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1 Introduction Highpowerfactorinductionmotorwithfloatingwindinginparallelconnectionwithcapacitorsisamotorofspecialstructureandwithspecialconnection.Itsstatorcircuitconfiguration[1]isshowninFig.1.Fig1showstwosetsofstatorwindings,thepowerwindingsconn…  相似文献   

One-dimensional traffic model was studied with the consideration of stochastic deceleration by using the lattice Boltzmannmethod.The evolution equation for vehicle density was derived,which has the form of the Burgers equation exhibiting the effect of viscosity corresponding to the deceleration.The simulation with the model shows that the variation of vehicle density in space tends to a periodic one,which implies the existence of kinematic waves in the 1D traffic flow and coincides with theoretical prediction.  相似文献   

The Soote Season and Spring,the sweet Spring are two lyrics that sing the praise of spring.The common feature of the two lyrics is that the two poets depict a series of pictures of the sweet spring by rich and varied imagery for readers.When these pictures are presented to readers,readers feel as if they are participating in them,and the enchanting beauty of spring makes readers feel intoxicated with happiness.The two poets express their different feelings toward nature.  相似文献   


Seventeen preschoolers were divided into a play tutoring group and a skills tutoring group. Subjects in the first group received nine 20-minute sessions in which an adult attempted to enhance their make-believe play. The other group received an equal number of skills tutoring sessions. Both groups received a comparable amount of adult contact. The subjects were assessed on measures of play quality, verbal intelligence, and creativity , on three occasions: prior to training, immediately after training, and three months later. Results showed that the play tutoring and skills tutoring treatments both resulted in stable gains in verbal intelligence and ideational fluency. Neither treatment resulted in significant increases in play quality. It was concluded that the play tutoring gains were caused by adult contact rather than by enhanced levels of play.  相似文献   

This paper presents a model for the explanation of examination (GCSE) performance at the age of 16 years in terms of both secondary and junior school attended together with prior achievement measures and certain background factors. Using a cohort of 758 students in 48 junior schools and 116 secondary schools it compares the variation in performance due to secondary schools with that due to junior schools in a multilevel cross‐classified analysis. It shows that the variation among junior schools is substantially larger than that among secondary schools. It also demonstrates that those junior schools with high average achievement scores for the students when they leave junior school also tend to have high average scores for their students at the age of 16. The implications of these findings, if replicated, are profound. They imply that current attempts to measure the ‘effectiveness’ of secondary schools using achievement measured at the start of secondary schooling may be fruitless and they point to the need for school effectiveness research to become involved in very long term studies of schooling, rather than being restricted to a single phase.


以培养现代物流应用型人才为目标,建构一套基于三级指标的考核评价体系,从人才培养模式、教学模式、课程体系和学生素质四项内容对人才培养机制进行全方位的考核并加以反馈,以提升现有物流专业培养质量、培养适应现代物流发展要求的应用型人才。  相似文献   

This article aims to demonstrate the importance of applying of discourse analysis approach to reading in Comprehensive English Course.In the face of the urgent need to improve reading skills in English,it's necessary to learn the methodology of learning reading from the perspective of discourse analysis.Only when the learners know the details of the reading process,the overall arrangement of the discourse as well as the wording and phrasing can they improve their reading ability effectively and understand the English articles deeply.  相似文献   

The Red Badge of Courage is the masterpiece of Stephen Crane. As a naturalist novel, its success is based on strong visual stimulation and the continuous auditory shock, a three-dimensional war movie which is crackling with sounds and colors was rendered so incisively and vividly. This paper aims to probe the naturalism in The Red Badge of Courage from two angles:visual aspects and auditory aspects.  相似文献   

The Red Badge of Courage is the masterpiece of Stephen Crane. As a naturalist novel, its success is based on strong vi?sual stimulation and the continuous auditory shock, a three-dimensional war movie ...  相似文献   

Glossary and reading aloud test items are commonly allowed in many states' accommodation policies for English language learner (ELL) students for large-scale mathematics assessments. However, little research is available regarding the effects of these accommodations on ELL students' performance. Further, no research exists that examines how students use the accommodations. Using a randomized experimental design and think-aloud procedure, the present study explored the effects of the two accommodations. Results showed no significant effect of glossary, mixed effects of read aloud, and significant interaction effects between students' prior content knowledge and accommodations, which suggests the accommodation was effective for students with content knowledge. Think-aloud data indicated that students were not familiar with, and did not actively utilize the glossary. Implications for the effective use of accommodations and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

