results. The weak link in the chain for both quantitative and molecular genetic studies remains an uncertain phenotype.  相似文献   

Recent advances in research have furthered understanding of the many roles that emotions play in fostering effective learning. This editorial argues, against fashion, that the affective domain is neither separate from nor less significant in the learning process than the cognitive domain. It begins with a vignette of a struggling reader. It then defines emotions and explains their role in learning, using cognitive psychology and neuroscience as the research base. Next, it examines the influence of the affective domain on learning to interpret symbols. The editorial concludes with an analysis of reading anxiety and recommendations for practice.  相似文献   

<正>This book,Understanding Advanced Second-Language Reading(Bernhardt,2010),is an extension of Reading Development in a Second Language theoretically and empirically(Bernhardt,1991).Based on a synthesis of new research data and organized into seven chapters,this book aims to provide suggestions on how to foster advanced second-language(L2)reading through the interaction between first-language(L1)and  相似文献   

采用实验法、调查法、文献法等多种教育科研方法,对大专班学生研究了阅读策略训练对阅读动机的影响,结果显示:学生的阅读策略水平、阅读动机水平、阅读成绩之间存在极为显著的正相关;阅读策略训练不仅是可行的,而且能有效地激发学生的阅读动机,提高阅读成绩。  相似文献   

文章提出需求规律是社会主义的基本经济规律,合力规律、利润规律、价值规律是辅助规律。提高大多数人的消费能力,调整利益分配,缩小收入差别,扩大就业,把人们对收入的竞争转到科技创新上来,使企业将降低成本转到节能减排上来,形成集体主义的发展科技的社会合力,使国民经济实现又好又快发展。  相似文献   

时代的变迁,语言的发展,在阅读古代文献时存在诸多问题,怎样正确阅读理解古代文献的意义就是摆在我们面前的一个十分重要的问题,本文着重从静态意义、动态意义、情景语境、文化语境等几个方面谈正确阅读理解古文。  相似文献   

WTO《纺织品和服装协议》读解   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过对WTO《纺织品和服装协议》的读解,介绍了协议的主要内容,分析了ATC的执行情况及对纺织贸易的影响。  相似文献   

One of the most critical pedagogical areas for student success is reading development and the use of reading to learn in the content areas. Teachers’ knowledge and the materials, methods, and strategies employed are essential factors in students’ abilities to read. In their inquiry study, the authors examined the congruence between the content of preservice literacy methods courses at their college and the practices of recent alumni. Although practice varied for each teacher, alumni students emphasized some components of reading over others, often because those components were stressed in their college courses. These findings led the authors to rethink why and how reading methods are taught to preservice teachers.  相似文献   

从名词定语的角度来探讨美英报刊中有关名词定语的理解与翻译问题,主要有两个方面的内容:1、名词定语与被修饰语之间的语义关系和语法关系;2、名词定语的理解与翻译。  相似文献   

读解三极理论从不同的侧面揭示读解的内涵,有其不相容之处,也有其相容之处。从读解的整个过程和基本情况看,本是基础,作是参考背景,读是有限定的不定因素。如果都用“数”表示,且称为:本是基数,作是参数,读是变数。本是联系作愿意和读感悟的中心环节,本是读解的“基数”。  相似文献   

阅读中的感悟,是指有所感触而领悟,是读者从对文本的表层意义的把握深入到深层内涵的认识的重要途径。教师应该注重激发学生内在的感悟意识,提高学生的感悟能力。而“创设情境、加强对话、链接生活、关注空白”正是“获得感悟基础、丰富感悟内涵、体现感悟个性、实现感悟创造”的重要策略。  相似文献   

Converging evidence from a number of neuroimaging studies, including our own, suggest that fluent word identification in reading is related to the functional integrity of two left hemisphere posterior systems: a temporo-parietal system and a ventral occipito-temporal system. These posterior systems are functionally disrupted in developmental dyslexia. Reading disabled, relative to nonimpaired, readers demonstrate heightened reliance on both inferior frontal and right hemisphere posterior regions, presumably in compensation for the LH posterior difficulties. We propose a neurobiological account suggesting that for normally developing readers the temporo-parietal system predominates at first, and is associated with aspects of processing critical in learning to integrate orthography with phonological and lexical-semantic features of printed words. The occipito-temporal system, by contrast, constitutes a fast, late-developing, word-identification system that underlies fluent word recognition in skilled readers.  相似文献   

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