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通过对北京市10所高校2047名博士生的实证调查发现,导师的指导频率、指导方式、指导理念、指导范围是导学关系的影响要素。博士生普遍认为导师在学术指导、道德培养、生涯引导、情感支持四个方面对构建和谐导学关系发挥着主导作用。  相似文献   

The focus group method was used to study barriers to help seeking among 12th-grade high school students. Reported barriers by 12th graders were similar to those for the 9th graders studied by C. R. Lindsey and J. Kalafat (1998). The categories of barriers identified were dual roles, psychologically inaccessible, nonhelpful responses, judgmental-shows favoritism, breach of confidentiality, out of touch with teens, active negativity, and too busy. The findings of the present study suggest that younger (i.e., 9th-grade) and older (i.e., 12th-grade) high school students have similar concerns about help seeking. The implications of the findings are discussed for mental health consultants and other school personnel. Recommendations for future research are provided.  相似文献   


This article presents research about school counselors' attitudes toward breaching confidentiality that the authors conducted immediately before and after the tragic shootings at Columbine High School in April 1999. Two groups of school counselors were demographically similar but differed significantly in their predictions as to whether they would breach confidentiality and in their attitudes toward certain aspects of school counselor practice such as informed consent. School counselors at all levels of employment reported that they were less likely to breach confidentiality after the highly publicized high school shootings and that they were more responsible to their minor clients than to the parents of those clients. Implications for policy makers are discussed.  相似文献   

为了探讨友谊质量在师生关系与农村儿童道德敏感性之间的中介作用,采用问卷法对870名农村儿童的道德敏感性、师生关系和友谊质量进行调查.结果 发现:(1)农村儿童的道德敏感性中,规范敏感性最高,责任敏感性最低;同时双亲打工留守儿童的人际敏感性显著低于单亲打工留守儿童.(2)师生关系中的亲密性、支持性、满意度以及儿童的友谊质...  相似文献   

证券监管者也是理性的经济人,证券监管者的行为有可能为了实现自身的经济利益最大化,而违背国家利益。因此,对证券监管者加以监管,在理论上和实践中都是完全必要的。鉴于我国目前的证券监管现状,应该借鉴国外成熟市场的监管经验,从政府和人大的监管机制、法律监管、建立制衡机制、监管组织的自律、社会舆论监督等方面,构建和完善监管监管者的约束机制。  相似文献   

我国《合同法》引进了英美法的预期违约制度,但与英美法相比,存在着判断构成预期违约的标准不明确、法律救济措施不完善的缺陷。对于这些缺陷应予以相应的完善。  相似文献   

道德判断与道德行为之间的关系问题经历了哲学假设、经典心理学实验研究和当代心理学的深入研究。道德判断与道德行为关系研究的新进展体现在莱斯特的确定问题测验、林德的道德行为和道德发展的双面理论、布莱希的道德自我认同模式、沃克的道德人格等研究当中,这些研究克服了在道德判断过程中仅仅关注道德推理重要性的缺陷。  相似文献   

人品与画品分属不同范畴,有各自的内涵。它们之间的联系是隐晦的、曲折的。文章对历史上有关人品与画品关系的论述做了评述,运用心理学方法对历史事例进行分析,得出自己的观点。  相似文献   

研究生导师和辅导员是研究生思想政治教育队伍的主体,针对两个主体之间存在沟通不充分、工作职责不清晰、工作合力形成不足的问题,分析研究生导师与辅导员互动沟通交流的特点和双方沟通不足的主要原因,提出构建研究生合力育人机制:界定导师和辅导员育人权责、明确双方沟通的主要内容、建立声誉机制调动导师和辅导员主动参与研究生思想教育的积极性,增强合力育人的效果。  相似文献   

对现实生活世界的疏离和互为主体性的缺失是传统德育模式的最大弊端。“双向主体性德育模式”紧紧依托生活世界,力求在“教师一学生”的双向主体性关系中,推动教师和学生之间的双重双向互动,在情感交融的同时实现德育价值的体验和认同,以促进学生道德主体性的提升和飞跃。  相似文献   

Correspondence can be studied as a social practice, letter writing being influenced by several cultural and social values and habits. In this article, letters to and from children of the Dutch elite from the period 1770–1850 are studied as results of a social and educational practice. Correspondence was used as a pedagogical instrument. Parents and other relatives instructed children how to write correct letters. They commented on style, tone and contents of children’s letters. Dutch elite parents wanted their children to write in a confidential tone, since they strove to be their children’s best friends. In practice, however, this confidentiality was limited. Children should not complain about their teachers in boarding school and their letters were sometimes read aloud to relatives or friends. The ideal style, taught to children, was the natural style. This did not mean that children were completely free to write what they wanted. “Natural” could be opposed to “artificial”, but could also mean “decent, as a bourgeois should” or “as a child”. The themes children were encouraged to write on were topics that testified to their moral and intellectual progress. Beneath the surface of confidentiality, childishness and naturalness, each parent revealed to value deference and neatness in style. By defining confidentiality, childishness and naturalness implicitly as “appropriate for polite society”, elite parents found a solution to the ambiguous bourgeois “pedagogic double ideal”, the tension between seeing the child as a free child and raising it to be a decent bourgeois citizen.  相似文献   

