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传统的高校英语课堂的词汇语法讲解以形式本体观教学法为主导,不寻求讲解规律性,只要求学生死记硬背。认知语言学象似性理论的提出为讲解词法句法提供了有理可据的可能,该理论强调语言表达的形式和结构与人的身体体验和认识有着根本的联系。本文探讨如何将象似性理论研究实践于高校课堂,论证语言结构如何直接映照于经验结构以提高教学实效。  相似文献   

高中新教材把文章教学的内容集中放在第一、二册 ,现代文阅读部分设置了 6项单元教学重点 :“整体感知 ,揣摩语言”、“把握文意 ,理清思路”、“概括要点 ,提炼精要”、“整体把握 ,筛选信息”、“研究探讨 ,深入领会”、“分析评价 ,借鉴吸收”。尽管各有侧重 ,但都强调了“整体把握” ,把对文章作整体把握作为阅读理解的基础。怎样在教学中既避免对文章作割裂成几大块的肢解式分析 ,让学生在对文章的认识上既见树木也见森林 ,又能使学生深入文章内部 ,在整体上把握文章的选材、思路、语言和主题 ,准确领会作者意图 ,进一步理解文章丰富而…  相似文献   

韦庄是唐末诗坛上的一位重要作家,他的诗在艺术上取得了很高的成就。其中在语言的运用上也具有较高的艺术性。“丽句清词”是他所追求的审美风格,也可用来概括他的诗的语言艺术。这种语言艺术主要体现在笔调清新、色彩明丽、语句晓畅三个方面。  相似文献   

表存在和数量的"是"字句与"有"字句   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
“是”和“有”表存在和表数量时常常可以互换而意义差别似乎不大,但通过分析“是”和“有”的本义可以找到它们差别的根源,从而揭示出“是”字句和“有”字句之间的复杂关系。  相似文献   

汉语句子定式系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本提出了“定式”这一术语,把汉语短语经过某种标记构成句子的过程称为定式化,把未经过标记的短语称为非定式短语。非定式短语构成句子是有条件的,这些条件就是定式成分。定式成分赋予短语成句所必须的时、体、态等语法范畴,使得短语结构能够成为有现实意义的相对自由的言语表达单位。汉语句子的定式方式可分为3个层级:一、由句式定式;二、由定式成分定式;三、由构成短语结构的谓词性词语定式。定式说的意义在于:一、通过对定式问题的探讨我们可以发现,与印欧语等屈折语的造句法类似,汉语也存在着一些用于造句的语法范畴,如时、体、态等,只不过表现方式不同。二、汉语的短语结构与句子之间存在着对立,也就是说汉语存在着有别于短语构造规则的造句法。三、句子定式的说法可以解释一些语法现象。  相似文献   

文章从句法、语义两个层面,对汉语中形容词做谓语现象进行探究,讨论形容词性谓词的非宾格性,认为汉语形容词性谓词可把表示性质、状态描述的归于非作格,将表示存现、变化、致使的看作是非宾格。  相似文献   

英语书面表达的目的是传递信息,而培养学生的交际能力及初步的写作能力是英语教学目的之一,更是历年高考英语卷的重要题型之一。目前英语写作是我国学生听、说、读、写各项能力中的一个弱项,也是教学中的一个难题。本文从审题、抓重点、到写好句子几个环节着手,进行分析,以便解决好英语写作的关键问题。  相似文献   

When you aresomething in English,often meet withword. What‘s the bestknow it? readingyou maya new way to know it?  相似文献   

词句积累在小学阶段阅读教学中具有非常重要的作用。苏东坡说过"博观而约取,厚积而薄发"。语文学习离不开积累。在3-4学年段,阅读积累包括优美词句以及精彩句段的积累。然而,在词句积累的过程中,存在着机械抄写、积累面狭隘、积累方法死板等问题。教师在学生词语、词句、片段的积累过程中,要重视引领作用,使学生在学习知识的同时,学习到好的方法。  相似文献   

