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一篇经典、一段赏析:绿朱自清我第二次到仙岩的时候,惊诧于梅雨潭的.绿了。梅雨潭是一个瀑布潭。仙岩有三个瀑布,梅雨瀑最低。走到山边,便听见哗哗的声音;抬起头,镶在两条湿湿的黑边里的,一带白而发亮的水便呈现于眼前了。我们先到梅雨亭。梅雨亭正对着那条瀑布,坐在亭边,不必仰头,便可见它的全体了。亭下深深的便是梅雨潭。这个亭踞在突出的一角的岩石上,上下都空空的,仿佛一只苍鹰展着翼翅浮在天宇中一般。三面都是山,  相似文献   

一篇经典、一段赏析:秋日行吟到旷野来,我是来探访秋天的。秋,在旷野里,一天有一天的消息。凝望着天空吧,那一片蓝啊!多么澄清,多么幽邃。郭枫秋已深了。秋天,在南国的海岛上,虽然像一只穿花飞舞的蝴蝶,令人扑朔迷离;而我是一个耽美于秋天的人,从叶子的窸窣和小草的  相似文献   

一段经典一部作品一个故事大家好,经典ONE ONE ONE又跟大家见面了。这次,我们给大家呈现的第一部分还是一段经典美文,第二部分是和这段经典有关的整部作品的介绍,第三部分则是和这部作品有关的小故事。希望大家都能将阅读经典当成自己生活中必不可少的重要组成部分。让我们与经典同行吧!  相似文献   

一篇经典、一段赏析:荔枝开篇第一句话就点明题目"荔枝",随即提到家中"孤零零的老母",而这两点也成为了本文的两条主线:明线是"荔枝",暗线是"老母"。文章表面看是写"荔枝",实则是写"母亲"。"荔枝"是描写"母亲"的一种衬托。看到"荔枝"就会想到"母亲",这是作者一种自然而然的情感抒发。我们通常把这叫"睹物思人"。  相似文献   

一段经典一部作品一个故事ONE:一段经典稻草人(节选)叶圣陶一个满天星斗的夜里,他看守着田地,手里的扇子轻轻摇动。新出的稻穗一个挨一个,星光射在上面,有些发亮,像顶着一层水珠,有一点儿风,就沙拉沙拉地响。稻草人看着,心里很高兴。他想,今年的收成一定可以使他的主人——一位可怜的老太太笑一笑了。  相似文献   

一篇经典、一段赏析:迟到林海音我的父亲很疼我,但是他管教我很严,很严很严。有一件事我永远忘不了……当我上一年级的时候,就有早晨赖在床上不起来的毛病。每天早晨醒来,看到阳光照到玻璃窗上了,我的心里就是一阵愁。心想,已经这么晚了,等起来,洗脸,扎辫子,换制服,再走到学校去,准又是一进  相似文献   

一篇经典一段赏析一位名家一篇经典、一段赏析过年梁实秋我小时候并不特别喜欢过年,除夕要守岁,不过零点不能睡觉,这对于一个习于早睡的孩子是一种煎熬。前庭后院挂满了灯笼,又是宫灯,又是纱灯,烛光辉煌,地上铺了芝麻秸儿,踩上去咯咯吱吱。这一切当然有趣,可是寒风凛冽,吹得小脸儿通红,也很不舒服。炕桌上呼卢喝雉,没有孩子的份。压  相似文献   

Smith  Mike U.  Siegel  Harvey 《Science & Education》2019,28(9-10):1235-1247
Science & Education - Can a teacher aim for students to believe evolution without indoctrinating them? Recent discussions of indoctrination in evolution education suggest that such teaching...  相似文献   

1.对must的基本含义及特殊用法的考查 must表“必须”或“一定”,用来表示义务或强烈的劝告,意味着说话人是权威的一方,对人对己都适用;表“督促”或“命令”,只有现在形式,没有过去形式;表将来的“必须”,常用半助动词have to的一定形式(will/shall have to)。如:  相似文献   

none和no one含义颇为相近,但用法却不一样,这两个词在中考中经常出现,极易混淆。同学们在运用时应注意:none不等于no one。  相似文献   

In Germany, different types of university-level institutions are available for tertiary education: traditional universities (Universit?ten) and??since the 1970s??universities of applied science (Fachhochschulen) as well as universities of cooperative education (Berufsakademien). The present study investigates differences in key areas related to students?? academic choices and success: do students at different types of university differ significantly in terms of cognitive performance, personality or social background? We compared N?=?1.230 students at traditional universities, universities of applied science, and universities of cooperative education (Baden-W??rttemberg Cooperative State University) on the basis of a large scale longitudinal study in the German federal state of Baden-W??rttemberg. Students of the different university types differed significantly in all three key areas (cognitive performance, personality, and social background) within the fields of technical sciences and economics. We determine the relative importance of these key areas for differences between university types and we discuss the implications of our findings.  相似文献   

This paper argues that much of the growing body of research (on special educational needs) that claims to address inclusion for disabled students is not new, but rather a re-articulation of old ideas which fail to do sufficient justice to the demands of the 'new times' The paper concludes with an outline of a research agenda that is more comprehensive in scope and more finely tuned into the politics of 'identity'  相似文献   

来到摄影棚时已是晚上10点,一天的工作让张杰看上去稍显疲惫。但是很快,张杰便进入了认真工作的状态,刚开始时,害羞的张杰有些放不开,但是在迈克尔·杰克逊的背景音乐下,我们慢慢走近了这个经历了很多,却依然坚持自己梦想的张杰。  相似文献   

Youth with no or only a lower secondary school degree (Hauptschulabschluss) are increasingly disadvantaged in terms of access to vocational education and training (VET). Their lower chances of obtaining a trainee are explained by the claim that an increasing number of them are ??not mature enough for VET??. These young people would not (yet) meet the training requirements??so the criticism. So far there are no empirical studies that have shown whether such immaturity can indeed serve as an appropriate explanation for differences in training chances of less-educated youth. This paper answers this question by analyses using a panel survey of school leavers after grade 9 from the Hauptschule in Lower Saxony. Central results are: About 45?% of the school leavers had successfully entered into an apprenticeship within three months. School grades in German and mathematics were less important than grades for work attitudes and firm-internships while still at school. In general, our analyses reveal that social behaviour and a firm??s opportunities to discover the strengths of low-achieving youths and not only their weaknesses are important factors for the chances of successful transitions into training.  相似文献   

Father: I am very angry at your school report. Son: I told my teacher that you would be unhappy,but she must sand it to you.汉译:父亲:看了你的成绩,我非常生气。儿子:我告诉过老师你不会高兴的,可她偏要拿给你。cShe Must Send lt To you@洪会兰  相似文献   

The concept of matter, especially its particulate nature, is acknowledged as being one of the key concept areas in learning science. Within the framework of learning studies and variation theory, and with results from science education research as a starting point, six lower secondary school science teachers tried to enhance students’ learning by exploring what must be learnt in order to understand the concept in specific way. It was found that variation theory was a useful guiding principle when teachers are engaged in pedagogical design, analysis of lessons, and evaluation of students learning, as well as a valuable tool for adapting research results into practice.  相似文献   

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