研究生作为我国培养的高素质、高科技人才,质量保证固然重要,但对其思想品德的培育也不能忽视。目前。我国研究生的德育评估工作主要存在以下问题:多采用本科生的评估指标;指标设定不够科学;以“静态”评估为主。因此,健全和完善研究生德育评估,导师要发挥关键作用,研究生也要积极自评.同时还要注重德育评估与培乔过程的有机统一。  相似文献   

在新时期,研究生的德育工作面临着新的考验和挑战。通过对研究生、导师及管理人员的相关调查分析,详细探讨在校、院二级管理制度下,院级研究生德育教育的新方法,以期推进研究生思想道德教育,提高研究生培养质量。  相似文献   

师德是中国教育和教师政策关注的焦点。但目前教育界对师德内涵尚缺乏明确界定,导致师德工作中缺乏明确的工作内容。师德政策中强调制度性和外控性,忽视了教师的自主性和能动性。针对这些问题,本文从政策文本出发,结合道德学习、道德形成的脑机制和伦理学等相关研究提出并建构师德学习的内涵,认为师德学习是指教师从师德困境出发,逐步学习师德规范,并最终形成教师美德的过程。这一过程体现为师德敏感、情感、推理、行动、意志和品性的交互作用,并受到良心和荣誉两方面的影响。  相似文献   

高等教育现代化是时代的要求。信息社会,高等教育信息化是高等教育现代化的重要组成部分,而高等教育信息化最基本的目标亦即最明显的标志之一是德育的信息化。德育技术现代化基本内涵是德育信息技术的现代化。德育网站是德育信息技术的载体和实现途径,是德育现代化的标志。从一定意义上讲,德育网站是先进的德育思想的外显,是一种突破,能够实现德育的相对科学、系统,大大增强实效性。  相似文献   

Kohlberg's theory of moral development explores the roles of cognition and emotion but focuses primarily on cognition. Contemporary post‐formal theories lead to the conclusion that skills resulting from cognitive‐affective integration facilitate consistency between moral judgement and moral behaviour. Rest's four‐component model of moral development delineates these skills specifically. The components, moral motivation, moral sensitivity, moral reasoning and moral character, operate as multidimensional processes that facilitate moral development and subsequently promote moral behaviour. The relationships between these components have been relatively unexplored, thereby missing the opportunity to unpack the processes underlying moral growth and development. In this study, moral motivation (spirituality), moral sensitivity (post‐formal skills) and moral reasoning are operationalized to examine the mediational effects of moral sensitivity of medical students. In the complex moral environment of medical students opportunities arise to question values and develop cognitive‐affective skills, among them spirituality and post‐formal thinking which are linked to increases in post‐conventional moral reasoning. The models tested indicate that moral sensitivity mediates the relationship between moral motivation and moral reasoning.  相似文献   

随着社会经济的发展,现阶段我国有关精神损害赔偿的案件多了起来。学术界虽然在精神损害赔偿的研究方面有所进展,但是,我国精神损害赔偿制度一直被严格限定使用,这导致许多受到精神损害的当事人并不能得到法律的救济。这也体现出我国目前的精神损害赔偿制度有待于进一步成熟和完善。本人认为应该扩大精神损害赔偿的范围。增加严重违约行为和侵害贞操权行为进行精神损害赔偿的相关规定,增加刑事附带民事案件和国家赔偿案件对受侵害人的精神损害赔偿权力,完备精神损害的赔偿标准,完善精神损害赔偿的主体,增加非法人组织的精神损害赔偿请求权。  相似文献   

研究生导师是研究生培养中的第一责任人,提升研究生培养质量的关键在于推进导师专业发展。研究生导师专业发展的素质标准是研究生导师专业发展的目标与方向。当前我国研究生导师专业发展素质标准包括导师入职标准和导师入职后的发展标准。科研水平是导师入职的主要标准,包括导师学历/学位、职称、科研经验、科研项目与经费等节点,是导师专业发展的前提条件;指导能力是导师入职后发展的主要标准,包括导师指导研究生的岗位职责、指导经验、课程与教学能力等节点,是导师专业发展素质的核心维度;师德修养是导师专业发展素质的基本要求,包括导师政治素质、职业道德、为人师表等节点;导师自我角色认知与管理能力是导师专业发展的基本维度,包括导师不断提升自己思想和业务素质、研究研究生教育等节点。推进我国研究生导师专业发展,不仅需要学校层面的导师专业发展机制,更需要导师自主、自觉地反思自己的指导实践。  相似文献   

现阶段,农产品出现质量问题的原因有农民职业道德失调的因素,这主要表现在农民失信违约成风,普遍轻视科学文化学习,利己思想盛行,违法生产严重。农民职业道德失调对农产品质量安全的影响有农产品生产中化学化工品滥用使消费者的身体健康受损,违背规律、急功近利进行生产导致农产品质量的低劣,使农产品质量安全问题越发严重化、普遍化等方面。针对这些情况,我们应提高农民的科学文化素质、加强农民的职业道德教育、树立道德榜样、建立有效的奖惩制度。  相似文献   

确立违约精神损害赔偿制度的法律地位,是对人的精神价值存在于合同领域的认可和尊重,符合完全赔偿原则的应然要求,是对民事责任体系的理性发展和完善。违约精神损害赔偿完全可以跨越政策考量和法律技术的种种障碍,在民法领域实现实质正义上的理性回归。  相似文献   

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