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请看下面高考题: 1.The house rentis expensive.I’ gotabouthalfthe space veIhad athom e and I’ m paying 摇 摇here.( 2003上海高考题) A.as three tim es m uch摇 B.as m uch three tim es摇 C.m uch as three tim es摇 D.three tim es as m uch 2. Am ericans eat 摇 摇vegetables per person today as theydid in 1910.( 2002上海春季高考题) A.m ore than twice摇 B.as twice as m any摇 C.twice as m any as 摇D.m ore than twice as m any 3.After the new techniq…  相似文献   

笑寒 《今日中学生》2004,(11):18-19
1.房前有棵大树。A.There’s a big tree in front of the house.B.There’s a big tree before the house.C.There stands a big tree in front of the house.D.A big tree is standing before the house.2.上周我收到了朋友的来信。  相似文献   

一、in time/in the meanwhile(1)The manager wants to see changes in the company,and I am sure he will____.(2013年陕西卷)A.in particular B.in turn C.in charge D.in time(2)It will be a big help if you go to the store and get what we need for dinner.____,I’ll set the table.(2013年浙江卷)A.As a resul B.On thewhole C.In the meanwhile D.As a matter offact解析:(1)D;(2)C。in time及时(early or soon enough to do sth).迟早(sooner or later);in the meanwhile与此同时,用法同at the same time。另外,与time搭配常见短语还有:at a time表示次数,译作"一次";at one time  相似文献   

听力部分(略)笔试部分(100分)卷Ⅰ(选择题)Ⅰ.选择填空1.— is the population ofthe city ofY angzhou?—A bout800,000.A .H ow m any B .H ow m uch C.W hat D .H ow2.—Their schoolis three tim es as as ours.—Thatm eans our school is than theirs.A .big,three tim es sm aller B.sm all,largeC.big,sm aller D .large,twice3.The bedroom is so dirty.W ould you please help m e to it clean芽A .take B .let C.leave D .m ake4.The conductor said,“W illyou please m ake for the old lady?”A .place B .room C.…  相似文献   

先请看下面几道高考题:1.(2005浙江卷)more about university courses,call(920)746-3789.A.To find out B.Finding outC.Find out D.Having found out2.(2004湖北卷)straight on and youJll see a church.A.Go B.GoingC.If you go D.When going3.(2005湖南卷)in a white uniform,he looks more like acook than a doctor.A.Dressed B.To be dressC.Dressing D.Having dressed4.(MET1992)is a good form of exercise for both young andold.A.The walk B.WalkingC.To walk D.Walk析:答案分别为:1.A2.A3.A4.B。这几道高考试…  相似文献   

请看下面两道2006年高考试题:-I reminded you not toforget the appointment.-.(2006年江西卷)A.Soyou did B.SoI donot C.Sodid you D.SodoI(答案是A)-It’s burninghot today,isn’t it?-Yes.yesterday.(2006年福建卷)A.Sowas it B.Soit was C.Soit is D.Sois it(答案是A)不  相似文献   

2007年的安徽高考英语有这样一道题:The school’s music group will be giving a big show tomorrow night and two on the weekend.A.more B.other C.else D.another此题答案选A  相似文献   

第一组:(1)The girl has a great interest in sport and____badminton classes twice a week over the last three years.(2013福建卷)(2)The girl had a great interest in sport and____badminton classes twice a week over the three years that followed.(改编题)A.took B.is taking C.takes D.has been taking答案与解析:(1)D;(2)A。均考查时态。题(1)句意是:这个女孩子对体育很感兴趣。过去三年来每周两次参加羽毛球培训班。时间起点为三年前,终点为现在,动作持续不间断,使用现在完成进行时;题(2)句意是:  相似文献   

1. Scientists have studied the Mars through telescopes for many years so we know_facts about it now.A. a good many B. a many of C. many a D. a many2. Alone in a deserted house,he was so busy with his experiment that he felt_lonely.A. nothing but B. anything but C. all but D. everything but3. While admitting that this forecast was_uncertain, the scientists warned against treating it as a cry wolf.A. anyhow B. somewhere C. somewhat D. anyway  相似文献   

请先看下列高考试题:1.(NMET1999)You should make it a rule to leave things youcan find them again.A.when B.where C.then D.there(答案:B)2.(2002北京)We will be shown around the city:schools,m use-um s,and some other places,other visitors seldom go.A.what B.which C.where D.when(答案:C)3.(2003上海)I can think of m any cases students obviouslyknew a lot of English words and expressions but couldn t write a good es-say.A.why B.which C.as D.where(答案:D)4.(2003北京)—I hear they aren t pleased …  相似文献   