为切实提升大学生公民素养,大陆高校积极探索各种有力措施对其进行培育和引导。根据台湾东南科技大学实施的融渗式教学,探索台湾地区融渗式教学的开展背景、主要特征及基本做法。在特征分析和实践探索的基础上,获得以下几个方面的启示:加强顶层设计,构建学生公民素养教育的融渗教育体系;凝聚教师共识,推进学生公民素养教育的融渗教育实施;树立“以生为本”理念,深化学生公民素养教育的融渗教育活动。  相似文献   

This paper introduces a formula for the vertical pressure on a buried pipeline by using a modification of the basic assumptions of Marston’s theory. The fill’s cohesion is considered. The included angle between the slide surface above the pipeline and the horizontal surface is assumed to be equal to the fill’s angle of friction. The friction is calculated by multiplying the active earth pressure on the outer column and the coefficient of the friction on the slide planes It was found that the fill’s cohesion had important influence on the vertical pressure, whose vertical pressureC c decreases with increase of the fill depth, a relationship according with that observed in practice. At the end of the paper, the formula is employed to analyze a practical case. Project (No. RC9609) supported by Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)  相似文献   

中年知识女性心理压力的归因分析及应对策略   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
中年知识女性承受着来自社会、家庭、工作岗位以及自我身心状况等许多方面的心理压力.满负荷运转造成的身心疲惫严重地妨碍了中年女性智能和潜力的发挥.为了消除和缓解各种心理压力,中年知识女性应做好自身的心理调节,在保持多重角色平衡协调的基础上,用平静但充满自信的心态适应社会发展的要求.同时,社会应建立相应的心理支持系统以维护中年知识女性的心理健康.  相似文献   

目前获取高压传感器动态特性的通用方法是动态校准。由于校准设备的特性,对获取的动态特性存在限制。受设备振动模式和校准过程中传压管道的影响,动态特性的信息在某些频带不能充分表达。该文通过在不同的设备上校准相同的传感器获得相应的数据,对数据进行谱峰和相关谱分析,得到了一些有价值的结论。  相似文献   

An acoustic pressure amplifier (APA) is capable of improving the match between a thermoacoustic engine and a load by elevating pressure ratio and acoustic power output. A standing-wave thermoacoustic engine driving a resistance- and-compliance (RC) load through an APA was simulated with linear thermoacoustics to study the impact of load impedance on the performance of the thermoacoustic system. Based on the simulation results, analysis focuses on the distribution of pressure amplitude and velocity amplitude in APA with an RC load of diverse acoustic resistances and compliance impedances. Variation of operating parameters, including pressure ratio, acoustic power, hot end temperature of stack, etc., versus impedance of the RC load is presented and analyzed according to the abovementioned distribution. A verifying experiment has been performed, which indicates that the simulation can roughly predict the system operation in the fundamental-frequency mode.  相似文献   

该文利用无限长和有限长容器模型,对椭圆截面容器的应力进行了理论分析,并与实验结果进行对比,得出了有限长椭圆截面容器的应力分布规律,找出了危险截面的位置,对实践中椭圆截面容器的设计提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

该文分析了高校实验室压力容器的类型和使用特点,基于事故树分析法对北京某高校安全工程专业实验室瓦斯气瓶危险性进行了定性分析,得出该事故树的最小割集和最小径集。利用模糊数学方法确定了实验室瓦斯气瓶爆炸基本致因事件的模糊概率,得出顶事件发生概率,并对基本事件重要度进行了定量分析。研究结果认为:实验室瓦斯气瓶爆炸事故发生的主要原因为瓦斯气瓶密封性不良和实验室仪器静电放火。该研究结果对实验室压力容器安全管理对策提供了理论依据和技术指导。  相似文献   

简支梁振动特性的理论分析及实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将简支梁简化为离散的多自由度模型,利用ANSYS仿真、瑞利能量法和连续系统振动的理论分析法以及实验模态分析方法得出其振动特性,并求解简支梁一,二阶振动的固有振型及固有频率。通过比较,总结出四种方法的异同点。  相似文献   

Children who are poor readers have difficulty naming pictured objects. Previous research has shown that while poor readers have the same amount of tacit phonological knowledge about words they cannot retrieve as good readers, they cannot use this initial phoneme and rhyme information to produce these words. In this study, thirdgrade good and poor readers participated in a training session to explicitly teach them how to manipulate the phonological structure of words as a means of facilitating naming ability. Both groups benefited from training, even though the good readers performed consistently better than poor readers. It is suggested that with more extensive training, poor readers may learn to use their tacit phonological knowledge of words they have difficulty retrieving spontaneously, by generating and using their own phonemic and rhyme cues independently.  相似文献   

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