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通过图书馆在开展青少年校外教育活动中的实践,阐述了公共图书馆利用自身的资源积极拓展教育职能,成为青少年素质教育的重要场所,并指出图书馆在开展青少年校外教育活动中存在的困难与问题,也提出建议和对策。  相似文献   

景丽萍 《华章》2007,(3):146-146
图书馆是教育事业的重要组成部分,是学生校外教育的重要阵地.图书馆加强青少年服务工作提出了更高的要求,又给公共图书馆事业提供了发展机遇.  相似文献   

充分发挥公共图书馆电子阅览室网络信息教育的优势,加强青少年思想道德教育;使其成为青少年思想教育的校外课堂,精神文明家园。  相似文献   

近年来,我国青少年活动中心得到迅速发展,而校外教育是其最主要的功能。基于此,本文主要从青少年校外教育活动的内容和要求、青少年活动中心开展校外教育和学校教育的不同和联系、青少年活动中心校外教育活动的今后发展方向以及青少年活动中心在现阶段有效发挥校外教育功能的策略四个方面,详细介绍了青少年活动中心的校外教育功能,希望可以为有需要的人提供参考意见。  相似文献   

2015年芜湖市校外教育工作会议召开本刊讯:为进一步推动芜湖市校外教育工作,1月27日上午,2015年芜湖市校外教育工作会议在市青少年社会实践基地召幵。来自芜湖市四县五区教育局分管局长、德育专干和青少年活动中心(科技活动中心)负责人,国防教育学校、青少年社会实践基地、王稼祥纪念园、少年宫等市教育局直属校外教育基地负责人参加了会议。会议由芜湖市教育局德育科科长谢芬主持,芜湖市教育局副局长魏超出席并讲话。  相似文献   

正现在,青少年校外教育工作已成为青少年健康成长、陶冶情操的重要途径,受到了青少年及家长的欢迎和认可。然而,在管理和发展的过程中,还需要在物质支持、资源整合、市场运作和专业管理等方面进行进一步的探索。一、提高校外教育的针对性。校外教育工作者在活动中对青少年的心理特征,即兴趣、爱好、能力等应有一个比较准确的了解,有针对性地举办广大青少年所向往、喜爱的艺术、科技、体育、娱乐等活动。如在社区校外教育活动中,可以在项目设计上以参与类活动、体验类游戏  相似文献   

正随着我国近年来教育体制改革和素质教育的深入推进,校外教育在整体教育中的作用日益增强,校外教育已成为中小学素质教育不可或缺的重要组成部分,它培养青少年"学会做人、学会求知、学会劳动、学会生活、学会健体和学会审美"的作用日益凸显,特别是去年参加省教育厅基础教育一司举办的青少年校外活动场所骨干教师培训后,经过与省校外教育专家、校外教育一线教师的交流,我对校外教育工作有了更深的理解。  相似文献   

《本刊讯》由红桥区青少年教育办公室、离休干部关心教育青少年协会等四单位联合召开的红桥区青少年教育辅导员工作会议,前不久隆重举行。为加强青少年的校外教育,促进青少年学生的健康成长,该区从离休老干部、驻区部队及各界人士中聘请了一大批校外辅导员。目前这支活跃在全区校外教育阵地的辅导员达1574人。几年来,这支队伍在努力提高青少年的思想、文化素质,配合学校工作,发挥教育整体功能方面起到了重大作用,受到社会和学校的一致好评和尊重。该区辅导员工作的特点是:①他们热爱青少年校外教育事业,尽职尽责无私奉献,并将之看成是一种乐趣。为此,他们全身心地投入辅导员工作,乐不知倦;②在加强思想品德教育的同时,他们注意发挥自己的特长,耐心辅导学生学习文化科学知识,丰富其见识,发展、提高学生的能力;③根据青少年特点,积极开展有针对性的教育活动,注重实效性,通过校外教育内容,对学生进行综合的立体化的教育,受到学生欢迎;④主动配合学校工作,积极参与校内班级活动,既做学生的良师,又做学生的益  相似文献   