一、名词1.M um ,I’m thirsty.W ill you please give m esom e ?(北京)A .pencils B.cake C.water D .books2.B ill said they would have holiday.(天津)A .a tw o-m onth B .two m onthsC.two-m onths D .two m onth’s3.Tom regards Tianjin as his secondbecause he has been here for over tenyears.(天津)A .fam ily B.house C.room D .hom e4.I’ve read sports news about the F1race today.(上海)A .two B.piecesC.two pieces D .tw o pieces of5.I’m thirsty.I think I’ll buy som e .(南京)A .water B.bread C.c…  相似文献   

※高考回顾※1.I send you100dollars today,the rest_____in a yew.(2005湖南卷)A.follows B.followed C.to follow D.being followed2.I couldn’t do my homework with all that noise_____.(2005北京卷)A.going on B.goes on C.went on D.to go on3._____from other continents for millions of years,Australia has many plantsand animals not found in any other country in the world.(2005湖北卷)A.Being separated B.Having separatedC.Having been separated D.To be separated4.He hurried to the station only_____tha…  相似文献   

全国卷: 8 .Your story 15 Perfeet;I,ve never heard_before. A .the better one B.the best one C .a better one D.a good one 14.—Did you take enough money with you?—No,1 needed_1 thought 1 would. A.not 50 mueh as B.as muehas C .mueh more than D.mueh less than北京卷: 2 1.This washing machine 15 envimnmentally friendly beeause it uses—water and eleetrieity than_medels. A .less,older B.less,elder C.fewer,older D.fewer,elder天津卷: 13.Fiiness 15 important ins卯rt,but of at least_im即rta…  相似文献   

第 一卷 第一部分:听力 (略) 第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节) 第一节:单项填空 21.—Thanks for the lovely party and the delicious food. — . A .N o,thanks B .N ever m ind C.A ll right D .M y pleasure 22.Ifyou get to m y house before I do,help yourself to a drink and . A .take iteasy B .be careful C.thats allright D .m ake yourself at hom e 23. people w ho learn English as a foreign language m ore than 750m illion. A .N um ber of;reach B .A num ber of;reaches C.The num ber of;is D .The num be…  相似文献   

第1卷(共75分) 一、听力理解(本题共20分,每小题1分) A)在下列每小题内,你将听到一个句子并看到供选择的四个句子,找出与你所听到的那个在意思卜最接近的答案( )1.A.I like fruit. B.I don't like bananas. C.I like bananas a little. D.Bananas are my favourite fruit.( )2.A.My father is as old as yours. B.My father is older than yours. C.My father is younger than yours. D.Your father is younger than mine.( )3.A.Li Lei lent his bike to Jim. B.Li Lei borrowed Jim's bike. C.Jim asked Li Lei to use his bi…  相似文献   

请看下面两道高考题: 1 .John Plays foothall_,if not better than,David.(NMET 94) A .as well B.as well as C.50讹11 D.50 well as (答案:B) 2 .The direetor gave me a better offer thall-.(NMET 99) A .that of Diek,5 B.Dick’s e.he gave Diek D.thoseof Diek(答案:C) 以上两题涉及到英语对称结构的运用。在有些句子中,两个人或两件事物以两种方式来加以比较,当这双比较组合起来时,必须保留这两个比较式中的每一个未重复的成分;还要注意比较的对象,即逻辑性,比较的对象要一致,条理要符合逻辑。 英语句子的对称结构,是英…  相似文献   

1.Yoursto卿isPerfect:I’veneverheard_before,(全国11卷第8题) A.the better one B.the best one C.a bel士er one D.a good one 2.We thought there were 35 studentsin the dining hall,_,in faet,there were 40.(全国11卷第13题) A.while B.whether C.wllat D.、dlich  相似文献   

中考试题是这样的:①—students are there in your class?—Forty-one.(北京)A.How many B.How much C.How long D.How heavy②—does a car cost in China?—It can cost as little as50,000yuan and as much as300,000yuan.(甘肃)A.How many B.How price C.How money D.How  相似文献   

1.单句理解。选出与你所听到的句子意思相同或相 近的选项。(5分) 1 .A.Her radio has stopPed working. B .Someone has turned down her radio. C .Someone has turned off her radio. 2 .A.The weather 15 ve叮niee. B .1 had a good holiday· C .1 ean hear you elearly. 3 .A.The old man lives in a house with three big rooms. B .He has a house and in the house there are three big rooms· C .He sold a house with three big rooms. 4.A.He had tea in the garden and then in the house. B .He didn,t have tea in…  相似文献   

一、语言知识应用(‘0分) 11 don’t think it’5 a good idea to_other’5 homework.It will start a bad habbit. You Shou一d do your、n work.( A .make B.finish C.eoPy D.do 2.She 15 at math than English.( A.即od B.better C.well D.bad 3 .He said that he_90 to the movies初th his frierid_Fridy night.( A .would:onB.will:in C.would:in D.w呈11:on 4.She me.She didn’t want to be my friend anymore.( A .15 inte化sted in B.was exeited at C.was mad at D.was Pleased with 5 .She ean’t_her shyness.She e…  相似文献   

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