Kindergarten, third-grade and fifth-grade children were tested on a same-different auditory discrimination task. Stimuli consisted of familiar and unfamiliar 3-letter words which were subdivided into high and low positional frequency word pairs. Analysis of correct same and different judgments supported the hypothesis that prereaders who have had normal language experiences develop sensitivities to intraword-redundancy relations. Children made significantly more correct same or different judgments when word pairs were high rather than low in summed positional frequency.  相似文献   

Students' employment of meaning through cognitive strategies in a retention task was explored in terms of attributional assignment and/or divergent thinking. Students were randomly assigned to either a list of nonsense syllables or nonrelated words. Attributional assignment was measured by Lefcourt's Multidimensional-Multiattributional Causality Scales (MMCS – IV); divergent thinking was measured by Guilford's tests of Fluency, Flexibility, and Originality. A questionnaire assessing students' beliefs regarding success and failure was also administered. No relationship was found among attributional assignment as measured by the MMCS-IV, divergent thinking, and retention. Strategy use was not related to retention. Students' attributional beliefs regarding failure were predictive of retention for the nonsense syllables. Discussion suggests the need to distinguish between tactic and strategy through analysis of metacognitive processes. Interpretation of the results may indicate that the divergent-thinking measures were not sensitive enough and/or the retention task did not require these divergent-thinking skills.  相似文献   

The birth of words: ten-month-olds learn words through perceptual salience   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A core task in language acquisition is mapping words onto objects, actions, and events. Two studies investigated how children learn to map novel labels onto novel objects. Study 1 investigated whether 10-month-olds use both perceptual and social cues to learn a word. Study 2, a control study, tested whether infants paired the label with a particular spatial location rather than to an object. Results show that 10-month-olds can learn new labels and do so by relying on the perceptual salience of an object instead of social cues provided by a speaker. This is in direct contrast to the way in which older children (12-, 18-, and 24-month-olds) learn and extend new object names.  相似文献   

好的一定会有办法的没问题,每天都能说出这种积极话语的人,他们的每一天都会过得非常顺利,即使遇到了困难,他们也能度过难关。相反,每天嚷着太糟了太让人气愤了没办  相似文献   

词语是语言的建筑材料,承载着丰富的文化信息。透过汉语词语,可以了解中国的文化状况。本文试从历史文化、人情风俗、民族性格、文化心理四方面探讨汉语词语的文化性。  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to investigate developmental differences in lexical processing and sensitivity to the positional information of constituent morphemes with reference to Chinese word-reading ability. One hundred mainland Chinese children (50 s graders and 50 third graders) and 22 high school students were tested with a lexical decision task. The primary school children were also tested for Chinese character reading, morphological awareness, phonological awareness, and non-verbal intelligence. We found that although both primary school children and high school students performed worse in the reversed condition (i.e., the pseudo-words were created by reversing the order of the two characters in real Chinese words) than in the real (i.e., real Chinese compound words) and random conditions (i.e., the pseudo-words were constructed by randomly combining the characters in the reversed condition), the performances of high school students in the reversed condition were closer to their performances in the other two conditions. Correlational analyses conducted on the primary school children revealed that the responses of second- and third-grade children on the lexical decision task were moderately correlated with their Chinese character reading. We also found that, after controlling for age and non-verbal IQ, the reaction time difference between the real and reversed conditions significantly predicted Chinese character reading. The results were discussed by exploring the nature of the lexical decision task, the sensitivity of Chinese children to the positional information of morphemes inside compound words, and the association of such sensitivity with their word-reading performance.  相似文献   

2008年,这是不平凡的一年。充满了永恒的感动,有悲伤有欢乐,有疼痛有荣耀,有泪水有喜悦……《GLAMOUR》在新年刊中精心挑选出了2008五大最佳新词,让我们一起来学习这些新兴词汇!  相似文献   

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