加强青少年学生的校外教育工作,创造良好的育人环境,保障青少年学生健康成长,是各级政府和相关部门义不容辞的责任。2000年,在中央领导的关怀下,中共中央办公厅、国务院办公厅联合下发通知,利用国家彩票公益金,资助中西部贫困地区修建青少年活动场所。2001年8月,甘肃省委、省政府成立了由主管副省长任组长,教育、财政、建设、科技等22个部门负责人为成员的甘肃省青少年校外教育工作领导小组,在省教育厅设立了领导小组办公室,以加强对青少年校外教育工作及校外活动场所建设项目的领导。省教育厅、省财政厅制定了《2000-2005年甘肃省青少年校…  相似文献   

张超 《华章》2013,(20)
如何依托公共图书馆得天独厚资源,推动青少年读者服务的延伸,是公共图书馆面对的重要课题。本文阐述了公共图书馆在优化青少年课外阅读指导的功能,以及如何充分发挥图书馆的教育功能,提高青少年读者服务工作的创新探讨。  相似文献   

Issues concerning children and young people are of interest for the educational field as question about fostering, up-bringing, learning and socialisation are core topics for academic researchers in education. Today many young people in Sweden and around the world spend an increasing amount of their time in online communities or social networking sites. This article aims to investigate whether it also is highlighted by the education researchers. Is it an area to which educational researchers currently contribute? The goal for this article is to present research that is done regarding these issues. My findings show that few academic studies deal with youth and their online environments. Foremost is the research about Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in formal learning situations: in higher education, in schools and classrooms, among professional groups such as teachers and about more general computer use rather than on questions about the fostering or up-bringing of children online. This study implies that online activities for children and young people is a topic currently lying outside the educational research field, resulting in a discussion on why that can be. My work consisted of three parts: a manual search in Swedish research journals at a university library and by searching one Swedish (Libris) and one international (ISI Web of Science) online database. This activity took place in 2009 and covered research conducted between 2003 and 2008. I conclude that this area is one where educational expertise is lacking; hence further research is strongly required.  相似文献   

终身教育是现代社会对公民的要求,具有广泛性和长期性。图书馆是公民终身教育的重要机构,应通过加快图书馆建设,吸引公民利用图书馆,拓展图书馆的服务,强化教育职能,为公民终身教育服务。  相似文献   

Young people who have spent all or part of their childhoods in public care are at particular risk of social exclusion as adults and yet the pathway out of exclusion identified by policy-makers at both European and national levels, namely, education, is very difficult to access. Using data from a five-country study of the post-compulsory educational pathways of young people in public care, this paper examines the rates of participation of young people in further and higher education and considers what might account for the gap, looking at two factors: the impact of background social class on educational support and the educational intentions and practices of the care system. The paper concludes by considering the policy context and some possible tensions between policy aims and young people’s contexts and experiences.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to explore how Greek youth understands their relationship to education, and how this understanding might change as a result of the interplay between participation in different educational/social arrangements and structural factors such as gender, socio‐economic background and area of residence. In total, 800 young people (i.e. four groups—students in upper‐secondary school, tertiary education, vocational education and training and working young people) were surveyed. The results yield an impressive homogeneity of the young people’s views corresponding to a ‘pragmatic’ image of schooling, though they are partially differentiated with respect to attitudes and practices. Moreover, boundaries are discerned between the young people following academic and non‐academic educational trajectories, and between the learning opportunities provided within and outside the formal educational system. Finally, females appear to be more mobilized, but less satisfied by educational services. These findings are contextualized and discussed against a background of relevant trends in other European countries, as well as of wider social, historical and political forces affecting Greek society.  相似文献   


