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For a teenager who has just started high school,the next three years of life may seem no better than hell.  相似文献   

过去许多企业认为,随着中国加入WTO,自己的产品就可以顺畅地进入国际市场。而入世一年多的事实表明,这只是一种想当然。据有关部门调查,目前,中国至少有三分之二的进出口企业受到国外技术性贸易壁垒的影响,部分产品失去了市场,直接或间接地造成了巨大的经济损失。据统计,我国每年遭受国外反倾销措施出口货物金额约占年出口额的1%,而遭受国外技术壁垒制约的出口货物金额约占年出口额的25%,达500多亿美元。横亘在中国企业面前的这道门槛能否跨越,直接关系到中国能否成为真正意义上的"世界工厂"。  相似文献   

Patsy Allen has taught in and directed preschool, secondary, and college early childhood education programs. Currently, she is writing, consulting, and practicing her parenting skills with her three children in Friona, TX.  相似文献   

Consent engineering is a consultative approach frequently resorted to by public policy‐makers to secure the legitimacy of proposed policy changes. This process usually entails the involvement of representative interest groups in the definition and implementation of policy. Using the example of the reorganisation of post‐compulsory schooling in Victoria, Australia, this article outlines the circumstances under which consent engineering goes awry at the point of service delivery. This is shown to occur when schools see an otherwise benign discourse of consensus being relied upon to drive centrally imposed policy changes they deem to be counter‐productive or threatening to their vital interests. An official discourse of bureaucracy is shown to invoke a range of political symbols to legitimate policy whereas schools, on the other hand, respond with a counter‐discourse of their own designed to invalidate and circumvent the new initiative. But however well intentioned, such unofficial discourse is shown to prove impotent in the face of ‘withering state’ ideologies in democratic regimes bent on the amortisation of government sector instrumentalities and services.  相似文献   

佛教主张出家无家,这也是唐代社会习俗及法律对僧尼的基本规范和要求。而朝廷频频发布诏令敦劝僧尼奉行孝道,佛教学者也重新解释孝的含义并大力宣传佛教的孝道,就使出世的佛教具有了浓重的世俗的意味,僧尼出家而有“家”,传统的出家观念就被打破了。  相似文献   

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即席致辞有可能是每一个人要面临的事情,如何恰当得体地表达自己的意愿,获得对方的理解和好感,这既是一门学问,又是一门艺术。本文从六个方面阐述了作者的观点,以求达到上述目的.  相似文献   

《New scientist (1971)》1983,98(1353):79

Talking about American and British English, we know the variation is considerable, but there are no accurate estimates for the number of points of contrast. Because recent decades have seen a major increase in the amount of influence the two models have had on each other, especially American on British. For example, the influence of films and television on each other. Another reason is, the  相似文献   

在看待马克思是不是技术决定论者的问题上,首先要界定谈论的问题域.生产力决定生产关系,不能简单地替换为技术决定生产关系;马克思认为社会形态取决并适应于技术发展水平,强调了恰恰是生产关系要适应于生产力发展的要求,这里的技术与技术决定论的技术有着不同的语境.认为马克思是技术决定论者,只有在特殊的语境下,才可以进行这样的阐释.  相似文献   

学会用I say     
I say不是“我说”的意思吗?没错!在英语口语中,它还是一句很实用的话,能表现惯用口语的原汁原味。下面,就让我们一起来了解一下它的用法吧。  相似文献   

Patsy Allen has taught in and directed preschool, secondary, and college early childhood education programs. Currently, she is writing, consulting, and practicing her parenting skills with her three children in Friona, Texas.  相似文献   

In this article, we analyze critically available definitions of learning disability (LD). The general problem of definition is discussed first followed by a discussion of individual LD definitions from the earliest to the latest. We conclude that LD definitions fail to provide substantive insight into the nature of the condition. The reasons for this failure are discussed in relation to the nature of definition and the difficulties in providing operational definitions of LD that are meaningful and significant. Finally, means for resolving the problem of definition are discussed.  相似文献   

王祝萍 《教育学报》2004,(12):21-24
新教材以培养学生的交际能力为目的 ,而“说”是最直接的交际手段。本文提出以下五“说” :一、让其愿说。二、让其敢说。三、让其想说。四、让其有话说。五、让其有机会说  相似文献   

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