This paper considers the role of spirituality in the practice of pastoral welfare and care in English state schools. Set against an educational landscape of increasingly aggressive neoliberal interests combined with growing public disquiet over the mental welfare of young people, the author examines how spirituality might in response contribute to a pedagogy of pastoral welfare for pupil well-being. The paper begins by foregrounding the policy contexts for pastoral education in England and the challenges presented by the increasingly performative cultures that schools, children and young people have become subjected to. Highlighting concerns around the well-being of children and young people, the paper advances a spiritual pedagogy in pastoral care predicated on pivotal interrelated attributes of intrapersonal transcendence, care and educational practice. The paper then considers the possibilities presented by the spiritual realm in pastoral welfare and the positioning of this as an educational pedagogy and practice.  相似文献   

金婷 《成才之路》2022,(1):126-128
公共图书馆作为社会教育的重要场所,其服务对象为全体公民,具有受众广、资源丰富、教育手段多元、教育资源可持续性、公益性等诸多优势,对人才培养具有重要意义.文章指出公共图书馆要想切实发挥自身的社会教育功能,体现其人才培养的作用,就必须加强基础设施建设,广泛开展活动,优化馆藏结构,延长开放时间,提高馆员素质,建设数字图书馆,...  相似文献   

The term transgender is used by people whose gender identity or expression falls outside the boundaries of traditional gender expectations. In educational systems, transgender issues are becoming increasingly relevant as both students and staff "come out" as transgender, and as young people explore non-normative gender expression. In comparison to the empirical and theoretical discussions on gay, lesbian, and bisexual youth issues in education, research on transgender youth is sparse, and academic research on transgender teachers is non-existent. Like closeted gay, lesbian, and bisexual teachers, transgender teachers are isolated, hidden, and silent about their authentic identities. This exploratory study offers one transgender-identified teacher's story in an urban public school system. The issues addressed include gender dynamics in the classroom, relationships with students, the connections between sexual orientation and gender identity, and discrimination in the work environment.  相似文献   

It is well established that having a parent with any illness or disability can have an adverse effect on individuals’ experiences of education and on their educational progress. Advances in medical knowledge are leading to more people under 65 being diagnosed with young onset dementias and, concomitantly, to more children and young people who are in education having a parent with this diagnosis. Hardly any research has asked these young people directly about their experiences, but the limited evidence suggests that there will likely be significant emotional, mental and psychological damage with enduring impact on their lives. This article, drawing on findings from a unique narrative, auto/biographical study involving 24 British 6 to 31‐year‐olds, focuses on the consequences of parental young onset dementia for educational careers. These dementias are untimely progressive terminal illnesses with unpredictable trajectories and timelines, throughout the course of which physical, cognitive and emotional functions and abilities are inexorably lost. Participants’ experiences show that living with a parent with young onset dementia, whilst negotiating the education system, can be extremely hard. Difficulties are exacerbated by the condition's distinctive characteristics, the current lack of any cure and anticipatory, pre‐death grief. Lack of public awareness and understanding, both of young onset dementias and of dedicated resources and support services, also result in many feeling isolated and ignored. We make suggestions for positive provision and actions that educational institutions can make to begin to meet the particular needs of these young people.  相似文献   

Abstract The current public concern about radicalization and extremism challenges philosophers and particularly philosophers of education to explore questions such as “Why do adolescents with strong ideas transgress?” and “What can we do about it?” The first question can be addressed by examining the role of their passionate commitment to their ideals as well as how this passion manifests in their pursuit of these ideals. The second question refers to the role of education in orienting and directing young people’s passionate attachment to and pursuit of ideals. In this essay, Stijn M.A. Sieckelinck and Doret J. de Ruyter argue that educating children to become reasonably passionate about ideals is a justifiable, and in fact an important, educational aim. This educational aim rests upon the notion that people take a rational, moral, and prudent stance toward their ideals and that they pursue their ideals in a way limited (yet also enabled) by rational, moral, and prudent considerations. While extremism is not likely to be defeated by educational efforts only, democratic citizenship demands urgent educational attention to young people’s passion for ideals.  相似文献   

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